Will brown people riot and loot when SCOTUS rules with Trump on DACA?

Side note...this kid just graduated from UC Irvine on the backs of American taxpayers and he wears a face mask representing Mexico...and he wonders why good real Americans want him gone.

You mean the kid who's literally lived the American dream? The poor immigrant who came to this country, got a good education, and will now be a productive member of society making more money in one year than you probably will in your entire lifetime, Grand Wizard? Is that the kid you're talking about?
The IMMIGRANT? Hes an illegal alien no matter how he behaves

If I was going to hire someone, who would I hire: The smart, highly motivated, well-educated DACA recipient, who is grateful for the opportunity help build the country, or the entitled white male who thinks that he's all that an a bag of peanuts because of the happy accident of where he was born.

No wonder the indigent young white males all oppose the well educated, hungy young immigrants being allowed to stay. I'd hire that articulate, motivated and well educated young man over the racist, misogynistic, entitled young jerk any day of the week. I want people with positive attitude who understands that when we work together with respect and common goals, there isn't anything we can't accomplish.

I don't need some narcissicistic, entitled snot putting his biases and hatred ahead of our mutual success. No wonder xenophobic entitled assholes want these people gone.
Have you ever been to a urban area? Lol
Have blacks started a trend? How will the ruling impact the election?
Brown people make up a much larger percentage of the total population....This could be fun.

Side note...this kid just graduated from UC Irvine on the backs of American taxpayers and he wears a face mask representing Mexico...and he wonders why good real Americans want him gone.

You lost again.


It was expected of the commies on the court, but once again Roberts votes for lawlessness and disorder. On the bright side it will only increase Trumps reelection chances.

You mean the kid who's literally lived the American dream? The poor immigrant who came to this country, got a good education, and will now be a productive member of society making more money in one year than you probably will in your entire lifetime, Grand Wizard? Is that the kid you're talking about?

If he doesn’t, I do. He should not be here. Anything he does or has done here is tainted by the fact that he didn’t come here legally. Nothing can undo thst. Ever.
Side note...this kid just graduated from UC Irvine on the backs of American taxpayers and he wears a face mask representing Mexico...and he wonders why good real Americans want him gone.

You mean the kid who's literally lived the American dream? The poor immigrant who came to this country, got a good education, and will now be a productive member of society making more money in one year than you probably will in your entire lifetime, Grand Wizard? Is that the kid you're talking about?
The IMMIGRANT? Hes an illegal alien no matter how he behaves

If I was going to hire someone, who would I hire: The smart, highly motivated, well-educated DACA recipient, who is grateful for the opportunity help build the country, or the entitled white male who thinks that he's all that an a bag of peanuts because of the happy accident of where he was born.

No wonder the indigent young white males all oppose the well educated, hungy young immigrants being allowed to stay. I'd hire that articulate, motivated and well educated young man over the racist, misogynistic, entitled young jerk any day of the week. I want people with positive attitude who understands that when we work together with respect and common goals, there isn't anything we can't accomplish.

I don't need some narcissicistic, entitled snot putting his biases and hatred ahead of our mutual success. No wonder xenophobic entitled assholes want these people gone.
Have you ever been to a urban area? Lol
Rats and Browns, that's all their is. That's why I live in JESUSLAND!
You mean the kid who's literally lived the American dream? The poor immigrant who came to this country, got a good education, and will now be a productive member of society making more money in one year than you probably will in your entire lifetime, Grand Wizard? Is that the kid you're talking about?

If he doesn’t, I do. He should not be here. Anything he does or has done here is tainted by the fact that he didn’t come here legally. Nothing can undo thst. Ever.
I doubt any Daca person gives a shit how you judge them. But I'm not sure how the law is a deterrent without a long term immigration compromise.
Side note...this kid just graduated from UC Irvine on the backs of American taxpayers and he wears a face mask representing Mexico...and he wonders why good real Americans want him gone.

You mean the kid who's literally lived the American dream? The poor immigrant who came to this country, got a good education, and will now be a productive member of society making more money in one year than you probably will in your entire lifetime, Grand Wizard? Is that the kid you're talking about?
The IMMIGRANT? Hes an illegal alien no matter how he behaves

If I was going to hire someone, who would I hire: The smart, highly motivated, well-educated DACA recipient, who is grateful for the opportunity help build the country, or the entitled white male who thinks that he's all that an a bag of peanuts because of the happy accident of where he was born.

No wonder the indigent young white males all oppose the well educated, hungy young immigrants being allowed to stay. I'd hire that articulate, motivated and well educated young man over the racist, misogynistic, entitled young jerk any day of the week. I want people with positive attitude who understands that when we work together with respect and common goals, there isn't anything we can't accomplish.

I don't need some narcissicistic, entitled snot putting his biases and hatred ahead of our mutual success. No wonder xenophobic entitled assholes want these people gone.
Have you ever been to a urban area? Lol
Rats and Browns, that's all their is. That's why I live in JESUSLAND!
Used to where ordinary Americans used to start out small and build a foundation.
I doubt any Daca person gives a shit how you judge them. But I'm not sure how the law is a deterrent without a long term immigration compromise.

I know they don’t care... because there’s really nothing legal we can do about them. So maybe we need to start turning to illegal things.

No compromise. No Citizendhip. No Legal Residency.
You mean the kid who's literally lived the American dream? The poor immigrant who came to this country, got a good education, and will now be a productive member of society making more money in one year than you probably will in your entire lifetime, Grand Wizard? Is that the kid you're talking about?

If he doesn’t, I do. He should not be here. Anything he does or has done here is tainted by the fact that he didn’t come here legally. Nothing can undo thst. Ever.
I doubt any Daca person gives a shit how you judge them. But I'm not sure how the law is a deterrent without a long term immigration compromise.

I’ll give you that...shameless, lowdown, pieces of shit have conditioned themselves not to care what others think..It’s how/why they stay pieces of shit.
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The competency of Trumps legal team must be called in to question here. That or this was all planned theatrics.
The team presents the case early on and a lower court throws it out citing “no adequate reason for termination”.
They reconstruct the case and take to SCOTUS who throws it out citing “no adequate reason for termination”.
WTF, who are these incompetent fools on the legal team?
I don't know....Seems Trump's legal team appears every bit as competent as Trump is at conducting the score of Madam Butterfly with his legal team in pit playing all the instruments.

That is to say that collectively they're incompetent as well as being such singularly!

Hope you had a nice day, Loser!
No, America lost again.
You guys little by little are getting exactly what you want, no immigration laws, no borders, no deportations.

again, if you guys were serious about limiting the NON-problem of undocumented immigrants... then go after the people who hire them.
The USSC ruling was BS. If Obama can create using an EO, then Trump should be able to delete with an EO.
Now Trump can do all kinds of EOs and the next prez will need to fight like hell in courts to undo them.

Well, no Biden will have the good sense to actually craft his reversals of Trump's EO's legally. Also, everyone on both sides of the aisle will be happy to wash the taste of Trump out of their mouths.

What you are seeing right now. The GOP trying to distance itself from Trump.
Have blacks started a trend? How will the ruling impact the election?
Brown people make up a much larger percentage of the total population....This could be fun.

Side note...this kid just graduated from UC Irvine on the backs of American taxpayers and he wears a face mask representing Mexico...and he wonders why good real Americans want him gone.

You lost again.


It was expected of the commies on the court, but once again Roberts votes for lawlessness and disorder. On the bright side it will only increase Trumps reelection chances.


Roberts voted for process. What the decision shows is how hateful the right is.
Have blacks started a trend? How will the ruling impact the election?
Brown people make up a much larger percentage of the total population....This could be fun.

Side note...this kid just graduated from UC Irvine on the backs of American taxpayers and he wears a face mask representing Mexico...and he wonders why good real Americans want him gone.

You lost again.


It was expected of the commies on the court, but once again Roberts votes for lawlessness and disorder. On the bright side it will only increase Trumps reelection chances.


Roberts voted for process. What the decision shows is how hateful the right is.

You mean how hateful the Left is of our Declaration Of Independence, Americas right to sovereignty, protecting the Mollie Tibbetts of our nation, keeping our schools and healthcare system from being overrun by foreigners, keeping brainless employment wages above thirdworld slave standards?
No, America lost again.
You guys little by little are getting exactly what you want, no immigration laws, no borders, no deportations.

again, if you guys were serious about limiting the NON-problem of undocumented immigrants... then go after the people who hire them.

The LefTarded shit their pants when we do that as well...Remember when CNN was covering the raids? You shit yourself.
Have blacks started a trend? How will the ruling impact the election?
Brown people make up a much larger percentage of the total population....This could be fun.

Side note...this kid just graduated from UC Irvine on the backs of American taxpayers and he wears a face mask representing Mexico...and he wonders why good real Americans want him gone.

You lost again.


It was expected of the commies on the court, but once again Roberts votes for lawlessness and disorder. On the bright side it will only increase Trumps reelection chances.


Roberts voted for process. What the decision shows is how hateful the right is.

Bullshit, process in not required to reverse what he agreed was an illegal act.

The LefTarded shit their pants when we do that as well...Remember when CNN was covering the raids? You shit yourself.

Naw, I don't remember that at all..

The raids didn't go after the employers, they went after the workers.

I mean, take the guy who hires illegals, and throw him into a cell with a big convict and a jar of Vaseline.

Watch how fast the rest of them start obeying the law.
I live in Los Angeles, which is now a Hispanic-majority city.

I used to see some "I Love [name any of the countries to our south]" bumper stickers, but I no longer see them.

Maybe more and more Hispanics appreciate the opportunities that they have here to live an economically prosperous life and to remit dollars to their relatives back home.

I did notice, however, that some Hispanic youth joined that other group during the looting in the 1990s Los Angeles riots, and I saw some Hispanic looters during the recent orgy of violence.

So far, however, there has been no nation-wide violence comparable to that committed by another group.

Maybe they sense that there is no need to riot: They know that eventually they will be the majority ethnicity in this country and will then be in the driver's seat.

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