Will Our Pres. Pardon His Child F#cker Buddy?

Depends what you want to glean from it, Faun.
In 2015, Gawker released the flight logbooks for Epstein's Gulfstream and the Lolita Express 727. Bill Clinton is among the prominent people listed in the flight logs, having took several trips on the Lolita Express with a softcore porn actress listed under "massages" in Epstein's address book, also published by Gawker. Clinton shared eleven flights aboard the Lolita Express with Maxwell and Epstein's former assistant Sarah Kellen, who has been accused in court filings of recruiting young girls, acting as a pimp on Epstein's behalf. On multiple flights, additional women, listed in the flight logs by their first name or the simple descriptor "female," joined Clinton aboard Epstein's plane. A statement released by Clinton's office acknowledges only the African tour:

What I gleaned from it was the answer to your question...

How many times did Trump show up on Lolita Island?

The answer, according to your source ... is zero
According to Bill's office? Yes, they get paid to say that.
Umm... I'm quoting your source. Are you now attacking your own source since you learned it doesn't say what you wanted it to say?
Ummm. from my source, Faun. Learn to read and comprehend while you read:

In 2015, Gawker released the flight logbooks for Epstein's Gulfstream and the Lolita Express 727. Bill Clinton is among the prominent people listed in the flight logs, having took several trips on the Lolita Express with a softcore porn actress listed under "massages" in Epstein's address book, also published by Gawker. Clinton shared eleven flights aboard the Lolita Express with Maxwell and Epstein's former assistant Sarah Kellen, who has been accused in court filings of recruiting young girls, acting as a pimp on Epstein's behalf. On multiple flights, additional women, listed in the flight logs by their first name or the simple descriptor "female," joined Clinton aboard Epstein's plane. A statement released by Clinton's office acknowledges only the African tour:

Jeffrey Epstein's sex plane, the Lolita Express, explained
Maybe you should take your own advice and learn to read? This is what I asked you to prove...

Oh? How many times did Clinton visit pedophile isle?
Now where does your source answer the question I actually asked, not the question you wished I had asked?

Oh, wait, it doesn't. It doesn't say Clinton ever visited pedophile isle.
Clinton shared eleven flights aboard the Lolita Express with Maxwell and Epstein's former assistant Sarah Kellen, who has been accused in court filings of recruiting young girls, acting as a pimp on Epstein's behalf. From the source I provided for you, Faun.
Connecting dots is not your forte, is it?
What I gleaned from it was the answer to your question...

Oh? How many times did Clinton visit pedophile isle?

The answer, according to your source ... is zero
At least 26 times...
Your fucking hero loves to rape little girls....

Your dementia is noted and laughed at. Meanwhile even Meister's source didn't say say Clinton ever went there.
I gave you the Newsweek as a source and from that source I even posted a paragraph where it stated Bill was on the log books 11 times, Faun.
Like I said, it's just what you want to glean from the source. I understand why you want to distance yourself from what it printed.
What was being discussed was him traveling to pedophile Isle. You asked another poster how many time trump visited the island and implied he never did. Then you asked how many times Clinton visited the island and implied he had.

So I asked you how many times did Clinton visit pedophile isle and you responded to a link that doesn't say he ever did.

Why are you still complaining about your own source?
The source said 11, Faun, I thought I posted that earlier. Sorry if you overlooked it.
I overlooked nothing. Your source doesn't say Clinton went to the island even once.

Want more proof...?

Try quoting your source stating he visited the island. Watch what happens when you can't.
At least 26 times...
Your fucking hero loves to rape little girls....

Your dementia is noted and laughed at. Meanwhile even Meister's source didn't say say Clinton ever went there.
I gave you the Newsweek as a source and from that source I even posted a paragraph where it stated Bill was on the log books 11 times, Faun.
Like I said, it's just what you want to glean from the source. I understand why you want to distance yourself from what it printed.
What was being discussed was him traveling to pedophile Isle. You asked another poster how many time trump visited the island and implied he never did. Then you asked how many times Clinton visited the island and implied he had.

So I asked you how many times did Clinton visit pedophile isle and you responded to a link that doesn't say he ever did.

Why are you still complaining about your own source?
The source said 11, Faun, I thought I posted that earlier. Sorry if you overlooked it.
I overlooked nothing. Your source doesn't say Clinton went to the island even once.

Want more proof...?

Try quoting your source stating he visited the island. Watch what happens when you can't.
Just keep denying and making excuses, it's what whacko liberals do, Faun. Not good company I might add.

Your dementia is noted and laughed at. Meanwhile even Meister's source didn't say say Clinton ever went there.
I gave you the Newsweek as a source and from that source I even posted a paragraph where it stated Bill was on the log books 11 times, Faun.
Like I said, it's just what you want to glean from the source. I understand why you want to distance yourself from what it printed.
What was being discussed was him traveling to pedophile Isle. You asked another poster how many time trump visited the island and implied he never did. Then you asked how many times Clinton visited the island and implied he had.

So I asked you how many times did Clinton visit pedophile isle and you responded to a link that doesn't say he ever did.

Why are you still complaining about your own source?
The source said 11, Faun, I thought I posted that earlier. Sorry if you overlooked it.
I overlooked nothing. Your source doesn't say Clinton went to the island even once.

Want more proof...?

Try quoting your source stating he visited the island. Watch what happens when you can't.
Just keep denying and making excuses, it's what whacko liberals do, Faun. Not good company I might add.

I'm sure I'm not the only one here to notice you can't quote the article saying Clinton visited pedophile island.

Thanks for the tacit concession.

I gave you the Newsweek as a source and from that source I even posted a paragraph where it stated Bill was on the log books 11 times, Faun.
Like I said, it's just what you want to glean from the source. I understand why you want to distance yourself from what it printed.
What was being discussed was him traveling to pedophile Isle. You asked another poster how many time trump visited the island and implied he never did. Then you asked how many times Clinton visited the island and implied he had.

So I asked you how many times did Clinton visit pedophile isle and you responded to a link that doesn't say he ever did.

Why are you still complaining about your own source?
The source said 11, Faun, I thought I posted that earlier. Sorry if you overlooked it.
I overlooked nothing. Your source doesn't say Clinton went to the island even once.

Want more proof...?

Try quoting your source stating he visited the island. Watch what happens when you can't.
Just keep denying and making excuses, it's what whacko liberals do, Faun. Not good company I might add.

I'm sure I'm not the only one here to notice you can't quote the article saying Clinton visited pedophile island.

Thanks for the tacit concession.

Nice try, dude, nobody that's been on the island is stepping forward...including your boy, slick willy.
Doubtful given they had a falling out when Trump banned him for trying to get at minors.
Banned him from what?



Why didn't he call the police and turn epstein in?

Epstein went on to harm a lot of girls. Maybe if trump had called the police and turned him in all those girls might not have been harmed.

Instead trump protected him from the justice system and many more girls were harmed.

WTF, why didn't Bill Clinton call the police and turn Epstein in? Oh that's right Bill was harming the girls.
Assuming Clinton and Trump actually did anything wrong, two wrongs do not make a right. Every day on this board we see this excuse for wrong doing, mistakes, and injustice, Obama did, Clinton did, Bush did, Reagan did it, etc... The fact that someone has done something illegal, unjust or dishonest does not justify nor excuse someone else acting in a similar manner. When I see such a reply, to me it means you have nothing of substance to offer thus you offer a diversion.

Great, so we can assume Bill Clinton did something wrong...what, 24 times.
What was being discussed was him traveling to pedophile Isle. You asked another poster how many time trump visited the island and implied he never did. Then you asked how many times Clinton visited the island and implied he had.

So I asked you how many times did Clinton visit pedophile isle and you responded to a link that doesn't say he ever did.

Why are you still complaining about your own source?
The source said 11, Faun, I thought I posted that earlier. Sorry if you overlooked it.
I overlooked nothing. Your source doesn't say Clinton went to the island even once.

Want more proof...?

Try quoting your source stating he visited the island. Watch what happens when you can't.
Just keep denying and making excuses, it's what whacko liberals do, Faun. Not good company I might add.

I'm sure I'm not the only one here to notice you can't quote the article saying Clinton visited pedophile island.

Thanks for the tacit concession.

Nice try, dude, nobody that's been on the island is stepping forward...including your boy, slick willy.
"Nice try?"

Let me re-post the challenge you failed to meet....
Oh? How many times did Clinton visit pedophile isle?
Not sure, but this is a good read for you, faun.
Jeffrey Epstein's sex plane, the Lolita Express, explained
Only the article you posted doesn't say Clinton ever visited the island -- which is why you can't quote it saying that.
Trump is the one with an admitted history of voyeurism of teenage girls and sexually assaulting women. He bragged about being able to wander through the Miss Teenage Universe dressing rooms and view the teenagers while undressed or partially dressed.​
Could it happen? Could Donald give a pardon to his buddy accused child molester, raper, and alleged little girl slave trader Epstein? Is there any chance Donald would do a pardon for his old pal.
Trump thinks he is a terrific guy

Of course he will pardon him
Could it happen? Could Donald give a pardon to his buddy accused child molester, raper, and alleged little girl slave trader Epstein? Is there any chance Donald would do a pardon for his old pal.
People who fuck children together, stick together.
Could it happen? Could Donald give a pardon to his buddy accused child molester, raper, and alleged little girl slave trader Epstein? Is there any chance Donald would do a pardon for his old pal.

Are you asking for your friend Bill?

If Bill Clinton did it, he too should go to jail. I don;t protect child molesters.
Trump's fan club's defense for Trump seems to be stuck on "but, but, what about Clinton?"
Trump's fan club's defense for Trump seems to be stuck on "but, but, what about Clinton?"
What crime did Trump commit? He knew the guy just like Billy boy .

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
No one has accused Trump of a prosecutable crime in regards to his involvements with Epstein except for the girl who claims Trump raped her when she was a slave for Epstein when she was 13, and that crime does not appear to be prosecutable. Trump's character and morals are what has always been under question and this is just one more example for adding to the long list of examples of his degenerate behavior.
Trump's fan club's defense for Trump seems to be stuck on "but, but, what about Clinton?"
What crime did Trump commit? He knew the guy just like Billy boy .

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
No one has accused Trump of a prosecutable crime in regards to his involvements with Epstein except for the girl who claims Trump raped her when she was a slave for Epstein when she was 13, and that crime does not appear to be prosecutable. Trump's character and morals are what has always been under question and this is just one more example for adding to the long list of examples of his degenerate behavior.
You know what's missing in your post? Evidence. You want to accuse the president of being a pedo? Evidence better back that up otherwise you are scum.

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
Trump's fan club's defense for Trump seems to be stuck on "but, but, what about Clinton?"
What crime did Trump commit? He knew the guy just like Billy boy .

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
No one has accused Trump of a prosecutable crime in regards to his involvements with Epstein except for the girl who claims Trump raped her when she was a slave for Epstein when she was 13, and that crime does not appear to be prosecutable. Trump's character and morals are what has always been under question and this is just one more example for adding to the long list of examples of his degenerate behavior.
You know what's missing in your post? Evidence. You want to accuse the president of being a pedo? Evidence better back that up otherwise you are scum.

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
I did not accuse Trump of being a pedo. I merely pointed out he admitted to being an active voyeur of underage teenage girls. Even if he or anyone else had sexual relations with a teenage girl, it would not qualify them as a pedo. How did you get so poorly informed and uneducated?
Could it happen? Could Donald give a pardon to his buddy accused child molester, raper, and alleged little girl slave trader Epstein? Is there any chance Donald would do a pardon for his old pal.
Your talking about Bill Clinton right?
If I were talking about Clinton I would not have used Epstein's name.

Let's smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser....

"Bill Clinton Still Silent About Flights On Pedophile’s Sex Plane
...Bill Clinton continues to remain silent about the 26 flights he took aboard convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet, dubbed the “Lolita Express,” which reportedly offered underage girls to passengers to rape.

Fox News wrote in 2016 that the Lolita Express, a Boeing 727 jet, was “reportedly outfitted with a bed where passengers had group sex with young girls.”

Clinton flew on some trips where the flight logs showed only the first names of female passengers.

Between 2001 to 2003, Clinton and Epstein traveled together on extended trips around the world, according to flight records released in 2015 by Gawker.
Clinton traveled aboard the “Lolita Express” with a soft core porn actress and traveled on 11 flights with Epstein’s assistant Sarah Kellen, who allegedly procured underage girls for men, according to Gawker.

“In January 2002, for instance, Clinton, his aide Doug Band, and Clinton’s Secret Service detail are listed on a flight from Japan to Hong Kong with Epstein, Maxwell, Kellen, and two women described only as “Janice” and “Jessica,” Gawker reported.

Clinton ditched his Secret Service agents on five of the flights, according to Fox News.

Juanita Broaddrick, who says Clinton raped her in a hotel room in 1978 when he was state attorney general, told TheDCNF, “Well I don’t see how they could speak about it now after they’ve lied about it for two decades and harassed and trashed us. I don’t see how they personally can come back and say anything.”

Broaddrick said during the assault Clinton bit her lip so hard it started bleeding. “You better put some ice on that,” she remembers him telling her as he walked out the door.

“I cannot imagine how and in what manner they could ever say the names: Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey or Juanita Broaddrick. I don’t think that will ever come out of their mouths,” Broaddrick told TheDCNF.

For Broaddrick, the memories of Clinton’s assault are still vivid. “I still cry, I still have that pain. It never goes away,” she told TheDCNF." EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton Still Silent About Flights On Pedophile’s Sex Plane
Details on Bill Clinton's ride on pedophile's 'Lolita Express' sought

....Judicial Watch announced Tuesday that it filed suit for the costs of U.S. Secret Service protection of former President Bill Clinton when he rode on convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein's private jet, dubbed the "Lolita Express."

.... the former president took several flights on the jet to the Epstein's island, and at least on one was accompanied by "4 secret service," according to a flight logbook first reported on by Gawker.com.

The scandal involving the Epstein's Boeing 727, dubbed the "Lolita Express," and his private Caribbean Island of Little Saint James first came to light in December 2014, when Virginia Roberts – now a married, 31-year-old mother of three – filed an affidavit in a Florida federal court charging that at age 15 she was procured by socialite Ghislaine Maxwell to satisfy the sexual needs of Epstein and his friends. The New York Post reported:

ccording to Virginia Roberts, who claims to have been one of Epstein's many teenage sex slaves, Clinton also visited Epstein's private Caribbean retreat, known as "Orgy Island."

"I remember asking Jeffrey, 'What's Bill Clinton doing here?'" Roberts said in 2011. The former president, she added, was accompanied by four young girls during his stay — two of whom were among Epstein's regular sex partners. "And [Jeffrey] laughed it off and said, 'Well, he owes me a favor.' He never told me what favors they were."

Flight logs show that Clinton shared Epstein's plane with Maxwell and Sarah Kellen, Epstein's former assistant, on at least 11 flights in 2002 and 2003.

Epstein, who is registered as a "Tier 1" sex offender with the US Virgin Islands department of justice, served 13 months in jail after signing a plea agreement with the US government in 2008. The FBI is said to have identified about 40 potential victims of the former investment banker.

"If there is nothing to hide in the Epstein scandal, then why is the Obama administration breaking federal transparency law rather than giving us information about his travels? That we've now had to go to federal court to try to get this Secret Service information speaks volumes," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "Beginning with his misuse of state troopers when he was an Arkansas governor, Bill Clinton has a long record of abusing his taxpayer-funded security details to facilitate and cover-up his illicit sexual activities."

Details on Bill Clinton's ride on pedophile's 'Lolita Express' sought

"(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that on June 15, 2015, it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to obtain records of all Secret Service expenses incurred to provide “security and or/other services” to former President Bill Clinton during his trips to the Caribbean island of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:15-cv-00915)).

According to the flight logbook obtained and first reported by Gawker.com, Clinton took more than a dozen trips aboard the private jet of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and was at least on one occasion accompanied by “4 secret service.” The logbooks also show Clinton flew alongside a woman who prosecutors believe procured underage girls to service Epstein and others.

Judicial Watch filed the FOIA lawsuit after DHS failed to comply with a January 15, 2015, FOIA request to the U.S. Secret Service, seeking the following:

Any and all records reflecting expenses incurred to provide security and/or other services to former President Bill Clinton and any companions for trips to the Caribbean island owned by Jeffrey Epstein known as Little St. James from 2001 to the present date.

The scandal involving the Epstein’s Boeing 727, dubbed the “Lolita Express,” and his private Caribbean Island of Little Saint James first came to light in December 2014, when Virginia Roberts – now a married, 31-year-old mother of three – filed an affidavit in a Florida federal court charging that at age 15 she was procured by socialite Ghislaine Maxwell to satisfy the sexual needs of Epstein and his friends. The New York Post reported:

According to Virginia Roberts, who claims to have been one of Epstein’s many teenage sex slaves, Clinton also visited Epstein’s private Caribbean retreat, known as “Orgy Island.”

“I remember asking Jeffrey, ‘What’s Bill Clinton doing here?’” Roberts said in 2011. Theformer president, she added, was accompanied by four young girls during his stay — two of whom were among Epstein’s regular sex partners. “And [Jeffrey] laughed it off and said, ‘Well, he owes me a favor.’ He never told me what favors they were.”

Flight logs show that Clinton shared Epstein’s plane with Maxwell and Sarah Kellen, Epstein’s former assistant, on at least 11 flights in 2002 and 2003.

New York magazine reported that in 2002, Clinton recruited Epstein to make his plane available...."
Judicial Watch Sues for Records on Bill Clinton's Trips to Sex Offender's Caribbean Island
These liberals are hypocrites. Bill Clinton? Really. Just dumbassed for liberal media to attempt to connect our President with this crap.
Could it happen? Could Donald give a pardon to his buddy accused child molester, raper, and alleged little girl slave trader Epstein? Is there any chance Donald would do a pardon for his old pal.

is there ever a time trump isnt in your head driving you crazy???

there are support groups for your TDS
Remember just before the 2016 election how scores of pseudocons on this forum fell for a hoax that Anonymous was going to release a "Bill Clinton rape video" from Epstein's Island™?

Karma's a bitch, snowflake.

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