Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party?

Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?
Probably not...if you're a democrat you're clueless.
US Voter ID (AKA "Voter Suppression")

Twelve states, including the battleground state of Virginia, now require voters to show some form of photo identification (see table below), with approximately thirteen other states pursuing similar legislation.


In Canada the Federal government will send out, by mail, an Elections Canada registration confirmation card, which the voter takes to the polling station, in advance detailing the where and when that individual should vote. To vote, one must prove their identity and address. A voter has three options:[5]

(1) Show one original piece of identification with photo, name and address like a driver's license or a health card. It must be issued by a government agency.

(2) Show two original pieces of authorized identification. Both pieces must have a name and one must also have an address. Examples: student ID card, birth certificate, public transportation card, utility bill, bank/credit card statement, etc.

(3) Take an oath and have an elector who knows the voter vouch for them (both of which will be required to make a sworn statement). This person must have authorized identification and their name must appear on the list of electors in the same polling division as the voter. This person can only vouch for one person and the person who is vouched for cannot vouch for another elector.​

I like that procedure.

Does that make me a racist now?

I'd be very happy to have Canadian election officials come down to the US and run our elections for us based on Canadian laws.

I'd like to see us move to online voting. You can't tell me we can't come up with a secure system based on social security numbers to ensure that each person only votes one time. No need for voter ID after the initial sign up. If some crack head wants to sell his vote, who cares? Voting by proxy is honestly no big deal as long as each person can only have one proxy.

Which business would be paid to rig the vote in such a scenario? The one backed by the Dems or Reps?
Why is this simple concept so hard for you to grasp?

Ban voting by mail and set up voting booths on foreign military bases where voters have to show ID and I'm with you.

But Republicans don't support either of those because it will mean less votes for them. That is one reason why they are accused of suppressing the vote.

Vote by mail. You're listening to too much Democratic propaganda. Here's an impartial observer:

As of Wednesday, October 29, nearly 1.7 million voters – 27 percent of all registered voters – had cast their votes early at one-stop locations statewide. There have been significant differences in turnout by party and race: 22 percent of Republican and 21 percent of unaffiliated voters have turned out, compared to 33 percent of Democratic voters; 24 percent of white voters have turned out, compared to 36 percent of African American voters.
Your suggestion is fine with me. How though do you plan to deal with retired voters who vacation or elderly people who are not mobile?

As for militiary voting, when elections are usually called within hours after polls closing, how will an on-site voting requirement at a base in Germany sort out 435 different congressional district, 50 different state races, god knows how many in-state races and get the ballots cast in Germany or Afghanistan to the vote counters in time to be counted?

Those numbers you quoted are for early voting.

Here in Florida, they originally didn't allow early voting on Sunday. Why? Because black churches organized buses to take voters to the polls on Sunday. That's one of many reasons why the GOP has been accused of voter suppression.

I don't have a solution for military voting. But the Republicans offer no solutions either. With the military voting 2:1 Republican, it's not a surprise they haven't made much if an effort. There are lots of very smart people in the Republican Party. Since they are the ones pushing voter ID, they can come up for a solution. Perhaps those in a war zone don't need an ID. But for those who aren't, there should be a solution.
Here's a clue: The Whitehouse controls military voting.

It falls under Department of Defense.


States control voting, not the federal government, not even for military members. That is in fact why there are no voting booths on overseas bases. You'd literally have to have one for each state.

The federal government merely assists military members in voting, but the states control the voting.

Not when troops are deployed. Ultimately, the Whitehouse controls when they get their absentee ballots.

Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?

Blacks abandon the Democrats for the GOP?

I hope they have legalized the consumption of drugs where you live, because if the NSA sees your Opening Post, they will have just cause for a warrant to raid your home.
Why is this simple concept so hard for you to grasp?

Ban voting by mail and set up voting booths on foreign military bases where voters have to show ID and I'm with you.

But Republicans don't support either of those because it will mean less votes for them. That is one reason why they are accused of suppressing the vote.

Vote by mail. You're listening to too much Democratic propaganda. Here's an impartial observer:

As of Wednesday, October 29, nearly 1.7 million voters – 27 percent of all registered voters – had cast their votes early at one-stop locations statewide. There have been significant differences in turnout by party and race: 22 percent of Republican and 21 percent of unaffiliated voters have turned out, compared to 33 percent of Democratic voters; 24 percent of white voters have turned out, compared to 36 percent of African American voters.
Your suggestion is fine with me. How though do you plan to deal with retired voters who vacation or elderly people who are not mobile?

As for militiary voting, when elections are usually called within hours after polls closing, how will an on-site voting requirement at a base in Germany sort out 435 different congressional district, 50 different state races, god knows how many in-state races and get the ballots cast in Germany or Afghanistan to the vote counters in time to be counted?

Those numbers you quoted are for early voting.

Here in Florida, they originally didn't allow early voting on Sunday. Why? Because black churches organized buses to take voters to the polls on Sunday. That's one of many reasons why the GOP has been accused of voter suppression.

I don't have a solution for military voting. But the Republicans offer no solutions either. With the military voting 2:1 Republican, it's not a surprise they haven't made much if an effort. There are lots of very smart people in the Republican Party. Since they are the ones pushing voter ID, they can come up for a solution. Perhaps those in a war zone don't need an ID. But for those who aren't, there should be a solution.
Here's a clue: The Whitehouse controls military voting.

It falls under Department of Defense.


States control voting, not the federal government, not even for military members. That is in fact why there are no voting booths on overseas bases. You'd literally have to have one for each state.

The federal government merely assists military members in voting, but the states control the voting.

Not when troops are deployed. Ultimately, the Whitehouse controls when they get their absentee ballots.


They certainly do not. Sir I voted absentee ballot MANY times having been deployed overseas and I can assure you that the White House is not controlling the flow of mail into and out of military installations.
Vote by mail. You're listening to too much Democratic propaganda. Here's an impartial observer:

As of Wednesday, October 29, nearly 1.7 million voters – 27 percent of all registered voters – had cast their votes early at one-stop locations statewide. There have been significant differences in turnout by party and race: 22 percent of Republican and 21 percent of unaffiliated voters have turned out, compared to 33 percent of Democratic voters; 24 percent of white voters have turned out, compared to 36 percent of African American voters.
Your suggestion is fine with me. How though do you plan to deal with retired voters who vacation or elderly people who are not mobile?

As for militiary voting, when elections are usually called within hours after polls closing, how will an on-site voting requirement at a base in Germany sort out 435 different congressional district, 50 different state races, god knows how many in-state races and get the ballots cast in Germany or Afghanistan to the vote counters in time to be counted?

Those numbers you quoted are for early voting.

Here in Florida, they originally didn't allow early voting on Sunday. Why? Because black churches organized buses to take voters to the polls on Sunday. That's one of many reasons why the GOP has been accused of voter suppression.

I don't have a solution for military voting. But the Republicans offer no solutions either. With the military voting 2:1 Republican, it's not a surprise they haven't made much if an effort. There are lots of very smart people in the Republican Party. Since they are the ones pushing voter ID, they can come up for a solution. Perhaps those in a war zone don't need an ID. But for those who aren't, there should be a solution.
Here's a clue: The Whitehouse controls military voting.

It falls under Department of Defense.


States control voting, not the federal government, not even for military members. That is in fact why there are no voting booths on overseas bases. You'd literally have to have one for each state.

The federal government merely assists military members in voting, but the states control the voting.

Not when troops are deployed. Ultimately, the Whitehouse controls when they get their absentee ballots.


They certainly do not. Sir I voted absentee ballot MANY times having been deployed overseas and I can assure you that the White House is not controlling the flow of mail into and out of military installations.

Why is this simple concept so hard for you to grasp?

Ban voting by mail and set up voting booths on foreign military bases where voters have to show ID and I'm with you.

But Republicans don't support either of those because it will mean less votes for them. That is one reason why they are accused of suppressing the vote.

Vote by mail. You're listening to too much Democratic propaganda. Here's an impartial observer:

As of Wednesday, October 29, nearly 1.7 million voters – 27 percent of all registered voters – had cast their votes early at one-stop locations statewide. There have been significant differences in turnout by party and race: 22 percent of Republican and 21 percent of unaffiliated voters have turned out, compared to 33 percent of Democratic voters; 24 percent of white voters have turned out, compared to 36 percent of African American voters.
Your suggestion is fine with me. How though do you plan to deal with retired voters who vacation or elderly people who are not mobile?

As for militiary voting, when elections are usually called within hours after polls closing, how will an on-site voting requirement at a base in Germany sort out 435 different congressional district, 50 different state races, god knows how many in-state races and get the ballots cast in Germany or Afghanistan to the vote counters in time to be counted?

Those numbers you quoted are for early voting.

Here in Florida, they originally didn't allow early voting on Sunday. Why? Because black churches organized buses to take voters to the polls on Sunday. That's one of many reasons why the GOP has been accused of voter suppression.

I don't have a solution for military voting. But the Republicans offer no solutions either. With the military voting 2:1 Republican, it's not a surprise they haven't made much if an effort. There are lots of very smart people in the Republican Party. Since they are the ones pushing voter ID, they can come up for a solution. Perhaps those in a war zone don't need an ID. But for those who aren't, there should be a solution.
Here's a clue: The Whitehouse controls military voting.

It falls under Department of Defense.

You need more than a clue. It's The White House (not Whitehouse) and it does not control military spending, the Congress does.
[/QUOTE]They certainly do not. Sir I voted absentee ballot MANY times having been deployed overseas and I can assure you that the White House is not controlling the flow of mail into and out of military installations.[/QUOTE]

Actually, the Commander-in-Chief is at the top of the military mail chain of command

Untitled Document

First, it's taken two or three generations for the Democrats to leverage political correctness and identity politics to largely isolate blacks from the rest of society. That kind of damage and conditioning can't be reversed overnight.

Second, the GOP is still COMPLETELY paralyzed by the effects of PC and are afraid to speak out against these tactics for fear of being labeled racists.

First, it's taken two or three generations for the Democrats to leverage political correctness and identity politics to largely isolate blacks from the rest of society. That kind of damage and conditioning can't be reversed overnight.

Second, the GOP is still COMPLETELY paralyzed by the effects of PC and are afraid to speak out against these tactics for fear of being labeled racists.

Nothing of significance happens unless and until the GOP grows some stones and calls the Democrats out for the damage they've done.

That's right. Whites are the most anti-racist demographic in America, the Republicans offer no raced based policies, at all, and the Republicans won the majority of the anti-racist vote.

The gay marriage ruling should backfire against the Democraps since they have finally done something most blacks oppose....gay marriage.

It will be interesting to see if they finally get off the Democrap plantation now that liberals have jammed gay shit down their throats.

What's the percentage of white guys in the NBA again?
I'm glad the Dems are in favor of quotas for the NBA. Can't have an unequal outcome.

Romney wont the white male vote, the white youth vote, and the white women vote.

Was this some kind of effort to deny my points?

And you obviously don't know my politics.

Speaking of "group think"..
I am just uncovering a wolf in sheep's clothing. According to some on the right you aren't one of them.
I've shown your rhetoric speaks otherwise in black and white.

First, it's taken two or three generations for the Democrats to leverage political correctness and identity politics to largely isolate blacks from the rest of society. That kind of damage and conditioning can't be reversed overnight.

Second, the GOP is still COMPLETELY paralyzed by the effects of PC and are afraid to speak out against these tactics for fear of being labeled racists.

First, it's taken two or three generations for the Democrats to leverage political correctness and identity politics to largely isolate blacks from the rest of society. That kind of damage and conditioning can't be reversed overnight.

Second, the GOP is still COMPLETELY paralyzed by the effects of PC and are afraid to speak out against these tactics for fear of being labeled racists.

Nothing of significance happens unless and until the GOP grows some stones and calls the Democrats out for the damage they've done.

That's right. Whites are the most anti-racist demographic in America, the Republicans offer no raced based policies, at all, and the Republicans won the majority of the anti-racist vote.

The gay marriage ruling should backfire against the Democraps since they have finally done something most blacks oppose....gay marriage.

It will be interesting to see if they finally get off the Democrap plantation now that liberals have jammed gay shit down their throats.

What's the percentage of white guys in the NBA again?
I'm glad the Dems are in favor of quotas for the NBA. Can't have an unequal outcome.

Romney wont the white male vote, the white youth vote, and the white women vote.

Was this some kind of effort to deny my points?

And you obviously don't know my politics.

Speaking of "group think"..
I am just uncovering a wolf in sheep's clothing. According to some on the right you aren't one of them.
I've shown your rhetoric speaks otherwise in black and white.

How simple the world of a partisan ideologue is.

Everything is so binary, so black & white.

You don't know my politics.

Capitalism is the program that provides jobs. Democrats are bent on destroying it.

Give enough Monkey's enough key boards ... and even bripat can come up with an ironic truth. Yes, Capitalists provide jobs, as an example 98% of the clothes worn by Americans, bought in America, was made in other countries.

95% of all the jobs in this country were created by capitalists. The remaining 5% were created by sucking off the capitalists. We understand that capitalists haven't provided you with a job - at least not directly, but most of us have jobs provided by capitalists. That's why you find it so hard to believe that most jobs don't exist because some crooked politician put some constituents on the government payroll.

Capitalists made money off of every one of those jobs

How does a capitalist make money off a civil servant dispensing welfare checks?

bripat constantly amazes me. A capitalist will find a way to exploit anyone, be they poor, aged or infirm; a capitalist will use any means to separate a person from their assets. It's not as if capitalists have a moral code beyond, "I've got mine and I want all of yours too".

Then explain how a capitalists makes money off a civil servant dispensing welfare checks.
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Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?
Yes they did...because Obama is Democrat and Black voters are overwhelmingly Democrat. Did you expect them to vote Republican? :rofl:

They voted for him cuz he's black. They'll vote for a cop-killing, butt-reaming asshole if he's pigment-challenged.
And you wonder why the blacks has issues with rwer's?

yeah, next he might be saying "they'll put you all back in chains," or something similarly racist.
As long as Democrats can lie blacks will vote for them.
And as long as Republicans can lie White males will vote for them.

But the interesting question is why have the Asians and Jews cast their lot with the democrats? Could these brilliant citizens know something you don't?
White males?
Phfffft. Seems to me you can tell blacks anything as long as it's racism, and they'll believe the worst.
Well, you can't deny that racism is alive and well in the White communities and that the Republican Party is now host to a number of racist organizations including the KKK and American Nazi Party.
Pondering the ramifications of that, I think Blacks are justified in believing the worst.

But most "White Males" these days seem to like a straight-shooter that won't bullshit them. Blacks seem to relish in a bullshiter who only tells them bullshit they want to hear. Same goes for just about every so-called minority. Their inherent prejudice overrules their sense of right or wrong.
Well, I guess YOU would have a problem with White males since you obviously aren't a "straight shooter." You are trying to bullshit me even as I post this response. You know the GOP has been infiltrated by every White hate group out there and yet, you come here bemoaning Blacks and other minorities for being democrats. That's disingenuous on your part!
Why is this all true today?
Because Democrats are telling minorities their problems were caused by the White Man, not dishonest Democrats in Washington.
What? Are you saying minorities ( especially those brilliant ones) are not Democrats? Are you saying they are not a part of the Democrat machine? OMG, what that kind of inculcation have you been exposed to? You actually believe minorities and Democrats are mutually exclusive. OMG!

White Males used to be like this back in the 50s and 60s, but that was back when White Males were mostly DEMOCRATS.

NEWSFLASH: The KKK, American Nazi Party and other hate groups are all presently affiliated with the GOP. You honestly don't expect minorities to trust the GOP leadership with that well known fact circulating about do you?

Seems to me that most of the racists either died or stayed in the Democratic Party, while the non-racists got tired of Democrat nonsense or simply learned that they were being lied to through first-hand experience and switched parties.
Again you are being disingenuous. You know better. Not only did I spell it out for you above, the same facts are everywhere... Why have you been avoiding those facts?
I know what I'm talking about your the one who can't admit the truth and that post has been updated with links

Yah. I saw the links and now I understand your reluctance to using them. They suck! I do , however, thank you for posting them...perhaps something useful can be gleaned from them!
Yeah that something would be the truth and you responded to them pretty much as I predicted you would.

This is where our conversation started. You said:

Blackhawk said:
They might stay home on election day but those that don't will vote Democrat the black vote in my view is locked in Democrat. The irony of this is it really leaves the black community without a party the Republicans don't try to get the black vote anymore seeing as a waste of time and money and the Democrats know they don't have to follow through on there promises because the black vote is not going anywhere.

I said:
JQ said:
You are so full 'o shit I'll bet your sweat is greenish brown. How about giving us a clue as to what promises the democrats made to minorities that have not been kept. You do know, don't you?

YOU replied with:
Blackhawk said:
How about the fact Obama and the Democrats promised the black community that they would revitalize the inner city, improve unemployment for blacks especially young black males reduce the crime rate among blacks again especially among young black males improve education in black communities? All of these things are the same or worse than when the Democrats took control in January of 2009 which puts them under the heading of promises not keep you may now deny all of this.

None of your links provided thus far address the "promises" you said were made! Stop tap dancing and give me proof of those promises made!
The only ones your side can count on for votes are those people who your side has made dependent upon government by giving them other people's money
If that is the case, why worry? Republicans ought to win every election from here on out since there are far more middle classed Whites than any other group. But its too bad the Unions, the 23 million poor whites, White gays and a little less than half of White women all vote with minorities to keep the Draconian White males at bay! But I think you are overstating that old cliche`regarding dependency on government and a transfer of wealth.
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.
So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?
Yes they did...because Obama is Democrat and Black voters are overwhelmingly Democrat. Did you expect them to vote Republican? :rofl:

They voted for him cuz he's black. They'll vote for a cop-killing, butt-reaming asshole if he's pigment-challenged.
Do the Blacks living under your roof agree with you?

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