Will our media cover the MASS SLAUGHTER that is going to occur when Afghanistan falls?

They are now. But not at the beginning.
I figure even CNN cannot defend what Biden has said for the past two months, even as late as last week saying "it is unlikely the capital will fall".
Biden could not possibly be any more wrong than this.

But we will see. Right now the left is either blaming Trump or Bush (of course leaving out Obama who is the President who escalated the war well beyond Bush)
This is a massive failure by the U.S. And Biden's Defense Secretary THIS MORNING tried to claim the overall mission is a success. WTF??
Wow. The lies the right will tell themselves.
Of course they will – and as they report they must reaffirm the fact that all that’s happening is the sole responsibility of George W. Bush.

There's no reason we could not have pulled out troops and also made sure Afghans who helped us on put their lives on the line, got out of the country. That should have all been set up first. there was no rush. To be fair, I'm pretty sure a Trump administration probably would have made the same mistake.
He whipped ISIS asses. Therefore I am inclined to believe the current disaster of cut and run in Afghanistan would not have happened under DJT. Who will ever trust us now after Vietnam and Afghanistan when we betrayed people?
Isis was done before trump took office. And trump is the one who made the agreement to leave afghanistan. Just like trump mishandled COVID, he did so here.
Isis was done before trump took office. And trump is the one who made the agreement to leave afghanistan. Just like trump mishandled COVID, he did so here.
They were not. Nice try at a lie however.
There's no reason we could not have pulled out troops and also made sure Afghans who helped us on put their lives on the line, got out of the country. That should have all been set up first. there was no rush. To be fair, I'm pretty sure a Trump administration probably would have made the same mistake.
Perhaps Biden will protect them with a rusty screwdriver?
Within the next few weeks the images coming out of Afghanistan are going to be pretty bad. This total failure is happening under Biden so it begs the question. Will we get honest coverage of the collapse? Will we get the debate that we must have when comparing the billions spent and lives lost/maimed while trying to nation build?

I get that a lot of people will blame Bush but it's also fair to keep in perspective that Biden supported the war.
Bottom line is we need to learn the lesson about occupation and if the media is afraid of damaging Biden politically that discussion will never happen.
President Biden’s warranted withdraw from Bush’s failed, illegal war in Afghanistan reflects the will of the American people.

“An overwhelming majority of voters support the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, a new Hill-HarrisX poll finds.

Seventy-three percent of registered voters in the July 2-3 survey said they support removing U.S. troops from Afghanistan, a number that has remained steady from an April 2021 poll conducted by Hill/HarrisX.”

or would he tell them to fire a shotgun at the black porche? I'm not really sure what he would say
You seem to forget that trump agreed to move the troops out by May I believe. So if trump was in office we'd be seeing the same thing. And you guys bragged about trump ending the war.
If that were the case, the media would be screaming that he is “abandoning our allies”. No such chorus for Slow Joe.
Isis was done before trump took office. And trump is the one who made the agreement to leave afghanistan. Just like trump mishandled COVID, he did so here.
Isis was done before trump took office.

Do you ever think your bullshit won't get called out, liar?

In 2015, ISIS expanded into a network of affiliates in at least eight other countries. Its branches, supporters, and affiliates increasingly carried out attacks beyond the borders of its so-called caliphate. In October, ISIS’s Egypt affiliate bombed a Russian airplane, killing 224 people. On November 13, 130 people were killed and more than 300 injured in a series of coordinated attacks in Paris. And in June 2016, a gunman who pledged support to ISIS killed at least four dozen people at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

By December 2017, the ISIS caliphate had lost 95 percent of its territory, including its two biggest properties, Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, and the northern Syrian city of Raqqa, its nominal capital. The Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al Abadi declared victory over the Islamic State in Iraq on December 9, 2017. But ISIS was still inspiring and carrying out attacks all over the world, including New York City.

In 2018, the focus of the campaign against ISIS shifted to eastern Syria, where a U.S.-backed coalition of Syrian Kurds and Arabs known as the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) gradually captured key ISIS positions. The SDF briefly suspended its offensive in November 2018 after Turkish attacks on Kurdish positions diverted its attention. On December 14, the SDF captured the town of Hajin. Hajin’s fall reduced ISIS territory to a few villages along the Euphrates River near the Iraqi border.

Timeline: the Rise, Spread, and Fall of the Islamic State
Our media won't cover it because it makes Biden look like the incompetent asshole he is. After 7 months we have big time inflation, energy shortages, the world is blowing up and laughing at us at the same time, people won't go to work, we're petrified of a virus that was on its way out 2 months ago, business shutdowns, school closings, mask mandates, vaccine passports, every type of ploy to install a totalitarian government that controls our every move. If this was communist China, I'd say Biden was a great success story.
Biden's decision to pull the troops from Afghanistan will be remembered next election day.
I love trumptard's short memory. We on the other hand remember Rump's May 1 agreement with the Taliban.

The Trump administration has undertaken eight rounds of negotiations with the Taliban, which controlled Afghanistan between 1996 and 2001, led by envoy Zalmay Khalilzad, the Afghan-born former U.S. ambassador to Kabul. Khalilzad has hinted that a peace agreement could be reached in the next round of talks, scheduled to be held in Qatar later this week.

"In Doha, if the Taliban do their part, we will do ours, and conclude the agreement we have been working on," he tweeted Wednesday, adding that he was, "Wrapping up my most productive visit to #Afghanistan since I took this job as Special Rep."

Trump had no plan in place. The fact is, this was going to happen when we left whever we left. At some point the Afghan army we paid for has to start fighting for their country. Instead they are rolling over and that has nothing to do with Biden.
Actually Trump did have a plan and it was to negotiate with the Taliban and leave the Afghanistan government out of the negotiation. Solid.
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Of course they will – and as they report they must reaffirm the fact that all that’s happening is the sole responsibility of George W. Bush.
Would you like to see all the videos of the Kenyan campaigning to fight the real 911 terrorists in Afghanistan and all the demleftists agreeing?
Trump had no plan in place. The fact is, this was going to happen when we left whever we left. At some point the Afghan army we paid for has to start fighting for their country. Instead they are rolling over and that has nothing to do with Biden.
Wrong. Dementia Riddled *Joe is worthless and weak and the taliban knows it and can get away with anything they want.
He whipped ISIS asses. Therefore I am inclined to believe the current disaster of cut and run in Afghanistan would not have happened under DJT. Who will ever trust us now after Vietnam and Afghanistan when we betrayed people?
There you go again with that old discredited canard. They stopped trusting us long ago when we became an imperialist empire.
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Wrong. Dementia Riddled *Joe is worthless and weak and the taliban knows it and can get away with anything they want.
What we know is that the taliban is said to have been receiving money to kill our troops as the were beginning to regain power during trump.

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