Will MSNBC&CNN Refuse Most Or All Anti-Obama Political Ads This Year? Create Excuses?

Feb 13, 2011

This is an issue to ponder over as we get into the 2012 Presidential Campaign. How Will PMS-NBC and Obama Kool-Aid Headquarters CNN handle the ads coming from Romney/Pawlenty/Gingrich and Trump? You can almost picture George Soros refusing all of them because he will claim that the ads are "Racially Charged Ads Against A Black Man" therefore CNN wont air them. And you can pretty much expect similar excuses from MSNBC. And yet MSNBC is biased to the average American Conservative and yet they will claim that some of the ads are racially biased in favor of Average White Americans, therefore they wont air the Anti-Obama campaign ads and the Powers That Be At NBC will declare the ads racisist against a black candidate. This is just an assumption of what will be a upcoming issue. But do you all really expect MSNBC & CNN to air all of those Anti-Obama ads without a War. (What Will The FCC Say ??)

This is an issue to ponder over as we get into the 2012 Presidential Campaign. How Will PMS-NBC and Obama Kool-Aid Headquarters CNN handle the ads coming from Romney/Pawlenty/Gingrich and Trump? You can almost picture George Soros refusing all of them because he will claim that the ads are "Racially Charged Ads Against A Black Man" therefore CNN wont air them. And you can pretty much expect similar excuses from MSNBC. And yet MSNBC is biased to the average American Conservative and yet they will claim that some of the ads are racially biased in favor of Average White Americans, therefore they wont air the Anti-Obama campaign ads and the Powers That Be At NBC will declare the ads racisist against a black candidate. This is just an assumption of what will be a upcoming issue. But do you all really expect MSNBC & CNN to air all of those Anti-Obama ads without a War. (What Will The FCC Say ??)

is this speculation from a deranged nutcase or do you have any facts to back this up?

does fox news run ads for democrats?

This is an issue to ponder over as we get into the 2012 Presidential Campaign. How Will PMS-NBC and Obama Kool-Aid Headquarters CNN handle the ads coming from Romney/Pawlenty/Gingrich and Trump? You can almost picture George Soros refusing all of them because he will claim that the ads are "Racially Charged Ads Against A Black Man" therefore CNN wont air them. And you can pretty much expect similar excuses from MSNBC. And yet MSNBC is biased to the average American Conservative and yet they will claim that some of the ads are racially biased in favor of Average White Americans, therefore they wont air the Anti-Obama campaign ads and the Powers That Be At NBC will declare the ads racisist against a black candidate. This is just an assumption of what will be a upcoming issue. But do you all really expect MSNBC & CNN to air all of those Anti-Obama ads without a War. (What Will The FCC Say ??)

is this speculation from a deranged nutcase or do you have any facts to back this up?

does fox news run ads for democrats?

It's almost predictable. You know those two networks in particular will find excuses not to air any ads that will make their hero Obama look too incompetent to be President. Of course Fox will air Obama ads, but do you really think the other networks will accept ads from the Republican Candidates with Open Arms?

This is an issue to ponder over as we get into the 2012 Presidential Campaign. How Will PMS-NBC and Obama Kool-Aid Headquarters CNN handle the ads coming from Romney/Pawlenty/Gingrich and Trump? You can almost picture George Soros refusing all of them because he will claim that the ads are "Racially Charged Ads Against A Black Man" therefore CNN wont air them. And you can pretty much expect similar excuses from MSNBC. And yet MSNBC is biased to the average American Conservative and yet they will claim that some of the ads are racially biased in favor of Average White Americans, therefore they wont air the Anti-Obama campaign ads and the Powers That Be At NBC will declare the ads racisist against a black candidate. This is just an assumption of what will be a upcoming issue. But do you all really expect MSNBC & CNN to air all of those Anti-Obama ads without a War. (What Will The FCC Say ??)

Pre-emptive Whining? :eusa_eh:
Then again, I don't see why any of the leading candidates investing their anti-obama ads on those 2 particular networks being their average audience is around 200-300,000 (and 1/2 of their viewers are in Cally/NY/Illinois,DC,,,ect.) and the other half are fans of Pelosi,Reid,Schumer,Wiener and Howard Dean.

This is an issue to ponder over as we get into the 2012 Presidential Campaign. How Will PMS-NBC and Obama Kool-Aid Headquarters CNN handle the ads coming from Romney/Pawlenty/Gingrich and Trump? You can almost picture George Soros refusing all of them because he will claim that the ads are "Racially Charged Ads Against A Black Man" therefore CNN wont air them. And you can pretty much expect similar excuses from MSNBC. And yet MSNBC is biased to the average American Conservative and yet they will claim that some of the ads are racially biased in favor of Average White Americans, therefore they wont air the Anti-Obama campaign ads and the Powers That Be At NBC will declare the ads racisist against a black candidate. This is just an assumption of what will be a upcoming issue. But do you all really expect MSNBC & CNN to air all of those Anti-Obama ads without a War. (What Will The FCC Say ??)

Pre-emptive Whining? :eusa_eh:


Yeah, when I read it I was like "he's crying about the election race....that hasnt happened yet? wtf"

Waaaa I'ma victim! (in my own mind)
Why would Republicans spend precious ad money on programs that deliver such small audiences? Plenty of alternatives to invest in that would yield larger Dim and independent voters to potentially sway.

This is an issue to ponder over as we get into the 2012 Presidential Campaign. How Will PMS-NBC and Obama Kool-Aid Headquarters CNN handle the ads coming from Romney/Pawlenty/Gingrich and Trump? You can almost picture George Soros refusing all of them because he will claim that the ads are "Racially Charged Ads Against A Black Man" therefore CNN wont air them. And you can pretty much expect similar excuses from MSNBC. And yet MSNBC is biased to the average American Conservative and yet they will claim that some of the ads are racially biased in favor of Average White Americans, therefore they wont air the Anti-Obama campaign ads and the Powers That Be At NBC will declare the ads racisist against a black candidate. This is just an assumption of what will be a upcoming issue. But do you all really expect MSNBC & CNN to air all of those Anti-Obama ads without a War. (What Will The FCC Say ??)

Pre-emptive Whining? :eusa_eh:


Yeah, when I read it I was like "he's crying about the election race....that hasnt happened yet? wtf"

Waaaa I'ma victim! (in my own mind)

:lol:.. Yeah, the Republicans gotta find at least one candidate first!

This is an issue to ponder over as we get into the 2012 Presidential Campaign. How Will PMS-NBC and Obama Kool-Aid Headquarters CNN handle the ads coming from Romney/Pawlenty/Gingrich and Trump? You can almost picture George Soros refusing all of them because he will claim that the ads are "Racially Charged Ads Against A Black Man" therefore CNN wont air them. And you can pretty much expect similar excuses from MSNBC. And yet MSNBC is biased to the average American Conservative and yet they will claim that some of the ads are racially biased in favor of Average White Americans, therefore they wont air the Anti-Obama campaign ads and the Powers That Be At NBC will declare the ads racisist against a black candidate. This is just an assumption of what will be a upcoming issue. But do you all really expect MSNBC & CNN to air all of those Anti-Obama ads without a War. (What Will The FCC Say ??)

is this speculation from a deranged nutcase or do you have any facts to back this up?

does fox news run ads for democrats?

It's almost predictable. You know those two networks in particular will find excuses not to air any ads that will make their hero Obama look too incompetent to be President. Of course Fox will air Obama ads, but do you really think the other networks will accept ads from the Republican Candidates with Open Arms?

It really doesn't matter... Obama has nothing to run on. He's accomplished nothing of any value.

It will all be.... "I may suck, but I'm better than that guy"
is this speculation from a deranged nutcase or do you have any facts to back this up?

does fox news run ads for democrats?

It's almost predictable. You know those two networks in particular will find excuses not to air any ads that will make their hero Obama look too incompetent to be President. Of course Fox will air Obama ads, but do you really think the other networks will accept ads from the Republican Candidates with Open Arms?

It really doesn't matter... Obama has nothing to run on. He's accomplished nothing of any value.

It will all be.... "I may suck, but I'm better than that guy"

Those are called american elections.
Right,,Obama has nothing to run on, and to claim that he sucks, but I am better than the other guy? thats all he has to run on! And why do leftist commentators always claim that there is no one out there who can beat Obama,,,despite his 40% approval? Who wouldn't want to see the likes of Gingrich,Romney,Trump or Pawlenty debate Obama,,any of them will make Obama seem like a Community Organizer using a TELEPROMPTER TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS !!!

This is an issue to ponder over as we get into the 2012 Presidential Campaign. How Will PMS-NBC and Obama Kool-Aid Headquarters CNN handle the ads coming from Romney/Pawlenty/Gingrich and Trump? You can almost picture George Soros refusing all of them because he will claim that the ads are "Racially Charged Ads Against A Black Man" therefore CNN wont air them. And you can pretty much expect similar excuses from MSNBC. And yet MSNBC is biased to the average American Conservative and yet they will claim that some of the ads are racially biased in favor of Average White Americans, therefore they wont air the Anti-Obama campaign ads and the Powers That Be At NBC will declare the ads racisist against a black candidate. This is just an assumption of what will be a upcoming issue. But do you all really expect MSNBC & CNN to air all of those Anti-Obama ads without a War. (What Will The FCC Say ??)

MSNBC has the right to run or refuse any ad they want for what ever reason they want.
Then again, I don't see why any of the leading candidates investing their anti-obama ads on those 2 particular networks being their average audience is around 200-300,000 (and 1/2 of their viewers are in Cally/NY/Illinois,DC,,,ect.) and the other half are fans of Pelosi,Reid,Schumer,Wiener and Howard Dean.

So now you're backtracking and saying it's the other candidates NOT the networks that will be holding up the ads?!?! Pretty quick about face!!! How about an apology?
Right,,Obama has nothing to run on, and to claim that he sucks, but I am better than the other guy? thats all he has to run on! And why do leftist commentators always claim that there is no one out there who can beat Obama,,,despite his 40% approval? Who wouldn't want to see the likes of Gingrich,Romney,Trump or Pawlenty debate Obama,,any of them will make Obama seem like a Community Organizer using a TELEPROMPTER TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS !!!

If McCain, a Veteran of the military and a well-respected Veteran of the U.S. Senate couldn't beat Obama, you really think any of the above can?

Yes, it is about a choice. Do you go with Obama, a centrist, who by all means ignored his base (Liberals) and governed from the middle of the road, or do you go with an extreme-right whacko who caters to his/her crazy base?

Do I agree with Obama on everything? Hardly! I've been so pissed at him so many times, but to let that anger hold me back and in the mean-time elect a person that will take this country back, when we've came so far, would be ignorance.

Obama fairs better, IMO, without a teleprompter.. If you watched the meeting with Republicans, you'd know that. I can't wait to see him wipe the ground with Newt, Pawlen-zzz, or Gingrich's ass.

Gonna be a fun election! If we could just get someone to run on the Republican side already!
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And I can also see the Lefty Networks critisize the Republican Ads that will be shown on FOX,,,Chris Matthews and Ed Schultz will be declaring most of those ads on FOX racisit against Obama and his black supporters,,and The Reverand Al Sharpton will have another meeting with the FCC to put a stop to all those anti-black campaign ads on FOX. But its OK for Obama to air his Anti-White Conservative Camapaign Commercials on ABC,CBS,PMS NBC AND CNN,,,,right?
Can you imagine the left getting ready to bash Gingrich for cheating on his wife? But it's ok for Clinton to have had two dozen marital affairs? ( thats just my estimate),,and it was also OK for Kennedy to be dating Marylin Munroe. This should be interesting to watch this fall.
Fox will run them for free

They will even help you make shit up

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