Will brown people riot and loot when SCOTUS rules with Trump on DACA?

Have blacks started a trend? How will the ruling impact the election?
Brown people make up a much larger percentage of the total population....This could be fun.

Side note...this kid just graduated from UC Irvine on the backs of American taxpayers and he wears a face mask representing Mexico...and he wonders why good real Americans want him gone.

You lost again.


Have blacks started a trend? How will the ruling impact the election?
Brown people make up a much larger percentage of the total population....This could be fun.

Side note...this kid just graduated from UC Irvine on the backs of American taxpayers and he wears a face mask representing Mexico...and he wonders why good real Americans want him gone.

You lost again.


No, America lost again.
You guys little by little are getting exactly what you want, no immigration laws, no borders, no deportations.
Have blacks started a trend? How will the ruling impact the election?
Brown people make up a much larger percentage of the total population....This could be fun.

Side note...this kid just graduated from UC Irvine on the backs of American taxpayers and he wears a face mask representing Mexico...and he wonders why good real Americans want him gone.
The USSC ruling was BS. If Obama can create using an EO, then Trump should be able to delete with an EO.
Now Trump can do all kinds of EOs and the next prez will need to fight like hell in courts to undo them.
Chalk up another loss for the BrokeDickLoser!
The odds are most always with Progs. The system is fixed that way. Trump is a delay of your dreams. Dreams that will end up turning into nightmares.

The history of the world is a series of stories of progressive police overcoming resistance from conservatives and moving civilazation forward.

Those triumphs of equality minded progressives over conservative policies, included the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, wherein the equality and freedom minded Founded Fathers, declared independence from the conservative rule of the British King.
Cuckservatives who do not conserve anything are the problem. Absolutely no one find these people credible at this point.

Time for Americans to step up and take care of the problem.
Imo Roberts made a political decision, but it didn't do any harm. Trump was not going to get a DACA deal, nor were there going to be deportations … before Nov anyway. The Court decision didn't say a potus could end DACA, it just said Trump didn't state valid reasons. If Trump's reelected, the issue is not going away.
Side note...this kid just graduated from UC Irvine on the backs of American taxpayers and he wears a face mask representing Mexico...and he wonders why good real Americans want him gone.

You mean the kid who's literally lived the American dream? The poor immigrant who came to this country, got a good education, and will now be a productive member of society making more money in one year than you probably will in your entire lifetime, Grand Wizard? Is that the kid you're talking about?
The IMMIGRANT? Hes an illegal alien no matter how he behaves
Have blacks started a trend? How will the ruling impact the election?
Brown people make up a much larger percentage of the total population....This could be fun.

Side note...this kid just graduated from UC Irvine on the backs of American taxpayers and he wears a face mask representing Mexico...and he wonders why good real Americans want him gone.

You lost again.


No, America lost again.
You guys little by little are getting exactly what you want, no immigration laws, no borders, no deportations.

America doesn't want what you want. Win for America. YUGE loss for you.
Cuckservatives who do not conserve anything are the problem. Absolutely no one find these people credible at this point.

Time for Americans to step up and take care of the problem.

No one finds conservatives credible because their policies have failed utterly, and they have only been able to retain power through dishonesty, voter suppression, and gerrymandering.

The Democratic New Deal put in place by Franklin Roosevelt gave the American economy the greatest period of expansion in American history, that lasted for 40 years. Economic systems need to be adjusted from time to time, and certainly Democrats were well aware that the top tax rate needed to come down. But the tax code, combined with the burgeoning social safety net both stabilized the stock market, and ensured that American workers shared in the prosperity that their labour created. The War on Poverty was highly successful, enabling an entire generation born into poverty to rise into the ranks of working and middle class workers.

Poverty rates were more than 25% when Johnson started his War on Poverty, and slightly more than 10% when Ronald Reagan declared the it over. When Reagan was elected, a child born into poverty had a 20% chance of getting a good education, and working his or her way out of poverty. Conservatives are big on pointing out that 23% of black people are poor, well 77% of blacks aren't poor, and the Republican Party continues to hammer minorities on their rates of crime, poverty, and unemployment, while ignoring that the vast majority of minorities are law abiding, tax paying, productive Americans.

It's like judging all white people on the residents of Appalachia - the poorest white people in America. They're not the typical white people. They live in an economically deprived area, where many people don't have running water, jobs or a future. WELL DUH!!! So do poor minorities.
Side note...this kid just graduated from UC Irvine on the backs of American taxpayers and he wears a face mask representing Mexico...and he wonders why good real Americans want him gone.

You mean the kid who's literally lived the American dream? The poor immigrant who came to this country, got a good education, and will now be a productive member of society making more money in one year than you probably will in your entire lifetime, Grand Wizard? Is that the kid you're talking about?
The IMMIGRANT? Hes an illegal alien no matter how he behaves

If I was going to hire someone, who would I hire: The smart, highly motivated, well-educated DACA recipient, who is grateful for the opportunity help build the country, or the entitled white male who thinks that he's all that an a bag of peanuts because of the happy accident of where he was born.

No wonder the indigent young white males all oppose the well educated, hungy young immigrants being allowed to stay. I'd hire that articulate, motivated and well educated young man over the racist, misogynistic, entitled young jerk any day of the week. I want people with positive attitude who understands that when we work together with respect and common goals, there isn't anything we can't accomplish.

I don't need some narcissicistic, entitled snot putting his biases and hatred ahead of our mutual success. No wonder xenophobic entitled assholes want these people gone.
Cuckservatives who do not conserve anything are the problem. Absolutely no one find these people credible at this point.

Time for Americans to step up and take care of the problem.

No one finds conservatives credible because their policies have failed utterly, and they have only been able to retain power through dishonesty, voter suppression, and gerrymandering.

The Democratic New Deal put in place by Franklin Roosevelt gave the American economy the greatest period of expansion in American history, that lasted for 40 years. Economic systems need to be adjusted from time to time, and certainly Democrats were well aware that the top tax rate needed to come down. But the tax code, combined with the burgeoning social safety net both stabilized the stock market, and ensured that American workers shared in the prosperity that their labour created. The War on Poverty was highly successful, enabling an entire generation born into poverty to rise into the ranks of working and middle class workers.

Poverty rates were more than 25% when Johnson started his War on Poverty, and slightly more than 10% when Ronald Reagan declared the it over. When Reagan was elected, a child born into poverty had a 20% chance of getting a good education, and working his or her way out of poverty. Conservatives are big on pointing out that 23% of black people are poor, well 77% of blacks aren't poor, and the Republican Party continues to hammer minorities on their rates of crime, poverty, and unemployment, while ignoring that the vast majority of minorities are law abiding, tax paying, productive Americans.

It's like judging all white people on the residents of Appalachia - the poorest white people in America. They're not the typical white people. They live in an economically deprived area, where many people don't have running water, jobs or a future. WELL DUH!!! So do poor minorities.

Nothing to do with their policies, but the fact they don't conserve.

We need real people who can defeat your equality bullshit. It's not difficult to take down a soy boy, you just have to do it. Same way as it is not difficult to defeat a Canadian who pretends to be an American.
Cuckservatives who do not conserve anything are the problem. Absolutely no one find these people credible at this point.

Time for Americans to step up and take care of the problem.

No one finds conservatives credible because their policies have failed utterly, and they have only been able to retain power through dishonesty, voter suppression, and gerrymandering.

The Democratic New Deal put in place by Franklin Roosevelt gave the American economy the greatest period of expansion in American history, that lasted for 40 years. Economic systems need to be adjusted from time to time, and certainly Democrats were well aware that the top tax rate needed to come down. But the tax code, combined with the burgeoning social safety net both stabilized the stock market, and ensured that American workers shared in the prosperity that their labour created. The War on Poverty was highly successful, enabling an entire generation born into poverty to rise into the ranks of working and middle class workers.

Poverty rates were more than 25% when Johnson started his War on Poverty, and slightly more than 10% when Ronald Reagan declared the it over. When Reagan was elected, a child born into poverty had a 20% chance of getting a good education, and working his or her way out of poverty. Conservatives are big on pointing out that 23% of black people are poor, well 77% of blacks aren't poor, and the Republican Party continues to hammer minorities on their rates of crime, poverty, and unemployment, while ignoring that the vast majority of minorities are law abiding, tax paying, productive Americans.

It's like judging all white people on the residents of Appalachia - the poorest white people in America. They're not the typical white people. They live in an economically deprived area, where many people don't have running water, jobs or a future. WELL DUH!!! So do poor minorities.

Hmmm....Mexifornia, 12% of the nations population and 33% of the nations welfare recipients....Highest poverty rate in the nation without counting the illegal wetback population...ranks last in the nation for quality of life.
Hmm, are sure that Leftist / Democrat ideals are working?

Who Participated in welfare?
  • The black population: At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.

Now search, school dropout by race, single mother households by race, abortion rates by race, rape committed by race, murder committed by race, research criminality and who’s incarcerated, average iQ by race, income by race...etc etc
I think you’ll find that you beloved dark people are a net loss for American society. Report back with your findings please.
Thanks in advance.

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