Will Kavanaugh be confirmed and seated on the supreme court? Yes or No.

Will Kavanaugh be confirmed and seated on the supreme court? Yes or No.

  • Yes

  • No

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And I really hope he does. Not b/c I think there's anything special about him, I just want someone in the scotus that will hate leftists until the day he dies.

So you want to put an angry drunk rapists on the court because it will make leftists mad?

Then again, you wanted to put a crazy person in the White House to make them mad.

How empty is your life, anyway?

Angry yes, at false accusations.
Yes I voted to pull the pin and toss Trump at DC, to drain the swamp. You have a problem with his achievements? Look thru his "promiseskept" web site and let me know which ones you disagree with.
He was and probably is a drunk and we seen his temper, and he was on water.

Sorry, from a party that sent a drunk murderer from Massachusetts to the US Senate for 30+ years, that argument holds no water. ;-)

Cons only have two goals.

1- pass big ass tax cut for the rich . Done !
2- put a psycho super right judge in the SC.

They don’t care about the backlash as long as they get those two things done . Many gop Congressman are retiring after the tax thing cause they can now cash in.

Backlash? Watch the republicans pick up seats in the Senate and loss only a few in the house.
He was and probably is a drunk and we seen his temper, and he was on water.

Sorry, from a party that sent a drunk murderer from Massachusetts to the US Senate for 30+ years, that argument holds no water. ;-)

Right you are, grump......what sort of gentleman was Ted Kennedy.....took him 9 hours to open the car door for a lady.

And they called him the Liberal Lion, and made him their presidential candidate.
And I really hope he does. Not b/c I think there's anything special about him, I just want someone in the scotus that will hate leftists until the day he dies.

So you want to put an angry drunk rapists on the court because it will make leftists mad?

Then again, you wanted to put a crazy person in the White House to make them mad.

How empty is your life, anyway?

Who raped whom?
He was and probably is a drunk and we seen his temper, and he was on water.

Sorry, from a party that sent a drunk murderer from Massachusetts to the US Senate for 30+ years, that argument holds no water. ;-)

Right you are, grump......what sort of gentleman was Ted Kennedy.....took him 9 hours to open the car door for a lady.

And they called him the Liberal Lion, and made him their presidential candidate.

You know he made a formal apology, but not men like Kavanaugh or Trump , the more they deny, the more I believe they did what was said.
To someone like myself, who has devoted his entire adult life to teaching, writing and speaking about the Constitution of the United States, this is truly devastating. What we need now — what our nation deserves now — is the appointment of a relatively moderate justice, like Garland or Souter, whose presence on the court will enable it to retain its identity as a court rather than as a partisan political actor.

Confirming Brett Kavanaugh Now Would Destroy The Supreme Court As We Know It

The HuffingPaintPost? :auiqs.jpg:
You know he made a formal apology, but not men like Kavanaugh or Trump , the more they deny, the more I believe they did what was said.

I’m sure that apology brought a dead woman back to life. If he wanted to apologize he should have tied a rock to his neck and jumped off the bridge.
He was and probably is a drunk and we seen his temper, and he was on water.

Sorry, from a party that sent a drunk murderer from Massachusetts to the US Senate for 30+ years, that argument holds no water. ;-)

Right you are, grump......what sort of gentleman was Ted Kennedy.....took him 9 hours to open the car door for a lady.

And they called him the Liberal Lion, and made him their presidential candidate.

You know he made a formal apology, but not men like Kavanaugh or Trump , the more they deny, the more I believe they did what was said.

A formal apology? Wait, what?
He was and probably is a drunk and we seen his temper, and he was on water.

Sorry, from a party that sent a drunk murderer from Massachusetts to the US Senate for 30+ years, that argument holds no water. ;-)

Right you are, grump......what sort of gentleman was Ted Kennedy.....took him 9 hours to open the car door for a lady.

And they called him the Liberal Lion, and made him their presidential candidate.

You know he made a formal apology, but not men like Kavanaugh or Trump , the more they deny, the more I believe they did what was said.

You know he made a formal apology

He apologized to Mary Jo? Link?
He was and probably is a drunk and we seen his temper, and he was on water.

Sorry, from a party that sent a drunk murderer from Massachusetts to the US Senate for 30+ years, that argument holds no water. ;-)

Right you are, grump......what sort of gentleman was Ted Kennedy.....took him 9 hours to open the car door for a lady.

And they called him the Liberal Lion, and made him their presidential candidate.

You know he made a formal apology, but not men like Kavanaugh or Trump , the more they deny, the more I believe they did what was said.

He did no such thing....just went home and called pals to alibi him.

Your other hero, a rapist, has yet to admit same.
He was and probably is a drunk and we seen his temper, and he was on water.

Sorry, from a party that sent a drunk murderer from Massachusetts to the US Senate for 30+ years, that argument holds no water. ;-)

Right you are, grump......what sort of gentleman was Ted Kennedy.....took him 9 hours to open the car door for a lady.

And they called him the Liberal Lion, and made him their presidential candidate.

You know he made a formal apology


Yes, the old child's plea "Well, I said I was sorry! Can I go play now?"

An apology formal or otherwise does not set things straight.

Teddy was an overall fuckhead who would have gone nowhere without his brothers' shirttails. He deserved to serve hard time not only for Chappaquiddick but for plotting with Soviet Premier Yuri Andropov against Ronald Reagan.
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Why or why not? I personally think republicans are going to come up short on votes.

That's what I was thinking too. But its 4 to 1 right now that he makes it. A lot of confidence in here, very little doubt.
Will Kavanaugh be confirmed and seated on the supreme court? Yes or No.

Unfortunately, at this time, I'm kinda of thinking no. The FBI will not find anything relevant, but the pressure on certain Senators will likely cause Kavanaugh to lose this in a tight vote, probably 51 to 49 against. I hope I'm wrong though and he gets confirmed. What do you think?

The Jeff Flake RINO will vote No, so it's down to the two women RINO's and the Democrat Senator in West Virginia. The narrative has now changed away from the pathetic accusations of rape, gang-rape because there is no actual evidence, so the narrative now is Brett Kavanaugh is too partisan, he defended himself against vicious accusations from the Unhinged Left = him being too partisan. The Jeff Flake RINO has said now that they cannot have someone this partisan on the USSC, this to me suggests that he's going to vote No.

My opinion is that Brett Kavanaugh will not be confirmed, but if in November the Republicans keep control of The Senate and perhaps add a few seats to what they now have then Brett Kavanaugh can be renominated and confirmed and those two RINO women will not matter, then again The Donald could nominate the Right-Wing Amy Coney Barrett who will easily be confirmed which then FORCES her down the Leftist throats for 30 years. Brett Kavanaugh is basically a very Moderate Conservative, he could not then be guaranteed to always vote with the other Conservatives on the USSC, so the Right-Wing Amy Coney Barrett is the better option.

Very interesting take.
Dear Donald,

After Kavanaugh gets rejected, you would make the country very very happy, if you proceed with an amazing gesture and nominate Garland.

Screw that damn list Mitch gave you and be your own man! Make us proud!

TIA :coffee:


So much has happened in the past two years that many may have forgotten what happened to Merrick Garland in the spring of 2016.

But filling in that recollection goes some distance in explaining a lot of what has happened since.

To recap, Garland was nominated to fill the 2016 vacancy on the Supreme Court created by the death that February of Justice Antonin Scalia, an icon of conservative jurisprudence.

President Barack Obama quickly named Merrick Garland, then 63, to fill the seat. Garland had long been considered a prime prospect for the high court, serving as chief judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit — a frequent source of justices that is sometimes called the "little Supreme Court."

Widely regarded as a moderate, Garland had been praised in the past by many Republicans, including influential senators such as Orrin Hatch of Utah.

But even before Obama had named Garland, and in fact only hours after Scalia's death was announced, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared any appointment by the sitting president to be null and void. He said the next Supreme Court justice should be chosen by the next president — to be elected later that year.

"Of course," said McConnell, "the American people should have a say in the court's direction. It is a president's constitutional right to nominate a Supreme Court justice, and it is the Senate's constitutional right to act as a check on the president and withhold its consent."

What Happened With Merrick Garland In 2016 And Why It Matters Now
You want Garland.......well you'll have to wait for it........LOL

Did Trump nominate him..........Nope.........

no, but i am beseeching him to please consider the idea as an amazing gesture of unity for the country, in the event kavanaww gets promptly voted down.

Dear Donald,

After Kavanaugh gets rejected, you would make the country very very happy, if you proceed with an amazing gesture and nominate Garland.

Screw that damn list Mitch gave you and be your own man! Make us proud!

TIA :coffee:


So much has happened in the past two years that many may have forgotten what happened to Merrick Garland in the spring of 2016.

But filling in that recollection goes some distance in explaining a lot of what has happened since.

To recap, Garland was nominated to fill the 2016 vacancy on the Supreme Court created by the death that February of Justice Antonin Scalia, an icon of conservative jurisprudence.

President Barack Obama quickly named Merrick Garland, then 63, to fill the seat. Garland had long been considered a prime prospect for the high court, serving as chief judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit — a frequent source of justices that is sometimes called the "little Supreme Court."

Widely regarded as a moderate, Garland had been praised in the past by many Republicans, including influential senators such as Orrin Hatch of Utah.

But even before Obama had named Garland, and in fact only hours after Scalia's death was announced, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared any appointment by the sitting president to be null and void. He said the next Supreme Court justice should be chosen by the next president — to be elected later that year.

"Of course," said McConnell, "the American people should have a say in the court's direction. It is a president's constitutional right to nominate a Supreme Court justice, and it is the Senate's constitutional right to act as a check on the president and withhold its consent."

What Happened With Merrick Garland In 2016 And Why It Matters Now


Kavanaugh will be confirmed next week.
Amy Coney Barret will be confirmed next year when Woo Woo Ginsberg calls it quits because everything is 5-4.
And the coup de grace will be replacing Breyer with Mike Lee in 2020 when he quits or dies.
The dims will scream bloody murder because it's a Presidential year, but Trump will just laugh at them as he cruises to reelection.

Ginsburg will be on the court until at least age 100.
He was and probably is a drunk and we seen his temper, and he was on water.

Sorry, from a party that sent a drunk murderer from Massachusetts to the US Senate for 30+ years, that argument holds no water. ;-)

Right you are, grump......what sort of gentleman was Ted Kennedy.....took him 9 hours to open the car door for a lady.

And they called him the Liberal Lion, and made him their presidential candidate.

You know he made a formal apology


Yes, the old child's plea "Well, I said I was sorry! Can I go play now?"

An apology formal or otherwise does not set things straight.

Teddy was an overall fuckhead who would have gone nowhere without his brothers' shirttails. He deserved to serve hard time not only for Chappaquiddick but for plotting with Soviet Premier Yuri Andropov against Ronald Reagan.

Clinton and Obama deserve jail time for plotting with Putin against President Trump too. One has to ask why Lefty is always schmoozing with Russia when they are in power, and then denying they have anything to do with Russia when they are not running things?
That sad thing is that if he is not confirmed it will probably not be do to directly to Mrs. Fords allegations, but to the delay in the vote and the over-examination of his testimony and discussions about his political motives and alleged temperament problem etc etc. It will be the delay and all the media and accusations that have occurred since the delay that may derail him. A Quick vote would have succeeded.

But, if the elections prove bad for Democrats in the Senate, then a re nomination in a Senate balanced more favorable to Republicans could happen in a few months, provided Kavanagh could withstand the continued heat of such a delay.
That sad thing is that if he is not confirmed it will probably not be do to directly to Mrs. Fords allegations, but to the delay in the vote and the over-examination of his testimony and discussions about his political motives and alleged temperament problem etc etc. It will be the delay and all the media and accusations that have occurred since the delay that may derail him. A Quick vote would have succeeded.

But, if the elections prove bad for Democrats in the Senate, then a re nomination in a Senate balanced more favorable to Republicans could happen in a few months, provided Kavanagh could withstand the continued heat of such a delay.
If he would have been appointed by Jeb! or any other RINO mush head, Kavanaugh would have breezed through the process at least a month ago.

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