Will Mueller find any evidence that the Trump-Russia connection is worthy of indictment?

Will Mueller find any evidence that the Trump-Russia connection is worthy of indictment?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • No

    Votes: 14 63.6%

  • Total voters
Flynn was a national security advisor
Yep! A foreign agent, appointed head of national security. Think about that. That really kind of illustrated and set the tone for the entire Trump presidency. Really, you can find a lot of what you need to know about Trump right there .

It is very common for retired generals to market their stars to foreign governments as lobbyists. You seem to be conflating "foreign agent" with spy instead of lobbyist. Flynn lobbied for Turkey, no big deal, if he'd have registered properly.

All Repubs are guilty, all Dems are innocent.
You seem to be conflating "foreign agent" with spy instead of lobbyist.
oh really? Okay then , you will have no problem finding a similar example. And...go! Director of national security + foreign agent.

Please ...he was a foreign agent, working for the interests of a foreign country. Oh, and he lied about it. But hey, that's cool, because....Trump.

Also interesting is that the reason Trump gave for firing Flynn is hilarious. Trump, as we know, knew the facts well bebefore Flynn supposedly lied to pence, meaning Trump was telling pence the same lie he claimed to fire Flynn for. Of course, as anyone with a brain cell knows, Trump likely directed Flynn to have the discussions Flynn lied about. And Flynn likely told Mueller this.
The treasonous crowd shouts “treason” the loudest...as they join foreign governments in attacking our borders.
are you implying what you call process crimes, are not serious crimes that affect the rule of law in this Nation of laws, not men?


Who is giving you that garbage to regurgitate?
Regurgitating garbage, you say?...

He was just lying about sex.
It's something bestrewn himself and his wife!
It's not affecting how he's doing his job.
Why are you so irrationally obsessed with sex?

Don't suppose you remember those, huh?
Flynn was a national security advisor
Yep! A foreign agent, appointed head of national security. Think about that. That really kind of illustrated and set the tone for the entire Trump presidency. Really, you can find a lot of what you need to know about Trump right there .

It is very common for retired generals to market their stars to foreign governments as lobbyists. You seem to be conflating "foreign agent" with spy instead of lobbyist. Flynn lobbied for Turkey, no big deal, if he'd have registered properly.
He quit that job before starting to work for Trump.
You don't think lying about a meeting with the Russian ambassador about sanction relief has anything to do with "Donnie"?
You don't think indicting Russians who hacked his opponents campaign manager has anything to do with "Donnie"?
You don't think that his lawyer admitting to and implicating "Donnie" for campaign finance violations has anything to do with "Donnie"?
You don't think his foundation being forced to shut down for not being a charitable foundation at all has anything to do with "Donnie"?
You don't think that being sued for profiting directly from his position has anything to do with "Donnie"
That's simply what Mueller and the DOJ has so far deemed worthy of prosecution.
Then we have things as meetings with Russians and PERSONALLY dictating the lie to deny it.
Demanding the AG directly interfere in the investigation live and on Twitter.
Saying he fired the FBI director because that investigation on camera.
Lying about business deals to build a tower in Moscow.
Not to mention a more general look at the financial dealings of a guy notorious for borrowing large amounts of money and going bankrupt.
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Sorry but I have to ask. If tomorrow a tape would come out. Showing Trump giving Putin a blowjob, and you hear him ask "you want those missile codes before or after I swallow"? Would you still say? "I don't see a problem with that."
Sorry no meme.

Hypotheticals? Show us the evidence. Mueller has been chasing his tail for two years now and all he has are a few perjuries that happened because of the investigation.
That was a pretty simple yes or no question, why can't you answer it?

Because its a hypothetical question. Its what people do when they have no evidence. I refuse to play that game.
Oh you want evidence that Trump gives blowjobs to Putin? Let's see.....
Bombshell report reveals new details about Trump's Oval Office meeting with Russians after he fired Comey
Guess this is OK?

And this?
So, my question. Do you see a problem with this?
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What is wrong with using the SAME standard the Republicans used with the Clintons?


Come on people. Let's just be fair.

The Clinton's were found innocent, except for lying about getting a BJ.

Give Trump that same opportunity.
Exactly....Cheeto needs the same treatment.

He needs an AG that acts as a mob consigliere for the current regime, he needs congressional "investigations" where he can lie out his ass with impunity, he needs the FBI to do interviews with him where they take no notes at all, he needs to have potential witnesses in his case allowed in these interviews as "legal counsel", and he needs to have the exonerations for his alleged transgressions written up long before he's even interviewed.

No special treatment, just the same treatment that Hillary got.
What is wrong with using the SAME standard the Republicans used with the Clintons?


Come on people. Let's just be fair.

The Clinton's were found innocent, except for lying about getting a BJ.

Give Trump that same opportunity.
Exactly....Cheeto needs the same treatment.

He needs an AG that acts as a mob consigliere for the current regime, he needs congressional "investigations" where he can lie out his ass with impunity, he needs the FBI to do interviews with him where they take no notes at all, he needs to have potential witnesses in his case allowed in these interviews as "legal counsel", and he needs to have the exonerations for his alleged transgressions written up long before he's even interviewed.

No special treatment, just the same treatment that Hillary got.
President Hillary??? Maybe if we catch trump lying about a BJ we can impeach him? He lies about everything else ....15 years and many millions spent and still can't lay a glove on Hillary What a weak group of traitors republicans are
President Hillary??? Maybe if we catch trump lying about a BJ we can impeach him? He lies about everything else ....15 years and many millions spent and still can't lay a glove on Hillary What a weak group of traitors republicans are
Move the goalposts much?
President Hillary??? Maybe if we catch trump lying about a BJ we can impeach him? He lies about everything else ....15 years and many millions spent and still can't lay a glove on Hillary What a weak group of traitors republicans are
Move the goalposts much?
Don't get it Just make believe Obama was president not trump these past 2 years Tell me honestly you wouldn't call for his execution
If it was there surely two years would have been enough time to find it.

Now Muellers investigation is little more than a purge of Trump supporters for various crimes these Hillary supporters can tag on some innocent.

It took Starr almost 6 years to find lying about a blow job...Mueller has a long way to go to match that timeline.
There you go, regurgitating Dim propaganda.

Sent from my SM-N960U1 using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

Now facts are called propaganda by the Trump sheep.

Your post is not a fact. Starr had a long list of Whitewater convictions
He already has. Look at the list of indictments and guilty pleas.

You mean the ones for process "crimes" that have nothing to with ole Donnie? Keep hoping.
are you implying what you call process crimes, are not serious crimes that affect the rule of law in this Nation of laws, not men?


Who is giving you that garbage to regurgitate?

I'm telling you that he's found nothing in connection with Trump. Spare me your "rule of law" garbage.
What do you think Flynn told him about Trump involvement with Russia?
The treasonous crowd shouts “treason” the loudest...as they join foreign governments in attacking our borders.
Maybe you can explain his involvement with Russia
He already has. Look at the list of indictments and guilty pleas.

You mean the ones for process "crimes" that have nothing to with ole Donnie? Keep hoping.
are you implying what you call process crimes, are not serious crimes that affect the rule of law in this Nation of laws, not men?


Who is giving you that garbage to regurgitate?

I'm telling you that he's found nothing in connection with Trump. Spare me your "rule of law" garbage.
What do you think Flynn told him about Trump involvement with Russia?

Nothing. Had Flynn known anything he would have traded it for immunity.
Don't get it Just make believe Obama was president not trump these past 2 years Tell me honestly you wouldn't call for his execution
Apples and aircraft carriers.

Boiking's regime committed actual criminal activity, along with real and serious media intimidation, and bootlickers like you looked the other way....All Meuller has come up with have been process violations and prosecutions over issues that have been blown off for decades, by a few peripheral characters, and you moonbats are in full hysterics.

And still not a Russian to be found.
Starr was also removed from the Whitewater investigation by Reno, to chase after the blue dress.
Well that's completely made up....
I take that back...He wasn't removed altogether, Reno expanded his authority to investigate.

In any event, he didn't just go on a fishing investigation without authorization from the AG.

Suck on that.
Neither did Mueller. And this is not the website for your sexual fetishes.

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