Will immigration reform get killed in Republican-led U.S. House?


Gold Member
Jul 16, 2009
"There is no evidence to support this idea that Republicans will pick up a lot of votes if we give amnesty to 11 million folks," said Representative Tim Huelskamp, a Kansas Republican.

"But Huelskamp noted that Republican Senator John McCain failed to attract much Hispanic support in his 2008 presidential campaign despite having crafted and pushed a sweeping immigration bill the year before that was ultimately rejected.

McCain picked up 31 percent of the Hispanic vote in 2008 against Obama, just 4 percentage points more than 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney ended up with against Obama four years later.

Republicans control the House, 233-201 with one vacancy. Most Republicans have traditionally opposed legalization as a form of amnesty that rewards law breaking and they see as providing an incentive for further illegal border crossing."

REPEAT-Will immigration reform get killed in Republican-led U.S. House? | Reuters
We can only hope.

Popular protests on the Internet and email and FAX killed it off once (2007?).
Seeing what immigration is doing around the world, we would do very well not to repeat it here.
If mass immigration was good, why do things suck so bad? If making illegals legal is so good, why after Reagan did it do we find ourselves in this position again?

You know what they say about repeating the same mistake hoping for a different result.
"There is no evidence to support this idea that Republicans will pick up a lot of votes if we give amnesty to 11 million folks," said Representative Tim Huelskamp, a Kansas Republican.

"But Huelskamp noted that Republican Senator John McCain failed to attract much Hispanic support in his 2008 presidential campaign despite having crafted and pushed a sweeping immigration bill the year before that was ultimately rejected.

McCain picked up 31 percent of the Hispanic vote in 2008 against Obama, just 4 percentage points more than 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney ended up with against Obama four years later.

Republicans control the House, 233-201 with one vacancy. Most Republicans have traditionally opposed legalization as a form of amnesty that rewards law breaking and they see as providing an incentive for further illegal border crossing."

REPEAT-Will immigration reform get killed in Republican-led U.S. House? | Reuters

Immigration reform is entirely different than granting some sort of amnesty to illegal immigrants. For some reason, the press thinks they are one and the same.
Without ensuring that the borders will be shut down and that illegals will be prosecuted in the future, no amnesty is possible.

We once said that there would be a one-time amnesty. Now here we are again. The Democrats lied then and I have no doubt that they are lying again now.
If mass immigration was good, why do things suck so bad? If making illegals legal is so good, why after Reagan did it do we find ourselves in this position again?

You know what they say about repeating the same mistake hoping for a different result.

Part of the bill Mr Reagan signed into law was that the border would be secured. It wasn't. The result is amnesty part two for the folks that ignored our laws and the failure of congress to secure the borders.
"...For some reason, the press thinks they are one and the same."
As does the Left... I wonder if there's a connection...
"...For some reason, the press thinks they are one and the same."
As does the Left... I wonder if there's a connection...

"There is no evidence to support this idea that Republicans will pick up a lot of votes if we give amnesty to 11 million folks," said Representative Tim Huelskamp, a Kansas Republican.

no, it is the Republicans who are obsessed with a minor and unlikely end result ...
Give Shamnesty to 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens and you guarantee a Republican White House and Senate and House of Representatives well into the foreseeable future...

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