Will George Santos be stealing milk from babies next?

i happen to be african american amd hate seeing my fellow brothers and sisters like superbad in bondage still…and will call him out
Right, but you support the party that has the mindset of the sheet wearers and votes against anything that they think might bring equality to black folks. You support the party of racism and then claim you hate seeing black folks in bondage and 92% of black folks in this country think you are a boot licking, sellout.
i notice you don’t question him when he uses racist bigoted remarks..

as to your first point…i get that as a xiden supporter you likely don’t think i’m black for not following in line with him…i mean it’s what he said…i ain’t really black if i don’t do what he says
What racist, bigoted remarks would that be? You have proven that you are a boot licking, sellout. Everything you stand for is the opposite of what 92% of black folks stand for. You supported Herschel Walker, that alone speaks for itself.
Right, but you support the party that has the mindset of the sheet wearers and votes against anything that they think might bring equality to black folks. You support the party of racism and then claim you hate seeing black folks in bondage and 92% of black folks in this country think you are a boot licking, sellout.
you support the demklan and guy that said fought against enforcing Brown, not to mention said if you don’t follow him you ain’t black
What racist, bigoted remarks would that be? You have proven that you are a boot licking, sellout. Everything you stand for is the opposite of what 92% of black folks stand for. You supported Herschel Walker, that alone speaks for itself.
He’s a black man…a successful black man…which is why your plantation boss hates him…and tells you to
you support the demklan and guy that said fought against enforcing Brown, not to mention said if you don’t follow him you ain’t black
You claim that I support him, see black folks weren't thrilled about Joe Biden we just wanted Trump's racist ass gone. Now you bend over for the man who called black mothers bitches, got sued by the Federal Gov't for not renting apartments to black folks and claims he wouldn't want you counting his money.
He’s a black man…a successful black man…which is why your plantation boss hates him…and tells you to
He's a black man who was hand picked by your Orange Massa and made a fool out of himself running for an office he had no business running for. How successful was he when he claimed to have 800 employees and only had 8, that's your idea of a successful black man?
The guy stole puppies from the Amish in 2017. Can you believe he wrote a bad check? Several of them.
McCarthy needs to make him the head of the GOP Ethics Committee.
You know things are bad for the New Right when all they can say in the face of a scumbag like Santos is, "B-b-b-b-b-but Democrats!"

They have so much filth covering them, they are having to say it every day now. :lol:
The guy stole puppies from the Amish in 2017. Can you believe he wrote a bad check? Several of them.
McCarthy needs to make him the head of the GOP Ethics Committee.
I don’t know why everyone is so offended. Blumenthal stole valor, Biden lied and plagiarized. 99% of the LGBTQ agenda is based on lies. Planned Parenthood lies about humans being clumps of cells. So maybe Santos identifies as all the things he says. Isn’t that the game we’re playing? You identify as something and that magically makes it reality. Liars like Biden get to be president, so Santos should be president at some point. There’s no integrity Washington.
I don’t know why everyone is so offended. Blumenthal stole valor, Biden lied and plagiarized. 99% of the LGBTQ agenda is based on lies. Planned Parenthood lies about humans being clumps of cells. So maybe Santos identifies as all the things he says. Isn’t that the game we’re playing? You identify as something and that magically makes it reality. Liars like Biden get to be president, so Santos should be president at some point. There’s no integrity Washington.
Bullshit cover for Santos's lies is exactly why we get liars.

We get the politicians we deserve.

You deserve Santos.

God forbid it should ever occur to you hacks to clean your own house!
Bullshit cover for Santos's lies is exactly why we get liars.

We get the politicians we deserve.

You deserve Santos.

God forbid it should ever occur to you hacks to clean your own house!
I didn’t say I approved, I said don’t know why people are so offended in a time where lying is acceptable behavior.

A man can say they identify as a female and enter women’s bathrooms, play on women’s sports and even be named women of the year. It doesn’t matter his giant boner and chromosomes both say he’s obviously a man. It’s a lie and it’s acceptable. The same people who support this lie AKA democrats are screaming about Santos. They don’t complain about Hillary Clinton lying about Russian Collusion, a story she made up. They don’t complain about Blumenthal claiming he fought in Vietnam when he never saw action. He’s still in Washington. They don’t complain about Biden lying about his education or plagiarizing a speech. The man just lied to our face during the SOTUA last week.

Now me, I think if Santos goes the rest of them go because they are all guilty and equally despicable. I don’t see any difference between a liar like Santos and Biden failing to report he had classified files in November while throwing Trump under the bus for the same thing. That’s called a coverup and influencing an election. Santos goes, Biden goes, Blumenthal goes and most likely 90% of Congress go.

BTW why is it NOBODY asks how Santos’ lies weren’t discovered by anyone until after he won the election. Not one reporter, political candidate or constituent investigated Santos’ claims until he was ready to go to Washington? Are his constituents even trying to recall him? You’re right, you get the government you deserve. His constituents deserve this lying jerk for being apathetic voters and not doing their homework.
I don’t know why everyone is so offended. Blumenthal stole valor, Biden lied and plagiarized. 99% of the LGBTQ agenda is based on lies. Planned Parenthood lies about humans being clumps of cells. So maybe Santos identifies as all the things he says. Isn’t that the game we’re playing? You identify as something and that magically makes it reality. Liars like Biden get to be president, so Santos should be president at some point. There’s no integrity Washington.

Sadly most politicians lie about something. Santos lies about everything.

I do not defend any of the lies, sadly you do.
Didn’t Ilan Omar marry her brother? Lol
Who dates a Chinese spy?
Who lied and said they had proof of Russian collusion?
You tell us who said they have proof of Russian collusion. What we learned from the Mueller investigation is that Russia did meddle in our election to assist Trump. Of the 34 indictments, 13 were Russian nationals and 3 Russian businesses.
You tell us who said they have proof of Russian collusion. What we learned from the Mueller investigation is that Russia did meddle in our election to assist Trump. Of the 34 indictments, 13 were Russian nationals and 3 Russian businesses.
Ahhh criminal investigation of collusion found no collusion, but then you want to charge him with collusion, even though there was no collusion? Lol
Ahhh criminal investigation of collusion found no collusion, but then you want to charge him with collusion, even though there was no collusion? Lol
Who charged him with collusion and why are you running away from answering. Let`s see their names.

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