Will Democrats Condemn Obama for...

4 seperate times Barry injected himself in foreign politics / elections - overthrowing 2 governments, trying once, and still trying in another one...

And gutless, reality-dodging snowflakes want to bury their heads up Barry's ass, complaining about Russia while ignoring Barry doing far more than Russia / Putin has done.

No evidence regarding Russia.
Obama openly perpetrated acts.
Massive hypocrisy, denial, & butt-hurt
President Obama, Hillary, and the entire Democratic Party 'tribe' is wailing, gnashing teeth, and condemning Russia and Putin for 'hacking' - intervening in - the US election...

What about what Obama has done?

The hypocrite...
- Helped oust the leader of Egypt from power, injected himself in Egypt's election by demanding their election be moved up, and thereby helped the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood take over

- Helped oust / kill the leader of ANOTHER country - Libya - and hand the country over to Al Qaeda, the terrorists who murdered 3,000 Americans. He even Un-Constitutionally took this country to war to do so.

- Used tax payer dollars to inject himself into Israel's election to try to oust Netanyahu from his position as President (Interfering AGAIN in another nation's elections / governance)

- Is currently trying to overthrow ANOTHER leader of a sovereign nation, believing himself to be justified in doing so because HE doesn't want Assad in power.

Barak Obama has injected himself into other nation's politics / leadership / elections 4 times, has attempted and/or succeeded in changing the leadership in 4 nations

....with conclussuve evidence that he has been involved every time.

So shouldn't Obama and his administration be rebuked by the UN? Shouldn't the United States be Sanctioned for the same activity - 4 times - for which Obama / Democrats are accusing / blaming the Russians?

Or is the justification for defending Barry 'It's bad when anyone else does it, but it's ok when Barry does it'?
Condemn Obama for keeping our servicemen out of harms way?

President Obama, Hillary, and the entire Democratic Party 'tribe' is wailing, gnashing teeth, and condemning Russia and Putin for 'hacking' - intervening in - the US election...

What about what Obama has done?

The hypocrite...
- Helped oust the leader of Egypt from power, injected himself in Egypt's election by demanding their election be moved up, and thereby helped the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood take over

- Helped oust / kill the leader of ANOTHER country - Libya - and hand the country over to Al Qaeda, the terrorists who murdered 3,000 Americans. He even Un-Constitutionally took this country to war to do so.

- Used tax payer dollars to inject himself into Israel's election to try to oust Netanyahu from his position as President (Interfering AGAIN in another nation's elections / governance)

- Is currently trying to overthrow ANOTHER leader of a sovereign nation, believing himself to be justified in doing so because HE doesn't want Assad in power.

Barak Obama has injected himself into other nation's politics / leadership / elections 4 times, has attempted and/or succeeded in changing the leadership in 4 nations

....with conclussuve evidence that he has been involved every time.

So shouldn't Obama and his administration be rebuked by the UN? Shouldn't the United States be Sanctioned for the same activity - 4 times - for which Obama / Democrats are accusing / blaming the Russians?

Or is the justification for defending Barry 'It's bad when anyone else does it, but it's ok when Barry does it'?
Condemn Obama for keeping our servicemen out of harms way?


Easy raised a valid point. If you can't answer it seriously and honestly, that should tell you something.
President Obama, Hillary, and the entire Democratic Party 'tribe' is wailing, gnashing teeth, and condemning Russia and Putin for 'hacking' - intervening in - the US election...

What about what Obama has done?

The hypocrite...
- Helped oust the leader of Egypt from power, injected himself in Egypt's election by demanding their election be moved up, and thereby helped the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood take over

- Helped oust / kill the leader of ANOTHER country - Libya - and hand the country over to Al Qaeda, the terrorists who murdered 3,000 Americans. He even Un-Constitutionally took this country to war to do so.

- Used tax payer dollars to inject himself into Israel's election to try to oust Netanyahu from his position as President (Interfering AGAIN in another nation's elections / governance)

- Is currently trying to overthrow ANOTHER leader of a sovereign nation, believing himself to be justified in doing so because HE doesn't want Assad in power.

Barak Obama has injected himself into other nation's politics / leadership / elections 4 times, has attempted and/or succeeded in changing the leadership in 4 nations

....with conclussuve evidence that he has been involved every time.

So shouldn't Obama and his administration be rebuked by the UN? Shouldn't the United States be Sanctioned for the same activity - 4 times - for which Obama / Democrats are accusing / blaming the Russians?

Or is the justification for defending Barry 'It's bad when anyone else does it, but it's ok when Barry does it'?
Condemn Obama for keeping our servicemen out of harms way?

Typical libtard twisting reality to excuse stupidity.
Wikileaks showed the Democratic Party to be one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. So no, Democrats will not condemn Obama for anything.
Again, After intervening in 4 seperste elections / governments, Barry is whining about Russia potentially doing it once...and still has not produced the solid evidence to prove it.

Barry helped overthrow Mubarak and Gadaffi
Barry tried to oust Netanyahu
Barry is trying to oust Assad

So where is the condemnation...where are the sanctions against hypocritical Barry?

Butt-hurt snowflakes are piling on Barry's Russia story while ignoring Barry is 4 times worse than Russia.
For participating in the overthrow and/or murder of 2 foreign leaders, the failed attempt to do so with another, and an on-going attempt with another, perhaps Obama should be charged by the UN with war crimes or something....
Any Liberals ready to condemn Barry for interfering in foreign countries' elections / governance yet?
It is hilarious that the Liberal snowflake, Obama-pologists on this board have evaded / run from this thread.

'Russia...Putin...Russia...Putin...Russia...Putin.... - they / he injected himself into another country's politics / governance....they /he should be punished.'!


(Except it was just reported that the code used / found was outdated Ukrainian-originated code that can be downloaded off the internet and used TODAY while Barry has offered not definitive proof to his claims)

Meanwhile Barry never tried to hide the fact that he
- Helped overthrow the leader of our ally Egypt and helped put terrorists into power

- Helped Al Qaeda - murderers of 3,000 Americans - kill a foreign leader who was helping the Coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa and put that country under Al Qaeda control

- Attempted to oust another foreign leader from power, injecting himself into our ally's elections and using tax dollars to run his personal campaign to oust Israeli President Netanyahu

- Is NOW still running his own private, Un-Constitutional, UN-Authorized war in an attempt to oust another sovereign foreign leader...just because he thinks it is HIS business and needs to be done.

The absence of Obama defenders on these little facts is deafening!

Where's the call for punishing Obama / his ROGUE administration?
Still waiting for any brave indoctrinated Libs to defend Barry....

(You KNOW Barry has F*ed Up when not even the most radical, hard-core Libs on this board won't try to defend him.)

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