Will Joe Biden show any courage and actually debate Trump on stage?

Will Joe debate Trump?

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  • No

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Or will he continue to use the virus as an excuse for his cowardice?
Of course he will. He's already committed to the 3 scheduled debates.
For now......and Crazy Joe refused a request by Trump for more than 3.
Not necessary.
Not capable.
What would be the point? Trumps failings can be made clear in 1 debate.
If Crazy Joe was confident he would beat Trump so badly he would want more debates, not fewer.

Waste of time.
Yeah, cuz Crazy Joe is booked solid right now. :abgg2q.jpg:
Of course. How will trump defend all his failed policies?

Most of his policies have been successful, particularly the important ones such as the economy and border problem.
Economically a disaster. Tax cuts neither paid for themselves or delivered promised 4-6% growth. Mexico isn’t paying for the wall. Deficits are huge. What are you talking about?

Deficits are huge, but most of those deficits were created under a Democrat led Congress who supplies the money. I'm not blaming them, but did you really think it was possible to handle a worldwide pandemic that shut much of this country down and not have huge deficits? The only way to do that is whoever lost their job, let them starve to death, and if your business is in jeopardy, you lose it and all the jobs you formerly provided.

We are living something most of us have never seen before. In may ways, it's worse than 911. Prior to this, spending went primarily to our military that DumBama let dwindle. You can't be the world police without the best of everything for offensive and defensive actions. Trump presided over the best economy in 50 years. I'm 60 years old, and I can't remember a time when we had over a million jobs more than Americans to do them. So before the virus, huge growth could have only hurt us because there was nobody to do the new jobs.

Trump spent 3 billion dollars of our tax money on the wall. Do you understand how little that is? 3 billion is what we spend for a half-month of food stamps in this country. Plus, it's an investment we will realize later on because illegal immigrants cost us a lot of money. Threatening Mexico by withholding money from them was a great success on our border. Creating new policy that you must apply for asylum in your own country at a US embassy was a huge success, and to add icing to the cake, his policy that if you wanted to take a huge chance by coming here without applying first, you would be immediately rejected if you were offered asylum in another country on the way here and declined the offer.

Testing women for pregnancy before being allowed to enter was another one. Birther Tourism was a huge problem here. They came rushing to the US just to have babies so they would be automatic citizens--something else we should stop. Many were sent here by their government or radical religious groups. When those babies become of age, they could return back to the US unquestioned because they are citizens, and God knows what harm they may do to us.
Deficits were huge before the pandemic. And they got there from when the repubs had complete control and passed a tax cut and increased military spending.

And the tax cuts helped greatly with the economy, and the military spending helps our men and women in the service not to mention makes us a stronger nation.
Or will he continue to use the virus as an excuse for his cowardice?
Of course he will. He's already committed to the 3 scheduled debates.
For now......and Crazy Joe refused a request by Trump for more than 3.
Not necessary.
Not capable.
What would be the point? Trumps failings can be made clear in 1 debate.
If Crazy Joe was confident he would beat Trump so badly he would want more debates, not fewer.

Waste of time.
Yeah, cuz Crazy Joe is booked solid right now. :abgg2q.jpg:
Cause it can easily be done in 3. Heck one would be enough to point out how bad the country is. Trumps record is awful.
Of course. How will trump defend all his failed policies?

Most of his policies have been successful, particularly the important ones such as the economy and border problem.
Economically a disaster. Tax cuts neither paid for themselves or delivered promised 4-6% growth. Mexico isn’t paying for the wall. Deficits are huge. What are you talking about?

Deficits are huge, but most of those deficits were created under a Democrat led Congress who supplies the money. I'm not blaming them, but did you really think it was possible to handle a worldwide pandemic that shut much of this country down and not have huge deficits? The only way to do that is whoever lost their job, let them starve to death, and if your business is in jeopardy, you lose it and all the jobs you formerly provided.

We are living something most of us have never seen before. In may ways, it's worse than 911. Prior to this, spending went primarily to our military that DumBama let dwindle. You can't be the world police without the best of everything for offensive and defensive actions. Trump presided over the best economy in 50 years. I'm 60 years old, and I can't remember a time when we had over a million jobs more than Americans to do them. So before the virus, huge growth could have only hurt us because there was nobody to do the new jobs.

Trump spent 3 billion dollars of our tax money on the wall. Do you understand how little that is? 3 billion is what we spend for a half-month of food stamps in this country. Plus, it's an investment we will realize later on because illegal immigrants cost us a lot of money. Threatening Mexico by withholding money from them was a great success on our border. Creating new policy that you must apply for asylum in your own country at a US embassy was a huge success, and to add icing to the cake, his policy that if you wanted to take a huge chance by coming here without applying first, you would be immediately rejected if you were offered asylum in another country on the way here and declined the offer.

Testing women for pregnancy before being allowed to enter was another one. Birther Tourism was a huge problem here. They came rushing to the US just to have babies so they would be automatic citizens--something else we should stop. Many were sent here by their government or radical religious groups. When those babies become of age, they could return back to the US unquestioned because they are citizens, and God knows what harm they may do to us.
Deficits were huge before the pandemic. And they got there from when the repubs had complete control and passed a tax cut and increased military spending.

And the tax cuts helped greatly with the economy, and the military spending helps our men and women in the service not to mention makes us a stronger nation.
Helped what? GDP growth dropped. Huge debt doesn’t make us stronger.
Or will he continue to use the virus as an excuse for his cowardice?
Of course he will. He's already committed to the 3 scheduled debates.
For now......and Crazy Joe refused a request by Trump for more than 3.
Not necessary.
Not capable.
What would be the point? Trumps failings can be made clear in 1 debate.
If Crazy Joe was confident he would beat Trump so badly he would want more debates, not fewer.

Waste of time.
Yeah, cuz Crazy Joe is booked solid right now. :abgg2q.jpg:
Cause it can easily be done in 3. Heck one would be enough to point out how bad the country is. Trumps record is awful.
Biden is scared.
We are living something most of us have never seen before. In may ways, it's worse than 911. Prior to this, spending went primarily to our military that DumBama let dwindle. You can't be the world police without the best of everything for offensive and defensive actions. Trump presided over the best economy in 50 years. I'm 60 years old, and I can't remember a time when we had over a million jobs more than Americans to do them. So before the virus, huge growth could have only hurt us because there was nobody to do the new jobs.

One more time. The Titanic was making excellent speed until it hit the iceberg.

The economy sucks right now... You guys own this.
Of course they know Trump is not going to agree to this. That's the excuse they're going to use to keep Creepy Joe from having to face Trump.

You mean Trump will finally be in a place where he can't get away with lying? And he'll be challenged when he does.

You know, like how Candy Crowley blew up Romney when he lied about Obama not calling Benghazi terrorism.

Trump is a pathological liar... that's why he'll avoid a debate, particularly if he knows he's going to lose, anyway.
Once again you fail to bring any proof of legislation Crazy Joe wrote that helped poor people.

You really should just throw in the towel on this one.

Google is your friend, stupid. I've already stated I'm not doing your research for you. You aren't worth the fucking time.
Or will he continue to use the virus as an excuse for his cowardice?
Of course he will. He's already committed to the 3 scheduled debates.
And he did well enough against sanders in their debate so trump shouldn’t be a problem. Trump has a failed record to defend. Worst pandemic response. Huge deficits. Tax cuts that failed to pay for themselves or deliver promised growth. Tariffs that hurt manufacturing...
And Quid Pro Joe has 40 years in government. He won't be able to blame the current state of things on TRUMP! since he was in power just a few years ago.
Or will he continue to use the virus as an excuse for his cowardice?
Of course he will. He's already committed to the 3 scheduled debates.
For now......and Crazy Joe refused a request by Trump for more than 3.
Not necessary.
Not capable.
What would be the point? Trumps failings can be made clear in 1 debate.
If Crazy Joe was confident he would beat Trump so badly he would want more debates, not fewer.

Waste of time.
Yeah, cuz Crazy Joe is booked solid right now. :abgg2q.jpg:
Cause it can easily be done in 3. Heck one would be enough to point out how bad the country is. Trumps record is awful.
And QPJ was right there in the White House less than 4 years ago. What did he do to make the country better? That's what Trump should focus on. 40 years in government and what does he have to show for it?
Or will he continue to use the virus as an excuse for his cowardice?
Of course he will. He's already committed to the 3 scheduled debates.
For now......and Crazy Joe refused a request by Trump for more than 3.
Not necessary.
Not capable.
What would be the point? Trumps failings can be made clear in 1 debate.
If Crazy Joe was confident he would beat Trump so badly he would want more debates, not fewer.

Waste of time.
Yeah, cuz Crazy Joe is booked solid right now. :abgg2q.jpg:
Cause it can easily be done in 3. Heck one would be enough to point out how bad the country is. Trumps record is awful.
And QPJ was right there in the White House less than 4 years ago. What did he do to make the country better? That's what Trump should focus on. 40 years in government and what does he have to show for it?

He has a wealthy son and brother to show for it. Maybe if he gets the presidency, he can start working on nieces and nephews too.
Of course they know Trump is not going to agree to this. That's the excuse they're going to use to keep Creepy Joe from having to face Trump.

You mean Trump will finally be in a place where he can't get away with lying? And he'll be challenged when he does.

You know, like how Candy Crowley blew up Romney when he lied about Obama not calling Benghazi terrorism.

Trump is a pathological liar... that's why he'll avoid a debate, particularly if he knows he's going to lose, anyway.

I'm sure Trump is dying to debate, as long as Joe can't cheat such as a virtual debate where his people are showing cue cards. So how would you think Biden's people would react if they knew the debates would be slanted towards President Trump? Last time, they were handing Hillary the questions before they got near the debate so her team could study them and come up with the best answer she would probably never think of.

Your people are known cheats.
We are living something most of us have never seen before. In may ways, it's worse than 911. Prior to this, spending went primarily to our military that DumBama let dwindle. You can't be the world police without the best of everything for offensive and defensive actions. Trump presided over the best economy in 50 years. I'm 60 years old, and I can't remember a time when we had over a million jobs more than Americans to do them. So before the virus, huge growth could have only hurt us because there was nobody to do the new jobs.

One more time. The Titanic was making excellent speed until it hit the iceberg.

The economy sucks right now... You guys own this.

Nobody owns a worldwide virus except in the fantasy heads of the left, and they're not going to vote for Trump anyway.
Of course. How will trump defend all his failed policies?

Most of his policies have been successful, particularly the important ones such as the economy and border problem.
Economically a disaster. Tax cuts neither paid for themselves or delivered promised 4-6% growth. Mexico isn’t paying for the wall. Deficits are huge. What are you talking about?

Deficits are huge, but most of those deficits were created under a Democrat led Congress who supplies the money. I'm not blaming them, but did you really think it was possible to handle a worldwide pandemic that shut much of this country down and not have huge deficits? The only way to do that is whoever lost their job, let them starve to death, and if your business is in jeopardy, you lose it and all the jobs you formerly provided.

We are living something most of us have never seen before. In may ways, it's worse than 911. Prior to this, spending went primarily to our military that DumBama let dwindle. You can't be the world police without the best of everything for offensive and defensive actions. Trump presided over the best economy in 50 years. I'm 60 years old, and I can't remember a time when we had over a million jobs more than Americans to do them. So before the virus, huge growth could have only hurt us because there was nobody to do the new jobs.

Trump spent 3 billion dollars of our tax money on the wall. Do you understand how little that is? 3 billion is what we spend for a half-month of food stamps in this country. Plus, it's an investment we will realize later on because illegal immigrants cost us a lot of money. Threatening Mexico by withholding money from them was a great success on our border. Creating new policy that you must apply for asylum in your own country at a US embassy was a huge success, and to add icing to the cake, his policy that if you wanted to take a huge chance by coming here without applying first, you would be immediately rejected if you were offered asylum in another country on the way here and declined the offer.

Testing women for pregnancy before being allowed to enter was another one. Birther Tourism was a huge problem here. They came rushing to the US just to have babies so they would be automatic citizens--something else we should stop. Many were sent here by their government or radical religious groups. When those babies become of age, they could return back to the US unquestioned because they are citizens, and God knows what harm they may do to us.
Deficits were huge before the pandemic. And they got there from when the repubs had complete control and passed a tax cut and increased military spending.

And the tax cuts helped greatly with the economy, and the military spending helps our men and women in the service not to mention makes us a stronger nation.
Helped what? GDP growth dropped. Huge debt doesn’t make us stronger.

More and better military equipment does, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs that were created to supply these things to our military.
And Quid Pro Joe has 40 years in government. He won't be able to blame the current state of things on TRUMP! since he was in power just a few years ago.

Sure he can. He can say, "The economy was in good shape when Barak and I left, we didn't have a plague killing thousands and people weren't rioting in the street."

Kind of like if the Drunk Teen next door hotwires your car, wraps it around the tree and there's smoke coming out of the engine, he doesn't get to say, "But that's Joe's car!"

And QPJ was right there in the White House less than 4 years ago. What did he do to make the country better?

He took the economy from the worst recession in 70 years and brought it to a pretty good one. Then Trump gave us a worse recession. And a Plague. And Riots.

I'm sure Trump is dying to debate, as long as Joe can't cheat such as a virtual debate where his people are showing cue cards. So how would you think Biden's people would react if they knew the debates would be slanted towards President Trump? Last time, they were handing Hillary the questions before they got near the debate so her team could study them and come up with the best answer she would probably never think of.

Uh, guy, you are a bit confused. Nobody gave Hillary any questions in advance in her debate with Trump. Most of the questions would be anticipated, but what Biden shouldn't tolerate is Trump being allowed to make it into the circus he made his debates with Hillary into.

Frankly, I think debates are KIND OF USELESS. I mean, debates used to be good, before they turned them into entertainment.
More and better military equipment does, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs that were created to supply these things to our military.

Again, military expenditures don't create that many jobs. We'd create more jobs investing that money into health care or education.
And Quid Pro Joe has 40 years in government. He won't be able to blame the current state of things on TRUMP! since he was in power just a few years ago.

Sure he can. He can say, "The economy was in good shape when Barak and I left, we didn't have a plague killing thousands and people weren't rioting in the street."

Kind of like if the Drunk Teen next door hotwires your car, wraps it around the tree and there's smoke coming out of the engine, he doesn't get to say, "But that's Joe's car!"

And QPJ was right there in the White House less than 4 years ago. What did he do to make the country better?

He took the economy from the worst recession in 70 years and brought it to a pretty good one. Then Trump gave us a worse recession. And a Plague. And Riots.

I'm sure Trump is dying to debate, as long as Joe can't cheat such as a virtual debate where his people are showing cue cards. So how would you think Biden's people would react if they knew the debates would be slanted towards President Trump? Last time, they were handing Hillary the questions before they got near the debate so her team could study them and come up with the best answer she would probably never think of.

Uh, guy, you are a bit confused. Nobody gave Hillary any questions in advance in her debate with Trump. Most of the questions would be anticipated, but what Biden shouldn't tolerate is Trump being allowed to make it into the circus he made his debates with Hillary into.

Frankly, I think debates are KIND OF USELESS. I mean, debates used to be good, before they turned them into entertainment.
QPJ has been part of the government for 40 years so he doesn't get to pretend he has nothing to do with what's going on. There's a long paper trail that TRUMP! can mine as well as racist comments.

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