Will Our Economy Ever Fully Be Restored?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
That was a discussion that I was having yesterday with someone and it got me thinking. I do believe that Trump will be able to fix a LOT of this country's mess made by the democrats, but at this point how much of it is actually fixable?
That was a discussion that I was having yesterday with someone and it got me thinking. I do believe that Trump will be able to fix a LOT of this country's mess made by the democrats, but at this point how much of it is actually fixable?
Trump can only make messes. Besides the mess you imagine isn't happening.
Not until .gov spending is reeled-in....Good luck with that.

I mean right now you have our "leaders" crying in their beer because they can't get 60 billion to the Uke midget.

I saw a video recently of a woman saying that it was never about America only, but as a country we really need get back to being America first.
That was a discussion that I was having yesterday with someone and it got me thinking. I do believe that Trump will be able to fix a LOT of this country's mess made by the democrats, but at this point how much of it is actually fixable?

Since Trump is unable to work with others, listen to advice of experts, doesn’t read up on major issues and is impulsive and retaliatory…….it is unlikely he can accomplish anything
I saw a video recently of a woman saying that it was never about America only, but as a country we really need get back to being America first.
That was a discussion that I was having yesterday with someone and it got me thinking. I do believe that Trump will be able to fix a LOT of this country's mess made by the democrats, but at this point how much of it is actually fixable?
Economy is ok and getting better. Most of us lived through much worse, back in the late 70s through the 80s, the Carter/Reagan years, kicked off with the OPEC embargo, and after Nixon took us off the Gold standard, the FED basically clueless at managing the economy. Like the FED or hate them, they have gotten much better at management, and possibly more important than who is in office.

If wondering if prices will ever be as low as once were, I would remind you of the ratchet effects of market pricing. So, No.
Economy is ok and getting better.

Maybe where you live but today I just spent $84.00 at the grocery store and my driver spent $3.97 on gas. It seems like things are getting worse around here not better.
Can America compete with China?
And more to the point, China and Russia combined?

It could depend on China's attitude toward America, as their peaceful policy of fair competition, turns to a policy of destroying America's economy.

Something that can't be determined until after the election. There are positive indications that Trump would favour peaceful coexistance with China. As a matter of being resigned to what is already done with China and Russia.
Trump can only make messes. Besides the mess you imagine isn't happening.
If you don't think the ever increasing debt is a threat hanging over our heads, there's no helping the extreme democrat partisan you've become.
When did Trump decrease the Debt or the Deficit? Please cite.
The debt has increased for decades, regardless of who is in the White House. The deficit has varied over time, depending on economic impacts from things such as war, epidemics, the housing bubble, petroleum availability, etc. What exactly are you looking for?
Trump has a life history of making messes everywhere he goes, he even has 4 years of history of his trainwreck presidency, yet the cult remains oblivious.
Sad but true.
If you don't think the ever increasing debt is a threat hanging over our heads, there's no helping the extreme democrat partisan you've become.
Since trump set a record for increasing the debt....

Our debt does not have to be. But until we change some of our attitudes the debt will grow.

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