Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party?

Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?
That is so retarded, they have voted Democratic over 90% for years. What makes you think they'd ever shift over to the Republicans?....and why should they?
Because democrats take them for granted and made many dependent on handedouts without proving jobs.
Good God that is so opposite of how blacks percieve the Obama admin.

I think you're expressing what righty media wishes blacks thought about Obama's admin
So why did Obama send Eric Holder and Sharpton with other black leftists down to Ferguson and the Trayvon Martin fiasco?
Will African Americans be attracted to a party of angry White men? A party that promises to set them adrift without largess for food, shelter and clothing? A party that fights tooth and nail to repress wages for working families?

Figure it out.
you mean the party that want them to get off their lazy asses and make something of themselves.
See what's happening here? We have a Republican that's calling all blacks lazy, berating us and demeaning us.

That same tone is evident in the national Republicans we see every day on the media.

We don't like that, and thus do not like Republicans.
What we have is a dysfunctional culture on the democrat plantation created by dependence without economic growth by the democrat party.
who's knocking out their ole ladies in elevators these days?
It's certainly not the same jerks knocking out their old ladies in meth labs and trailer parks!
Yeah, like they're automatically Republicans. Usually folks that cook meth tend to be on the public dole looking for free shit. Republicans don't usually go for that, or they'd vote Democrat.

Well, tit for tat is in order. Like, folks who knock their old ladies out are all Black athletes who may or may not be Democrats. BTW... the average meth cookers don't give a hit about voting or political parties. All they want is that next fix. Most can't vote anyhow with prison records. HOW EVAH; if you ask a White one if they are conservative or liberal; they'll show you a rebel flag bandana and declare themselves conservative.

Oh, you assumed that all white trash drug addicts are Republicans. Sorry. Most of them are still Democrats. My brother is one. He needs that check to come in every month because he can't work. Side-effects from drug-addiction. He's got a bad case of Parkinson disease and he's diabetic.

NAH, if you really have a brother, he is probably a republican like you. Most of the poor White Meth riddled motorcycle gangs identify with the KKK and other Republican oriented gangs. There is rarely a democrat to be found. BUT OH, yes, they will still takeany thing they can get to survive. Poor ass Republicans do that too!
You're really fucken retarded. This entire thread is about blacks not abandoning the Democrat Party because the GOP is supposedly so damned racist, and now you're claiming they are. So epic fail:slap:
Ray Rice is black and there's a better than 90% chance he voted for Obama. So epic fail:slap:
The KKK was purely Democrat voters in the South. So, epic fail :slap:
And my brother is not a Republican. He's an ex-con who backs Democrats 100% :slap:
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?

No. Hillary will get nearly the same numbers as Obama and whomever you guys run will get next to no support. You've earned it.
Hillary?....Please...You are a feminist. You believe in your heart of hearts that a woman in the Oval Office is some kind of moral imperative.
A woman? Sure. Just not Hillary.
The country has had it's fill of far left wing politicians and policies. Mrs Clinton is a far left wing politician. A person who watched her husband cheat on her, humiliate her. Yet for purely political gain she stayed with her husband.
What kind of woman ( other than a blind to the facts subservient mousey housewife type or militant feminist) would want a woman who essentially threw her dignity to the wind?
You claim the electorate is majority female. and in doing so imply that women will vote in lockstep for a woman based solely on gender. You insult the intelligence of every independent thinking woman in the country.
Hillary Clinton has so many skeletons in her closet, that she needs a new wing on her Westchester County mansion.
Do you really think Whitewater, Vince Foster, her anti military stance, Hillary care, Benghazi, having resigned her cabinet position, etc are going to go unnoticed should she run?
Keep wishing. In any event even if by some lightning bolt from the blue she somehow wins the White House, she faces an uphill battle with the potential of both Houses of Congress being GOP majority.
Dude...what's "far left" about Hillary?
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?
As a black person and an active member of a black Christian church your OP is pretty much targeted dead center at me.

With that said, I can tell you this, although we're not too enthused with the whole gay marriage thing, we aren't appalled by it either, and we certainly AREN'T even THINKING about running to the GOP. That party simply doesn't speak to us, not in its current form at least. In fact, we mostly feel that its actively against us with their seemingly racist rhetoric and voter suppression tactics. You people have A LOT of work to do, if you're hoping to have blacks come to your party in any significant numbers.

I'm curious about the wish list. From your vantage point, what do the Republicans need to do to be more attractive than the Democrats to many black voters.?
Start by cutting out the racist rhetoric and tactics.

Such as?
Voter suppression tactics in well-known black precincts.

It's obvious dude.

Stop it.


Voter suppression in black precincts?

Yeah, we know........

US Voter ID (AKA "Voter Suppression")

Twelve states, including the battleground state of Virginia, now require voters to show some form of photo identification (see table below), with approximately thirteen other states pursuing similar legislation.


In Canada the Federal government will send out, by mail, an Elections Canada registration confirmation card, which the voter takes to the polling station, in advance detailing the where and when that individual should vote. To vote, one must prove their identity and address. A voter has three options:[5]

(1) Show one original piece of identification with photo, name and address like a driver's license or a health card. It must be issued by a government agency.

(2) Show two original pieces of authorized identification. Both pieces must have a name and one must also have an address. Examples: student ID card, birth certificate, public transportation card, utility bill, bank/credit card statement, etc.

(3) Take an oath and have an elector who knows the voter vouch for them (both of which will be required to make a sworn statement). This person must have authorized identification and their name must appear on the list of electors in the same polling division as the voter. This person can only vouch for one person and the person who is vouched for cannot vouch for another elector.​

I like that procedure.

Does that make me a racist now?

I'd be very happy to have Canadian election officials come down to the US and run our elections for us based on Canadian laws.

I'd like to see us move to online voting. You can't tell me we can't come up with a secure system based on social security numbers to ensure that each person only votes one time. No need for voter ID after the initial sign up. If some crack head wants to sell his vote, who cares? Voting by proxy is honestly no big deal as long as each person can only have one proxy.

Sure, good idea.

Then the Chinese and Russians would be deciding our elections.

You don't believe the Chinese, Russians and Terrorists can't influence our elections today? How about their ability to donate money anonymously thanks to Scalia, Thomas, Alito, Kennedy and Roberts?

Yeah, before only Obama could get foreign money. Now everyone can.
As a black person and an active member of a black Christian church your OP is pretty much targeted dead center at me.

With that said, I can tell you this, although we're not too enthused with the whole gay marriage thing, we aren't appalled by it either, and we certainly AREN'T even THINKING about running to the GOP. That party simply doesn't speak to us, not in its current form at least. In fact, we mostly feel that its actively against us with their seemingly racist rhetoric and voter suppression tactics. You people have A LOT of work to do, if you're hoping to have blacks come to your party in any significant numbers.

I'm curious about the wish list. From your vantage point, what do the Republicans need to do to be more attractive than the Democrats to many black voters.?
Start by cutting out the racist rhetoric and tactics.

Such as?
Voter suppression tactics in well-known black precincts.

It's obvious dude.

Stop it.


Voter suppression in black precincts?

Yeah, we know........

This photo has been shown countless times and it proves nothing.

This video has much to offer
who's knocking out their ole ladies in elevators these days?
It's certainly not the same jerks knocking out their old ladies in meth labs and trailer parks!
Yeah, like they're automatically Republicans. Usually folks that cook meth tend to be on the public dole looking for free shit. Republicans don't usually go for that, or they'd vote Democrat.

Well, tit for tat is in order. Like, folks who knock their old ladies out are all Black athletes who may or may not be Democrats. BTW... the average meth cookers don't give a hit about voting or political parties. All they want is that next fix. Most can't vote anyhow with prison records. HOW EVAH; if you ask a White one if they are conservative or liberal; they'll show you a rebel flag bandana and declare themselves conservative.

Oh, you assumed that all white trash drug addicts are Republicans. Sorry. Most of them are still Democrats. My brother is one. He needs that check to come in every month because he can't work. Side-effects from drug-addiction. He's got a bad case of Parkinson disease and he's diabetic.

NAH, if you really have a brother, he is probably a republican like you. Most of the poor White Meth riddled motorcycle gangs identify with the KKK and other Republican oriented gangs. There is rarely a democrat to be found. BUT OH, yes, they will still takeany thing they can get to survive. Poor ass Republicans do that too!
You're really fucken retarded. This entire thread is about blacks not abandoning the Democrat Party because the GOP is supposedly so damned racist, and now you're claiming they are. So epic fail:slap:
Ray Rice is black and there's a better than 90% chance he voted for Obama. So epic fail:slap:
The KKK was purely Democrat voters in the South. So, epic fail :slap:
And my brother is not a Republican. He's an ex-con who backs Democrats 100% :slap:

I'm retarded? You can't even keep track of what has been said, idiot! Do you even see the stupidity that emanates from your: "
"This entire thread is about blacks not abandoning the Democrat Party because the GOP is supposedly so damned racist, and now you're claiming they are. So epic fail."

I challenge you to show me where I indicated Blacks are abandoning the Democrat Party. Liar!

you also ASSUMED Ray Rice is a Democrat because he is Black.You really don't know do you? Ya prejudging Bah-sturd!

Ok, if your brother is a meth addict how the hell does he back anything, let alone the Democrats. If so, he certainly wouldn't fit in with any meth heads I have seen. Most are racist bah-sturds with a confederate flag prominently displayed somewhere, either in their abode or tattooed on their bodies. Now, speaking of that KKK mess. If you are a Republican they are shitting in YOUR backyard, not the Democrats. The GOP owns them now...CHANGE HAS COME TO AMERICA TODAY1
Will African Americans be attracted to a party of angry White men? A party that promises to set them adrift without largess for food, shelter and clothing? A party that fights tooth and nail to repress wages for working families?

Figure it out.
you mean the party that want them to get off their lazy asses and make something of themselves.
See what's happening here? We have a Republican that's calling all blacks lazy, berating us and demeaning us.

That same tone is evident in the national Republicans we see every day on the media.

We don't like that, and thus do not like Republicans.
Give them enough rope...
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?
As a black person and an active member of a black Christian church your OP is pretty much targeted dead center at me.

With that said, I can tell you this, although we're not too enthused with the whole gay marriage thing, we aren't appalled by it either, and we certainly AREN'T even THINKING about running to the GOP. That party simply doesn't speak to us, not in its current form at least. In fact, we mostly feel that its actively against us with their seemingly racist rhetoric and voter suppression tactics. You people have A LOT of work to do, if you're hoping to have blacks come to your party in any significant numbers.

I'm curious about the wish list. From your vantage point, what do the Republicans need to do to be more attractive than the Democrats to many black voters.?
Start by cutting out the racist rhetoric and tactics.

Such as?
Voter suppression tactics in well-known black precincts.

It's obvious dude.

Stop it.


Just as I thought: you got nothing.
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?
That is so retarded, they have voted Democratic over 90% for years. What makes you think they'd ever shift over to the Republicans?....and why should they?
Because democrats take them for granted and made many dependent on handedouts without proving jobs.
Good God that is so opposite of how blacks percieve the Obama admin.

I think you're expressing what righty media wishes blacks thought about Obama's admin
So why did Obama send Eric Holder and Sharpton with other black leftists down to Ferguson and the Trayvon Martin fiasco?
Remind me what sending Eric Holder and Sharpton with other black leftists down to Ferguson and the Trayvon Martin fiasco has to do with the ridiculous fantasy that black Democrats are any closer to voting Republican?
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?
That is so retarded, they have voted Democratic over 90% for years. What makes you think they'd ever shift over to the Republicans?....and why should they?
Because democrats take them for granted and made many dependent on handedouts without proving jobs.
Good God that is so opposite of how blacks percieve the Obama admin.

I think you're expressing what righty media wishes blacks thought about Obama's admin
So why did Obama send Eric Holder and Sharpton with other black leftists down to Ferguson and the Trayvon Martin fiasco?
Remind me what sending Eric Holder and Sharpton with other black leftists down to Ferguson and the Trayvon Martin fiasco has to do with the ridiculous fantasy that black Democrats are any closer to voting Republican?
To remind black voters who they belong to.
The problem with the Republic Party is that they can point the blaim but they really can't name a reason why minorities should vote for a Republic candidate
I think it's because if they vote Republican they will somehow become smarter. And stop wanting free stuff.

The Republic Party points to employment levels among blacks, yet does not offer a single program to help employment in inner cities. The Republic Party will pay for jails in our cities....but not jobs
Yep, that's a big problem.
I would think blacks would abandon the democratic party for the reason of their harrowing struggles as a race being compared to butt sex, legally. I can't really think of a more offensive comparison. Oh sure, the mouthpiece for the democratic party [MSNBC] can line up a bunch of lisping black dudes in pastel lapels who say they're perfectly fine with the comparison. But I assure you the majority of regular black people aren't happy with the comparison. And since the word "democratic party" is now synonymous with "The Gay Agenda", blacks, hispanics and moderates of all walks and descriptions will be doing at least crossover voting this Fall and two from it.

I warned the dems about the Gay Albatross around their necks. And now the stink is driving off even the most loyal of former members.

People tend to think in terms of linear relationships that then come full circle with a conclusion. If dems are the party of the LGBTs and LGBTs have picked a pedophile as their iconic leader [Harvey Milk, a man who sodomized a teen boy while officiating as his father figure/guardian], then, logically, the democratic party is seen as "the party of pedophile-lovers". Or"the party that forced gay marriage/gay adoptions on my state against our Will and ability to protect our orphans".

It's just off-putting. Long story short.
You don't know what you're talking about. Clearly.
I would think blacks would abandon the democratic party for the reason of their harrowing struggles as a race being compared to butt sex, legally. I can't really think of a more offensive comparison. Oh sure, the mouthpiece for the democratic party [MSNBC] can line up a bunch of lisping black dudes in pastel lapels who say they're perfectly fine with the comparison. But I assure you the majority of regular black people aren't happy with the comparison. And since the word "democratic party" is now synonymous with "The Gay Agenda", blacks, hispanics and moderates of all walks and descriptions will be doing at least crossover voting this Fall and two from it.

I warned the dems about the Gay Albatross around their necks. And now the stink is driving off even the most loyal of former members.

People tend to think in terms of linear relationships that then come full circle with a conclusion. If dems are the party of the LGBTs and LGBTs have picked a pedophile as their iconic leader [Harvey Milk, a man who sodomized a teen boy while officiating as his father figure/guardian], then, logically, the democratic party is seen as "the party of pedophile-lovers". Or"the party that forced gay marriage/gay adoptions on my state against our Will and ability to protect our orphans".

It's just off-putting. Long story short.

So Republicans will regain the black vote on a "We hate fags" platform

So they think!

Imagine this:

Your government tells you that another race hates you and is actively trying to imprison you, steal from you, keep you poor, do anything to you that can be imagined and some things you didn't imagine. Are you going to like that race? Are you going to trust that race? Every time you see one of those SOBs don't you want to just show your ass?

Then they tell you that their opponents are all members of this race. Are you gonna vote for those assholes??? :hmpf:

Do you really think that Blacks believe this because 'the government tells them this'.
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?

The only difference between Republican Blacks and Democrat Blacks is State vs Federal. I'll let you think for yourself.
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?

they shouldn't be in the democrat party to begin with

they are nothing but stepping stones for the "demoratics "


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