Will Ferrell is Ronald Reagan

Summary of the movie: According to the report, the film, titled “Reagan,” tells the story of a White House intern who is tasked with making the president think that he is an actor playing the role of the commander-in-chief.

That sounds pretty damn hilarious.
Sort of the role Ben Rhodes plays to Obama....
Will Ferrell doesn't have an ounce of talent unless one enjoys watching someone else acting like an idiot.
isn't that why we go to the movies ? bill clinton will play harriet tubman.

i have to say though that steve carrel was great in the big short. so comedians like to stretch out when they can.

Haven't seen Carrel in much, but I did kind of like him in Get Smart

Will Ferrell doesn't have an ounce of talent unless one enjoys watching someone else acting like an idiot.
isn't that why we go to the movies ? bill clinton will play harriet tubman.

i have to say though that steve carrel was great in the big short. so comedians like to stretch out when they can.

Haven't seen Carrel in much, but I did kind of like him in Get Smart
it can go one way or the other, but he really plays drama well. i heard rich dreyfus on a radio interview he always did comedy drama drama comedy, back and forth.

i don't see the reagan movie working as either, for anyone.
Somehow I don't see a comedy about someone suffering from Alzheimer's doing big box office Ferrell was wise to turn this down who ever came up with this idea would be wise to scrap it altogether.
Alzheimer's is nothing to laugh about, there is no humor in watching a loved ones brain fail, crumble before your eyes, retreat into darkness, confusion, and loneliness. Only Hollywood could be so cruel and callous, it fits. Maybe he should visit an Alzheimer's care home and do some first hand research. What an asshole, then again the majority of those in Hollywood are nothing more than screwed up assholes.

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