Will Hispanics vote on free shit or morality?

I refuse to buy the “Hispanics have flocked to the Republican Party” over abortion bullshit….I believe ‘free shit’ and ‘dethrone whitey’ will still top their list of reasons to vote. Your thoughts?
There is an unmistakeable shift in Hispanics going over to the party of R's. Many are actually against illegal immigration, abortion, and know how socialism starts and they want no part of it. I'd also have to say that most all of the Hispanic people I have personally known are hard workers and not freeloaders, although I'm not saying there are no freeloaders. Democrats take every opportunity they can to buy their votes and keep people in perpetual poverty.
i dont buy that care....the legal ones i worked with voted and the ones i delivered mail too got political mailings just like everyone else so i assumed those ones were at least registered...
It is getting better, but their turn out to vote is still dismal! Which leaves room for both parties to capture their vote!

Yes. She is saying that Democrats who are fighting to eliminate bail for violent, repeat offenders in an effort to get them back onto the streets where their can continue their savage behavior - pushing people into the subway tracks, sucker-punching them from behind, stabbing them, etc. - only APPEAR to be soft on criminals.

Most people see reality.

15 more days.
And how will voting for a republican change the crime situation any, if they are elected? :dunno:
And how will voting for a republican change the crime situation any, if they are elected? :dunno:
Few if any Republicans are for cashless bail, early release of dangerous criminals, defunding police and/or replacing some with social workers and/or making it much more difficult to do their jobs. Few if any Republicans make idols and/or heroes of repeat offenders/career criminals, even erect statues to them, and demonize the police.

Few if any Republicans pretend that millions of illegals flooding across the border is not a problem and pretend that its no big deal that many are drug, sex, child trafficking, that the crimes to person and property some are committing is a minor thing, that the hundreds of them dying terrible deaths trying to get here isn't happening, and it is our 'Christian duty' to encourage much more of it by giving them free phones, food, shelter, transportation, education, healthcare. Few if any Republicans do not blame Biden for inviting them.

In 2020 Biden got 59% of the Latino vote compared to 38% voting for Trump. Biden policies have been so disastrous for so many Americans, I think it very possible those numbers could reverse in the GOP favor in this election or at least significantly narrow.
Few if any Republicans are for cashless bail, early release of dangerous criminals, defunding police and/or replacing some with social workers and/or making it much more difficult to do their jobs. Few if any Republicans make idols and/or heroes of repeat offenders/career criminals, even erect statues to them, and demonize the police.

Few if any Republicans pretend that millions of illegals flooding across the border is not a problem and pretend that its no big deal that many are drug, sex, child trafficking, that the crimes to person and property some are committing is a minor thing, that the hundreds of them dying terrible deaths trying to get here isn't happening, and it is our 'Christian duty' to encourage much more of it by giving them free phones, food, shelter, transportation, education, healthcare. Few if any Republicans do not blame Biden for inviting them.

In 2020 Biden got 59% of the Latino vote compared to 38% voting for Trump. Biden policies have been so disastrous for so many Americans, I think it very possible those numbers could reverse in the GOP favor in this election or at least significantly narrow.

So, how will the republicans elected actually be able to change things? What do they plan to do?
As a 1/2 Hispanic myself, I would agree with Foxfyre. Since Hispanics have never really been into the welfare culture, as many blacks have, but they/we are deep into the culture of morality, based on Catholic/Christian values, there will be a huge surge in Hispanic Republican voting, as polls already indicate.

Democrats were able to cajole Hispanics into voting with them in the past, by race baiting, and claiming Republicans were racist, because of them being against illegal immigration. With Biden's wild & reckless border policies however, complete with drugs/fentanyl, human trafficking, that hitch has been broken.

Couple that with the increased crime, crazy Democrat crime-soft policies, and a multitude of cancel culture lunacies, Democrats have lost Hispanics, as much as if they were deliberately trying to do that.

Democrats haven't been smart. Their bending to the far left of their party is costing them. What did they think would happen to a demographic group they have relied heavily upon ?... when they advocate unisex bathrooms, same-sex marriage, tran sex grooming of kids, drag queen parties for kids, tran loon men competing against women in women's sports. And all this to a cultural group > Hispanics, who generally have a picture of Jesus Christ hanging in their living rooms. I have many Mexican-American friends. Almost all wear 2 medals necklaces - a crucifix, and one of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

As a group, Democrats have now become about as popular to Hispanics, as sharks are to swimmers. They should change their name to Dumbocrats.
I'm such a mutt I don't know if I have any Hispanic or Latino heritage back there somewhere myself. But I have a lot of people of Spanish and Mexican heritage in my family, all U.S. citizens, and they are no more monolithic in their thinking or politics than are any other Americans.

It's pretty much a sure thing though that those whose jobs depend on government directly or on government funding are Democrat and will likely vote Democrat this November. I don't know any who work in the private sector who will not be voting Republican.
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So, how will the republicans elected actually be able to change things? What do they plan to do?
They can't do much so long as incompetent or politically disastrous people head federal and state government--any corrective legislation they pass will be vetoed. But at least they won't be passing anywhere near as much bad legislation that funds, promotes, exacerbates or creates the worst policies that are so bad for America and Americans and have the worst consequences.
I refuse to buy the “Hispanics have flocked to the Republican Party” over abortion bullshit….I believe ‘free shit’ and ‘dethrone whitey’ will still top their list of reasons to vote. Your thoughts?

Hispanics are natural Republican voters.
There is nothing like that.
She is literally the least intelligent person that any of us are likely to ever encounter.
But.....but.......but......... she tells you that she's the smartest person on this board. Just ask her. I would, but she went all chickenshit and put me on iggy long ago. Can't fight a fair fight, like all leftist vermin.
I had to laugh at they want "life, liberty"they to be able to worship as they choose. They do not want the republicans.
Those dependent on government for their paychecks don't because they would be far more likely to have to step up and earn their raises, promotions etc instead of that being automatic.

Those in the private sector that I know, including several in my own family, who are in the private sector ,say they are all voting Republican this year.
Few if any Republicans are for cashless bail, early release of dangerous criminals, defunding police and/or replacing some with social workers and/or making it much more difficult to do their jobs. Few if any Republicans make idols and/or heroes of repeat offenders/career criminals, even erect statues to them, and demonize the police.

Few if any Republicans pretend that millions of illegals flooding across the border is not a problem and pretend that its no big deal that many are drug, sex, child trafficking, that the crimes to person and property some are committing is a minor thing, that the hundreds of them dying terrible deaths trying to get here isn't happening, and it is our 'Christian duty' to encourage much more of it by giving them free phones, food, shelter, transportation, education, healthcare. Few if any Republicans do not blame Biden for inviting them.

In 2020 Biden got 59% of the Latino vote compared to 38% voting for Trump. Biden policies have been so disastrous for so many Americans, I think it very possible those numbers could reverse in the GOP favor in this election or at least significantly narrow.

Sorry but the Care person does not live in the real world.
Facts have no effect on her.
The illegal's don't go anywhere near the polls, they don't vote.
The data suggests otherwise:

I honestly doubt the illegal vote cost Trump the election. There is no way to know if all the illegals voted Biden. The DACA people were pretty angry with the Democrats when Trump offered them amnesty and the Democrats voted that down.

But it's simply a fact some illegals beat the system and voted. In New Mexico you can register to vote on election day and I'm pretty sure they aren't much interested in investigating those who do after the fact. New Mexico has never had a Republican legislature in its 110 year history and has never allowed a vote count to be questioned if the Democrat wins.
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care is ok.....i have been posting with her for over ten years now...she may have her moments like we all do....
Care is as human as any of us and will post things that she believes that offend somebody as we ALL do at times. And if she is treated badly she is as capable of responding in kind as most or probably all of us will do at least at times.

I don't have to agree with a person to like somebody. Of course I think everybody ought to be like me. :)
Hold on…they’re “natural Republican voters” yet 70%+ have always voted Democrat?
The point made I think is that probably a majority, maybe a strong majority, of Hispanics approve of Republican initiatives and values more than they do Democrat initiatives and values.

The problem comes in that Republicans aren't all that good getting a message out there in understandable form, and even when they try they are thwarted by a mostly Democrat media that is too often little more than a Democrat propaganda machine. So unless they watch OAN, Newsmax, Fox News or get information from at least some more objective sources, a large percentage of Hispanics (and others) don't KNOW the Democrats are against so many of their values and what the Republicans actually support.

More Republican in ideology but vote Democrat because they have been conditioned to think the Democrats better reflect their views.

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