Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?

Hillary is the one responsible for the mess she's in. She's the one who created it.

So, you agree with what Comey did - by violating FBI protocol of not releasing information regarding any internal investigations within 60 days of a presidential election - without any proof of wrongdoing?
Yes. Voters should know about any ongoing investigations before they hit the polls.

Why? Even if there is no proof of wrongdoing? You think that's fair?
yes there was wrong doing. she had a supeona from congress to produce the emails but she destroyed them instead. just think this could all have been behind her had she been truthful, but no, not Hillary.

She is rotten to the core. I just can't help but have this hatred for her within my guts. She sickens me, and whenever she speaks, all I can think is how much I'd like to punch her.
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.

She created this dung bed. Now she gets to lie in it.
I would certainly like for a woman to get the chance to be president, but Cankles is no woman. My ex is a member of LIUNA and went to Boston for a "meeting." There they had a huge TV screen with Cankles big ugly face screaming at them. He said most of the guys were laughing at her trying to act like a "tough guy." Lol. She's a joke even for the members of LIUNA.

I'm sure most of the guys were, they hate to see a female president.
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.

Hilliary has more than enough negatives in her column that were she running against an even slightly less unsavory opponent she'd be down by double digits and you want to blame Comey if she loses now?

At this point - who should she blame if she loses?

Herself. Just as Dump has no one to blame but himself.

I know you probably don't agree, but it is I my opinion that the country as a whole loses no matter which candidate wins.
I would certainly like for a woman to get the chance to be president, but Cankles is no woman. My ex is a member of LIUNA and went to Boston for a "meeting." There they had a huge TV screen with Cankles big ugly face screaming at them. He said most of the guys were laughing at her trying to act like a "tough guy." Lol. She's a joke even for the members of LIUNA.

I'm sure most of the guys were, they hate to see a female president.

Bull, nobody really cares about the gender of the president. What people care about is that it is not Cankles.

I don't know though, maybe the people you hang out with think that way, but that doesn't give you the right to project that onto people you don't even know and have never met! A ridiculous comment.
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.

Right. Just like Hellary and Wassermann Shultz valued the democratic process during the primaries against Bernie. Can you say HYPOCRISY?

Hillary is the one responsible for the mess she's in. She's the one who created it.

So, you agree with what Comey did - by violating FBI protocol of not releasing information regarding any internal investigations within 60 days of a presidential election - without any proof of wrongdoing?
Yes. Voters should know about any ongoing investigations before they hit the polls.

Why? Even if there is no proof of wrongdoing? You think that's fair?
yes there was wrong doing. she had a supeona from congress to produce the emails but she destroyed them instead. just think this could all have been behind her had she been truthful, but no, not Hillary.

She is rotten to the core. I just can't help but have this hatred for her within my guts. She sickens me, and whenever she speaks, all I can think is how much I'd like to punch her.

How is she rotten to the core. Lets see she is and was an attorney, First lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the White House , Senator for 8 years of NY and then Secretary of State for 4 years and now the 1st Presidential female nominee , I just can't imagine how she is rotten to the core, not to mention her name on a Charity that has a A rating. How in the world did she accomplish so much being rotten to the core. Are you jealous of her. I know many men and women are.

What has Trump done? beside lawsuits and getting away with not paying taxes.
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.

Right. Just like Hellary and Wassermann Shultz valued the democratic process during the primaries against Bernie. Can you say HYPOCRISY?

So, you agree with what Comey did - by violating FBI protocol of not releasing information regarding any internal investigations within 60 days of a presidential election - without any proof of wrongdoing?
Yes. Voters should know about any ongoing investigations before they hit the polls.

Why? Even if there is no proof of wrongdoing? You think that's fair?
yes there was wrong doing. she had a supeona from congress to produce the emails but she destroyed them instead. just think this could all have been behind her had she been truthful, but no, not Hillary.

She is rotten to the core. I just can't help but have this hatred for her within my guts. She sickens me, and whenever she speaks, all I can think is how much I'd like to punch her.

How is she rotten to the core. Lets see she is and was an attorney, First lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the White House , Senator for 8 years of NY and then Secretary of State for 4 years and now the 1st Presidential female nominee , I just can't imagine how she is rotten to the core, not to mention her name on a Charity that has a A rating. How in the world did she accomplish so much being rotten to the core. Are you jealous of her. I know many men and women are.

What has Trump done? beside lawsuits and getting away with not paying taxes.

Yeah, everyone wishes they were an old bat! Lol. Nobody is jealous of that old hag except maybe you. You can only speak for yourself after all.

She left men to DIE in Benghazi, after claiming she would be there to "take that 3 AM call." Lies. She voted YES to the Iraq War Resolution, then she claims that Donald Trump supported the war when he didn't even hold a VOTE. Lies. She talks about "the children" in her commercial when she defended a rapist who raped a child. Lies.

Everything that spews out of that ass's mouth is a lie. If you can't see that, then you are deaf, dumb and blind.
I would certainly like for a woman to get the chance to be president, but Cankles is no woman. My ex is a member of LIUNA and went to Boston for a "meeting." There they had a huge TV screen with Cankles big ugly face screaming at them. He said most of the guys were laughing at her trying to act like a "tough guy." Lol. She's a joke even for the members of LIUNA.

I'm sure most of the guys were, they hate to see a female president.

Bull, nobody really cares about the gender of the president. What people care about is that it is not Cankles.

I don't know though, maybe the people you hang out with think that way, but that doesn't give you the right to project that onto people you don't even know and have never met! A ridiculous comment.

I would certainly like for a woman to get the chance to be president, but Cankles is no woman. My ex is a member of LIUNA and went to Boston for a "meeting." There they had a huge TV screen with Cankles big ugly face screaming at them. He said most of the guys were laughing at her trying to act like a "tough guy." Lol. She's a joke even for the members of LIUNA.

I'm sure most of the guys were, they hate to see a female president.

Bull, nobody really cares about the gender of the president. What people care about is that it is not Cankles.

I don't know though, maybe the people you hang out with think that way, but that doesn't give you the right to project that onto people you don't even know and have never met! A ridiculous comment.

Bull, I think a lot of people do, same as a lot of people had a problem with a black President.

Now tell me what exactly she is guilty of with proof.
She jeopardized the national security of OUR country.


It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.

Right. Just like Hellary and Wassermann Shultz valued the democratic process during the primaries against Bernie. Can you say HYPOCRISY?

Yes. Voters should know about any ongoing investigations before they hit the polls.

Why? Even if there is no proof of wrongdoing? You think that's fair?
yes there was wrong doing. she had a supeona from congress to produce the emails but she destroyed them instead. just think this could all have been behind her had she been truthful, but no, not Hillary.

She is rotten to the core. I just can't help but have this hatred for her within my guts. She sickens me, and whenever she speaks, all I can think is how much I'd like to punch her.

How is she rotten to the core. Lets see she is and was an attorney, First lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the White House , Senator for 8 years of NY and then Secretary of State for 4 years and now the 1st Presidential female nominee , I just can't imagine how she is rotten to the core, not to mention her name on a Charity that has a A rating. How in the world did she accomplish so much being rotten to the core. Are you jealous of her. I know many men and women are.

What has Trump done? beside lawsuits and getting away with not paying taxes.

Yeah, everyone wishes they were an old bat! Lol. Nobody is jealous of that old hag except maybe you. You can only speak for yourself after all.

She left men to DIE in Benghazi, after claiming she would be there to "take that 3 AM call." Lies. She voted YES to the Iraq War Resolution, then she claims that Donald Trump supported the war when he didn't even hold a VOTE. Lies. She talks about "the children" in her commercial when she defended a rapist who raped a child. Lies.

Everything that spews out of that ass's mouth is a lie. If you can't see that, then you are deaf, dumb and blind.

BS she did not leave men to die in Bengahzi. They were told to leave and refused. Get your info right. Yes she defended a rapist, did her job, didn't she. I guess you'd want an attorney to do their job , or no. How many men died due to Bush /Cheney , want to go there? Stevens was told not to go to Libya, but he insisted on being there.

Was she suppose to be a super woman and fly over the Atlantic and swoop Stevens and his party up to safety. Get real.
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.

Right. Just like Hellary and Wassermann Shultz valued the democratic process during the primaries against Bernie. Can you say HYPOCRISY?

Why? Even if there is no proof of wrongdoing? You think that's fair?
yes there was wrong doing. she had a supeona from congress to produce the emails but she destroyed them instead. just think this could all have been behind her had she been truthful, but no, not Hillary.

She is rotten to the core. I just can't help but have this hatred for her within my guts. She sickens me, and whenever she speaks, all I can think is how much I'd like to punch her.

How is she rotten to the core. Lets see she is and was an attorney, First lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the White House , Senator for 8 years of NY and then Secretary of State for 4 years and now the 1st Presidential female nominee , I just can't imagine how she is rotten to the core, not to mention her name on a Charity that has a A rating. How in the world did she accomplish so much being rotten to the core. Are you jealous of her. I know many men and women are.

What has Trump done? beside lawsuits and getting away with not paying taxes.

Yeah, everyone wishes they were an old bat! Lol. Nobody is jealous of that old hag except maybe you. You can only speak for yourself after all.

She left men to DIE in Benghazi, after claiming she would be there to "take that 3 AM call." Lies. She voted YES to the Iraq War Resolution, then she claims that Donald Trump supported the war when he didn't even hold a VOTE. Lies. She talks about "the children" in her commercial when she defended a rapist who raped a child. Lies.

Everything that spews out of that ass's mouth is a lie. If you can't see that, then you are deaf, dumb and blind.

BS she did not leave men to die in Bengahzi. They were told to leave and refused. Get your info right. Yes she defended a rapist, did her job, didn't she. I guess you'd want an attorney to do their job , or no. How many men died due to Bush /Cheney , want to go there? Stevens was told not to go to Libya, but he insisted on being there.

Was she suppose to be a super woman and fly over the Atlantic and swoop Stevens and his party up to safety. Get real.

They KNEW about what was stirring over there before it even happened. Those guys do NOT give the orders. They followed their orders from their bosses (of which one was Hillary "Rotten" Clinton). Stop making excuses for this bitch. It just makes you look like a dumb lackey.
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.

Right. Just like Hellary and Wassermann Shultz valued the democratic process during the primaries against Bernie. Can you say HYPOCRISY?

yes there was wrong doing. she had a supeona from congress to produce the emails but she destroyed them instead. just think this could all have been behind her had she been truthful, but no, not Hillary.

She is rotten to the core. I just can't help but have this hatred for her within my guts. She sickens me, and whenever she speaks, all I can think is how much I'd like to punch her.

How is she rotten to the core. Lets see she is and was an attorney, First lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the White House , Senator for 8 years of NY and then Secretary of State for 4 years and now the 1st Presidential female nominee , I just can't imagine how she is rotten to the core, not to mention her name on a Charity that has a A rating. How in the world did she accomplish so much being rotten to the core. Are you jealous of her. I know many men and women are.

What has Trump done? beside lawsuits and getting away with not paying taxes.

Yeah, everyone wishes they were an old bat! Lol. Nobody is jealous of that old hag except maybe you. You can only speak for yourself after all.

She left men to DIE in Benghazi, after claiming she would be there to "take that 3 AM call." Lies. She voted YES to the Iraq War Resolution, then she claims that Donald Trump supported the war when he didn't even hold a VOTE. Lies. She talks about "the children" in her commercial when she defended a rapist who raped a child. Lies.

Everything that spews out of that ass's mouth is a lie. If you can't see that, then you are deaf, dumb and blind.

BS she did not leave men to die in Bengahzi. They were told to leave and refused. Get your info right. Yes she defended a rapist, did her job, didn't she. I guess you'd want an attorney to do their job , or no. How many men died due to Bush /Cheney , want to go there? Stevens was told not to go to Libya, but he insisted on being there.

Was she suppose to be a super woman and fly over the Atlantic and swoop Stevens and his party up to safety. Get real.

They KNEW about what was stirring over there before it even happened. Those guys do NOT give the orders. They followed their orders from their bosses (of which one was Hillary "Rotten" Clinton). Stop making excuses for this bitch. It just makes you look like a dumb lackey.

Innocence of Muslims came out, done by a Jew and paid for by Jews, and that caused the rioting and attack, which was not the only Muslim attacks.
You liberals are pathetic - you're blaming everyone except the one who is responsible and made all this happen:


If Hillary loses, HILLARY will have cost Hillary the Presidency....corrupt, criminal bitch!
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.

Right. Just like Hellary and Wassermann Shultz valued the democratic process during the primaries against Bernie. Can you say HYPOCRISY?

Why? Even if there is no proof of wrongdoing? You think that's fair?
yes there was wrong doing. she had a supeona from congress to produce the emails but she destroyed them instead. just think this could all have been behind her had she been truthful, but no, not Hillary.

She is rotten to the core. I just can't help but have this hatred for her within my guts. She sickens me, and whenever she speaks, all I can think is how much I'd like to punch her.

How is she rotten to the core. Lets see she is and was an attorney, First lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the White House , Senator for 8 years of NY and then Secretary of State for 4 years and now the 1st Presidential female nominee , I just can't imagine how she is rotten to the core, not to mention her name on a Charity that has a A rating. How in the world did she accomplish so much being rotten to the core. Are you jealous of her. I know many men and women are.

What has Trump done? beside lawsuits and getting away with not paying taxes.

Yeah, everyone wishes they were an old bat! Lol. Nobody is jealous of that old hag except maybe you. You can only speak for yourself after all.

She left men to DIE in Benghazi, after claiming she would be there to "take that 3 AM call." Lies. She voted YES to the Iraq War Resolution, then she claims that Donald Trump supported the war when he didn't even hold a VOTE. Lies. She talks about "the children" in her commercial when she defended a rapist who raped a child. Lies.

Everything that spews out of that ass's mouth is a lie. If you can't see that, then you are deaf, dumb and blind.

BS she did not leave men to die in Bengahzi. They were told to leave and refused. Get your info right. Yes she defended a rapist, did her job, didn't she. I guess you'd want an attorney to do their job , or no. How many men died due to Bush /Cheney , want to go there? Stevens was told not to go to Libya, but he insisted on being there.

Was she suppose to be a super woman and fly over the Atlantic and swoop Stevens and his party up to safety. Get real.

"They were told to leave and refused"

You get to prove this little factoid ;)
I guess you'd want an attorney to do their job , or no.


Her job was FRAUD for Castle Grande, then she hid behind the skirt of Chelsea's bio daddy, Webb Hubbell, who claimed to do the work Hillary billed for, and Hubbell went to the can.

Hillary billed for fraud, and then "confessed" in court she engaged in BILLING FRAUD.

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