Will George Santos be stealing milk from babies next?

Huh? There`s no comparison. Al Franken wasn`t and isn`t a wanted man in Brazil for stealing checks and he doesn`t have 2 mothers. WTF is wrong with you?

Al Franken was a sex assaulter. I know WTF is wrong with you.
plantation boy/boot locker…you can call yourself whatever
Lol, no you can call me whatever. You have proven time and time again that you are a boot licking Aunt Jane and there is no hiding from that. I bet the only black folks you associate with are other boot lickers like yourself. That is if that white man you are with allows you to deal with any black folks at all.
I disagree. It all starts with lying. Trump said balancing the budget would be easy. 7.8 trillion dollars in debt afterwards...................

Obama said he would not get us in any more wars of choice........Syria and Libya wonders why we didn't hold him accountable to that.

"Over here"? Where are you?
Obama`s invasion and wars in Libya and Syria are some of our best kept secrets.
Whatevers. He is the GOP's Al Franken at this point. Time will sort it our one way or the other.
Al Franken got railroaded. I can’t stand the creep. But he didn’t fondle that woman’s breast. He pretended to while she was wearing a Kevlar vest.

Honestly, he fucked up when he chose to resign. Good. Glad he’s out. But …

he was still railroaded.
Libtards became alarmed in the past few weeks when they discovered that some politicians are completely dishonest and unworthy of belief.

And some rush to defend them and make excuses because they need their vote.
Huh. How about that? Maybe you could provide a link to anybody defending Santos?

“In America today, you’re innocent 'til proven guilty. So, just because somebody doesn't like the press you have, it’s not me that can have — can oversay what the voters say. The voters are the power. The voters made the decision, and he has a right to serve here. If there is something that rises to the occasion that he did something wrong, then we’ll deal with that at that time.”

Kevin McCarthy.

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