Will Biden Pardon His Fellow Failed Coup Conspirators?

Flat earthers crack me up.
It's funny how you have under your posts the words “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”― Edmund Burke YET you have known about the irrefutable evidence & testimony, unlike Pelosi's failed, humiliating Impeachment failures, anbd have done NOTHING...except do your best to defend / protect the proven criminal traitors.
I have no faith in Durham.

We are not a nation of laws and those who were involved in the coup (it wasn't an attempt, Biden is in office, the coup succeeded) are not subject to any law save "serve the Reich."

I'd love to be wrong, but I expect no indictments of anyone of rank.

I think it was a 'mistake' by Biden to allow Durham to continue to finish his investigation. So far Durham, as opposed to Barr, has lived up to his reputation as a meticulous investigator who takes his time and leaves no stone un-turned. He has already indicted the FBI agent who illegally modified documents, he has Strzok and Page working for / talking to him with more indictments coming. He has done more than Barr, but then again Barr hired Durham to do exactly what he is doing.
Why do Trump & Co fail to go to court with their accusations and when they do lose so many court cases?
'Trump & Co'? It's no one else's job but Durham's. He is doing his job.

Snowflakes had their chance.
- 1 failed coup attempt
-- No indictment of Trump
- 2 Failed coup Impeachments
-- Democrats caught both times attempting to manufacture evidence
-- Both times: NO crime, NO evidence, NO witnesses

Durham's Investigation
- 1 criminal FBI agent has been indicted
-- FBI Agents Strzok & Page have 'rolled over' & is working for / helping Durham
-- McCabe, former FBI Deputy Director, is reportedly going to be Indicted
- Hillary & her campaign team's involvement has been confirmed
-- Hillary's former Campaign Lawyer is being Indicted
-- A reporter working for / with them is reportedly, potentially going to be Indicted

....and who knows who McCabe, and possibly others, will roll over on.

The FISA Court released their own investigation report proving Former FBI Directors Mueller and Comey defrauded the FISA court and oversaw DECADES of illegal spying on Americans, reporters, the media, CONGRESS, USSC Justices, presidential nominees, and even a newly elected President and his team. They also proved the current FBI director has engaged in defrauding the FISA Court, illegal spying, violating the FOIA, committed Perjury, obstructed justice / has hid evidence, etc.... so I would be shocked if either the former and / or current FBI directors are NOT Indicted.

'Trump & co' do not have to do anything - Durham has it covered.
Paul Manafort was giving information to a Russian Spy and the Russians were helping them in return.. This has been all proven...

Senate report finds Manafort passed campaign data to Russian intelligence officer - Axios

You can keep on saying it didn't happen, but it did...

Your gaslighting is just weak now...

Mueller went back years to go after Manaforte and charged him with a crime that he AND Hillary's campaign manager were BOTH involved in at the time...but John Podesta was protected. John's brother - Fat Tony - was exposed as having acted illegally as a foreign agent. Like John, the Podestas - connected to Hillary - were protected.

Manaforte DID break the law ... decades earlier and was caught as a result of a political witch hunt that ended failing to affect the coup they were hoping.
DoJ prosecutors were involved in the investigation throughout. They work hand in hand with the FBI. The DoJ prosecutors involved likewise agreed that charges were not warranted.
are you saying brennen lied when he said he chose to not send it for prosecution??
Brennan is a lying, criminal SOB. In a deal Congress had no right offering that traitor to avoid prison, Brennan agreed to appear before Congress and admit he had illegally spied on Congress and promise not to do it again.
-- Diane Feinstein was the one who busted him and exposed that he had done it.
my apologies,, it was comey,, all those spooks look the same to me,,

Comey was investigating Clinton alongside prosecutors from the DoJ. The investigation was done hand in hand. Their recommendation was made to the AG herself.

Saying it wasn't "referred to the DoJ" is a lie and Comey never claimed such.
Comey was investigating Clinton alongside prosecutors from the DoJ. The investigation was done hand in hand. Their recommendation was made to the AG herself.

Saying it wasn't "referred to the DoJ" is a lie and Comey never claimed such.
thats just semantics and a kop out on your part,,

fact is they found wrong doing and chose to protect her,,, anyone other than hilary or any other high ranking poli would go to jail for whatb she did,,
thats just semantics and a kop out on your part,,

fact is they found wrong doing and chose to protect her,,, anyone other than hilary or any other high ranking poli would go to jail for whatb she did,,
Uh huh. And so the fact that none of Trump’s hand picked prosecutors filed charges means what?

That you’re full of it.
VP Biden was proven to have attended President Obama's failed coup meetings. Durham, reportedly with the help of Peter Strzok & Lisa Page, is now reportedly closing in and close to indicating more conspirators, to possibly include former FBI Deputy Firector Andrew McCabe.

Will Biden Pardon his co-conspirators?

It's funny how you have under your posts the words “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”― Edmund Burke YET you have known about the irrefutable evidence & testimony, unlike Pelosi's failed, humiliating Impeachment failures, anbd have done NOTHING...except do your best to defend / protect the proven criminal traitors.
If you guys weren’t feeling persecuted then you’d feel no self worth. I think you go through life acting like you matter enough that liberals are out to get you. You don’t and they aren’t.

Trump ruffled feathers by entertaining sleazy offers or even offering them up as he did with Ukraine. He was impeached for that sleaziness both times. You can argue whether it was worth impeaching but that was a political decision within the constitution. Trump did his sleaze outside the constitution especially with respect to the riot to throw out the election results and trying to bribe Ukraine.
so when comey said what she did was illegal it means she committed no crimes because she wasnt indicted???

you are one fucked up in the head moron,,
Because Comey didn’t say what she did was illegal. He said no charges were warranted. DoJ regulations indicate that the case needs to be winnable. It wasn’t.

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