Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?

Trump Supporter Jeanine Pirro Defends Hillary Clinton Over FBI Announcement

The former prosecutor said the FBI decision violates “the most fundamental rules of fairness and impartiality.”

Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro came to Hillary Clinton’s defense on Sunday, criticizing FBI Director James Comey over his recently announced investigation into new emails relating to the former secretary of state.

“Comey’s actions violate, not only long-standing Justice Department policy, the directive of the person that he works under, the attorney general,” the former prosecutor said, referring to Loretta Lynch’s reported disagreement with Comey, “but even more important, the most fundamental rules of fairness and impartiality.”

More: Trump Supporter Jeanine Pirro Defends Hillary Clinton Over FBI Announcement

Amen! Thank you, Jeanine Pirro, for placing fair and honest democracy above dirty partisan politics!
There’s no doubt that Hillary is the candidate of Wall Street. Even more dangerous, though, is that she is the candidate of the military-industrial complex. The idea that she is bad on the corporate issues but good on national security has it wrong. Her so-called foreign policy “experience” has been to support every war demanded by the US deep security state run by the military and the CIA.

Hillary and Bill Clinton’s close relations with Wall Street helped to stoke two financial bubbles (1999-2000 and 2005-8) and the Great Recession that followed Lehman’s collapse. In the 1990s they pushed financial deregulation for their campaign backers that in turn let loose the worst demons of financial manipulation, toxic assets, financial fraud, and eventually collapse. In the process they won elections and got mighty rich.

Yet Hillary’s connections with the military-industrial complex are also alarming. It is often believed that the Republicans are the neocons and the Democrats act as restraints on the warmongering. This is not correct. Both parties are divided between neocon hawks and cautious realists who don’t want the US in unending war. Hillary is a staunch neocon whose record of favoring American war adventures explains much of our current security danger.

Just as the last Clinton presidency set the stage for financial collapse, it also set the stage for unending war. On October 31, 1998 President Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act that made it official US policy to support “regime change” in Iraq.

Hillary Is the Candidate of the War Machine | Huffington Post
Amen! Thank you, Jeanine Pirro, for placing fair and honest democracy above partisan politics!


This purely partisan individual would vote for Hillary no matter what, and doesn't care beans about the truth, the rule of law etc..
The infamous Clinton reset button for US-Russian relations turned out this week to be the other proverbial red button used to launch nuclear missiles. Wikileaks documents that will be covered in this series of articles reveal a chain of wars that started due to Hillary Clinton’s diplomacy.

Hillary’s Wars exploded this week when Russian President Vladimir Putin terminated nuclear disarmament agreements that existed between Russia and the United States:

Tensions between the U.S. and Russia escalated Monday as the Obama administration suspended talks over Syria’s civil war hours after Moscow announced it was ending cooperation with the U.S. on a 16-year-old program for the disposal of weapons-grade plutonium to curb the production of more nuclear bombs.

The Obama administration stopped pursuing diplomacy with Russia amid renewed attacks by Russian and Syrian forces on the city of Aleppo. Frustrated administration officials acknowledged that Syrian President Bashar Assad is making territorial gains with Moscow’s help after the collapse of a cease-fire negotiated by Secretary of State John F. Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. (The Washington Times)

Why Clinton reset button went nuclear

Putin stated that he is ending the Plutonium-elimination agreement because the United States has failed under Barrack Obama to hold up its end of the agreement.

Mr. Putin’s decree cited Washington’s “unfriendly actions” and the U.S. inability to fulfill its obligations under the 2000 deal as reasons for the move. Under the agreement, which was expanded in 2006 and 2010, Russia and the U.S. each were to dispose of 34 metric tons of weapons-grade plutonium, enough material for about 17,000 nuclear warheads…. Russia said last year it had started up a plant that produces mixed-oxide commercial nuclear reactor fuel known as MOX from weapons-grade plutonium. Meanwhile, the construction of a similar U.S. plant in South Carolina has been years behind schedule and billions of dollars over budget. The Obama administration wants to cancel the Savannah River Site’s MOX project…. Defending Mr. Putin’s move, the Russian Foreign Ministry said the U.S. has “done all it could to destroy the atmosphere encouraging cooperation,” citing U.S. sanctions on Moscow over the Ukrainian crisis and deploying NATO forces near Russian borders.
Amen! Thank you, Jeanine Pirro, for placing fair and honest democracy above partisan politics!


This purely partisan individual would vote for Hillary no matter what, and doesn't care beans about the truth, the rule of law etc..

NaziCons have cried "wolf" so many times against the Clintons that when a real "wolf" shows up - most sane people don't give a shit. I don't give a shit. NaziCons owe the Clintons many "get out of jail free" cards.
Hillary’s crudely made toy reset button for relations with Russia was defective from the day she had it made. It said “reset” in English for Americans who would see photos of it and “peregruzka” for Russians. Undoubtedly, a lot of thought went into putting the Russian word first in order to make the Russian’s feel good, since the button was being presented to Russians, not to Americans. However, not much thought went into how the word was written. Hillary Clinton’s state department missed the little detail that Russians read in Cyrillic alphabet, not in Roman. As a result, Russians had to read their own language in the American way. Rather symbolic, I think, of the ham-fisted way in which America has approached Russia on many issues from George Bush onward. “We’ll work with you … our way.”

Russians also found the Clinton reset button amusing because the Russian word Hillary Clinton and her Department of State chose actually meant “overload.” Oops. A truer word for Clinton’s relations with Russia during her time as US secretary of state and Obama’s relations from that point forward could not have been chosen.

What Hillary apparently didn’t foresee when she presented her toy reset button back in March of 2009 was that she brought the wrong button to her meeting with Russia’s foreign minister. Without realizing it, she was holding out the opportunity for her Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, to put his finger on the nuclear button. Ironically, it said “reset” in English only because the policies of the Clinton state department and the subsequent Kerry state department would ultimately reset Russian-American relations back to Cold War status.

Hillary miscalculated Russian response in Syria

While the next article in this series will establish from Wikileaks archive of Hillary Clinton’s emails that the Clinton State Department always intended a war against Syria for the sake of regime change, I want to point out one part of that masterplan that shows how Hillary’s strategies clearly misfired.

The Department of State, under Hillary’s lead, put out a document recommending war against Syria, that assured President Obama — based on Hillary’s close experience with her Husband’s war in Kosovo — that Russia would never involve itself in a Syrian War if the Obama administration chose to take the State Department’s advice and pursue regime change:

Russia will never support such a mission [as regime change in Syria], so there is no point operating through the UN Security Council. Some argue that U.S. involvement risks a wider war with Russia. But the Kosovo example shows otherwise. In that case, Russia had genuine ethnic and political ties to the Serbs, which don’t exist between Russia and Syria, and even then Russia did little more than complain. (Wikileaks)

Oops! I guess Russia thought differently after years of feeling pushed around its borders by the US and realized that it needs to do more than complain if the US is going to take its objections seriously and not discount them as the State Department did above. Rather than just complain Russia leaped directly into the Syrian Civil War with its own bombers.

This week, it took another leap and ended cooperation on its nuclear treaty with the US, taking both nations deeper into Cold War status. Oops again in terms of Hillary’s calculations about how Russia would respond to US efforts to turn over the Assad regime.

As the next article will show (“Wikileaks Proves Syria about Iran and Israel“), the cost of getting a tenuous nuclear “deal” with Iran was the loss of an established nuclear treaty with Russia. I’ll leave it to you to decide if that’s a winning outcome; but it is clearly a case where Hillary’s state department miscalculated how much the US can keep pushing Russia around, which the next step in Russia’s warnings makes even more clear:

Hillary’s War in Syria becomes a proxy war with Russia

While a few have claimed US involvement in the Syrian war was really intended as a proxy war against Russia, I think the next article will show that the US simply miscalculated how involved Russia would get in Syria because they show the state department clearly had a different (but equally imperial) motive than engaging with Russia. In the statement above, they show they didn’t believe Russia would get involved at all.

That said, the proximity of war with Russia in Syria certainly intensified Friday. Russia has placed anti-aircraft artillery in and around areas where Assad’s forces are located, and then issued the following warning late last week:

An extraordinary warning tonight from Russia to the US against conducting military strikes in Syria. In a strongly worded statement, a spokesperson for the Russian defense minister said any [US] strikes against President Bashar Assad’s regime … could result in American aircraft being shot down. (ABC)

US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter responded Friday that Russia will face the consequences for its growing involvement in Syria. (See, they are surprised Russia has had the boxy to involve itself in a way that endangers US aircraft as a result of earlier advice from Hillary that said it wouldn’t. Thus, the Obama administration professes outrage that things have taken this seriously dangerous turn.)

The Pentagon this week has been presenting the Obama administration with options for potential strikes on Assad’s air force bases to punish the regime for its failure to abide by the recent ceasefire agreement. (And, as the next article shows, because overthrowing Assad was always Plan One as a measure of support for Israel.) State Department officials, however, have said that Obama is unlikely to approve the strikes, though the Joint Chiefs of Staff are in favor of them.

To this news of recommended air strikes directly against Assad, Major-General Igor Konashenkov, the Russian defense ministry spokesman, responded,

I would recommend our colleagues in Washington to thoroughly consider the possible consequences of the realization of such plans.

This is about as close as you get to a hot war with Russia without actually being in one. Russia is not just saber rattling. It is saying its missiles will be in the air, and Russia won’t have time to coordinate missile flight plans with the US. So, if the US happens to be in the air in the same place and same time, its planes could get shot down.
Right. Just like Hellary and Wassermann Shultz valued the democratic process during the primaries against Bernie. Can you say HYPOCRISY?

She is rotten to the core. I just can't help but have this hatred for her within my guts. She sickens me, and whenever she speaks, all I can think is how much I'd like to punch her.

How is she rotten to the core. Lets see she is and was an attorney, First lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the White House , Senator for 8 years of NY and then Secretary of State for 4 years and now the 1st Presidential female nominee , I just can't imagine how she is rotten to the core, not to mention her name on a Charity that has a A rating. How in the world did she accomplish so much being rotten to the core. Are you jealous of her. I know many men and women are.

What has Trump done? beside lawsuits and getting away with not paying taxes.

Yeah, everyone wishes they were an old bat! Lol. Nobody is jealous of that old hag except maybe you. You can only speak for yourself after all.

She left men to DIE in Benghazi, after claiming she would be there to "take that 3 AM call." Lies. She voted YES to the Iraq War Resolution, then she claims that Donald Trump supported the war when he didn't even hold a VOTE. Lies. She talks about "the children" in her commercial when she defended a rapist who raped a child. Lies.

Everything that spews out of that ass's mouth is a lie. If you can't see that, then you are deaf, dumb and blind.

BS she did not leave men to die in Bengahzi. They were told to leave and refused. Get your info right. Yes she defended a rapist, did her job, didn't she. I guess you'd want an attorney to do their job , or no. How many men died due to Bush /Cheney , want to go there? Stevens was told not to go to Libya, but he insisted on being there.

Was she suppose to be a super woman and fly over the Atlantic and swoop Stevens and his party up to safety. Get real.

They KNEW about what was stirring over there before it even happened. Those guys do NOT give the orders. They followed their orders from their bosses (of which one was Hillary "Rotten" Clinton). Stop making excuses for this bitch. It just makes you look like a dumb lackey.

Innocence of Muslims came out, done by a Jew and paid for by Jews, and that caused the rioting and attack, which was not the only Muslim attacks.

"They were told to leave and refused"

You get to prove this little factoid ;)
One can hope. Its about time the Clintons are brought to justice for selling out their political offices.

Its absolutely disgusting that you are still trying to uphold her in her crimes. Hillary is subject to the law just like anyone else would be.
NaziCons owe the Clintons many "get out of jail free" cards.

This batshit idiot doesn't even understand she is supporting the ideology of the National Socialists....

1. socialism
2. gun control/confiscation
3. state sponsored abortion
4. state sponsored DNA discrimination
5. using a biased/controlled media to lie to the public
6. engaging in fraud to start wars over lies

Sweetie, that is you and the Nazi ideology, one and the same...

Meanwhile, can you explain Castle Grande and Whitewater to us again...

Right. Just like Hellary and Wassermann Shultz valued the democratic process during the primaries against Bernie. Can you say HYPOCRISY?

She is rotten to the core. I just can't help but have this hatred for her within my guts. She sickens me, and whenever she speaks, all I can think is how much I'd like to punch her.

How is she rotten to the core. Lets see she is and was an attorney, First lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the White House , Senator for 8 years of NY and then Secretary of State for 4 years and now the 1st Presidential female nominee , I just can't imagine how she is rotten to the core, not to mention her name on a Charity that has a A rating. How in the world did she accomplish so much being rotten to the core. Are you jealous of her. I know many men and women are.

What has Trump done? beside lawsuits and getting away with not paying taxes.

Yeah, everyone wishes they were an old bat! Lol. Nobody is jealous of that old hag except maybe you. You can only speak for yourself after all.

She left men to DIE in Benghazi, after claiming she would be there to "take that 3 AM call." Lies. She voted YES to the Iraq War Resolution, then she claims that Donald Trump supported the war when he didn't even hold a VOTE. Lies. She talks about "the children" in her commercial when she defended a rapist who raped a child. Lies.

Everything that spews out of that ass's mouth is a lie. If you can't see that, then you are deaf, dumb and blind.

BS she did not leave men to die in Bengahzi. They were told to leave and refused. Get your info right. Yes she defended a rapist, did her job, didn't she. I guess you'd want an attorney to do their job , or no. How many men died due to Bush /Cheney , want to go there? Stevens was told not to go to Libya, but he insisted on being there.

Was she suppose to be a super woman and fly over the Atlantic and swoop Stevens and his party up to safety. Get real.

They KNEW about what was stirring over there before it even happened. Those guys do NOT give the orders. They followed their orders from their bosses (of which one was Hillary "Rotten" Clinton). Stop making excuses for this bitch. It just makes you look like a dumb lackey.

Innocence of Muslims came out, done by a Jew and paid for by Jews, and that caused the rioting and attack, which was not the only Muslim attacks.

I detest fools.

Wikileaks: 67 Emails Between Hillary and Chelsea Clinton under HER FAKE NAME "Diane Reynolds"

Second email down, dated 9/11.
In it Bitchlery tells Chelsea that it was a Terror attack.
I guess you'd want an attorney to do their job , or no.


Her job was FRAUD for Castle Grande, then she hid behind the skirt of Chelsea's bio daddy, Webb Hubbell, who claimed to do the work Hillary billed for, and Hubbell went to the can.

Hillary billed for fraud, and then "confessed" in court she engaged in BILLING FRAUD.

Now for the link, she billed for fraud and confessed in court.
How is she rotten to the core. Lets see she is and was an attorney, First lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the White House , Senator for 8 years of NY and then Secretary of State for 4 years and now the 1st Presidential female nominee , I just can't imagine how she is rotten to the core, not to mention her name on a Charity that has a A rating. How in the world did she accomplish so much being rotten to the core. Are you jealous of her. I know many men and women are.

What has Trump done? beside lawsuits and getting away with not paying taxes.

Yeah, everyone wishes they were an old bat! Lol. Nobody is jealous of that old hag except maybe you. You can only speak for yourself after all.

She left men to DIE in Benghazi, after claiming she would be there to "take that 3 AM call." Lies. She voted YES to the Iraq War Resolution, then she claims that Donald Trump supported the war when he didn't even hold a VOTE. Lies. She talks about "the children" in her commercial when she defended a rapist who raped a child. Lies.

Everything that spews out of that ass's mouth is a lie. If you can't see that, then you are deaf, dumb and blind.

BS she did not leave men to die in Bengahzi. They were told to leave and refused. Get your info right. Yes she defended a rapist, did her job, didn't she. I guess you'd want an attorney to do their job , or no. How many men died due to Bush /Cheney , want to go there? Stevens was told not to go to Libya, but he insisted on being there.

Was she suppose to be a super woman and fly over the Atlantic and swoop Stevens and his party up to safety. Get real.

They KNEW about what was stirring over there before it even happened. Those guys do NOT give the orders. They followed their orders from their bosses (of which one was Hillary "Rotten" Clinton). Stop making excuses for this bitch. It just makes you look like a dumb lackey.

Innocence of Muslims came out, done by a Jew and paid for by Jews, and that caused the rioting and attack, which was not the only Muslim attacks.

I detest fools.

Wikileaks: 67 Emails Between Hillary and Chelsea Clinton under HER FAKE NAME "Diane Reynolds"

Second email down, dated 9/11.
In it Bitchlery tells Chelsea that it was a Terror attack.
Your link didn't work. What was a terror attack?

Do you think 9-11 has any significance.
They refused to leave? What a dumbass comment! They had to follow orders. That is not for them to decide.

why not read what his family had to say. Yes he wanted to be there, and knew the risks and stayed.

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi

By Robin Wright

, June 28, 2016

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

It is partly HER fault. I don't care what the family says. She had the power to evacuate those men but did NOT. She also had the power to send extra security forces but did NOT. She is an incompetent failure.
Yeah, everyone wishes they were an old bat! Lol. Nobody is jealous of that old hag except maybe you. You can only speak for yourself after all.

She left men to DIE in Benghazi, after claiming she would be there to "take that 3 AM call." Lies. She voted YES to the Iraq War Resolution, then she claims that Donald Trump supported the war when he didn't even hold a VOTE. Lies. She talks about "the children" in her commercial when she defended a rapist who raped a child. Lies.

Everything that spews out of that ass's mouth is a lie. If you can't see that, then you are deaf, dumb and blind.

BS she did not leave men to die in Bengahzi. They were told to leave and refused. Get your info right. Yes she defended a rapist, did her job, didn't she. I guess you'd want an attorney to do their job , or no. How many men died due to Bush /Cheney , want to go there? Stevens was told not to go to Libya, but he insisted on being there.

Was she suppose to be a super woman and fly over the Atlantic and swoop Stevens and his party up to safety. Get real.

They KNEW about what was stirring over there before it even happened. Those guys do NOT give the orders. They followed their orders from their bosses (of which one was Hillary "Rotten" Clinton). Stop making excuses for this bitch. It just makes you look like a dumb lackey.

Innocence of Muslims came out, done by a Jew and paid for by Jews, and that caused the rioting and attack, which was not the only Muslim attacks.

I detest fools.

Wikileaks: 67 Emails Between Hillary and Chelsea Clinton under HER FAKE NAME "Diane Reynolds"

Second email down, dated 9/11.
In it Bitchlery tells Chelsea that it was a Terror attack.
Your link didn't work. What was a terror attack?

Do you think 9-11 has any significance.

Stop lying. The link works fine.
They refused to leave? What a dumbass comment! They had to follow orders. That is not for them to decide.

why not read what his family had to say. Yes he wanted to be there, and knew the risks and stayed.

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi

By Robin Wright

, June 28, 2016

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

It is partly HER fault. I don't care what the family says. She had the power to evacuate those men but did NOT. She also had the power to send extra security forces but did NOT. She is an incompetent failure.

No its not her fault. But you go ahead and keep telling yourself that, and that she is a murderer. Stevens went to bed early, does that sound like he was worried for his life? Keep living under the delusions.
They refused to leave? What a dumbass comment! They had to follow orders. That is not for them to decide.

why not read what his family had to say. Yes he wanted to be there, and knew the risks and stayed.

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi

By Robin Wright

, June 28, 2016

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

It is partly HER fault. I don't care what the family says. She had the power to evacuate those men but did NOT. She also had the power to send extra security forces but did NOT. She is an incompetent failure.

No its not her fault. But you go ahead and keep telling yourself that, and that she is a murderer. Stevens went to bed early, does that sound like he was worried for his life? Keep living under the delusions.

They KNEW those men's lives were in danger.
Yeah, everyone wishes they were an old bat! Lol. Nobody is jealous of that old hag except maybe you. You can only speak for yourself after all.

She left men to DIE in Benghazi, after claiming she would be there to "take that 3 AM call." Lies. She voted YES to the Iraq War Resolution, then she claims that Donald Trump supported the war when he didn't even hold a VOTE. Lies. She talks about "the children" in her commercial when she defended a rapist who raped a child. Lies.

Everything that spews out of that ass's mouth is a lie. If you can't see that, then you are deaf, dumb and blind.

BS she did not leave men to die in Bengahzi. They were told to leave and refused. Get your info right. Yes she defended a rapist, did her job, didn't she. I guess you'd want an attorney to do their job , or no. How many men died due to Bush /Cheney , want to go there? Stevens was told not to go to Libya, but he insisted on being there.

Was she suppose to be a super woman and fly over the Atlantic and swoop Stevens and his party up to safety. Get real.

They KNEW about what was stirring over there before it even happened. Those guys do NOT give the orders. They followed their orders from their bosses (of which one was Hillary "Rotten" Clinton). Stop making excuses for this bitch. It just makes you look like a dumb lackey.

Innocence of Muslims came out, done by a Jew and paid for by Jews, and that caused the rioting and attack, which was not the only Muslim attacks.

I detest fools.

Wikileaks: 67 Emails Between Hillary and Chelsea Clinton under HER FAKE NAME "Diane Reynolds"

Second email down, dated 9/11.
In it Bitchlery tells Chelsea that it was a Terror attack.
Your link didn't work. What was a terror attack?

Do you think 9-11 has any significance.

Try again.

Wikileaks: 67 Emails Between Hillary and Chelsea Clinton under HER FAKE NAME "Diane Reynolds"

The email Hillary sent to Chelsea tells her Benghazi was a Terror Attack

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