Will our media cover the MASS SLAUGHTER that is going to occur when Afghanistan falls?

This is a lie.

Again, this will forever be Bush’s failed, illegal war.

The reprehensible, partisan right will not succeeded in blaming President Biden for Bush’s failure.
Biden voted for this war in Afghanistan in response of 9/11 in case you forgot.

And the utterly amateurish manner in which he executed the withdraw is on him!

Biden caused this.
MSNBC and CNN are the propaganda wing of socialism. I don't even want to go into print media. George Soros has a grip lock on that.
If Trump was in office we would have a security plan in place. We would not have abandoned the Afghan military overnight without proper air support. Trump would not run away to Camp David like a fucking coward during these critical days. Do you think Biden's cowardice won't spread by mouth (because liberal media won't day it) across the United States of America by Afghan war vets, military groups, biker bars, churches etc? Where was the close air support for Afghan military?
Explain how it's Biden's fault that 300,000 Afghani security forces turned tail & ran, asswipe.

Trump & Pompeo claimed that the taliban would denounce Al Queida. Looks like the The Orange Ape & his stooge got that wrong, wouldntcha say? Or were they just lying to the idiot base?
Within the next few weeks the images coming out of Afghanistan are going to be pretty bad. This total failure is happening under Biden so it begs the question. Will we get honest coverage of the collapse? Will we get the debate that we must have when comparing the billions spent and lives lost/maimed while trying to nation build?

I get that a lot of people will blame Bush but it's also fair to keep in perspective that Biden supported the war.
Bottom line is we need to learn the lesson about occupation and if the media is afraid of damaging Biden politically that discussion will never happen.
NPR has been covering it daily, multiple articles, in depth.
As soon as all U.S. personal are out of the country the media will move on and Afghanistan will be non story.
You must be a liberal gets defense depa spokesperson or a goddamn idiot. Communist need to be purged from military.

He would be in the Oval Office dick for brai

No you do. You seem to be the supporter of the central authoritarian government.
Bushie - drinking and posting is a bad idea ;)
As soon as all U.S. personal are out of the country the media will move on and Afghanistan will be non story.
Biden seems hellbent on reliving the 70's so how long do you think it will be before we see U.S. hostages being held by the new islamist regime? But we won't be subject to mean tweets. Stone the crows, what a fucking mess. :rolleyes:
I listened to CNN for a while today and the talking heads I watched criticized Biden‘s approach to leaving Afghanistan.
Afghan man who here 6 years but family there said on BBC he blames his country and not USA
You must be a liberal gets defense depa spokesperson or a goddamn idiot. Communist need to be purged from military.

He would be in the Oval Office dick for brai

No you do. You seem to be the supporter of the central authoritarian government.
Again you accuse me of what you are.
Obama's "Good War"...

Unlike the ‘dumb’ war in Iraq, Afghanistan was portrayed throughout the 2008 election campaign as the ’good’ war, providing Obama a foil to demonstrate his toughness on foreign policy. Yet, despite the optimistic assumptions among Obama administration staffers, the ‘landscape’ spoke back, and it became quickly apparent that the US strategy was not working, prompting questions over US goals in Afghanistan. The lack of US knowledge of the Afghan terrain became evident throughout the autumn 2009 debate over escalation. Internal references and reports shaped the debate and, in the absence of knowledge of Afghanistan, analogies crept in, with civilian advisors fearful of another Vietnam, while many in the military invoked the ‘successful’ counterinsurgency in Iraq as a model that could be applied in Central Asia.

biDen lost it quicker than his train of thought when the teleprompter stops working.

Congrats Taliban. Afghanistan is yours.

If you don't need the Afghan helicopters any longer, which we gave to you for nothing: For how much money do you sell us one back? With some modifications we could need it for the fire fighters in Europe.
Biden's decision to pull the troops from Afghanistan will be remembered next election day.
Please explain how to make this a win...

This was always a loose... Biden had just the balls to call it that...

You can't go into a country with no exit strategy... There is no group strong enough to keep the country together and stop the Taliban...

Are you saying Biden should have kept on send troops over for another administration so he won't have to look at bad pictures?

Any one with half a knowledge of the area knew this day had to come. Unless you have a better Plan..
No, Biden followed the agreement trump made.

So how many more years to you want to see the war go on? Because it's easy to cheer for war when your punk ass doesn't stand to lose anything or you are not responsible for the lives you send to fight. At some point the Afghan people need to get spines and either get rid of the taliban, or become members. They have an army, the Taliban should not be having such an easy time. So maybe the reality is that people in the Afghan military support the Taliban.

And if you pay close attention, America was not the only milittary there and others are leaving.

Oh - here in Germany our soldiers are back since a longer time now (some weeks or days), because they got the order to come home. Now slowly our government awoke and they found out they forgot some people in Afghanistan ... looks like they are doing something now ... but I don't like to say what they perhaps will do ... to bring home our people and their people ...

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The Afghan military was bought off by the Taliban. They laid down their weapons for cash or be slaughtered.

The plan Trump & Pompeo signed with the taliban was a farce to begin with which is one of the reasons the situation unfolding today is the way that it is. Trump left this disaster on Biden's doorstep, like all of his fuckups.

Your endless angry babbling is funny.

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