Will Blacks Abandon the Democrat Party?

Voter suppression tactics in well-known black precincts.

It's obvious dude.

Stop it.


Voter suppression in black precincts?

Yeah, we know........

This photo has been shown countless times and it proves nothing.

This video has much to offer

A picture is worth a thousand words.

It proves without a doubt voter intimidation, and if it weren't for the president and attorney general dismissing the case it would have resulted in imprisonment for both of the perps pictured. The left makes false claims about this sort of thing every election, and here we have a prime example of it only Obama supporters are guilty of it, and you dare say this proves nothing.

You're a liar buddy. Clearly and utterly dishonest.

How does it prove that?

One pic of two people standing OUTSIDE a preceinct, no weapons in their hands and no placards at all.

How is that, pray tell, intimidation?

Dude, spare me. They not only have one picture, but hundreds of them, along with video evidence to go along with this one picture.

And what in the Hell do you think that short prick is holding in his right hand, his dick????

Here in the states we call that a night-stick, or a club, better known as a weapon.
As a black person and an active member of a black Christian church your OP is pretty much targeted dead center at me.

With that said, I can tell you this, although we're not too enthused with the whole gay marriage thing, we aren't appalled by it either, and we certainly AREN'T even THINKING about running to the GOP. That party simply doesn't speak to us, not in its current form at least. In fact, we mostly feel that its actively against us with their seemingly racist rhetoric and voter suppression tactics. You people have A LOT of work to do, if you're hoping to have blacks come to your party in any significant numbers.

I'm curious about the wish list. From your vantage point, what do the Republicans need to do to be more attractive than the Democrats to many black voters.?
Start by cutting out the racist rhetoric and tactics.

Such as?
Voter suppression tactics in well-known black precincts.

It's obvious dude.

Stop it.


Voter suppression in black precincts?

Yeah, we know........


Looks like two men with second amendment rights
Would you feel safer if they had AK-47s?
Voter suppression tactics in well-known black precincts.

It's obvious dude.

Stop it.


Voter suppression in black precincts?

Yeah, we know........


Ahh, the GOP's favorite boogeyman. On picture of two black panthers simply standing in front of a precinct, and this is supposed to mean something? Really?

If they were holding AR-15's, the GOP would say that they are "Simply exercising their rights."

Those two black men? No way.

Now, were they white men, I can imagine the GOPnutz saying that they are "Simply exercising their rights."


Actually, if they were White I'm almost certain that Eric Holder would have locked their asses up long ago. Instead he chose not to prosecute "His People".
Will Blacks abandon the Democratic Party?

The Democratic Party is the party of Obama
The Republican Party is the party of Obama must fail

All you need to know
That is so retarded, they have voted Democratic over 90% for years. What makes you think they'd ever shift over to the Republicans?....and why should they?
Because democrats take them for granted and made many dependent on handedouts without proving jobs.
Good God that is so opposite of how blacks percieve the Obama admin.

I think you're expressing what righty media wishes blacks thought about Obama's admin
So why did Obama send Eric Holder and Sharpton with other black leftists down to Ferguson and the Trayvon Martin fiasco?
Remind me what sending Eric Holder and Sharpton with other black leftists down to Ferguson and the Trayvon Martin fiasco has to do with the ridiculous fantasy that black Democrats are any closer to voting Republican?

Yup, you Democrats own their black asses.

Happy now?
Yet another outstanding GOP voter outreach technique!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Voter suppression tactics in well-known black precincts.

It's obvious dude.

Stop it.


Voter suppression in black precincts?

Yeah, we know........

This photo has been shown countless times and it proves nothing.

This video has much to offer

A picture is worth a thousand words.

It proves without a doubt voter intimidation, and if it weren't for the president and attorney general dismissing the case it would have resulted in imprisonment for both of the perps pictured. The left makes false claims about this sort of thing every election, and here we have a prime example of it only Obama supporters are guilty of it, and you dare say this proves nothing.

You're a liar buddy. Clearly and utterly dishonest.

How does it prove that?

One pic of two people standing OUTSIDE a preceinct, no weapons in their hands and no placards at all.

How is that, pray tell, intimidation?

Dude, spare me. They not only have one picture, but hundreds of them, along with video evidence to go along with this one picture.

And what in the Hell do you think that short prick is holding in his right hand, his dick????

Here in the states we call that a night-stick, or a club, better known as a weapon.

You are right, that looks like a club. Sorry, I honestly missed that. But why did you call the short guy a "prick"?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
This thread has been a fun exercise in rightwing fantasy and provided an opportunity for our rightwing posters to tell us exactly what they feel about blacks

But in reality, there is no way blacks are going to vote Republican. Republicans need to worry about keeping the 10 percent they have now

But a bigger issue is other demographics

- Republicans have lost the gay issue and looked pretty bad doing it. In addition to gays, they have lost family members, friends and young voters who look at the Republican backlash against gays and are horrified
- Hispanics: Republicans got 27% of the vote in the last election and have only driven more hispanics away. Blocking any discussion of immigration reform will drive a generation of Hispanics away
- Women: Obama got 55% of the womens vote. How do you think Hillary will do? Repeated rants about birth control, rape and abortion for rape or to save the mothers life do not help

Though 90% white, Republicans still deny they have a minority representation issue
Voter suppression tactics in well-known black precincts.

It's obvious dude.

Stop it.


Voter suppression in black precincts?

Yeah, we know........


Ahh, the GOP's favorite boogeyman. On picture of two black panthers simply standing in front of a precinct, and this is supposed to mean something? Really?

If they were holding AR-15's, the GOP would say that they are "Simply exercising their rights."

Those two black men? No way.

Now, were they white men, I can imagine the GOPnutz saying that they are "Simply exercising their rights."


Actually, if they were White I'm almost certain that Eric Holder would have locked their asses up long ago. Instead he chose not to prosecute "His People".
Oh, really?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Voter suppression in black precincts?

Yeah, we know........


Ahh, the GOP's favorite boogeyman. On picture of two black panthers simply standing in front of a precinct, and this is supposed to mean something? Really?

If they were holding AR-15's, the GOP would say that they are "Simply exercising their rights."

Those two black men? No way.

Now, were they white men, I can imagine the GOPnutz saying that they are "Simply exercising their rights."


Actually, if they were White I'm almost certain that Eric Holder would have locked their asses up long ago. Instead he chose not to prosecute "His People".
Oh, really?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

If they were white and carrying AK-47s they would be heroes of the right
Start by cutting out the racist rhetoric and tactics.

Such as?
Voter suppression tactics in well-known black precincts.

It's obvious dude.

Stop it.


Voter suppression in black precincts?

Yeah, we know........


Ahh, the GOP's favorite boogeyman. On picture of two black panthers simply standing in front of a precinct, and this is supposed to mean something? Really?

If they were holding AR-15's, the GOP would say that they are "Simply exercising their rights."

See 'Clive Bundy'.

btw, what votes would two black guys in a black neighborhood be suppressing?
Poor Chicago Blacks to Obama: "Just Quit"

hortly after Tuesday night's State of the Union address by the President, some Black Chicago Activists were asked their perspective and feedback on what Obama had to say. "Mr. President, we'd probably be better off if you called off your presidency off right now. Just quit. Because if this is what you call helping us, then stop helping us." (Produced by Rebel Pundit)

So, some conservative hacks cobbled together 10 black republicans to sit in a room and trash the president.

Ok, that was interesting.

The RWnuts on this forum live on anecdotal, exception-to-the-rule 'evidence' to support their unsupportable arguments.
Conservatives obsess on the GOP someday somehow getting the black vote, but the next minute they're claiming that it's the left that obsesses on identity politics.
Voter suppression in black precincts?

Yeah, we know........

This photo has been shown countless times and it proves nothing.

This video has much to offer

A picture is worth a thousand words.

It proves without a doubt voter intimidation, and if it weren't for the president and attorney general dismissing the case it would have resulted in imprisonment for both of the perps pictured. The left makes false claims about this sort of thing every election, and here we have a prime example of it only Obama supporters are guilty of it, and you dare say this proves nothing.

You're a liar buddy. Clearly and utterly dishonest.

How does it prove that?

One pic of two people standing OUTSIDE a preceinct, no weapons in their hands and no placards at all.

How is that, pray tell, intimidation?

Dude, spare me. They not only have one picture, but hundreds of them, along with video evidence to go along with this one picture.

And what in the Hell do you think that short prick is holding in his right hand, his dick????

Here in the states we call that a night-stick, or a club, better known as a weapon.

You are right, that looks like a club. Sorry, I honestly missed that. But why did you call the short guy a "prick"?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Because I've also seen a video of him talking about slaughtering white babies.
Voter suppression in black precincts?

Yeah, we know........


Ahh, the GOP's favorite boogeyman. On picture of two black panthers simply standing in front of a precinct, and this is supposed to mean something? Really?

If they were holding AR-15's, the GOP would say that they are "Simply exercising their rights."

Those two black men? No way.

Now, were they white men, I can imagine the GOPnutz saying that they are "Simply exercising their rights."


Actually, if they were White I'm almost certain that Eric Holder would have locked their asses up long ago. Instead he chose not to prosecute "His People".
Oh, really?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 :smoke:mit Tapatalk
No Bullshit.

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