Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party?

Poor Chicago Blacks to Obama: "Just Quit"

hortly after Tuesday night's State of the Union address by the President, some Black Chicago Activists were asked their perspective and feedback on what Obama had to say. "Mr. President, we'd probably be better off if you called off your presidency off right now. Just quit. Because if this is what you call helping us, then stop helping us." (Produced by Rebel Pundit)
Will African Americans be attracted to a party of angry White men? A party that promises to set them adrift without largess for food, shelter and clothing? A party that fights tooth and nail to repress wages for working families?

Figure it out.
you mean the party that want them to get off their lazy asses and make something of themselves.
See what's happening here? We have a Republican that's calling all blacks lazy, berating us and demeaning us.

That same tone is evident in the national Republicans we see every day on the media.

We don't like that, and thus do not like Republicans.
I guess the Repubs getting a 2 term Black president didnt teach them anything at all. My guess is and has always been that politics is used to keep our attention focused on the 2 parties. You simply cant be that stupid to intentionally turn away potential voters....well unless you are truly racist.
Will African Americans be attracted to a party of angry White men? A party that promises to set them adrift without largess for food, shelter and clothing? A party that fights tooth and nail to repress wages for working families?

Figure it out.
Will African Americans be attracted to a party of angry White men? A party that promises to set them adrift without largess for food, shelter and clothing? A party that fights tooth and nail to repress wages for working families?

Figure it out.

Will African Americans be attracted to a party of angry White men?

Look at all these Angry White Men





A party that promises to set them adrift without largess for food, shelter and clothing?

Sorry, Pal the intelligent among us know better than to fall for that malarkey .

Democratic party which continues to enslave Blacks under an increasingly sophisticated methodology. The type of slavery has changed, it was once forced servitude where now it is a slavery to handouts.

E.W. Jackson of Virginia, Black Politician, Republican Party candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, stated ...

...slavery did not destroy black families, but government welfare programs launched in the 1960s caused them to deteriorate....

The Democratic party has come to the realization that you can actually enslave an entire race of people and not call it slavery? Liberal Democrats have reintroduced slavery to the African American Community through so called social welfare programs.

Walter Williams, economist, philosopher, columnist, professor at George Mason University, and Black Republican was interviewed by The Wall Street Journal and discussed research he conducted which led him to the conclusion that the government welfare state killed the black family, not slavery or racism.

Even .... when slaves often weren't permitted to wed, most black children lived with a biological mother and father. During Reconstruction and up until the 1940s, 75% to 85% of black children lived in two-parent families. Today, more than 70% of black children are born to single women. The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn't do, what Jim Crow couldn't do, what the harshest racism couldn't do,.... And that is to destroy the black family.

I think it's important for people to understand the ideas of scarcity and decision-making in everyday life so that they won't be ripped off by politicians," he says. "Politicians exploit economic illiteracy. The State Against Blacks - Wall Street Journal

Democratic Parties Racist History
I bet 90% of those Black republicans voted for the current POTUS. I know for a fact Denzel Washington did.

Denzel Washington s Religion and Political Views Hollowverse

Washington gave $30,800 to the Obama campaign that year8 and defended the president after 2010’s mid-term elections ushered in a Republican Congress, saying:

I don’t think it’s just directed at Obama, I think people are frustrated. You’ve got to blame somebody, and he’s the boss – he’s got the big target on his head. I think there’s a desire for checks and balances, so now there’s a Republican party in Congress, and a Democratic party in the Senate, and a Democratic president, I think it now forces them all to work together.9

And in a strange move, not common among Hollywood stars, Washington officially endorsed a Democratic mayoral candidate in his hometown of Mount Vernon, New York.10
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?
That is so retarded, they have voted Democratic over 90% for years. What makes you think they'd ever shift over to the Republicans?....and why should they?
Because democrats take them for granted and made many dependent on handedouts without proving jobs.
Good God that is so opposite of how blacks percieve the Obama admin.

I think you're expressing what righty media wishes blacks thought about Obama's admin

Shhhhh! You are spoiling his nightly wet-dream.
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?

No. Hillary will get nearly the same numbers as Obama and whomever you guys run will get next to no support. You've earned it.

You are living in a fantasy world sweetheart , a complete and absolute fantasy.
You believe Republicans will expand on their 10 percent of the black vote?

Now who is in fantasy land?

Well, first they have to get it back up to 10%. Last time it was 5%.
Will African Americans be attracted to a party of angry White men? A party that promises to set them adrift without largess for food, shelter and clothing? A party that fights tooth and nail to repress wages for working families?

Figure it out.
you mean the party that want them to get off their lazy asses and make something of themselves.
See what's happening here? We have a Republican that's calling all blacks lazy, berating us and demeaning us.

That same tone is evident in the national Republicans we see every day on the media.

We don't like that, and thus do not like Republicans.


The next logical step for the Republicans, now that they have said this stupid stuff about black people, is then to go one step further (as they often have) and insinuate or downright say that black folks are just plain old too stupid to realize that they are enslaved by the "Dimocraps" and are therefore deserving of scorn, but if only they would swich parties, you know, to the one that has been calling them lazy and "thugs" and "where's ma free shit" and stuff like that, all will be well.

(The things above are not my words, just to remind. I don't feel this way at all about our fellow black citizens.)

Republican intelligence - it is a thing to behold. Much as I behold a turd in a toilet.

Republican voter outreach is about the weirdest thing I have ever seen in my life:

"We hate you. You suck. Vote for us."
As a black person and an active member of a black Christian church your OP is pretty much targeted dead center at me.

With that said, I can tell you this, although we're not too enthused with the whole gay marriage thing, we aren't appalled by it either, and we certainly AREN'T even THINKING about running to the GOP. That party simply doesn't speak to us, not in its current form at least. In fact, we mostly feel that its actively against us with their seemingly racist rhetoric and voter suppression tactics. You people have A LOT of work to do, if you're hoping to have blacks come to your party in any significant numbers.

I'm curious about the wish list. From your vantage point, what do the Republicans need to do to be more attractive than the Democrats to many black voters.?
Start by cutting out the racist rhetoric and tactics.

Such as?
Voter suppression tactics in well-known black precincts.

It's obvious dude.

Stop it.


Voter suppression in black precincts?

Yeah, we know........


Ahh, the GOP's favorite boogeyman. On picture of two black panthers simply standing in front of a precinct, and this is supposed to mean something? Really?
That is so retarded, they have voted Democratic over 90% for years. What makes you think they'd ever shift over to the Republicans?....and why should they?
Because democrats take them for granted and made many dependent on handedouts without proving jobs.
Good God that is so opposite of how blacks percieve the Obama admin.

I think you're expressing what righty media wishes blacks thought about Obama's admin
So why did Obama send Eric Holder and Sharpton with other black leftists down to Ferguson and the Trayvon Martin fiasco?
Remind me what sending Eric Holder and Sharpton with other black leftists down to Ferguson and the Trayvon Martin fiasco has to do with the ridiculous fantasy that black Democrats are any closer to voting Republican?
To remind black voters who they belong to.

They belong to no one. They are free individuals like everyone else. Alone the fact that you write a statement making it sound as if black people are things, i.e., property, instead of living, breathing sentient beings says a hell of a lot about you, you racist fucking pig. Your very words betray you and it is people like you who are going to be the final downfall of the GOP. it's stupid racist fucks like you who will curse the GOP into becoming an irrelevant regional party in national presidential politics.
Poor Chicago Blacks to Obama: "Just Quit"

hortly after Tuesday night's State of the Union address by the President, some Black Chicago Activists were asked their perspective and feedback on what Obama had to say. "Mr. President, we'd probably be better off if you called off your presidency off right now. Just quit. Because if this is what you call helping us, then stop helping us." (Produced by Rebel Pundit)

So, some conservative hacks cobbled together 10 black republicans to sit in a room and trash the president.

Ok, that was interesting.
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I'm curious about the wish list. From your vantage point, what do the Republicans need to do to be more attractive than the Democrats to many black voters.?
Start by cutting out the racist rhetoric and tactics.

Such as?
Voter suppression tactics in well-known black precincts.

It's obvious dude.

Stop it.


Voter suppression in black precincts?

Yeah, we know........


Ahh, the GOP's favorite boogeyman. On picture of two black panthers simply standing in front of a precinct, and this is supposed to mean something? Really?

Well they look really mean so....
Ahh, the GOP's favorite boogeyman. On picture of two black panthers simply standing in front of a precinct, and this is supposed to mean something? Really?

I loved the 2012 coverage. Fox news dedicated almost an hour to one black panther in front of one voting location in one precinct in Philadelphia. Who did nothing.

About as exciting as watching grass fuck.
I'm curious about the wish list. From your vantage point, what do the Republicans need to do to be more attractive than the Democrats to many black voters.?
Start by cutting out the racist rhetoric and tactics.

Such as?
Voter suppression tactics in well-known black precincts.

It's obvious dude.

Stop it.


Voter suppression in black precincts?

Yeah, we know........

This photo has been shown countless times and it proves nothing.

This video has much to offer

A picture is worth a thousand words.

It proves without a doubt voter intimidation, and if it weren't for the president and attorney general dismissing the case it would have resulted in imprisonment for both of the perps pictured. The left makes false claims about this sort of thing every election, and here we have a prime example of it only Obama supporters are guilty of it, and you dare say this proves nothing.

You're a liar buddy. Clearly and utterly dishonest.
I'm curious about the wish list. From your vantage point, what do the Republicans need to do to be more attractive than the Democrats to many black voters.?
Start by cutting out the racist rhetoric and tactics.

Such as?
Voter suppression tactics in well-known black precincts.

It's obvious dude.

Stop it.


Voter suppression in black precincts?

Yeah, we know........


Ahh, the GOP's favorite boogeyman. On picture of two black panthers simply standing in front of a precinct, and this is supposed to mean something? Really?

If they were holding AR-15's, the GOP would say that they are "Simply exercising their rights."
Ahh, the GOP's favorite boogeyman. On picture of two black panthers simply standing in front of a precinct, and this is supposed to mean something? Really?

I loved the 2012 coverage. Fox news dedicated almost an hour to one black panther in front of one voting location in one precinct in Philadelphia. Who did nothing.

About as exciting as watching grass fuck.


Start by cutting out the racist rhetoric and tactics.

Such as?
Voter suppression tactics in well-known black precincts.

It's obvious dude.

Stop it.


Voter suppression in black precincts?

Yeah, we know........


Ahh, the GOP's favorite boogeyman. On picture of two black panthers simply standing in front of a precinct, and this is supposed to mean something? Really?

If they were holding AR-15's, the GOP would say that they are "Simply exercising their rights."

Those two black men? No way.

Now, were they white men, I can imagine the GOPnutz saying that they are "Simply exercising their rights."

Start by cutting out the racist rhetoric and tactics.

Such as?
Voter suppression tactics in well-known black precincts.

It's obvious dude.

Stop it.


Voter suppression in black precincts?

Yeah, we know........

This photo has been shown countless times and it proves nothing.

This video has much to offer

A picture is worth a thousand words.

It proves without a doubt voter intimidation, and if it weren't for the president and attorney general dismissing the case it would have resulted in imprisonment for both of the perps pictured. The left makes false claims about this sort of thing every election, and here we have a prime example of it only Obama supporters are guilty of it, and you dare say this proves nothing.

You're a liar buddy. Clearly and utterly dishonest.

How does it prove that?

One pic of two people standing OUTSIDE a preceinct, no weapons in their hands and no placards at all.

How is that, pray tell, intimidation?
Voter suppression tactics in well-known black precincts.

It's obvious dude.

Stop it.


Voter suppression in black precincts?

Yeah, we know........


Ahh, the GOP's favorite boogeyman. On picture of two black panthers simply standing in front of a precinct, and this is supposed to mean something? Really?

If they were holding AR-15's, the GOP would say that they are "Simply exercising their rights."

Those two black men? No way.

Now, were they white men, I can imagine the GOPnutz saying that they are "Simply exercising their rights."


Well,according to mudwhistle , "Blacks with or without guns are the problem". So you are probably right.
who's knocking out their ole ladies in elevators these days?
It's certainly not the same jerks knocking out their old ladies in meth labs and trailer parks!
Yeah, like they're automatically Republicans. Usually folks that cook meth tend to be on the public dole looking for free shit. Republicans don't usually go for that, or they'd vote Democrat.

Well, tit for tat is in order. Like, folks who knock their old ladies out are all Black athletes who may or may not be Democrats. BTW... the average meth cookers don't give a hit about voting or political parties. All they want is that next fix. Most can't vote anyhow with prison records. HOW EVAH; if you ask a White one if they are conservative or liberal; they'll show you a rebel flag bandana and declare themselves conservative.

Oh, you assumed that all white trash drug addicts are Republicans. Sorry. Most of them are still Democrats. My brother is one. He needs that check to come in every month because he can't work. Side-effects from drug-addiction. He's got a bad case of Parkinson disease and he's diabetic.

NAH, if you really have a brother, he is probably a republican like you. Most of the poor White Meth riddled motorcycle gangs identify with the KKK and other Republican oriented gangs. There is rarely a democrat to be found. BUT OH, yes, they will still takeany thing they can get to survive. Poor ass Republicans do that too!
You're really fucken retarded. This entire thread is about blacks not abandoning the Democrat Party because the GOP is supposedly so damned racist, and now you're claiming they are. So epic fail:slap:
Ray Rice is black and there's a better than 90% chance he voted for Obama. So epic fail:slap:
The KKK was purely Democrat voters in the South. So, epic fail :slap:
And my brother is not a Republican. He's an ex-con who backs Democrats 100% :slap:

I'm retarded? You can't even keep track of what has been said, idiot! Do you even see the stupidity that emanates from your: "
"This entire thread is about blacks not abandoning the Democrat Party because the GOP is supposedly so damned racist, and now you're claiming they are. So epic fail."

I challenge you to show me where I indicated Blacks are abandoning the Democrat Party. Liar!

you also ASSUMED Ray Rice is a Democrat because he is Black.You really don't know do you? Ya prejudging Bah-sturd!

Ok, if your brother is a meth addict how the hell does he back anything, let alone the Democrats. If so, he certainly wouldn't fit in with any meth heads I have seen. Most are racist bah-sturds with a confederate flag prominently displayed somewhere, either in their abode or tattooed on their bodies. Now, speaking of that KKK mess. If you are a Republican they are shitting in YOUR backyard, not the Democrats. The GOP owns them now...CHANGE HAS COME TO AMERICA TODAY1

What exactly do you think this thread is about????

Obviously logic doesn't play into your thinking bud. The KKK was created after passage of the Emancipation Proclamation as a form of protest by Southern Democrats. I don't give a flying fuck if you want to attach their past acts to Republicans, because during the heyday of the KKK they were Democrats and their targets were Republican blacks or anyone who supported their freedom. Up until the 60s most Democrats in the South did not support blacks attending their universities. The governor of Alabama, a Democrat, barred the door to prevent the first blacks from attending classes. You automatically assume that because they're racists and the Democrat party has switched tactics, they've switched to supporting Republicans, but offered no proof of this. You can't even show which programs Republicans support that advocate the removal of the basic rights of blacks.

I stated that chances are Ray Rice was a Democrat because of your argument that blacks aren't abandoning Democrats and you want to be able to argue that it's more likely he wasn't a Democrat and thus had abandoned the Democrat Party. Once again that is a fallacious argument not based in logic. It appears that to you anyone who does wrong is a Republican automatically and you feel that more likely than not somebody with low character can't be a Democrat.

You then carry on by spouting yet another false stereotype that meth addicts must be white trailer-park trash and thus because they're white they must vote Republican. There is no evidence out there that meth addicts are white and no evidence they all vote Republican, since my brother has tried just about every drug there is, lived in a tailor-park while he was taking his drugs, and he is now addicted to government provided prescription pain killers and the side-effects of his drug addiction is Parkinsons' Disease. He still supports Democrats whether he has the time to vote or not. I cannot prove that he even takes the time to vote, but since he is concerned about getting his disability check every month I believe he does. I just never asked him to prove to me that he voted in every election. He has told me that he votes Democrat exclusively for obvious reasons.

So basically you're full of shit and have nothing to prove any of what you say numb-nuts.
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Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama both times. In return they have suffered more during this economy than whites. Most blacks are socially conservative and are horrified at the gay marriage business. Recall that black churches were instrumental in defeating the ballot measure in CA.

So having been screwed financially, having been promised a bunch of stuff that still hasnt been delivered on, having their values crapped all over, will blacks get the idea that Democrats are the party to exploit them and at least stay home on election day?
That is so retarded, they have voted Democratic over 90% for years. What makes you think they'd ever shift over to the Republicans?....and why should they?
Because democrats take them for granted and made many dependent on handedouts without proving jobs.
Good God that is so opposite of how blacks percieve the Obama admin.

I think you're expressing what righty media wishes blacks thought about Obama's admin
So why did Obama send Eric Holder and Sharpton with other black leftists down to Ferguson and the Trayvon Martin fiasco?
Remind me what sending Eric Holder and Sharpton with other black leftists down to Ferguson and the Trayvon Martin fiasco has to do with the ridiculous fantasy that black Democrats are any closer to voting Republican?

Yup, you Democrats own their black asses.

Happy now?

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