Will Lt. Jeff Silk Arrest the Clintons for Murder ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
A murder case (among many others the Clintons are suspected of) has been lying dormant for decades. The murders of 2 teenage boys, Don Henry and Kevin Ives, in 1987, began with a cover-up that ruled the deaths as very dubious suicides. Two kids leading happy, healthy lives don't suddenly decide to commit suicide.

Outrage and pressure from the kids' families and community brought about a grand jury, which concluded it was a homicide, and the medical examiner agreed. The GJ said they'd "probably" been murdered.

For years, the Clinton's connection to a cocaine smuggling ring in Mena, Arkansas, was suspected as the cause of the murders - a case of the kids stumbling upon the drug activites (being in the wrong place at the wrong time). Also suspected, was the Clintons' involvement as the hit job bosses, as witness (and partial participant) ex-wrestler Billy Jack Haynes told a Little Rock, Arkansas radio host (Doc Washburn), which in turn, led to a subpoena by Saline County prosecutors, who are now hot on the trail, investigating the case.

It seems like after 31 years, the families of the boys would have given up hope, but what has changed the whole scenario is the current political situation of the Clintons. Since 1987, when Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas, followed by his 8 year presidency, followed by various high level positions of Hillary in the US govt. right up to being POTUS candidate in 2016, it's widely believed that the Clintons have used their political muscle to squash any investigations into the case.

With Bill out of politics now though, and Hillary all but buried politically after her 2016 loss, they no longer have the clout they have had for 30 years. Saline County prosecutors are moving fast on the case, and lead investigator Saline Sheriff Office Lieutenant Jeff Silk has vowed that the probe will not be sidetracked this time. With the primary obstacle (the Clintons) removed, and transcripts currently being scrutinized, arrests of the Clintons could come some time this year (2018).

Likewise, arrests in numerous other murder cases (Ron Brown, Mary Mahoney, John Ashe, William Colby, Vince Foster, etc)., of the infamous "Clinton Body Count", previously deep in cover-up mode, may now all come to the fore, as relatives of the dozens of victims speak up for justice.

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Any day now.
I wonder if the media will bury THIS story ?Come to think of it, why wouldn't they ? They have buried all the dozens of murder cases that the Clintons are suspected of, for years now. How many are in the Clinton Body Count - 50? 60 ? Yet few people have ever even heard of most of the people on the long list. THE CLINTON BODY-COUNT | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
Conspiracy theory bullshit! The Clinton Body Count is nothing more than a tenuously strung together set of coincidences.
I believe silk is about to commit suicide, and the media won't mention it.
And you guys have the nerve to complain that Donald is a victim of a witch hunt ?!
I'm sure that Timmy thinks Wasserman Schultz brother getting assigned the Seth Rich case was just a coinkydink too.
Conspiracy theory bullshit! The Clinton Body Count is nothing more than a tenuously strung together set of coincidences.
Oh how unusual. A leftist calling a police investigation a "conspiracy theory". All they think they need do is slap a label entitled "CONSPIRACY THEORY", and that will put that to rest. ha ha.

EARTH TO LEFTISTS: Now that you guys have used the "conspiracy theory" blab over one million times, it is now firmly in the NICE TRY department. The public has heard it waaaay too many times.

If anyone wants to verify, all they need do is contact the Saline County Sheriff Dept, office of prosecutions. Shouldn't be a problem. :biggrin: As new investigations open up, contact the law enforcement authorities handling THEM. No mysteries here. :rolleyes:
And you guys have the nerve to complain that Donald is a victim of a witch hunt ?!
That is apparent to everyone. The guilt of the Clintons will be also, when it all reaches the point that the media can't avoid it any further.
I'm sure that Timmy thinks Wasserman Schultz brother getting assigned the Seth Rich case was just a coinkydink too.
For liberals, anything passes as truth if it helps to get them elected.
A murder case (among many others the Clintons are suspected of) has been lying dormant for decades. The murders of 2 teenage boys, Don Henry and Kevin Ives, in 1987, began with a cover-up that ruled the deaths as very dubious suicides. Two kids leading happy, healthy lives don't suddenly decide to commit suicide.

Outrage and pressure from the kids' families and community brought about a grand jury, which concluded it was a homicide, and the medical examiner agreed. The GJ said they'd "probably" been murdered.

For years, the Clinton's connection to a cocaine smuggling ring in Mena, Arkansas, was suspected as the cause of the murders - a case of the kids stumbling upon the drug activites (being in the wrong place at the wrong time). Also suspected, was the Clintons' involvement as the hit job bosses, as witness (and partial participant) ex-wrestler Billy Jack Haynes told a Little Rock, Arkansas radio host (Doc Washburn), which in turn, led to a subpoena by Saline County prosecutors, who are now hot on the trail, investigating the case.

It seems like after 31 years, the families of the boys would have given up hope, but what has changed the whole scenario is the current political situation of the Clintons. Since 1987, when Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas, followed by his 8 year presidency, followed by various high level positions of Hillary in the US govt. right up to being POTUS candidate in 2016, it's widely believed that the Clintons have used their political muscle to squash any investigations into the case.

With Bill out of politics now though, and Hillary all but buried politically after her 2016 loss, they no longer have the clout they have had for 30 years. Saline County prosecutors are moving fast on the case, and lead investigator Saline Sheriff Office Lieutenant Jeff Silk has vowed that the probe will not be sidetracked this time. With the primary obstacle (the Clintons) removed, and transcripts currently being scrutinized, arrests of the Clintons could come some time this year (2018).

Likewise, arrests in numerous other murder cases (Ron Brown, Mary Mahoney, John Ashe, William Colby, Vince Foster, etc)., of the infamous "Clinton Body Count", previously deep in cover-up mode, may now all come to the fore, as relatives of the dozens of victims speak up for justice.

And the fact that you are posting this on an open forum now puts you on their hit list. Make sure all your affairs are in order.
A murder case (among many others the Clintons are suspected of) has been lying dormant for decades. The murders of 2 teenage boys, Don Henry and Kevin Ives, in 1987, began with a cover-up that ruled the deaths as very dubious suicides. Two kids leading happy, healthy lives don't suddenly decide to commit suicide.

Outrage and pressure from the kids' families and community brought about a grand jury, which concluded it was a homicide, and the medical examiner agreed. The GJ said they'd "probably" been murdered.

For years, the Clinton's connection to a cocaine smuggling ring in Mena, Arkansas, was suspected as the cause of the murders - a case of the kids stumbling upon the drug activites (being in the wrong place at the wrong time). Also suspected, was the Clintons' involvement as the hit job bosses, as witness (and partial participant) ex-wrestler Billy Jack Haynes told a Little Rock, Arkansas radio host (Doc Washburn), which in turn, led to a subpoena by Saline County prosecutors, who are now hot on the trail, investigating the case.

It seems like after 31 years, the families of the boys would have given up hope, but what has changed the whole scenario is the current political situation of the Clintons. Since 1987, when Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas, followed by his 8 year presidency, followed by various high level positions of Hillary in the US govt. right up to being POTUS candidate in 2016, it's widely believed that the Clintons have used their political muscle to squash any investigations into the case.

With Bill out of politics now though, and Hillary all but buried politically after her 2016 loss, they no longer have the clout they have had for 30 years. Saline County prosecutors are moving fast on the case, and lead investigator Saline Sheriff Office Lieutenant Jeff Silk has vowed that the probe will not be sidetracked this time. With the primary obstacle (the Clintons) removed, and transcripts currently being scrutinized, arrests of the Clintons could come some time this year (2018).

Likewise, arrests in numerous other murder cases (Ron Brown, Mary Mahoney, John Ashe, William Colby, Vince Foster, etc)., of the infamous "Clinton Body Count", previously deep in cover-up mode, may now all come to the fore, as relatives of the dozens of victims speak up for justice.

This idiocy belongs in the CT forum, with the rest of the lunacy.
No. The Clintons are well-protected NWO Globalist Elites. They're untouchable.
Then there's also the death of Robert Bates, in 1995, who supposedly died of an "overdose of mouthwash". Regarded by local authorities as an obvious homicide.

Bates was the Mena aircraft mechanic for Barry Seal (leader of the 80's Arkansas cocaine ring)

Authorities will likely be looking into that one too.
And the fact that you are posting this on an open forum now puts you on their hit list. Make sure all your affairs are in order.
They don't HAVE hit lists any more. They are too old, retired, powerless, and too vulnerable for that. Don't be surprised if you see them fleeing to some 3rd world hellhole, where they'll be accepted with open arms. They did a lot for Mexico. Maybe they could go there.

Jean Duffey headed up Arkansas' 7th District drug task force in 1990. She was never allowed to conduct a thorough investigation of drug running in Mena or any possible connection to the train deaths. Her task force and a federal grand jury were shut down after they started examining corruption involving public officials. This was the state of politics and coerced law enforcement back THEN.

When a judge subpoenad evidence obtained by Jean Duffey's task force -- evidence gathered against drug bums and corrupt public officials, Ms. Duffey refused to honor the subpoena, fearing for the lives of witnesses (many of whom did turn up dead) and fled the state when a warrant was issued for her arrest. That was when the Clintons were in control.

But we don't see Lt. Silk or his prosecution team going anywhere now, do we ?
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Gregory Collins' 1989 death also should be part of the train deaths investigation. He was a witness in the killings (of Ives and Henry). He died from a gunshot to the face. Like most of the Clinton-connected deaths, it was clumsily ruled a suicide.

Another dubious death was Keith Coney (1988), also witness in the train deaths. He died in a motorcycle accident, while being chased by a car. Was ruled an accident. :rolleyes:

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