Will Obama Become a Lame Duck?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012

Will Obama Become a Lame Duck?

By W.A. Beatty

George Washington, on April 30, 1789, in New York City, took his oath of office as the first president of the United States. He was president until power was passed to John Adams, the second U.S. president. The U.S. has seen an orderly, peaceful transfer of power ever since. But will that be the case when it comes time for President Barack Hussein "kill list" Obama to leave office? Or will executive orders he has signed prevent peaceful, orderly passage of power? Or even inure him from having to leave office?

Paul Begala, a Bill Clinton adviser, is reported to have said in July 1998, about Clinton's use of executive orders, "Stroke of the pen, law of the land, kinda cool." That pretty well characterizes Obama's attitude toward executive orders.


Obama signed, on March 22, 2012, Executive Order 13603 ("National Defense Resources Preparedness"). It claims powers in peacetime and in times of national emergency to take control of the U.S. economy for the "national defense," and to control the distribution of any material "in the civilian market." The problem here is that arms are distributed in the civilian market. Executive Order 13603 makes "it easier for law enforcement agencies ... to seize the lawful weapons of US citizens without arresting the weapon's owner or offering them any semblance of due process." Has Obama ever heard of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, or that "the Supreme Court held that the president does not have authority to seize private property in the absence of either specifically enumerated authority under Article Two of the Constitution or statutory authority conferred on him by Congress"? Does his signing of Executive Order 13603 have anything to do with the government's "accidental order" of millions of rounds of ammunition?

Here is a very interesting 11-page article about Executive Order 13603 by Jim Powell entitled "Obama's Plan To Seize Control Of Our Economy And Our Lives." Powell says, "He [Obama] aims to have his way by issuing more and more executive orders." Powell also states that "[e]xecutive orders arise from 'implied constitutional and statutory authority'." He continues, "There isn't anything in the Constitution that authorizes an executive order[.]"


Read more: Articles: Will Obama Become a Lame Duck?
An executive order does not have the force of law. All legislative authority is reserved to the Congress and if he trys anything funny when he's out on his milk chocolate ass, I doubt he will like the results.
Scary stuff. He has ensured he has more power than all those before him. It's reasonable to assume he intends to use these powers since he's made this a priority over all else. He has skipped intelligence briefings and neglected much more pressing problems with the economy in order to focus on the biggest transfer of power from the people to government in history.

I say often that he follows Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. The constitution has always been a roadblock, but I see he's found ways around that. He has abused all authority granted to him by hiring countless radical czars, who do things behind the scenes and little of their actions are reported on. He uses executive order to bypass our congress at every opportunity. If challenged on his actions, liberal judges will interpret laws as they need to in order to serve him.

If a Republican had done a fraction of what he has done, the media would be in panic mode 24/7 and we'd hear every detail. Now it's like they assist in keeping a lid on things. When some media outlets, like FOX, do report, they are immediately impugned.

Anyone supporting Obama is blind to what he is really up to. Or they think they have something to gain by it all.
Of course he will. November 6, dead duck. November 7, lame duck. And on that same day that loud AAAHHHHHHHHHH you'll hear is J. Earl Carter's fist orgasm in decades.

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