Will Cultural Conservatives Condemn Rush...

Should Rush Limbaugh apologize for these comments?

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Suggesting that she pay for her own birth control is such an insult!

Her wanting it free isn't an advertisement for her wares.
Here's what >I< see.

After years of condemning the increasing lower moral standards of American culture, the preeminent conservative with the most listened to radio show in America says something wholly inappropriate and insults a female college student.

And what do we hear from conservatives on this board? We hear a defense of Rush.

And what do we hear from Republican elected officials and nationally known so-called "culture warriors" who are seemingly always ready to correct people who 'go too far' in their attempts to 'push the envelope' of what's considered acceptable behavior?


Can we FINALLY put an end to this ridiculous notion that conservatives have anything remotely resembling the moral high ground on issues related to public behavior? Because if you're not willing to criticize and/or correct one of your own, you've got no business correcting anyone else.
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When have the "open minded", "tolerant" and "enlightened" progressive socialists ever rebuked Bill Maher or Keith Olberdouche?

Never, that's when.

The faux outrage is sooooo thick you need a chain saw to get through it. :lol::lol::lol:
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When have the "open minded", "tolerant" and "enlightened" progressive socialists ever rebuked Bill Maher or Keith Olberdouche?

Never, that's when.

The faux outrage is sooooo thick you need a chain saw to get through it. :lol::lol::lol:

Isn't Mahr a comedian? The only person I know who takes comedians seriously is Sarah Palin.
Wait a minute...One day Limpbagh is the stealth "leader of the GOP", then the next he's just a "radio comedian".

Which way do you wankers want it, besides both ways?
Which way did YOU vote?


I did a write in... How about you?

What is it with rw's? They have NO courage, no real ideals. They just vote the way lushbo tells them to - even though they don't even know why.

Like I said, limp weanies.

Lushbo is proud of your lack of balls. You're a true credit to the Party of Gutless Wonders Who Are Terrified of Speaking Out Against Your Fat Leader.

You have to know how retarded you sound, don't you see how the left and right pick on TM on these boards? The lefties ingore her and the right lolz@ her... just like what happens to you.

For the record you're Trolling at this point, grats, skillz yo.
When have the "open minded", "tolerant" and "enlightened" progressive socialists ever rebuked Bill Maher or Keith Olberdouche?

Never, that's when.

The faux outrage is sooooo thick you need a chain saw to get through it. :lol::lol::lol:

Isn't Mahr a comedian? The only person I know who takes comedians seriously is Sarah Palin.


Holy shit you fuckers try so hard to sound like you actually have a point only to shoot yourself in the face.
I often wonder why the left always posts what Rush says. If they wouldn't post it I would never hear about it. And isn't that what they would prefer?
I often wonder why the left always posts what Rush says. If they wouldn't post it I would never hear about it. And isn't that what they would prefer?

Yup, and the guy that posted it claims he does not even listen to Rush... Making the thread pointless to even him.

In fact I care so little about what Rush has to say, I honestly didn't read the OP or vote as most of the conservatives on these boards did... Yet I bet the liberals RUSHED to the link, lol.
I often wonder why the left always posts what Rush says. If they wouldn't post it I would never hear about it. And isn't that what they would prefer?
They're obscessed because Limbaugh has them cornered in the arena of ideas...but they will tell you in other threads that he is just an entertainer and doesn't matter...

But here we are...:eusa_whistle:
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You would think it could only happen in France. A college student complains to freaking congress that taxpayers need to finance her birth control. It would seem like a SNL skit but's true and who do the libs turn on ? Rush Limbaugh?
I often wonder why the left always posts what Rush says. If they wouldn't post it I would never hear about it. And isn't that what they would prefer?
They're obscessed because Limbaugh has them cornered in the areana of ideas...but they will tell you in other threads that he is just an entertainer and doesn't matter...

But here we are...:eusa_whistle:

Rush’s ideology is to piss people off and make them angry for ratings… Nothing more. Rush is not conservative, Progressive or a Neocon, he has no ideas or anything intelligent to say to the world… He is only on the air to inflict emotion in people that have a serious lack of knowledge and understanding about the world and how it works.

I have in the past listened to Rush, for very short periods of time and mainly because I did construction and he was simply on the radio where I worked. Rush has no interest in making the world a better pace while he is working. He is a fat drug addict who has nevers erved his country in any shape or form.
When have the "open minded", "tolerant" and "enlightened" progressive socialists ever rebuked Bill Maher or Keith Olberdouche?

Never, that's when.

The faux outrage is sooooo thick you need a chain saw to get through it. :lol::lol::lol:

Isn't Mahr a comedian? The only person I know who takes comedians seriously is Sarah Palin.


Holy shit you fuckers try so hard to sound like you actually have a point only to shoot yourself in the face.

Rush is considered by many people (his ditto heads come to mind) as the de facto leader of the conservative movement in this country. Why do you think so many members of Congress have been afraid to criticize him over the years and have, in fact, publicly apologized to him on the rare occasion when they HAVE criticized him?
or is what Rush said about (and to) Georgetown University law student, Sandra Fluke, acceptable to them?

Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, already under fire from Democrats over his language in discussing a Georgetown University law student who testified about contraception, ratcheted up his rhetoric on Thursday, saying the student should post an online sex video if taxpayers are forced to pay for contraception.

Limbaugh on Wednesday had referred to student Sandra Fluke as a “slut” for supporting a requirement that health insurance cover contraception. On his radio show Thursday, Limbaugh went a little further:
"So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here's the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. We want you post the videos online so we can all watch."

U.S. News - Limbaugh: Contraception advocate should post online sex videos


Faux outrage from ThinkProgress.

Fluke is a ****.

Got it?

And yet, she is head and shoulders better than you. Pretty much a given.
or is what Rush said about (and to) Georgetown University law student, Sandra Fluke, acceptable to them?

Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, already under fire from Democrats over his language in discussing a Georgetown University law student who testified about contraception, ratcheted up his rhetoric on Thursday, saying the student should post an online sex video if taxpayers are forced to pay for contraception.

Limbaugh on Wednesday had referred to student Sandra Fluke as a “slut” for supporting a requirement that health insurance cover contraception. On his radio show Thursday, Limbaugh went a little further:
"So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here's the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. We want you post the videos online so we can all watch."

U.S. News - Limbaugh: Contraception advocate should post online sex videos

Rush is right, again.

Why the hell should we force health insurance to cover contraception for sluts like her.

And obviously, libs still have no sense of humor.
I often wonder why the left always posts what Rush says. If they wouldn't post it I would never hear about it. And isn't that what they would prefer?
They're obscessed because Limbaugh has them cornered in the arena of ideas...but they will tell you in other threads that he is just an entertainer and doesn't matter...

But here we are...:eusa_whistle:

The only thing Rush ever cornered was his house keeper when she had the drugs he sent her out to get.
Isn't Mahr a comedian? The only person I know who takes comedians seriously is Sarah Palin.


Holy shit you fuckers try so hard to sound like you actually have a point only to shoot yourself in the face.

Rush is considered by many people (his ditto heads come to mind) as the de facto leader of the conservative movement in this country. Why do you think so many members of Congress have been afraid to criticize him over the years and have, in fact, publicly apologized to him on the rare occasion when they HAVE criticized him?

I WILL ASK ONE MORE TIME YOU FUCKING HACK.... Is Rush a Senator or in any way a public servant elected by the people?

Many people think Jon Stewart should be President, many voted for that dumbass... what's his name, Steven Colbert or something. That guy actually run for office, so does that make them "leaders" because people want them too be or "entertainers" as their resume would suggest, just like Rush's.
Rush is so fucking wrong!!

So wrong!

If we're paying for it, we should get the full Lewinsky
Holy shit the OP is fucking stupid... What it must be like to "debate" in real life with someone that so obviously makes shit up based purely off emotion.

Run along and try and find some new way to bullshit your way into a deeper hole while thinking you actually talked your way out of your lies.
Rush's is so powerfull he can't even get people to vote for the guy he likes in the primaries... He lost to McCain just 4 years ago. Man, that guy the WHOLE Republican party wrapped around his fat lil pinky.

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