Will Democrats Ever Win the Military Vote?

Will the Democrats Ever Win The Military Vote?

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Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
Will Democrats Ever Win the Military Vote?

2/3rds of the military consistently vote against Democrats. No wonder why they get short changed on their absentee ballots. Here is the last poll where the troops made their opinion known about Obama and where they stand politically. Notice how the Active Duty military, guard/Reserve Military/Retirees are overwhelmingly conservative. Military Times Poll

2012 Election Military Times Poll: Romney bests Obama, 2-1 | Army Times | armytimes.com
2008 Election Military Times poll: Troops backing McCain | Military Times | militarytimes.com
2004 Election USATODAY.com - Troops in survey back Bush 4-to-1 over Kerry
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The Dems see to it that absentee ballots from deployed servicemen and women are "lost" every fucking election.
The Dems see to it that absentee ballots from deployed servicemen and women are "lost" every fucking election.

Yes, that DID happen in the last one, for certain. Beyond shameful and into corruption.
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They will if Republicans keep sending us into unnecessary wars


Seriously. The Air Farce? Really now...

In any event Art - no one is sent to war these days. You enlist - you do what the fuck you're told. Not happy with that? Don't enlist - open a practice as a limp-wristed florist.

Simple as that.

Simple as you!
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They will if Republicans keep sending us into unnecessary wars

Let me see, Johnson and McNamara sent us into VietNam in great numbers. Clinton's incompetence caused 9-11, and both parties approved war in the ME. I agree both wars were unnecessary, but I also see you are a dumbass!:cuckoo:
The Dems see to it that absentee ballots from deployed servicemen and women are "lost" every fucking election.

That's not true. I got my ballot in Iraq two days before the election and my ballot in Afghanistan 4 days before the election. .. ... ... .. . Of course, the mail truck arrived to pick up our mail only once a week. .... ... ... Then it takes a month to get back to the states. ..... ... ...On second thought, scratch everything I said.
They will if Republicans keep sending us into unnecessary wars

Let me see, Johnson and McNamara sent us into VietNam in great numbers. Clinton's incompetence caused 9-11, and both parties approved war in the ME. I agree both wars were unnecessary, but I also see you are a dumbass!:cuckoo:

Eisenhower sent advisers to Vietnam and stopped the popular vote while 9/11 was perpetrated by folks who received training and funding from Ronald Reagan, who called them "Afghans Founding Fathers".

Don't let history nip you in the bud...bud.
They will if Republicans keep sending us into unnecessary wars

Let me see, Johnson and McNamara sent us into VietNam in great numbers. Clinton's incompetence caused 9-11, and both parties approved war in the ME. I agree both wars were unnecessary, but I also see you are a dumbass!:cuckoo:

Eisenhower sent advisers to Vietnam and stopped the popular vote while 9/11 was perpetrated by folks who received training and funding from Ronald Reagan, who called them "Afghans Founding Fathers".

Don't let history nip you in the bud...bud.

The Saudis that flew on 9/11 received flight training in Florida during Clinton's terms
But he was too busy getting his dick sucked to fret about little things like terrorism and national security
Let me see, Johnson and McNamara sent us into VietNam in great numbers. Clinton's incompetence caused 9-11, and both parties approved war in the ME. I agree both wars were unnecessary, but I also see you are a dumbass!:cuckoo:

Eisenhower sent advisers to Vietnam and stopped the popular vote while 9/11 was perpetrated by folks who received training and funding from Ronald Reagan, who called them "Afghans Founding Fathers".

Don't let history nip you in the bud...bud.

The Saudis that flew on 9/11 received flight training in Florida during Clinton's terms
But he was too busy getting his dick sucked to fret about little things like terrorism and national security

I recall this scene from the Path to 9/11 which was never brought to dvd by ABC because the Clintons were so upset.

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There was an incident witnessed by several people during infamous 2000 election where Al Gore's little army of lawyers "high fived" each other every time an unopened bag of ballots from a ship or Military base was eliminated for some technical reason. Gore's people correctly guessed that Military votes would not favor their side.
There was an incident witnessed by several people during infamous 2000 election where Al Gore's little army of lawyers "high fived" each other every time an unopened bag of ballots from a ship or Military base was eliminated for some technical reason. Gore's people correctly guessed that Military votes would not favor their side.

Yes, I still remember when Obama halted exceptions for military voters deeming it unfair to the civilian population. No, unfair is sending us our absentee ballots that take one month to get to Afghanistan and one month to get back and nearly always arrive after the election is over. Indeed, they are only pulled in the case of a recount. That's not fair. And when that recount ensues Democrats fight tooth and nail to prevent the military ballots from being counted. They know who their constituency is and isn't. They prefer the prison absentee ballot over that of the military.
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They will if Republicans keep sending us into unnecessary wars

Let me see, Johnson and McNamara sent us into VietNam in great numbers. Clinton's incompetence caused 9-11, and both parties approved war in the ME. I agree both wars were unnecessary, but I also see you are a dumbass!:cuckoo:

Eisenhower sent advisers to Vietnam and stopped the popular vote while 9/11 was perpetrated by folks who received training and funding from Ronald Reagan, who called them "Afghans Founding Fathers".

Don't let history nip you in the bud...bud.

Link? Indeed, I thought Charlie Wilson was a Democrat?
They will if Republicans keep sending us into unnecessary wars

Let me see, Johnson and McNamara sent us into VietNam in great numbers. Clinton's incompetence caused 9-11, and both parties approved war in the ME. I agree both wars were unnecessary, but I also see you are a dumbass!:cuckoo:

Eisenhower set the ground for Kennedy's expansion into Vietnam.

Clinton's administration's intelligence operations were separated by law so that cross referencing was very difficult. Tell me who was in charge of Congress 6 of those 8 years.

The great problem, of course, is the difficulty in getting rid of the neo-cons in both parties who send us stupidly into war.
Why would you want the military to pick the nation's leaders??? Isn't that what they do in dictatorships?

Who said they want only the military to pick our leaders? Oh, right, a straw man. Carry on.

In any case, it says allot about a Commander and Chief when the military rejects him twice during war time.
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They will if Republicans keep sending us into unnecessary wars

Let me see, Johnson and McNamara sent us into VietNam in great numbers. Clinton's incompetence caused 9-11, and both parties approved war in the ME. I agree both wars were unnecessary, but I also see you are a dumbass!:cuckoo:

Eisenhower set the ground for Kennedy's expansion into Vietnam.

Clinton's administration's intelligence operations were separated by law so that cross referencing was very difficult. Tell me who was in charge of Congress 6 of those 8 years.

The great problem, of course, is the difficulty in getting rid of the neo-cons in both parties who send us stupidly into war.

Liberals give Clinton credit for balancing the budget (Which is the charge of the Congress) and blame Congress for Clintons foreign policy failures (Which is the charge of the president). What a mixed up world we live in.
Why would you want the military to pick the nation's leaders??? Isn't that what they do in dictatorships?

Who said they want only the military to pick our leaders? Oh, right, a straw man. Carry on.

In any case, it says allot about a Commander and Chief when the military rejects him twice during war time.

When did I say "only"? Oh, right, inventing your opponent's argument. Carry on.
That we have civilian control of the military that is necessarily at odds with sending it everywhere to scratch every itch is a far better scenario.
Why would you want the military to pick the nation's leaders??? Isn't that what they do in dictatorships?

Who said they want only the military to pick our leaders? Oh, right, a straw man. Carry on.

In any case, it says allot about a Commander and Chief when the military rejects him twice during war time.

When did I say "only"? Oh, right, inventing your opponent's argument. Carry on.
That we have civilian control of the military that is necessarily at odds with sending it everywhere to scratch every itch is a far better scenario.

How else am I going to interpret the following statement?

"Why would you want the military to pick the nation's leaders??? Isn't that what they do in dictatorships?"

Did you mean that the military should be barred from voting? Please explain exactly what you meant by the above. Or are your true colors showing? Did you perhaps lose a debate and all of a sudden decide to make matters worse by pretending you did not say what you did? Yes, thats defiantly it! How far do you want to dig your hole darling?
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