Will Obama be remembered as the worst potus in US history?

NO. probably in the top 15-20. I'd say up there with Washington, TJ, Jackson, FDR, Teddy R., JFK, maybe Reagan.

Spiteful teabaggers just can't let that happen though, can they. Obama will definitely be remembered as a hero. He enhanced our foreign policy, updated our health care system, and kill OBL.

Bush on the other hand......

Oh and Grampa Murked U, lighten up a bit. Even if you don't agree with him, can't you still respect him? Why? Because he is the leader of the greatest country on Earth, America. Its ok to share your opinion, but all you do is rant on and on about "Obama is a socialist, and a Muslim, and yadda yadda. If I could choke down 8 Bushy years, anything can happen.

What ever. Lmao

Find a post where I called him either of those things. Yadayadayada indeed
Will Obama be remembered as the worst potus in US history?

A ridiculous and pointless question, it can be only answered after Obama leaves office and many, many years have gone by. There’s too much emotion and subjective opinion to form an accurate assessment. Indeed, historians are just now getting a clear picture of the Reagan years, and that analysis is still tainted by subjective opinion after all this time.

Historians continue to debate the ‘final resolution’ of LBJ’s presidency, torn between his remarkable accomplishments with regard to domestic policy and the failure of Vietnam.

GHWB realized some small redemption when his idiot son invaded Iraq and destabilized the entire ME. He was correct to not topple Saddam and the NFZs worked perfectly to protect the Iraqi people and Saddam’s neighbors. So successful were the NFZs that Clinton had the good sense to leave them in place.

Truman of course will forever be the classic example of the perils of judging a president during his time – hated and despised when he left office, he’s now considered among our greatest presidents.

So as we can see this is a futile exercise, meaningful only to detractors of Obama wishing to score what they believe to be partisan political points.
No. Buchanon and Hoover get to continue sparring for that title. Bottom half? Sure. Its too soon to say more than that.

I'll be more curious about where Bush ends up on that list in 100 years. I've got no idea if he'll be in the top or bottom 5.
NO. probably in the top 15-20. I'd say up there with Washington, TJ, Jackson, FDR, Teddy R., JFK, maybe Reagan.
No libertarian I know of would ever say that....Not even dead drunk.
The day a Libertarian President is elected is the day that the above is subjective to me. until then, I'm just working with what I got here. :tongue:

No, you're not. You're obviously not libertarian.
NO. probably in the top 15-20. I'd say up there with Washington, TJ, Jackson, FDR, Teddy R., JFK, maybe Reagan.

Spiteful teabaggers just can't let that happen though, can they. Obama will definitely be remembered as a hero. He enhanced our foreign policy, updated our health care system, and kill OBL.

Bush on the other hand......

Oh and Grampa Murked U, lighten up a bit. Even if you don't agree with him, can't you still respect him? Why? Because he is the leader of the greatest country on Earth, America. Its ok to share your opinion, but all you do is rant on and on about "Obama is a socialist, and a Muslim, and yadda yadda. If I could choke down 8 Bushy years, anything can happen.
Speaking for myself, no, I don't and can't respect him. He is a lying racist failure. I respect the office, but not the current occupant.
And you're entitled to your opinion, no matter what it is. But GMU just constantly rants about Obama. It's almost depressing. :cuckoo:

I expect your depression will never end as that's what ALWAYS happens on political forums dumb ass.

And no I have 0 respect for the man destroying our country from the inside out. Turning everyone against each other has been his greatest success. Ie, "the cops acted stupidly"
Will Obama be remembered as the worst potus in US history?

A ridiculous and pointless question, it can be only answered after Obama leaves office and many, many years have gone by. There’s too much emotion and subjective opinion to form an accurate assessment. Indeed, historians are just now getting a clear picture of the Reagan years, and that analysis is still tainted by subjective opinion after all this time.

Historians continue to debate the ‘final resolution’ of LBJ’s presidency, torn between his remarkable accomplishments with regard to domestic policy and the failure of Vietnam.

GHWB realized some small redemption when his idiot son invaded Iraq and destabilized the entire ME. He was correct to not topple Saddam and the NFZs worked perfectly to protect the Iraqi people and Saddam’s neighbors. So successful were the NFZs that Clinton had the good sense to leave them in place.

Truman of course will forever be the classic example of the perils of judging a president during his time – hated and despised when he left office, he’s now considered among our greatest presidents.

So as we can see this is a futile exercise, meaningful only to detractors of Obama wishing to score what they believe to be partisan political points.
very true! :clap2:
Will Obama be remembered as the worst potus in US history?

A ridiculous and pointless question, it can be only answered after Obama leaves office and many, many years have gone by. There’s too much emotion and subjective opinion to form an accurate assessment. Indeed, historians are just now getting a clear picture of the Reagan years, and that analysis is still tainted by subjective opinion after all this time.

Historians continue to debate the ‘final resolution’ of LBJ’s presidency, torn between his remarkable accomplishments with regard to domestic policy and the failure of Vietnam.

GHWB realized some small redemption when his idiot son invaded Iraq and destabilized the entire ME. He was correct to not topple Saddam and the NFZs worked perfectly to protect the Iraqi people and Saddam’s neighbors. So successful were the NFZs that Clinton had the good sense to leave them in place.

Truman of course will forever be the classic example of the perils of judging a president during his time – hated and despised when he left office, he’s now considered among our greatest presidents.

So as we can see this is a futile exercise, meaningful only to detractors of Obama wishing to score what they believe to be partisan political points.
very true! :clap2:

LBJ Greatest accomplishment: “I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next two hundred years.”
Mr owl did you find any posts where I've called him a socialist or a Muslim? My history here is short so these supposed things I've said should be easy for you to find.

Or were you just full of shit?

I suspect the latter.
NO. probably in the top 15-20. I'd say up there with Washington, TJ, Jackson, FDR, Teddy R., JFK, maybe Reagan.

Spiteful teabaggers just can't let that happen though, can they. Obama will definitely be remembered as a hero. He enhanced our foreign policy, updated our health care system, and kill OBL.

Bush on the other hand......

Oh and Grampa Murked U, lighten up a bit. Even if you don't agree with him, can't you still respect him? Why? Because he is the leader of the greatest country on Earth, America. Its ok to share your opinion, but all you do is rant on and on about "Obama is a socialist, and a Muslim, and yadda yadda. If I could choke down 8 Bushy years, anything can happen.
I can't respect him. He is an unqualified lying pos.
The Obama Legacy as told by Paul Krugman

"Not only are vast numbers of Americans unemployed or underemployed, for the first time since the Great Depression many American workers are facing the prospect of very-long-term — maybe permanent — unemployment."

PAUL KRUGMAN: Market drop reflects what others ignore | PressDemocrat.com
Uh-oh....I expect someone from OIRA will be giving old ferret face a jingle, to get his mind right. :eusa_whistle:

Because he forgot to say, "Because of BOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh and the Tea Party...."
NO. probably in the top 15-20. I'd say up there with Washington, TJ, Jackson, FDR, Teddy R., JFK, maybe Reagan.
No libertarian I know of would ever say that....Not even dead drunk.
The day a Libertarian President is elected is the day that the above is subjective to me. until then, I'm just working with what I got here. :tongue:
What you got is nothing.

Moreover, I know of no libertarians who consider either Roosevelt as any kind of a great president.

Clearly, you're fronting and nobody here is buying it.
No libertarian I know of would ever say that....Not even dead drunk.
The day a Libertarian President is elected is the day that the above is subjective to me. until then, I'm just working with what I got here. :tongue:

No, you're not. You're obviously not libertarian.
Have you met me? Do you know my views? Do you any Libertarian's views? Because I embrace the situation here instead of ranting and whining I'm not holding true to another set of opinions?

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