Will Kavanaugh be confirmed and seated on the supreme court? Yes or No.

Will Kavanaugh be confirmed and seated on the supreme court? Yes or No.

  • Yes

  • No

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Uh oh, Flake and Collins still undecided as the vote moves to the Senate floor.
One more time:
1. Obama added more Debt that all other presidents

Okay, one more time, buddy... your figures are off. Bush added 5 Trillion ot the debt and his tax cuts and wars cause most of the debts that happened under Obama.

Seriously, am I dealing with a child like retard who listens to talk radio all day? Do I need to start calling you Corky?

2. A "concentration camp" is defined as [LIE#2]
"a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities,

Okay, sounds like what we have in Texas right now. They are persecuted minorities and the facilities are inadequate. The rest of the definition is "sometimes' ... or maybe "not yet".

Doooy, Corky, you just aren't very smart, are you.

3. There is no evidence against Kavanaugh, none, period.

Again, we send young black men to prison on less evidence than there is against Kavanaugh.
Will Kavanaugh be confirmed and seated on the supreme court? Yes or No.

Unfortunately, at this time, I'm kinda of thinking no. The FBI will not find anything relevant, but the pressure on certain Senators will likely cause Kavanaugh to lose this in a tight vote, probably 51 to 49 against. I hope I'm wrong though and he gets confirmed. What do you think?

Don’t worry, you’re wrong.
Will Kavanaugh be confirmed and seated on the supreme court? Yes or No.

Unfortunately, at this time, I'm kinda of thinking no. The FBI will not find anything relevant, but the pressure on certain Senators will likely cause Kavanaugh to lose this in a tight vote, probably 51 to 49 against. I hope I'm wrong though and he gets confirmed. What do you think?

That's a forgone conclusion. The question is, how many Democrats will be elected now because of it?
Will Kavanaugh be confirmed and seated on the supreme court? Yes or No.

Unfortunately, at this time, I'm kinda of thinking no. The FBI will not find anything relevant, but the pressure on certain Senators will likely cause Kavanaugh to lose this in a tight vote, probably 51 to 49 against. I hope I'm wrong though and he gets confirmed. What do you think?

That's a forgone conclusion. The question is, how many Democrats will be elected now because of it?

What is a number less than zero?
Wow, that was a long 3 weeks and 3 days. This thing exploded September 12, 2018 when the allegations of sexual misconduct first became public. Will see what impact it has on the mid-terms. It will be old news by 2020 I predict.
Wow, that was a long 3 weeks and 3 days. This thing exploded September 12, 2018 when the allegations of sexual misconduct first became public. Will see what impact it has on the mid-terms. It will be old news by 2020 I predict.

That's the beauty of political commercials. Nothing ever dies.

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