Will our media cover the MASS SLAUGHTER that is going to occur when Afghanistan falls?

Former Obama officials, CIA director, commanding general in Afghanistan now calling Biden's withdrawal "catastrophic", "disastrous" for not only the U.S. but the world. "This is an enormous national security set back and it is on the verge of getting much worse unless we decide to take really significant action". Meanwhile Biden is MIA on vacation.
If Trump was in office we would have a security plan in place. We would not have abandoned the Afghan military overnight without proper air support. Trump would not run away to Camp David like a fucking coward during these critical days. Do you think Biden's cowardice won't spread by mouth (because liberal media won't day it) across the United States of America by Afghan war vets, military groups, biker bars, churches etc? Where was the close air support for Afghan military?
No we wouldn't because he's the one who made the deal to pull out.
9-11 was the reason. Now Biden can take 100% responsibility for terrorist attacks against the United States of America from groups operating out of Afghanistan.
How about we concern our self with the greater terrorist threat coming from white supremacists?
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hahah why wouldn't they say the Taliban is responsible for it? I mean the only reason Bush wanted to go in, and Xiden authorized him to go in, was because they gave aid and were hiding Bin Laden.

I mean when Bush left, the Taliban was out of power, living in caves...and contained. Obama and Xiden called it the War of Necessity....and put more troops in....Trump left office, he was in talks to bring our troops home, and in dilopmatic talks with the Taliban to leave peacefully and with a plan in place.....7 months later they have taken over the country again.....seems like the problem lies with Xiden...you know the man in charge, who has sole responsiblity
Trump had no plan in place. The fact is, this was going to happen when we left whever we left. At some point the Afghan army we paid for has to start fighting for their country. Instead they are rolling over and that has nothing to do with Biden.
Trump had no plan in place. The fact is, this was going to happen when we left whever we left. At some point the Afghan army we paid for has to start fighting for their country. Instead they are rolling over and that has nothing to do with Biden.
Sure was working on a plan, hence why he didn't just unilaterally and willy nilly pull troops out for political gain...like short sighted Xiden, and the clueless dembots in the current Admin.

hahaha yeah poor Joey Xiden, the President of the United States, former VP for 8 years, and US Senator that voted for the war to begin with, yep....he has zero nothing to do with it...geez....

You dembots are funny
Within the next few weeks the images coming out of Afghanistan are going to be pretty bad. This total failure is happening under Biden so it begs the question. Will we get honest coverage of the collapse? Will we get the debate that we must have when comparing the billions spent and lives lost/maimed while trying to nation build?

I get that a lot of people will blame Bush but it's also fair to keep in perspective that Biden supported the war.
Bottom line is we need to learn the lesson about occupation and if the media is afraid of damaging Biden politically that discussion will never happen.
Maybe those who think we should stay there should go themselves to stay and stay and stay and stay and stay and stay and stay..................
America has never been united and it's due to whites refusing to accept the fact that they aren't the only ones here.
painting a big brush don't you think? I don't believe that's true of all white people at all....

It is true of all dems though.
America has never been united and it's due to whites refusing to accept the fact that they aren't the only ones here.
Within the next few weeks the images coming out of Afghanistan are going to be pretty bad. This total failure is happening under Biden so it begs the question. Will we get honest coverage of the collapse? Will we get the debate that we must have when comparing the billions spent and lives lost/maimed while trying to nation build?

I get that a lot of people will blame Bush but it's also fair to keep in perspective that Biden supported the war.
Bottom line is we need to learn the lesson about occupation and if the media is afraid of damaging Biden politically that discussion will never happen.
President Biden is correct to bring an end to GWB’s failed, illegal war – a war started in bad faith for purely partisan reasons.

The blood of the Afghan people will forever be on the hands of Bush.
President Biden is correct to bring an end to GWB’s failed, illegal war – a war started in bad faith for purely partisan reasons.

The blood of the Afghan people will forever be on the hands of Bush.
Illegal war?

Future dead afghans will be dead because of Muhammed and the asinine teachings.
The women are already being told to hide and Biden isn't even done withdrawing yet.
Because of Bush for nearly 20 years women were allowed to prosper. Now? Not so much
He is factually accurate. Trumps plans were condition based. Biden scrapped all that and just threw up his hands.
No, Biden followed the agreement trump made.

So how many more years to you want to see the war go on? Because it's easy to cheer for war when your punk ass doesn't stand to lose anything or you are not responsible for the lives you send to fight. At some point the Afghan people need to get spines and either get rid of the taliban, or become members. They have an army, the Taliban should not be having such an easy time. So maybe the reality is that people in the Afghan military support the Taliban.

And if you pay close attention, America was not the only milittary there and others are leaving.

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