Will Mika Brzezinski Be Fired For Homophobic Slur?

She won't...but the glaring hypocrisy of the left continues unabated

She should suffer the same as Hart and the Heisman winner. Nothing less

Will Mika Brzezinski Be Fired For Homophobic Slur?

.@morningmika just asked if Mike Pompeo is a “wannabe dictator’s butt boy,” as homophobic a term as I’ve heard on national morning television. @MSNBC tried and failed to censor it, and did not transcribe her remark in the closed captioning. #journalismpic.twitter.com/3zK7H8evjh

— G.E. Anderson (@g_e_anderson) December 12, 2018

Totally agree with you -SUPER BAD choice of words .. I should have said “water boy”… like for football teams or something like that.. apologize to @SenatorDurbin too! SO SORRY! G.E. Anderson on Twitter

— Mika Brzezinski (@morningmika) December 12, 2018

Will Mika Brzezinski Be Fired For Homophobic Slur?

Ms. Brzezinski is a liberal, homophobia is tolerated and celebrated by libtards.
She won't...but the glaring hypocrisy of the left continues unabated

She should suffer the same as Hart and the Heisman winner. Nothing less

Will Mika Brzezinski Be Fired For Homophobic Slur?

.@morningmika just asked if Mike Pompeo is a “wannabe dictator’s butt boy,” as homophobic a term as I’ve heard on national morning television. @MSNBC tried and failed to censor it, and did not transcribe her remark in the closed captioning. #journalismpic.twitter.com/3zK7H8evjh

— G.E. Anderson (@g_e_anderson) December 12, 2018

Totally agree with you -SUPER BAD choice of words .. I should have said “water boy”… like for football teams or something like that.. apologize to @SenatorDurbin too! SO SORRY! G.E. Anderson on Twitter

— Mika Brzezinski (@morningmika) December 12, 2018

Will Mika Brzezinski Be Fired For Homophobic Slur?

Is she Joe Scarborough's butt girl?

Of course!
Libbies scream for fairness so give her the same treatment that those before her were given; gone by Friday
She won't...but the glaring hypocrisy of the left continues unabated
Whatever the Right accuses the Left of doing, the Right HYPOCRITICALLY did it long before the Left and loved it.

February 26, 2009
RUSH: "Matt Lauer sounds like Robert Gibbs' 'butt boy,'" Robert Gibbs and Barack Obama's butt boy. Matt, you do. In the sound bite you sounded like a butt boy.
More hypocrisy duly noted. The left's Political Correctness zero tolerance demands punishment...evidently except for one of their own
Oh the HYPOCRISY, your MessiahRushie has been using the term "butt boy" for years and never once did the Right-wing HYPOCRITES complain!!!

March 3, 2009
RUSH: This mindless twit butt boy criticism is not going to drive me outta here.
Libbies scream for fairness so give her the same treatment that those before her were given; gone by Friday
Yeah Russia Limbaugh gone by Friday!

March 4, 2009
RUSH: Whatever he says the opposite is true. But whatever he says, the sycophants and the butt boys in the media simply repeat. Is that term starting to bother you, Dawn? Dawn is starting to shake her head in there. Well, it may be hysterical, but I can't think of a better way to describe what's going on in that White House pressroom. It's what I've always meant when I've said bend over, grab the ankles, people say, "I don't like that, would you stop saying that so much?" Kathryn said to me, "Gosh, I'm glad you didn't say that at CPAC." I said, "I didn't do it on purpose, half the audience would have got up and tried to do it, just to show what it looks like." Butt boy, that's what happens after you bend over and grab the ankles. How else would you describe what's going on up there?
She won't...but the glaring hypocrisy of the left continues unabated

She should suffer the same as Hart and the Heisman winner. Nothing less

Will Mika Brzezinski Be Fired For Homophobic Slur?

.@morningmika just asked if Mike Pompeo is a “wannabe dictator’s butt boy,” as homophobic a term as I’ve heard on national morning television. @MSNBC tried and failed to censor it, and did not transcribe her remark in the closed captioning. #journalismpic.twitter.com/3zK7H8evjh

— G.E. Anderson (@g_e_anderson) December 12, 2018

Totally agree with you -SUPER BAD choice of words .. I should have said “water boy”… like for football teams or something like that.. apologize to @SenatorDurbin too! SO SORRY! G.E. Anderson on Twitter

— Mika Brzezinski (@morningmika) December 12, 2018

Will Mika Brzezinski Be Fired For Homophobic Slur?

Her father was Zbigniew Brzezinski and her partner / fiancé is Joe Scarborough, that’s a large burden and may qualify as enough punishment. Can you imagine why any female finds that pussy Joe attractive?

Well look at that hag Mika.

5x better than Bodey.
More hypocrisy duly noted. The left's Political Correctness zero tolerance demands punishment...evidently except for one of their own
The tards don't give a damn about their hypocrisy. Their rules are only for their enemies.
Oh the HYPOCRITICAL projection!

March 5, 2009
RUSH: Could it be because the Drive-By Media, the butt boy media just swept aside any reference? You gotta let me use it once a day before you criticize me.
Rush is a commentator and she’s supposed to be a news reporter although we all know it’s not news but rather political commentary on TV
As we know, PC is a one way street only.
Mika is a dependable Regressive and nothing will come from this.
Only to hyper-partisans like you.

Your MessiahRushie has been using the term for years and years, but it never bothered the Right when he uses it, but according to wing-nuts like yourself that makes the Left hypocrites. :cuckoo:

August 16, 2011
RUSH: Classic Butt Boy and this tour is filled with them. Obama Butt Boys All Over The Place
Rush is a commentator and she’s supposed to be a news reporter although we all know it’s not news but rather political commentary on TV
January 10, 2014
RUSH: I'm just doing what I always do. Folks, I observe. I'm a journalist
March 3, 2009
RUSH: These mainstream media people, the drive-bys inside the Beltway ... They are butt boys for the Obama administration

You folks don't read much, do you?

It's a Washington D.C. thing.

It's perverted, incestuous, and well, it's just par for the course.

Don't let it bother any of you. Certainly don't make it worth slagging your fellow forum member for 12 pages. . . unless that is, you like making them your "butt boy."



The Ways of Washington
Washington is a town where proximity is power. On that score, there can be few people more powerful than the president’s “butt boy”—think Charlie in the West Wing. The current occupant of the job, Blake Gottesman, has drunk his full from the well of power for the time being and is quitting the White House ...
The Ways of Washington
Would not be at all surprised if Pompeo surrendered his anal virginity to the dotard
That is what homofascists would consider homophobic. Your black card doesn’t exonerate you from your own Marxist ilk anymore.
Pipe down, butt boy
What's up with black American guy's obsessions with pipes and butt boys...I blame it on all that jail time.

Saggy pants too. That comes from time behind bars.
Yep. It’s called jailin’.
That is what homofascists would consider homophobic. Your black card doesn’t exonerate you from your own Marxist ilk anymore.
Pipe down, butt boy
What's up with black American guy's obsessions with pipes and butt boys...I blame it on all that jail time.

Saggy pants too. That comes from time behind bars.
I guess there's not much else to do in there.

The "saggy pants" look comes from all that prison sex that goes on there. Ask MikeTX, I believe he's had some experience as a prison guard.
Actually it originated as a protest against the disproportionate rate of black male incarceration. It replicates the effect of having your belt removed as you’re put in jail in order to prevent any harm, self-inflicted or otherwise.
As we know, PC is a one way street only.
Mika is a dependable Regressive and nothing will come from this.
Only to hyper-partisans like you.

Your MessiahRushie has been using the term for years and years, but it never bothered the Right when he uses it, but according to wing-nuts like yourself that makes the Left hypocrites. :cuckoo:

August 16, 2011
RUSH: Classic Butt Boy and this tour is filled with them. Obama Butt Boys All Over The Place
Awww, the Regressives are all triggered over this one. They hate that mirror.

She won't...but the glaring hypocrisy of the left continues unabated

She should suffer the same as Hart and the Heisman winner. Nothing less

Will Mika Brzezinski Be Fired For Homophobic Slur?

.@morningmika just asked if Mike Pompeo is a “wannabe dictator’s butt boy,” as homophobic a term as I’ve heard on national morning television. @MSNBC tried and failed to censor it, and did not transcribe her remark in the closed captioning. #journalismpic.twitter.com/3zK7H8evjh

— G.E. Anderson (@g_e_anderson) December 12, 2018

Totally agree with you -SUPER BAD choice of words .. I should have said “water boy”… like for football teams or something like that.. apologize to @SenatorDurbin too! SO SORRY! G.E. Anderson on Twitter

— Mika Brzezinski (@morningmika) December 12, 2018

Will Mika Brzezinski Be Fired For Homophobic Slur?

Here's the important thing to know and remember: whenever they accuse us of racism, homophobia, etc, etc, etc--it's all projection. All of it. Every time.
As we know, PC is a one way street only.
Mika is a dependable Regressive and nothing will come from this.
Only to hyper-partisans like you.

Your MessiahRushie has been using the term for years and years, but it never bothered the Right when he uses it, but according to wing-nuts like yourself that makes the Left hypocrites. :cuckoo:

August 16, 2011
RUSH: Classic Butt Boy and this tour is filled with them. Obama Butt Boys All Over The Place
Awww, the Regressives are all triggered over this one. They hate that mirror.

Since YOU are the one in the mirror, that makes YOU the regressive.

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