Will Mueller End This Farce & Investigate The Obama Regime?

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Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Apparently The DNC, Hillary Clinton, The DOJ, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, The FBI, McCabe, and Barak Obama were all conspiring to MANUFACTURE "Russian Collusion" that did not exist and at THE SAME TIME, were engaging in Obstruction of Justice to keep Clinton in The Election, as well as were engaging in Illegal Wire Tapping, Illegal Leaking of Classified Intel, Illegal Unmasking, and working with FOREIGN SPIES, British and Ukrainian Agents and Fusion GPS to undermine The Trump Campaign.

These are extremely serious allegations that actually have REAL EVIDENCE behind them. This has legs....and this is a deadly serious game that we now have to play and we cannot afford to lose. This was a Marxist, Leftist Coup and an attack on America, and Democracy.

Obama was wire tapping The Trump Campaign for 18 Months...I have to ask for what? There was never any justification for it but a flimsy allegation by The Clinton Campaign in the midst of an active Election Cycle! The only hacking that was ever confirmed was hacking by The Obama Regime in to our elections apparatus in an effort to make a case to allow Obama and The Federal Government to control State Elections. One has to ask then, if they went so far as to try to even plant evidence to deflect from their Cyber Attacks on our election? I sure as Hell would like to know that. Heck I'd like to even see one piece of evidence PERIOD about ANY OF THIS.

Now we find out that The DOJ sent Fusion GPS employee Natalie V to try to entrap Trump Jr., and that Comey also was involved in the Left's Smear Campaign when he met with an Ex British Spy to buy Fusion GPS Fake Dossier on Trump for $30,000 and leaked it to The Press and Clinton Campaign. He also by his own admission leaked 5 memos (4 were classified) to a Columbian Law Professor and The Media and Comey colluded with them to Solicit the appointment of his friend Mueller as independent counsel.

Then we also find out, The Obama Regime sent The Russian Ambassador to Session's Office, and all the while they are Wire Tapping EVERYTHING and getting NOTHING...

They also arranged the Phone Call of The Russian Ambassador to Flynn....and again got NOTHING.

And then when we found out The Clinton Team and DNC actually went to the Ukraine Embassy to meet with Fusion GPS and Ukrainian Spies to plot different ways to take Trump down with FAKE COLLUSION stories, hacking at Trump Tower and Russian Alpha Bank and probably their own damn server they won't let anyone look at......and I tell you what.

The Clinton Advisor that worked with The DNC and Clinton Campaign to come up with The Fake Russian Collusion Narrative was a Cyber Warfare Expert Dr. Jean Camp who worked with her hacking group to plant false beacon pings on a Trump Tower server and Russian Alpha Bank and after doing so, notified James Comey of 'suspicious activity they by chance noticed between Trump Tower and Russian Alpha Bank. Both Trump Tower and Russian Apha Bank in unprecedented fashion allowed US Intelligence to inspect and analyze their servers, in contrast to the DNC's refusal to cooperate with any investigation in to their claims about their server or Clinton's attempt to Obstruct Justice and tamper with Evidence on her server when she Bleach Bitted it in violation of Two Federal Court Orders to preserve all The Data on it.

Comey looked the other way while she did it, but not only that, gave her entire staff immunity, sealed all of their testimonies and evidence, and then explained to America why he was going to just IGNORE her CRIMES....in this "MATTER" as he WAS ORDERED TO, by Loretta Lynch, who met with Bill Clinton secretly on a Tarmac and immediately closed That Criminal Investigation and sealed those records to keep Hillary Clinton on The Campaign Trail and out of Jail. He also NEVER REPORTED LORETTA LYNCH's Obstruction of Justice. He participated in it instead.

Is Robert Mueller going to do his DAMN JOB or is he just an extension of The James Comey Clean Up Crew, and is he just another CORRUPT Bureaucrat who has ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY to anyone?

Is he going to IGNORE all of this? Is He going to tell America in Comey like fashion, or if you like Jonathan Gruber.......That Americans are just TOO STUPID to know what is good for them while he looks the other way and makes every effort to conceal evidence, give people immunity, and explain their crimes away and why he would never prosecute them, and like Lynch and Comey simply SWEEP The Obama Regime's Crimes, UNDER THE RUG?

Is he that guy that makes America Realize we are under attack and this isn't about an election, this is about a COUP, and about people every bit as corrupt as Nazis and Communists who took over Germany and Russia during their so called attempts to "FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE THOSE NATIONS?"

I want PUBLIC HANGINGS brought back. That is the price for a failed COUP, Treason, Sedition and selling your country out, and I don't care WHO hangs on THE LEFT OR RIGHT. I want Justice....NO....I WANT VENGEANCE. Trying to destroy a country is an ACT OF WAR, and the more this goes on, the more I find out, the more pissed I get as an American who loves his country!

Do the Right Thing Mueller or Resign in Disgrace!

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Obama colluded with Russia

I think they were willing to collude with anyone to take down The President.

  • Ex British Spies - Fake Dossier
  • Ukrainian Spies - Fake Dossier - Natalia V.
  • Fusion GPS - Cover for Ukrainian Espionage Operations who was funded by THE DNC & created the Fake Dossier and who employed Natalia V.
  • Russia - Russian Ambassadors - Spies & Agents of The Kremlin who contacted Flynn, & Sessions while Obama "Listened In"
  • The Fake Media - Who dispersed Classified Intel
  • Our Own Intelligence Community who engaged in Illegal Wire Tapping of The Trump Team
  • The National Intelligence agency as headed by Susan Rice
  • The FBI & James Comey
  • The DOJ & Loretta Lynch
  • The State Department formerly headed by Hillary Clinton
  • The President and White House under Barak Obama
  • The DNC
  • Donna Brazille
  • Debbie Schultz
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Maybe even Bernie Sanders......??? Not sure about that...he was probably a victim, and not a participant.

The list if we actually knew all of it, would be too long to list here.
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Why would Mueller investigate Obama? All of Russia's efforts went towards getting Trump elected, including secret meetings with, apparently, most of Trump's campaign team and family. But somehow..... Obama? Lol
You forgot they also set up the little get together where Sessions bumped into a Russian as well.
Why would Mueller investigate Obama? All of Russia's efforts went towards getting Trump elected, including secret meetings with, apparently, most of Trump's campaign team and family. But somehow..... Obama? Lol
Obama colluded with Russia

I think they were willing to collude with anyone to take down The President.

  • Ex British Spies - Fake Dossier
  • Ukrainian Spies - Fake Dossier - Natalia V.
  • Fusion GPS - Cover for Ukrainian Espionage Operations who was funded by THE DNC & created the Fake Dossier and who employed Natalia V.
  • Russia - Russian Ambassadors - Spies & Agents of The Kremlin who contacted Flynn, & Sessions while Obama "Listened In"
  • The Fake Media - Who dispersed Classified Intel
  • Our Own Intelligence Community who engaged in Illegal Wire Tapping of The Trump Team
  • The National Intelligence agency as headed by Susan Rice
  • The FBI & James Comey
  • The DOJ & Loretta Lynch
  • The State Department formerly headed by Hillary Clinton
  • The President and White House under Barak Obama
  • The DNC
  • Donna Brazille
  • Debbie Schultz
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Maybe even Bernie Sanders......??? Not sure about that...he was probably a victim, and not a participant.

The list if we actually knew all of it, would be too long to list here.
I'm shocked, you mean the entire political system is corrupt [shudder]?
Here is your Russian Hacker. She worked for Hillary Clinton during her campaign.
She not only pushed the narrative, she created it, and like the Obama Regime, tried to also plant evidence, manufacture evidence and was actively engaged in The Obama Regime's hacking efforts in to Trump Tower Server, Russia Alpha Bank and others.

A Clinton supporter pushed the Trump-Russia computer narrative investigated by the FBI

L. Jean Camp - Wikipedia


Profile : All People: School of Informatics and Computing: Indiana University

Professor of Informatics
Adjunct Associate Professor of Telecommunications
Adjunct Associate Professor of Computer Science

Contact Information
[email protected]
(812) 856-1865
Informatics West 300
Office hours: Please see her course page for classes and office hours


    • Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University, 1996
    • M.S. in Electrical Engineering at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1991
    • B.A./B.S. in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1989

Prof. Camp has a research agenda that is centered on the intersection of security and society, particularly on the intersection of security and economics.

These are combined in a specific project Net Trust: Informing Trust Decisions a privacy-enhancing mechanism to inform trust decisions by leveraging social browsing. Net Trust has been designed using a value-sensitive design mechanism.

Prof. Camp has also taken the lead in authoring the undergraduate cognate, graduate programs and doctoral course of study in security. These are the doctoral program track in security, the first and only degree program in HCI/Security at the masters level in the nation, an undergraduate concentration in security, and a masters in security.

She is a Senior Member of the IEEE.

Professor Camp joined Informatics after becoming an Associate Professor at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. She was affiliated with the Program for Internet and Telecoms Convergence for nearly a decade. While at Harvard she was affiliated with the National Center for Digital Government.

She served two terms as a Director of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility and two terms as President of the International Financial Cryptography Association. (A full list of activities is available on her cv.)

Her first book, Trust and Risk in Internet Commerce, was the first to propose the now widely-used definition of trust as including privacy, reliability and security. Her early work on technical trust in social context included examinations of technical and policy conflicts between dimensions of trust in e-commerce, libraries and in information searching. Her concepts of trust in research have been built upon spatial metaphors.

She is the author of more than fifty peer-reviewed publications and sixteen book chapters in addition to her expository writings.

Research Areas


You forgot they also set up the little get together where Sessions bumped into a Russian as well.

Actually if you read my Original Post....I mentioned that. And that meeting was also CONVENIENTLY WIRE TAPPED.

Here is the quote:

"Then we also find out, The Obama Regime sent The Russian Ambassador to Session's Office, and all the while they are Wire Tapping EVERYTHING and getting NOTHING..."

Again 18 months of wire tapping and setups and entrapment attempts plus unmasking, and illegal leaking of classified intel....

And they found nothing.

I say that pretty much proves that The Trump Family is trustworthy. To be under assault like that for 18 months and also be under surveillance, your emails monitored, phones monitored, and nothing is ever found is PROOF that we can trust them.....

Tell you what, you can't trust THE LEFT or the DNC or The Democrat Party after this. That is a FACT.
And further along the lines of my reasoning, to not only be under assault by The Obama Regime with Wire Tapping, Leaking of Classified Intel, a Corrupt FBI & DOJ, a Corrupt National Intelligence head RICE, and a Corrupt President, and to also have to endure wave after wave of Russian, and Ukrainian spies sent by Obama, and then as if that wasn't bad enough to have THE ENTIRE PROPAGANDA arm of THE Democrat party trying to LYNCH you.....

And they can find NOTHING ON YOU?

That should inspire Confidence in The Trump Presidency even for THE AMERICA HATING LEFT!
Pinochet had it right, you have to deal directly with Soros and Co. Trump keeps trying to play nice when he needs to make Soros just disappear, then work his way down the list of Seditious Traitors
This was other than that meeting. It was at a reception arranged by the Dems, at the Mayflower hotel when they invited 3 ambassadors, one of which happened to be Kislyak, in April 2016, when they shook hands. And conveniently got a pic of their shaking hands. They also accused Trump of the same when they shook hands at the event arranged by the White House and in which they invited the Ambassadors.

There were so many setups it's hard to get them all straight. I had forgotten they accused Trump first of the same, when he failed to recall who he shook hands with.
You forgot they also set up the little get together where Sessions bumped into a Russian as well.

Actually if you read my Original Post....I mentioned that. And that meeting was also CONVENIENTLY WIRE TAPPED.

Here is the quote:

"Then we also find out, The Obama Regime sent The Russian Ambassador to Session's Office, and all the while they are Wire Tapping EVERYTHING and getting NOTHING..."

Again 18 months of wire tapping and setups and entrapment attempts plus unmasking, and illegal leaking of classified intel....

And they found nothing.

I say that pretty much proves that The Trump Family is trustworthy. To be under assault like that for 18 months and also be under surveillance, your emails monitored, phones monitored, and nothing is ever found is PROOF that we can trust them.....

Tell you what, you can't trust THE LEFT or the DNC or The Democrat Party after this. That is a FACT.
Pinochet had it right, you have to deal directly with Soros and Co. Trump keeps trying to play nice when he needs to make Soros just disappear, then work his way down the list of Seditious Traitors
He needs to just Extradite SOROS to Russia. Part of me thinks SOROS is behind a lot of this, at least somehow outside the obvious things we are uncovering now with The Dem Party and Obama Regime.

Maybe part of this is to keep Trump's hands politically tied so he won't send Soros to Russia to face Election Fraud and Election Tampering charges.
This was other than that meeting. It was at a reception arranged by the Dems, at the Mayflower hotel when they invited 3 ambassadors, one of which happened to be Kislyak, in April 2016, when they shook hands. And conveniently got a pic of their shaking hands. They also accused Trump of the same when they shook hands at the event arranged by the White House and in which they invited the Ambassadors.

There were so many setups it's hard to get them all straight. I had forgotten they accused Trump first of the same, when he failed to recall who he shook hands with.
You forgot they also set up the little get together where Sessions bumped into a Russian as well.

Actually if you read my Original Post....I mentioned that. And that meeting was also CONVENIENTLY WIRE TAPPED.

Here is the quote:

"Then we also find out, The Obama Regime sent The Russian Ambassador to Session's Office, and all the while they are Wire Tapping EVERYTHING and getting NOTHING..."

Again 18 months of wire tapping and setups and entrapment attempts plus unmasking, and illegal leaking of classified intel....

And they found nothing.

I say that pretty much proves that The Trump Family is trustworthy. To be under assault like that for 18 months and also be under surveillance, your emails monitored, phones monitored, and nothing is ever found is PROOF that we can trust them.....

Tell you what, you can't trust THE LEFT or the DNC or The Democrat Party after this. That is a FACT.

You really start thinking about this, and how low down, dirty unethical, and downright illegal it is, and all of the corrupt things Clinton and Obama did to try to get Hillary Elected and to keep her out of Jail.

These are Not GODLY People. They are not even GOOD PEOPLE. That's just downright Evil the stuff they were trying to pull.
Why would Mueller investigate Obama? All of Russia's efforts went towards getting Trump elected, including secret meetings with, apparently, most of Trump's campaign team and family. But somehow..... Obama? Lol
Obama knew about it, and didn't do anything about it. Nothing to see here.

Clinton, Podesta, and Natalie V. were COLLUDING
To Oppose The Magnitsky Act

The Wall Street Journal report continued, “A few weeks later, Bill Clinton participated in a question-and-answer session at a Renaissance Capital investors conference. He was paid $500,000. After the appearance, Mr. Clinton received a personal thank-you call from Vladimir Putin, then the Russian prime minister, the government news agency TASS reported.”

A spokesperson for Hillary Clinton denied the connection between her stance against the bill and Bill Clinton’s paid speech, but the conflict of interest is undeniable. During the presidential election, the Clinton campaign even took measures to stop a story reporting the link. An email released by Wikileaks from Clinton Campaign Chair John Podesta in May 2015 noted, “With the help of the research team, we killed a Bloomberg story trying to link HRC’s opposition to the Magnitsky bill to a $500,000 speech that WJC gave in Moscow.”

Russian Lawyer Was Lobbying Against Sanctions Clinton Opposed After Paid Speech Gig

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