Will George Santos be stealing milk from babies next?

You deflected. You can't bring yourself to straight up condemn Santos.

YOU are the reason lying is acceptable.
Projecting much? 🤣

Yes I can bring myself to straight up condemn Santos, he’s clearly a douche and clearly wrong. That said he’s in a place where lying douches abound so those demanding he resign are hypocrites.

The only ones who should be demanding his resignation are his half witted constituent’s because he represents them.

No dear I’m not responsible. Democrats are responsible. They are 100% liars ; Clinton, Obama, Biden all FOS.
Sadly most politicians lie about something. Santos lies about everything.

I do not defend any of the lies, sadly you do.
I’m not defending it, I just don’t understand why everyone is shocked.

This is the path the Woke USA has chosen. Men can give birth, men need tampon’s in their bathroom for their periods. She was born a male but now identifies as female therefore she should be put in the female prison or use the female bathroom. It’s all a lie no different from Santos.

Democrats defend abortion when clearly it’s government sanctioned murder, especially late term abortion. They say the baby is a clump of cells but guess what? All humans are a clump of cells. Democrats were quick to scream follow the science but flat out refuse to do it themselves. If a clump of cells is definition for abortion then murder is a late term abortion right? It’s all lies worse than Santos because it’s murderous.

Biden plagiarized and lied about his education saying he was top in his class when he wasn’t. Make him leave too.

Obama lied when he said if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. Actually people call it Obama care but really it’s called the Affordable Care Act. The name is even a lie because it’s not affordable. He needs to be banned from participating in a government activity he’s a liar. No senior statesmanship for him.

Bill Clinton lied to Congress and was impeached for it. He too should never be allowed near government activities again.

Hillary Clinton is the queen of lies along with the DNC. Her campaign is responsible for the Steele Dossier which was the catalyst for the accusations of Russian Collusion. Clinton and the DNC knew the allegations were false but pushed the narrative to unseat a duly elected president because she lost the election. That little lie is treason, cost the taxpayers 40+ million dollars for the wild goose chase. Then it cost us more for the Durham report to trace the paper trail back to her and the Democrats. Then Clinton and the Democrats lied again to Durham and falsely accused a third party for the faulty information. Durham proved it came from them and fined them; Clinton and the DNC paid the fine. The DNC should be dismantled and Clinton should be made to pay back the millions she cost the American public and banned from all political activities.

So I ask you who is the bigger liar? Santos? Clinton? Nope it’s the DNC. Everything from their ridiculous LGBTQ and abortion agenda which defies basic science, falsely accusing a President of collusion. Maybe it’s the 2016 primary where the DNC betrayed the trust of their party members and rigged the primary in favor of Clinton which cheated Sanders out of the nomination. Those people were allowed to stay and thrive. Now if Santos constituents want to recall him I can support that. They should IMHO.

Maybe the people screaming should clean up their own backyard first.

Matthew 7 3-5​

New International Version​

3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.​

Projecting much? 🤣

Yes I can bring myself to straight up condemn Santos, he’s clearly a douche and clearly wrong. That said he’s in a place where lying douches abound so those demanding he resign are hypocrites.

The only ones who should be demanding his resignation are his half witted constituent’s because he represents them.

No dear I’m not responsible. Democrats are responsible. They are 100% liars ; Clinton, Obama, Biden all FOS.
Is there a politician anywhere who hasn`t told a lie? For the record, George Washington told lies.
I’m not defending it, I just don’t understand why everyone is shocked.

Yes, you are defending it.

Shocked? I've said this is the way it will go when we ignore the lies of those on "our side". I'm not shocked, I just want it to stop but I know it won't because far too many will continue to defend it when it is "their side".

This is the path the Woke USA has chosen. Men can give birth, men need tampon’s in their bathroom for their periods. She was born a male but now identifies as female therefore she should be put in the female prison or use the female bathroom. It’s all a lie no different from Santos.

Democrats defend abortion when clearly it’s government sanctioned murder, especially late term abortion. They say the baby is a clump of cells but guess what? All humans are a clump of cells. Democrats were quick to scream follow the science but flat out refuse to do it themselves. If a clump of cells is definition for abortion then murder is a late term abortion right? It’s all lies worse than Santos because it’s murderous.

Biden plagiarized and lied about his education saying he was top in his class when he wasn’t. Make him leave too.

Obama lied when he said if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. Actually people call it Obama care but really it’s called the Affordable Care Act. The name is even a lie because it’s not affordable. He needs to be banned from participating in a government activity he’s a liar. No senior statesmanship for him.

Bill Clinton lied to Congress and was impeached for it. He too should never be allowed near government activities again.

Hillary Clinton is the queen of lies along with the DNC. Her campaign is responsible for the Steele Dossier which was the catalyst for the accusations of Russian Collusion. Clinton and the DNC knew the allegations were false but pushed the narrative to unseat a duly elected president because she lost the election. That little lie is treason, cost the taxpayers 40+ million dollars for the wild goose chase. Then it cost us more for the Durham report to trace the paper trail back to her and the Democrats. Then Clinton and the Democrats lied again to Durham and falsely accused a third party for the faulty information. Durham proved it came from them and fined them; Clinton and the DNC paid the fine. The DNC should be dismantled and Clinton should be made to pay back the millions she cost the American public and banned from all political activities.

So I ask you who is the bigger liar? Santos? Clinton? Nope it’s the DNC. Everything from their ridiculous LGBTQ and abortion agenda which defies basic science, falsely accusing a President of collusion. Maybe it’s the 2016 primary where the DNC betrayed the trust of their party members and rigged the primary in favor of Clinton which cheated Sanders out of the nomination. Those people were allowed to stay and thrive. Now if Santos constituents want to recall him I can support that. They should IMHO.

Maybe the people screaming should clean up their own backyard first.

Matthew 7 3-5​

New International Version​

3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye​

Your entire rant is a defense while trying blame others for what he did. His lies are no one elses fault but his.
Yes, you are defending it.

Shocked? I've said this is the way it will go when we ignore the lies of those on "our side". I'm not shocked, I just want it to stop but I know it won't because far too many will continue to defend it when it is "their side".

Your entire rant is a defense while trying blame others for what he did. His lies are no one elses fault but his.
You’re delusional. Where did I blame anyone else but Santos for Santos’ lies? Nowhere! I just said if telling lies is criteria for kicking someone out of Congress there’d be nobody left.

It’s got nothing to do with “my side” it has everything to do with fair and equal treatment no matter whose side. A lie is a lie. If Santos goes so should Clinton,Obama, Biden, Blumenthal,they’re all equally liars. You just can’t handle the fact that the upper echelons of the Democratic Party are all lying POS.

You’re as big a hypocrite as most of the democrats screaming about Santos. It’s you who’s taking sides. Why don’t you demand the removal of Biden? I can make a laundry list of his lies. He’s been telling stories since the 1980’s.
You’re delusional. Where did I blame anyone else but Santos for Santos’ lies? Nowhere! I just said if telling lies is criteria for kicking someone out of Congress there’d be nobody left.

It’s got nothing to do with “my side” it has everything to do with fair and equal treatment no matter whose side. A lie is a lie. If Santos goes so should Clinton,Obama, Biden, Blumenthal,they’re all equally liars.


Has nothing to do with "My side". LOL

to NOTE the Democrats are NOT my side. I have never voted for a Democrat other than Manchin one time.

You just can’t handle the fact that the upper echelons of the Democratic Party are all lying POS.

You’re as big a hypocrite as most of the democrats screaming about Santos. It’s you who’s taking sides. Why don’t you demand the removal of Biden? I can make a laundry list of his lies. He’s been telling stories since the 1980’s.

Call Democrats liars. I won't argue with you. Santos has made lying a lifestyle. There is nothing he hasn't lied about.
People are dying from a gigantic environmental disaster in Ohio and lefties worry about Amish puppies. WTF? Santos is one of 435 congress people. Mayor Pete is killing people.
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People are dying from a gigantic environmental disaster in Ohio and lefties worry about Amish puppies. WTF? Santos is one of 435 congress people. Mayor Pete is killing people.

Who has died?

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