Will George Santos be stealing milk from babies next?

A competitor has now entered the Liar`s club.
Rep. Anna Paulina Luna R (Florida). After MTG made antisemitic remarks, Anna said MTG endorsed her and she was raised as a Messianic Jew by her father. Long story, short her whole story is a crock. Her grandfather was a soldier in Hitler`s army.
Whatevers. He is the GOP's Al Franken at this point. Time will sort it our one way or the other.
Huh? There`s no comparison. Al Franken wasn`t and isn`t a wanted man in Brazil for stealing checks and he doesn`t have 2 mothers. WTF is wrong with you?
The problem here is that the party has long since sold its soul to the most obvious and blatant con man in the history of the country.

So the bar is so fuckin' low that there may not be enough lies from Santos yet. Maybe another fifty or so.
A new liar is in the House and Santos may have to step up his game.
Democrats ignore many of our real problems because they have no solutions for them. Actually, their actions are causing most of them. So it should come as no surprise that they concentrate on the politics of personal destruction because that's all they can do. Democrats are a hell of a lot more likely to tell you what's wrong with MTG, Matt Gaetz, Trumpy, Boebert and now Santos than they are about fixing the problems they caused like inflation, the economy, crime, our non-existent border security our failing education system, our nearly bankrupt SS and Medicare plans and out of control spending. Nothing useful is coming from the Ds these days. If it wasn't for defending a woman's ability to conveniently kill her baby and the lie about Rs going to take SS and Medicare away, Democrats wouldn't have a platform at all.
This is what we get for not holding those who lied to us in the past accountable. I've noted for years, that anything you are willing to ignore will only grow worse going forward.
This is what we get for not holding those who lied to us in the past accountable. I've noted for years, that anything you are willing to ignore will only grow worse going forward.
Ignoring personalities or quirks is far more acceptable than ignoring inflation, crime, our border, our supply chain, national security and the 1st and 2nd amendments. Over here we call what Democrats are doing, sweating the small stuff.
Ignoring personalities or quirks is far more acceptable than ignoring inflation, crime, our border, our supply chain, national security and the 1st and 2nd amendments. Over here we call what Democrats are doing, sweating the small stuff.

I disagree. It all starts with lying. Trump said balancing the budget would be easy. 7.8 trillion dollars in debt afterwards...................

Obama said he would not get us in any more wars of choice........Syria and Libya wonders why we didn't hold him accountable to that.

"Over here"? Where are you?

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