Will our media cover the MASS SLAUGHTER that is going to occur when Afghanistan falls?

What we know is that the taliban is said to have been receiving money to kill our troops as the were beginning to regain power during trump.
The king of lies has spoken lol. You just automatically believe everything you hear from your propagandists apparently
Don't forget the democrat party mantra "never let a tragedy go to waste". If the slicksters in the media can turn it into a political advantage, the deaths of American supporters in Afghanistain won't be in vain.
They are covering Biden's ass and blaming everything on Trump. Same song different day.
Trump, Pompeo & others in Trump's administration said that the Taliban could be trusted, had changed & wanted peace. Trump wanted to meet with Taliban leaders on 9/11 at Camp David. The Trump administration signed a peace deal with them which was nothing but a goddam farce because Trump wanted a deal no matter what so he could run his mouth & try to look good to his low I.Q. idiot clueless base.

Once again Trump & Pompeo have been shown to be born liars.
Within the next few weeks the images coming out of Afghanistan are going to be pretty bad. This total failure is happening under Biden so it begs the question. Will we get honest coverage of the collapse? Will we get the debate that we must have when comparing the billions spent and lives lost/maimed while trying to nation build?

I get that a lot of people will blame Bush but it's also fair to keep in perspective that Biden supported the war.
Bottom line is we need to learn the lesson about occupation and if the media is afraid of damaging Biden politically that discussion will never happen.


What's that?

Now....former President Trump in the news today...........
Trump, Pompeo & others in Trump's administration said that the Taliban could be trusted, had changed & wanted peace. Trump wanted to meet with Taliban leaders on 9/11 at Camp David. The Trump administration signed a peace deal with them which was nothing but a goddam farce because Trump wanted a deal no matter what so he could run his mouth & try to look good to his low I.Q. idiot clueless base.

Once again Trump & Pompeo have been shown to be born liars.

They adhered to the deal until biden changed the date....this is biden, not Trump......you idiot.
If Trump was in office we would have a security plan in place. We would not have abandoned the Afghan military overnight without proper air support. Trump would not run away to Camp David like a fucking coward during these critical days. Do you think Biden's cowardice won't spread by mouth (because liberal media won't day it) across the United States of America by Afghan war vets, military groups, biker bars, churches etc? Where was the close air support for Afghan military?
The Afghan military was bought off by the Taliban. They laid down their weapons for cash or be slaughtered.

The plan Trump & Pompeo signed with the taliban was a farce to begin with which is one of the reasons the situation unfolding today is the way that it is. Trump left this disaster on Biden's doorstep, like all of his fuckups.
If they can thread the needle to blame it on Trump then MSM will be into full action.
Within the next few weeks the images coming out of Afghanistan are going to be pretty bad. This total failure is happening under Biden so it begs the question. Will we get honest coverage of the collapse? Will we get the debate that we must have when comparing the billions spent and lives lost/maimed while trying to nation build?

I get that a lot of people will blame Bush but it's also fair to keep in perspective that Biden supported the war.
Bottom line is we need to learn the lesson about occupation and if the media is afraid of damaging Biden politically that discussion will never happen.

It's already happening on the center left to center right media sources I look at. But yes, we are back to the days of child brides and soccer stadium executions of women for the entertainment of buttholes.
The Afghan military was bought off by the Taliban. They laid down their weapons for cash or be slaughtered.

The plan Trump & Pompeo signed with the taliban was a farce to begin with which is one of the reasons the situation unfolding today is the way that it is. Trump left this disaster on Biden's doorstep, like all of his fuckups.

It happened on biden's watch...Trump had it set up for may.....biden changed the date, this happened...

Sell you bullshit to biden voters......they are the only ones stupid enough to buy it...
Within the next few weeks the images coming out of Afghanistan are going to be pretty bad. This total failure is happening under Biden so it begs the question. Will we get honest coverage of the collapse? Will we get the debate that we must have when comparing the billions spent and lives lost/maimed while trying to nation build?

I get that a lot of people will blame Bush but it's also fair to keep in perspective that Biden supported the war.
Bottom line is we need to learn the lesson about occupation and if the media is afraid of damaging Biden politically that discussion will never happen.
So far it's been a mostly peaceful takeover.
They adhered to the deal until biden changed the date....this is biden, not Trump......you idiot.
The deal was a farce to begin with signed so that Trump could beat his chest & run his yap to idiots like you who believed it.

Again Clown, the treaty signed with the Taliban was another bullshit story aimed at his idiot base who don't know any better.
It's already happening on the center left to center right media sources I look at. But yes, we are back to the days of child brides and soccer stadium executions of women for the entertainment of buttholes.
You must be a liberal gets defense depa spokesperson or a goddamn idiot. Communist need to be purged from military.
Damn straight he wouldn't. He'd be golfing at one of his resorts.
He would be in the Oval Office dick for brai
That’s funny because you are the one who believes the Ministry of Truth. War is peace. Truth is what the state says it is. 2+2=5…you believe.
No you do. You seem to be the supporter of the central authoritarian government.
MSNBC and CNN are the propaganda wing of socialism. I don't even want to go into print media. George Soros has a grip lock on that.
(((SOROS))) I see that anti-semitism is still strong on the Right.....a lot like the Taliban.

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