Will Biden and Trump debate?

Will Trump and Biden debate?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • No

    Votes: 19 86.4%
  • I hate Azog

    Votes: 2 9.1%

  • Total voters
Not in 2020.
I said That
Not when it comes to determining who won the debates by your own standard.
If he didn’t win then how did he get 7mil more votes? A lot of the votes were cast before the debates. If you count in person voting Trump won.
You said he won them all but turns out you’re lying to yourself.
He did win them all. Early voting took place before the debates. He won because he triggered you. Bitch
And he cannot debate..

Leaving thinking people to ask "Why?"
You can’t read. Leaving thinking people to ask “why”?

He won in 2016 because of his debating skills.

2020 was flukish due to COVID and debates took place after many had already voted.
I know... Moderators calling Trump up on blatant lying...

Rem it was Trump's team that wanted them to be allowed lie, no fact checking... Why do ye have such an objection to the truth...

No, they want to control the debate like they controlled social media, labeling anything they don't like as misinformation while anything and everything anti-Trump is fair game. It shouldn't work that way.

If people want to vote before the debates...I have no problem with that.

I guess it doesn't matter to Democrats as the vast majority don't have a clue anyway, they just vote for the 'D'. They don't need a debate to decide how to vote, nor would they understand any of the topics other than "free" and "bad rich people/corporations".
The conjecture about the debate is, in my view, just that conjecture. I’m pretty sure there will be debate between Trump and Biden. Regardless of whatever the GOP says....what are they going to do? Urge people not to vote for their nominee if Trump decides to debate?

Its like 5 hours of free air time where 50 million people will be watching. Trump aint passing up on that.
That will never happen.

Biden might want to try it but Bidens handlers won't let it happen. Biden would get pummeled. It would be like if 47 year old me right now got in the ring with mike Tyson circa 1987. I wouldn't stand a chance
I guess it doesn't matter to Democrats as the vast majority don't have a clue anyway, they just vote for the 'D'. They don't need a debate to decide how to vote, nor would they understand any of the topics other than "free" and "bad rich people/corporations".

306>232. Want some cheese with your whine?
Golfing Gator to me “winning” means garnering more votes than your opponents and he clearly did that in 2016 when you include the primaries. He got 7mil more in 2020. He lost to Biden who ran on broken promises and COVID fears and as you stated as flawed as Trump is he is 10pts head of Joe.

He is up by 10 points in one single poll. Given your back ground I have faith you know what a "outlier" is
Biden knows how to push Trumps buttons

Biden can barely flush the toilet.

Biden will show up. Trump may or he may not. I don’t know. What I do know is that he he bails, people like you will make any excuse for him to justify it.

Biden couldn't muster the energy to even campaign in the last election. He may have known it wasn't necessary and could be the same this time. Read a script about some free stuff, including college, get all the kids and those on public assistance out to vote and if that doesn't work, have few late night bursts pipes and the like at key voting stations in heavily blue districts in swing states to push him over the finish line.

Side note and off topic, but most Democrats are really ignorant and even more gullible.
It isn't cowardice, it is pragmatism. He has a substantial, virtually insurmountable lead in the primary. Why debate? To what end?

Because it is the right thing to do? But I do agree with you that he has nothing to gain by doing so.

Compare and contrast that to a potential Biden v Trump debate with them being in a virtual dead heat. Trump won't back out of a debate. Biden very well may. He isn't capable of coming up with a cohesive thought on his own. Everything he says and does is scripted and he can barely handle that.

What you say of Biden is true, but it is also true that Trump is not far behind in the mental arena.
Biden can barely flush the toilet.

Biden couldn't muster the energy to even campaign in the last election. He may have known it wasn't necessary and could be the same this time. Read a script about some free stuff, including college, get all the kids and those on public assistance out to vote and if that doesn't work, have few late night bursts pipes and the like at key voting stations in heavily blue districts in swing states to push him over the finish line.

Side note and off topic, but most Democrats are really ignorant and even more gullible.
Biden can’t lift a beach chair. It’s embarrassing. One can dislike Trump but also admit that Biden has lost his marbles.
He beat a seasoned politician. How did he manage to do that? No one knew his political positions sans what he said in the debates.

Which is how he did it, he could say anything and everything and nobody would know he was lying.

He does not have that freedom this time.
What you say of Biden is true, but it is also true that Trump is not far behind in the mental arena.

You may not like Trump, believe he isn't very smart and/or isn't a good orator, but he is not demented or senile. The same cannot be said for Biden.
Background yes

But the fact that he is basically even in other polls shows you how unpopular Biden is. Correct?

They are both hugely unpopular. The fact that we as a country are likely going to have a Trump vs Biden II is a national embarrassment and enough to be the final straw that got the wife and I serious about living abroad when we retire.
You may not like Trump, believe he isn't very smart and/or isn't a good orator, but he is not demented or senile. The same cannot be said for Biden.

Yes, Trump is getting there in the senile area. He is not as bad a Biden yet, but he is also a tad younger.
Biden can barely flush the toilet.

Biden couldn't muster the energy to even campaign in the last election. He may have known it wasn't necessary and could be the same this time. Read a script about some free stuff, including college, get all the kids and those on public assistance out to vote and if that doesn't work, have few late night bursts pipes and the like at key voting stations in heavily blue districts in swing states to push him over the finish line.

Side note and off topic, but most Democrats are really ignorant and even more gullible.

Biden 306
Trump 232

From his BASEMENT!

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