Will Mrs Obama just bully her way in?

From the article

Abbey Rubottom, 18, a Topeka High senior, described herself as a “die-hard Democrat” but doesn’t like the idea of Obama sharing the stage with graduates.

“No disrespect for the first lady, and it’s amazing that she wants to come speak, I just think it doesn’t belong at graduation,” Rubottom said.

Rubottom suggested separate ceremonies with Obama speaking at one and the address being replayed at the other.
Those Topeka turds who object r off their rockers...their kids would be telling their kids about the truly fine and historic 1st lady speaking at their graduation...and they're going to deny them that!?!
For WHAT REASON REALLY, other than....

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From the article

Abbey Rubottom, 18, a Topeka High senior, described herself as a “die-hard Democrat” but doesn’t like the idea of Obama sharing the stage with graduates.

“No disrespect for the first lady, and it’s amazing that she wants to come speak, I just think it doesn’t belong at graduation,” Rubottom said.

Rubottom suggested separate ceremonies with Obama speaking at one and the address being replayed at the other.

Without Michelle, there is no spotlight, it's just the kids and their parents. Obama brings the world to their graduation. She makes it special.
From the article

Abbey Rubottom, 18, a Topeka High senior, described herself as a “die-hard Democrat” but doesn’t like the idea of Obama sharing the stage with graduates.

“No disrespect for the first lady, and it’s amazing that she wants to come speak, I just think it doesn’t belong at graduation,” Rubottom said.

Rubottom suggested separate ceremonies with Obama speaking at one and the address being replayed at the other.

Without Michelle, there is no spotlight, it's just the kids and their parents. Obama brings the world to their graduation. She makes it special.

The graduation would have been special to the kids no matter what. And to the kids' parents. And to all the guests the kids would have invited, whose numbers are now likely to be reduced.

Without Michelle Obama, there is all the spotlight the kids need -- and it's on them as it should be -- celebrating their achievements.

With Michelle Obama, there's a bigger spotlight, but it's not on the kids now. It's on her.

Kids and families are objecting to this. Not just a small minority. And not just people who dislike Obama.
Her subject matter was opposed too. She was going to speak on Brown v Board of Education and how it impacted herself rather than on the future of the graduates. There might indeed be a place to discuss Brown. Not a high school graduation however. It's about the students, their accomplishments and their future. There is never a place to have to listen to Big Moo about Big Moo.
Her subject matter was opposed too. She was going to speak on Brown v Board of Education and how it impacted herself rather than on the future of the graduates. There might indeed be a place to discuss Brown. Not a high school graduation however. It's about the students, their accomplishments and their future. There is never a place to have to listen to Big Moo about Big Moo.

Brown vs the Board of Edication impacted all Americans. It was a watershed event that took place right in their backyards

Meeting the First Lady at your graduation turns an ordinary event into a lifetime memory. I don't remember the name of the guy who spoke at my graduation, I would remember meeting the First Lady
Only a very small minority protest. I was not at all worried that President Ford would take away from my graduation day.

Was he actually President when he did that? Because the Secret Service shows up with a lot more people for a sitting president than an ex one.

Yes, he was. And the security presence was not all that obvious.

That was a different world then, too.

That is an obvious statement if there ever was one.
Not necessarily a different world then, but apparently a very different zeitgeist ..
...and apparently not so filled with hate for the leader of the free world and his family...by his own citizenry of an opposing party.
Is that what u wanted spoon? An anti 1st lady hatefest by the GOP? Well u got it...
All it took was that cute little reference to her ...about to allegedly "bully her way in"...if she accepts the invite.
Personally, I hope she does NOT attend...She should not be subjected to the kind of nastiness exemplified by many of the partisan posts here....And if she turns down the invite (which she would do graciously, as is her nature), I hope her detractors are made to recognize the great injustice they do...not just to the Obamas, but to those of us not poisoned by their hatred ...who actually care about the children of America and the values of inclusiveness and freedom with responsibility.

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Apparently you confuse hatred of security procedures surrounding the President of the United States with hatred of the man.
Not necessarily a different world then, but apparently a very different zeitgeist ..
...and apparently not so filled with hate for the leader of the free world and his family...by his own citizenry of an opposing party.
Is that what u wanted spoon? An anti 1st lady hatefest by the GOP? Well u got it...
All it took was that cute little reference to her ...about to allegedly "bully her way in"...if she accepts the invite.
Personally, I hope she does NOT attend...She should not be subjected to the kind of nastiness exemplified by many of the partisan posts here....And if she turns down the invite (which she would do graciously, as is her nature), I hope her detractors are made to recognize the great injustice they do...not just to the Obamas, but to those of us not poisoned by their hatred ...who actually care about the children of America and the values of inclusiveness and freedom with responsibility.

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Apparently you confuse hatred of security procedures surrounding the President of the United States with hatred of the man.

I wasn't aware that Mrz. Zero had become president. Golly good gosh, your ability to see the future amazes. Amazes and alarms...but there t'is....
At the time this article was published 1,200 students signed a petition to have Big Moo stay away. The first heifer ALWAYS talks about herself, and they wanted the focus of the day to be on the students not on Moo obama. They didn't want to have their own families unable to attend to make room for the Moo. They didn't want the graduation politicized and did not want a discussion of Brown v Board of Education which should be held at the site that led to the decision. Not steal their school or their day.

High school senior forms petition against Michele Obama | Mail Online

They are just the people, what do they know. Worship or else.

Obama hatred runs deep with conservatives

They would rather prevent all students the honor of meeting the first lady than allow their children to hear a speech from a liberal

Sad really

Nah, the reasons were stated in the article I posted earlier. In fact the school said there were 'few' who said they just did not want MO to be there.

The biggest concern was the fact 4 schools are being combined for one huge graduation consisting of 800 people. And all of their original graduation dates had been changed.

They offered compromises to have her speak after the graduation at a civic center or somewhere else which would honor Brown v Board but it was declined. Many suggested Monroe Elementary given its a National Historic Site dedicated to the historic ruling.

Not Everyone?s Happy Michelle Obama Will Deliver a Graduation Address; School District Responds - ABC News

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