Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?

BS she did not leave men to die in Bengahzi. They were told to leave and refused. Get your info right. Yes she defended a rapist, did her job, didn't she. I guess you'd want an attorney to do their job , or no. How many men died due to Bush /Cheney , want to go there? Stevens was told not to go to Libya, but he insisted on being there.

Was she suppose to be a super woman and fly over the Atlantic and swoop Stevens and his party up to safety. Get real.

They KNEW about what was stirring over there before it even happened. Those guys do NOT give the orders. They followed their orders from their bosses (of which one was Hillary "Rotten" Clinton). Stop making excuses for this bitch. It just makes you look like a dumb lackey.

Innocence of Muslims came out, done by a Jew and paid for by Jews, and that caused the rioting and attack, which was not the only Muslim attacks.

I detest fools.

Wikileaks: 67 Emails Between Hillary and Chelsea Clinton under HER FAKE NAME "Diane Reynolds"

Second email down, dated 9/11.
In it Bitchlery tells Chelsea that it was a Terror attack.
Your link didn't work. What was a terror attack?

Do you think 9-11 has any significance.

Stop lying. The link works fine.

Not on my computer, but I have good virus protection. I also do not accept third party cookies.
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.

Maybe. It appears she was crowing the opposite way when it was her husband who benefited from a last minute indictment in his first election bid.
BS she did not leave men to die in Bengahzi. They were told to leave and refused. Get your info right. Yes she defended a rapist, did her job, didn't she. I guess you'd want an attorney to do their job , or no. How many men died due to Bush /Cheney , want to go there? Stevens was told not to go to Libya, but he insisted on being there.

Was she suppose to be a super woman and fly over the Atlantic and swoop Stevens and his party up to safety. Get real.

They KNEW about what was stirring over there before it even happened. Those guys do NOT give the orders. They followed their orders from their bosses (of which one was Hillary "Rotten" Clinton). Stop making excuses for this bitch. It just makes you look like a dumb lackey.

Innocence of Muslims came out, done by a Jew and paid for by Jews, and that caused the rioting and attack, which was not the only Muslim attacks.

I detest fools.

Wikileaks: 67 Emails Between Hillary and Chelsea Clinton under HER FAKE NAME "Diane Reynolds"

Second email down, dated 9/11.
In it Bitchlery tells Chelsea that it was a Terror attack.
Your link didn't work. What was a terror attack?

Do you think 9-11 has any significance.

Try again.

Wikileaks: 67 Emails Between Hillary and Chelsea Clinton under HER FAKE NAME "Diane Reynolds"

The email Hillary sent to Chelsea tells her Benghazi was a Terror Attack

No it was not, it was a friendly attack, duh of course it was a terror attack.
They KNEW about what was stirring over there before it even happened. Those guys do NOT give the orders. They followed their orders from their bosses (of which one was Hillary "Rotten" Clinton). Stop making excuses for this bitch. It just makes you look like a dumb lackey.

Innocence of Muslims came out, done by a Jew and paid for by Jews, and that caused the rioting and attack, which was not the only Muslim attacks.

I detest fools.

Wikileaks: 67 Emails Between Hillary and Chelsea Clinton under HER FAKE NAME "Diane Reynolds"

Second email down, dated 9/11.
In it Bitchlery tells Chelsea that it was a Terror attack.
Your link didn't work. What was a terror attack?

Do you think 9-11 has any significance.

Stop lying. The link works fine.

Not on my computer, but I have good virus protection. I also do not accept third party cookies.

I have virus protection and ad blocker too. Stop lying like your girl, Cankles. Are you ALL so dishonest? No wonder why you would vote for that loser.
It's too soon to know for sure, but if Hillary loses - it will be solely due to Comey's reckless federal malfeasance. Hillary clearly had momentum for a likely landslide victory - but now even her winning seems questionable. Anyone who values American democracy should not cheer about that.

There it is! The trifecta! The third stupidest thing I have heard today! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Delusional!
Now for the link, she billed for fraud and confessed in court.

Here you are stating that Hillary is innocent, and you haven't even tried to catch up on her actual record...

Castle Grande - Wikipedia

Castle Grande was a real estate development in Arkansas about 10 minutes south of Little Rock. It came into National news as a result of the Whitewaterinvestigations. The project was a 1,050-acre (4.2 km2) lot where Jim McDougal hoped to build a microbrewery, shopping center, a trailer park and other future projects in 1985. The land was scrub pine forerst that had failed already as an industrial development. The sales price was $1.75 million. State regulations prohibited Jim McDougal from investing more than 6% of his Madison Guaranty S&L assets. So, he put in $600,000 of Madison money and then for the difference had Seth Ward put in the remaining $1.15 million. This money Ward borrowed from Madison Guaranty on non-recourse, no personal obligation to repay. If federal regulators found out, McDougal's S&L could be shut down, since it had already been operating under orders to correct its lending practices.

Ms. Clinton has said she did not work on the Castle Grande project, when questioned by two separate federal agencies and part of the Hillary Clinton and Whitewater probe "I don't believe I knew anything about any of these real estate parcels and projects. . . . " she said in an RTC interview in May 1995. But later Rose Law Firm billing records were discovered in the book room family quarters of the White House. Ms. Clinton said she has no idea how they got there.

And I did not know that there was something called Castle Grande, to the best of my recollection, until it came to my attention through these investigations, the entire thousand acres that we referred to as IDC was being called Castle Grande . . ." "I was informed sometime within the last year or two that there was a trailer park on the IDC property called Castle Grande Estates. To the best of my recollection, that was the first I had ever heard of Castle Grande Estates."

She also claimed that she could not remember her work on the project nor 15 conversations with Hubbell’s father-in-law, Seth Ward.

The Special Committee's Whitewater Report

Mrs. Clinton's legal work on Castle Grande related to an effort to conceal the true nature of the activities at Madison Guaranty.

The Castle Grande land development consisted of more than 1,000 acres of property near Little Rock purchased by Seth Ward, Webster Hubbell's father-in-law, and Madison Financial Corp. ("MFC") -- Madison Guaranty's wholly-owned subsidiary.7 The land was sold in a series of transactions that caused nearly $4 million in losses to Madison Guaranty -- losses ultimately borne by U.S. taxpayers.8

Federal regulators have determined that Seth Ward acted as a "straw" man in the fraudulent Castle Grande transaction who simply held property in his name until MFC could find a buyer.9 In this way, Madison Guaranty was able to circumvent an Arkansas regulation that limited investment in real estate by a savings and loan.10 For his part in this sham deal, Mr. Ward earned over $300,000 in commissions on the sale of property.11

Prior to the discovery of the Rose Law Firm billing records in the White House Residence, the nature and extent of Mrs. Clinton's work on Castle Grande was virtually unknown. The evidence obtained in the course of the Special Committee's investigation now establishes that Mrs. Clinton had direct and substantial involvement in Castle Grande.

Webster Hubbell was significantly more involved in Castle Grande than he admitted in his Senate testimony.

Former Associate Attorney General and former Rose Law Firm partner Webster Hubbell has testified before the Special Committee and in other fora on several occasions. With respect to his testimony regarding his involvement in Castle Grande, Mr. Hubbell altered his story when he learned that Seth Ward was a nominee purchaser for MFC. In a December 1995 with the RTC, Mr. Hubbell stated that he understood as of September 1985, from Mr. Ward, that "Madison had limits on what it could own in its own name, and so Mr. Ward was going to own part of it until it could be sold."37

And, in an interview with the RTC Office of Inspector General, Mr. Hubbell "said that Ward told him that he was negotiating on behalf of Madison to buy the IDC property, which would then be split up between Madison and Ward."38 In testimony before the Special Committee, however, Mr. Hubbell repeatedly testified that he was not aware of the deal between Madison and Ward until after the closing in early October 1985.39

Mr. Hubbell was reluctant to answer questions regarding his own view of the legality of his father-in-law's role in the purchase of the IDC property. When asked if Mr. McDougal used Mr. Ward to evade a regulatory restriction, Mr. Hubbell answered, "I have never represented an S&L. I don't know whether it's illegal or not."40 When he was asked if he considered this transaction as a classic parking or warehousing transaction, Mr. Hubbell answered, "I think of parking and warehousing a little bit differently."41 When asked if he thought Mr. Ward could be considered a "straw man," Mr. Hubbell testified, "I didn't give it any consideration, you know. 'Straw man' means, to me, somebody who you clear title through."42

Mr. Hubbell has denied advising Mr. Ward on the Castle Grande transaction.43 Specifically, he denied preparing a backdated September 24, 1985 letter or advising Mr. Ward on its preparation.44 There is evidence, however, that Mr. Hubbell may have prepared the backdated September 24, 1985 letter, which was found in his files at the Rose Law Firm.45 Martha Patton, Mr. Hubbell's secretary at Rose, has stated that although she does not recall typing the letter she believes that she did because the type is similar to that of the IBM typewriter that she used then, and the second page of the document is formatted in the style she used while a Rose secretary.46 She added that the letter appears to be "her style of typing."47
Democrat leftist policies have totally HANDICAPPED us in the world. You idiot naive liberals who think this is some kind of "Candy Land."

Now your off subject. Who is talking about Candy Land, and liberals. I guess your trying to change the subject. I would as well since you don't have a foot to stand on.
They KNEW about what was stirring over there before it even happened. Those guys do NOT give the orders. They followed their orders from their bosses (of which one was Hillary "Rotten" Clinton). Stop making excuses for this bitch. It just makes you look like a dumb lackey.

Innocence of Muslims came out, done by a Jew and paid for by Jews, and that caused the rioting and attack, which was not the only Muslim attacks.

I detest fools.

Wikileaks: 67 Emails Between Hillary and Chelsea Clinton under HER FAKE NAME "Diane Reynolds"

Second email down, dated 9/11.
In it Bitchlery tells Chelsea that it was a Terror attack.
Your link didn't work. What was a terror attack?

Do you think 9-11 has any significance.

Try again.

Wikileaks: 67 Emails Between Hillary and Chelsea Clinton under HER FAKE NAME "Diane Reynolds"

The email Hillary sent to Chelsea tells her Benghazi was a Terror Attack

No it was not, it was a friendly attack, duh of course it was a terror attack.

The stupid is strong with this one.....
She told Chelsea that it was "Al Qaeda" like group....but hey go ahead and remain ignorant.
Democrat leftist policies have totally HANDICAPPED us in the world. You idiot naive liberals who think this is some kind of "Candy Land."

Now your off subject. Who is talking about Candy Land, and liberals. I guess your trying to change the subject. I would as well since you don't have a foot to stand on.

That would be "you're" which means "you are." Good Lord. No wonder why you would vote for the Cankles. Pathetic.
I guess you'd want an attorney to do their job , or no.


Her job was FRAUD for Castle Grande, then she hid behind the skirt of Chelsea's bio daddy, Webb Hubbell, who claimed to do the work Hillary billed for, and Hubbell went to the can.

Hillary billed for fraud, and then "confessed" in court she engaged in BILLING FRAUD.

Now for the link, she billed for fraud and confessed in court.

"They were told to leave and refused"

You get to prove this little factoid ;)
Now for the link, she billed for fraud and confessed in court.

Here you are stating that Hillary is innocent, and you haven't even tried to catch up on her actual record...

Castle Grande - Wikipedia

Castle Grande was a real estate development in Arkansas about 10 minutes south of Little Rock. It came into National news as a result of the Whitewaterinvestigations. The project was a 1,050-acre (4.2 km2) lot where Jim McDougal hoped to build a microbrewery, shopping center, a trailer park and other future projects in 1985. The land was scrub pine forerst that had failed already as an industrial development. The sales price was $1.75 million. State regulations prohibited Jim McDougal from investing more than 6% of his Madison Guaranty S&L assets. So, he put in $600,000 of Madison money and then for the difference had Seth Ward put in the remaining $1.15 million. This money Ward borrowed from Madison Guaranty on non-recourse, no personal obligation to repay. If federal regulators found out, McDougal's S&L could be shut down, since it had already been operating under orders to correct its lending practices.

Ms. Clinton has said she did not work on the Castle Grande project, when questioned by two separate federal agencies and part of the Hillary Clinton and Whitewater probe "I don't believe I knew anything about any of these real estate parcels and projects. . . . " she said in an RTC interview in May 1995. But later Rose Law Firm billing records were discovered in the book room family quarters of the White House. Ms. Clinton said she has no idea how they got there.

And I did not know that there was something called Castle Grande, to the best of my recollection, until it came to my attention through these investigations, the entire thousand acres that we referred to as IDC was being called Castle Grande . . ." "I was informed sometime within the last year or two that there was a trailer park on the IDC property called Castle Grande Estates. To the best of my recollection, that was the first I had ever heard of Castle Grande Estates."

She also claimed that she could not remember her work on the project nor 15 conversations with Hubbell’s father-in-law, Seth Ward.

The Special Committee's Whitewater Report

Mrs. Clinton's legal work on Castle Grande related to an effort to conceal the true nature of the activities at Madison Guaranty.

The Castle Grande land development consisted of more than 1,000 acres of property near Little Rock purchased by Seth Ward, Webster Hubbell's father-in-law, and Madison Financial Corp. ("MFC") -- Madison Guaranty's wholly-owned subsidiary.7 The land was sold in a series of transactions that caused nearly $4 million in losses to Madison Guaranty -- losses ultimately borne by U.S. taxpayers.8

Federal regulators have determined that Seth Ward acted as a "straw" man in the fraudulent Castle Grande transaction who simply held property in his name until MFC could find a buyer.9 In this way, Madison Guaranty was able to circumvent an Arkansas regulation that limited investment in real estate by a savings and loan.10 For his part in this sham deal, Mr. Ward earned over $300,000 in commissions on the sale of property.11

Prior to the discovery of the Rose Law Firm billing records in the White House Residence, the nature and extent of Mrs. Clinton's work on Castle Grande was virtually unknown. The evidence obtained in the course of the Special Committee's investigation now establishes that Mrs. Clinton had direct and substantial involvement in Castle Grande.

Webster Hubbell was significantly more involved in Castle Grande than he admitted in his Senate testimony.

Former Associate Attorney General and former Rose Law Firm partner Webster Hubbell has testified before the Special Committee and in other fora on several occasions. With respect to his testimony regarding his involvement in Castle Grande, Mr. Hubbell altered his story when he learned that Seth Ward was a nominee purchaser for MFC. In a December 1995 with the RTC, Mr. Hubbell stated that he understood as of September 1985, from Mr. Ward, that "Madison had limits on what it could own in its own name, and so Mr. Ward was going to own part of it until it could be sold."37

And, in an interview with the RTC Office of Inspector General, Mr. Hubbell "said that Ward told him that he was negotiating on behalf of Madison to buy the IDC property, which would then be split up between Madison and Ward."38 In testimony before the Special Committee, however, Mr. Hubbell repeatedly testified that he was not aware of the deal between Madison and Ward until after the closing in early October 1985.39

Mr. Hubbell was reluctant to answer questions regarding his own view of the legality of his father-in-law's role in the purchase of the IDC property. When asked if Mr. McDougal used Mr. Ward to evade a regulatory restriction, Mr. Hubbell answered, "I have never represented an S&L. I don't know whether it's illegal or not."40 When he was asked if he considered this transaction as a classic parking or warehousing transaction, Mr. Hubbell answered, "I think of parking and warehousing a little bit differently."41 When asked if he thought Mr. Ward could be considered a "straw man," Mr. Hubbell testified, "I didn't give it any consideration, you know. 'Straw man' means, to me, somebody who you clear title through."42

Mr. Hubbell has denied advising Mr. Ward on the Castle Grande transaction.43 Specifically, he denied preparing a backdated September 24, 1985 letter or advising Mr. Ward on its preparation.44 There is evidence, however, that Mr. Hubbell may have prepared the backdated September 24, 1985 letter, which was found in his files at the Rose Law Firm.45 Martha Patton, Mr. Hubbell's secretary at Rose, has stated that although she does not recall typing the letter she believes that she did because the type is similar to that of the IBM typewriter that she used then, and the second page of the document is formatted in the style she used while a Rose secretary.46 She added that the letter appears to be "her style of typing."47

I could careless about the scam job they did on the Clintons.
I guess you'd want an attorney to do their job , or no.


Her job was FRAUD for Castle Grande, then she hid behind the skirt of Chelsea's bio daddy, Webb Hubbell, who claimed to do the work Hillary billed for, and Hubbell went to the can.

Hillary billed for fraud, and then "confessed" in court she engaged in BILLING FRAUD.

Now for the link, she billed for fraud and confessed in court.

"They were told to leave and refused"

You get to prove this little factoid ;)

Read my link about Stevens family.
The original “oh shit” moment concerned an out-of-date server that was housed at a facility in New Jersey. In December 2014, Clinton aide Cheryl Mills asked someone to delete the old messages. Apparently he didn’t do so. Then, in March 2015, The New York Times reported the existence of the email setup. The next day, a House committee on Benghazi requested the preservation of any records. Despite that, an unnamed staffer, realizing he had not followed Mills’s instructions, deleted anyway:


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Mills and Clinton said they were unaware of the move.

Unawareness is a common thread throughout the report. Clinton seemed to have only a faint understanding of the process of classification and what was and was not classified, nor was she apparently trained when she joined State from the U.S. Senate:


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She also said she was unaware of the requirement that she turn over her emails when she left office, which she said might be due in part to a concussion she suffered in 2012:


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Some of the classified messages in Clinton’s emails dealt with “SAP,” special access programs, generally believed to be a reference to drone strikes carried out by the U.S. overseas. Through a peculiarity of classification, these strikesd are widely known about and reported on, but the government still treats them as a secret. Some of Clinton’s discussions involved material that had been reported in the public but still was technically classified. On the one hand, that seems pointless, but on the other hand Clinton told FBI investigators she understood the importance of SAP secrecy. In another case, Clinton said staffers were handcuffed by the lack of a protocol for discussing classified information at holidays when people were traveling, meaning aides had to “communicate in code or do the best you could to convey the information.”

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell doesn’t come off well in the report. While Clinton said she had already planned to use a private email address, some advice that he gave her seemed geared to circumventing public-records laws:

POWELL (p. 11)

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Many of Clinton’s aides apparently had no understanding of the fact that Clinton—and in some cases the aides themselves—were using a private email server. Clinton used a remarkable 13 mobile devices to access her email account, including eight separate BlackBerrys during her time as secretary of state. None of the 13 could be located for inspection, her lawyers said. (Clinton apparently often got new BlackBerrys and then decided she liked the old ones better.) She also used five iPads to access her account.

In sum, the report portrays Clinton as generally unaware: unschooled in the rules of classification and not especially concerned about getting trained; but also technologically dependent on aides in the way that many 60-something executives likely are, with little understanding of how the technology they use every day fundamentally works. Reading the report, it’s surprising that more classified information was not accidentally sent than the FBI found.

One important remaining question is whether Clinton’s server and email were ever hacked. When Comey announced the findings he stated, in essence, that they had found no direct evidence; that they would not expect to find such evidence; and that there was good reason to suspect she might have been hacked. The report fleshes that out.

There were numerous failed attempts, which Clinton aide Bryan Pagliano knew about because they appeared as failed login attempts. Pagliano considered but did not implement security protections like a virtual private network or two-step verification. There was an onslaught of attempts after the Times story first publicly revealed the server, once again none of them apparently successful. There were also several cases of what sound like standard phishing and spear-phishing attempts, where Clinton and others received malicious messages with dangerous links.

In one of the more peculiar notes, the FBI reports that an email address belonging to a staffer was compromised by someone using Tor, a software that allows masking and anonymity:

TOR (p. 29)

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It’s too soon to know what sort of effect the FBI report could have on Clinton’s presidential campaign. It certainly does not paint a flattering view of Clinton, but it also mostly fleshes out information that was widely known about her email system.

The emails represent something of a classic Clinton scandal. Although the House investigation turned up no evidence of wrongdoing on her part with respect to the attacks themselves, it was during that inquiry that her private-email use became public. This is a pattern with the Clinton family, which has been in the public spotlight since Bill Clinton’s first run for office, in 1974: Something that appears potentially scandalous on its face turns out to be innocuous, but an investigation into it reveals different questionable behavior. The canonical case is Whitewater, a failed real-estate investment Bill and Hillary Clinton made in 1978. Although no inquiry ever produced evidence of wrongdoing, investigations ultimately led to President Clinton’s impeachment for perjury and obstruction of justice.

With Hillary Clinton the Democratic nominee for president, every Clinton scandal—from Whitewater to the State Department emails—will be under the microscope. (No other American politicians—even ones as corrupt as Richard Nixon, or as hated by partisans as George W. Bush—have fostered the creation of a permanent multimillion-dollar cottage industry devoted to attacking them.) Keeping track of each controversy, where it came from, and how serious it is, is no small task, so here’s a primer. We’ll update it as new information emerges.

The Clintons’ Private Email ServerDuring the course of the Benghazi investigation, New York Times reporter Michael Schmidt learned Clinton had used a personal email account while secretary of state. It turned out she had also been using a private server, located at a house in New York. The result was that Clinton and her staff decided which emails to turn over to the State Department as public records and which to withhold; they say they then destroyed the ones they had designated as personal.

When? 2009-2013, during Clinton’s term as secretary.

Who? Hillary Clinton; Bill Clinton; top aides including Huma Abedin

How serious is it? Very serious. A May report from the State Department inspector general is harshly critical of Clinton’s email approach, but Loretta Lynch announced on July 6 that the Justice Department would not pursue criminal charges, removing the threat of an indictment that could be fatal to her campaign. On October 28, the FBI announced is it reviewing a new tranche of emails that turned up in an unrelated investigation, but it did not offer any other details on the scope. In any case, the scandal will remain a millstone around her neck forever. Comey’s damning comments about her conduct—“Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information”—will reverberate throughout the campaign. Also unresolved is the question of whether Clinton’s server was hacked. You can read the FBI report here.

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