Will Our Pres. Pardon His Child F#cker Buddy?

Thanks, it was there. Now that I checked it out, I see the number of times it says Clinton went to pedophile: zero

Thanks for clarifying.
Depends what you want to glean from it, Faun.
In 2015, Gawker released the flight logbooks for Epstein's Gulfstream and the Lolita Express 727. Bill Clinton is among the prominent people listed in the flight logs, having took several trips on the Lolita Express with a softcore porn actress listed under "massages" in Epstein's address book, also published by Gawker. Clinton shared eleven flights aboard the Lolita Express with Maxwell and Epstein's former assistant Sarah Kellen, who has been accused in court filings of recruiting young girls, acting as a pimp on Epstein's behalf. On multiple flights, additional women, listed in the flight logs by their first name or the simple descriptor "female," joined Clinton aboard Epstein's plane. A statement released by Clinton's office acknowledges only the African tour:

What I gleaned from it was the answer to your question...

Oh? How many times did Clinton visit pedophile isle?

The answer, according to your source ... is zero
At least 26 times...
Your fucking hero loves to rape little girls....

Your dementia is noted and laughed at. Meanwhile even Meister's source didn't say say Clinton ever went there.
You actually think slick Willy could stay away from a place called Sex island? An island Made for sex trafficking.
And everyone knows that slick Willy and Jeffrey Epstein are best buds, Two of a kind... sick pieces of shit

And yet you have no proof other than your hallucinations.
Poor deluded idiot. Trump aided the prosecution of Epstein. Maybe try to actually learn something before sounding like the TDS afflicted stooge you are. Your sheer idiocy of trying to link Trump to this is just laughable.
Epstein gets a plea agreement and lets all repubs know of Trumps fantasy with sex with children IF my dream comes true Repubs will still support him They love perverts

Repubs will still support him They love perverts

Must be why Hillary got 3,000,000 more votes...
Hill wasn't a pervert Maybe if she was she'd be president
Hildabeast lost... live with it bed wetter
Got no problems Have lost before and can take it ,,,, What I can't take is this lying bullying pos in our WH now and the AH's that support him
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Karma is a bitch
Depends what you want to glean from it, Faun.
In 2015, Gawker released the flight logbooks for Epstein's Gulfstream and the Lolita Express 727. Bill Clinton is among the prominent people listed in the flight logs, having took several trips on the Lolita Express with a softcore porn actress listed under "massages" in Epstein's address book, also published by Gawker. Clinton shared eleven flights aboard the Lolita Express with Maxwell and Epstein's former assistant Sarah Kellen, who has been accused in court filings of recruiting young girls, acting as a pimp on Epstein's behalf. On multiple flights, additional women, listed in the flight logs by their first name or the simple descriptor "female," joined Clinton aboard Epstein's plane. A statement released by Clinton's office acknowledges only the African tour:

What I gleaned from it was the answer to your question...

Oh? How many times did Clinton visit pedophile isle?

The answer, according to your source ... is zero
At least 26 times...
Your fucking hero loves to rape little girls....

Your dementia is noted and laughed at. Meanwhile even Meister's source didn't say say Clinton ever went there.
You actually think slick Willy could stay away from a place called Sex island? An island Made for sex trafficking.
And everyone knows that slick Willy and Jeffrey Epstein are best buds, Two of a kind... sick pieces of shit

And yet you have no proof other than your hallucinations.
Slick Willy and Jeffrey Epstein two of a kind… That much is obvious. Sick pieces of shit...
Both being progressives and all.
It's there, faun....always was. Looks like 10 or 11 times.
Thanks, it was there. Now that I checked it out, I see the number of times it says Clinton went to pedophile: zero

Thanks for clarifying.
Depends what you want to glean from it, Faun.
In 2015, Gawker released the flight logbooks for Epstein's Gulfstream and the Lolita Express 727. Bill Clinton is among the prominent people listed in the flight logs, having took several trips on the Lolita Express with a softcore porn actress listed under "massages" in Epstein's address book, also published by Gawker. Clinton shared eleven flights aboard the Lolita Express with Maxwell and Epstein's former assistant Sarah Kellen, who has been accused in court filings of recruiting young girls, acting as a pimp on Epstein's behalf. On multiple flights, additional women, listed in the flight logs by their first name or the simple descriptor "female," joined Clinton aboard Epstein's plane. A statement released by Clinton's office acknowledges only the African tour:

What I gleaned from it was the answer to your question...

How many times did Trump show up on Lolita Island?

The answer, according to your source ... is zero
According to Bill's office? Yes, they get paid to say that.
Umm... I'm quoting your source. Are you now attacking your own source since you learned it doesn't say what you wanted it to say?
Ummm. from my source, Faun. Learn to read and comprehend while you read:

In 2015, Gawker released the flight logbooks for Epstein's Gulfstream and the Lolita Express 727. Bill Clinton is among the prominent people listed in the flight logs, having took several trips on the Lolita Express with a softcore porn actress listed under "massages" in Epstein's address book, also published by Gawker. Clinton shared eleven flights aboard the Lolita Express with Maxwell and Epstein's former assistant Sarah Kellen, who has been accused in court filings of recruiting young girls, acting as a pimp on Epstein's behalf. On multiple flights, additional women, listed in the flight logs by their first name or the simple descriptor "female," joined Clinton aboard Epstein's plane. A statement released by Clinton's office acknowledges only the African tour:

Jeffrey Epstein's sex plane, the Lolita Express, explained
Poor deluded idiot. Trump aided the prosecution of Epstein. Maybe try to actually learn something before sounding like the TDS afflicted stooge you are. Your sheer idiocy of trying to link Trump to this is just laughable.
Epstein gets a plea agreement and lets all repubs know of Trumps fantasy with sex with children IF my dream comes true Repubs will still support him They love perverts

Repubs will still support him They love perverts

Must be why Hillary got 3,000,000 more votes...
Hill wasn't a pervert Maybe if she was she'd be president

Mrs. Clinton still had the endorsement of major Smut Publishers like Larry Flynt as well as pervert lobbies like NAMBLA. I don't think that hurt her much if any
The Clintons are the lowest of life forms… Fact
Can't beat the trumps and their crooked son in law
When another snowflake dream - existing based on denial of reality - dies with MORE evidence of Bill Clinton ... and more Democrats ... being proven to be child molesters, snowflakes will still find ways to - as always - lie, deny, & justify.
What I gleaned from it was the answer to your question...

Oh? How many times did Clinton visit pedophile isle?

The answer, according to your source ... is zero
At least 26 times...
Your fucking hero loves to rape little girls....

Your dementia is noted and laughed at. Meanwhile even Meister's source didn't say say Clinton ever went there.
You actually think slick Willy could stay away from a place called Sex island? An island Made for sex trafficking.
And everyone knows that slick Willy and Jeffrey Epstein are best buds, Two of a kind... sick pieces of shit

And yet you have no proof other than your hallucinations.
Slick Willy and Jeffrey Epstein two of a kind… That much is obvious. Sick pieces of shit...
Both being progressives and all.
Rusty grab any pussy recently?
Thanks, it was there. Now that I checked it out, I see the number of times it says Clinton went to pedophile: zero

Thanks for clarifying.
Depends what you want to glean from it, Faun.
In 2015, Gawker released the flight logbooks for Epstein's Gulfstream and the Lolita Express 727. Bill Clinton is among the prominent people listed in the flight logs, having took several trips on the Lolita Express with a softcore porn actress listed under "massages" in Epstein's address book, also published by Gawker. Clinton shared eleven flights aboard the Lolita Express with Maxwell and Epstein's former assistant Sarah Kellen, who has been accused in court filings of recruiting young girls, acting as a pimp on Epstein's behalf. On multiple flights, additional women, listed in the flight logs by their first name or the simple descriptor "female," joined Clinton aboard Epstein's plane. A statement released by Clinton's office acknowledges only the African tour:

What I gleaned from it was the answer to your question...

Oh? How many times did Clinton visit pedophile isle?

The answer, according to your source ... is zero
At least 26 times...
Your fucking hero loves to rape little girls....

Your dementia is noted and laughed at. Meanwhile even Meister's source didn't say say Clinton ever went there.
I gave you the Newsweek as a source and from that source I even posted a paragraph where it stated Bill was on the log books 11 times, Faun.
Like I said, it's just what you want to glean from the source. I understand why you want to distance yourself from what it printed.
What was being discussed was him traveling to pedophile Isle. You asked another poster how many time trump visited the island and implied he never did. Then you asked how many times Clinton visited the island and implied he had.

So I asked you how many times did Clinton visit pedophile isle and you responded to a link that doesn't say he ever did.

Why are you still complaining about your own source?
Epstein gets a plea agreement and lets all repubs know of Trumps fantasy with sex with children IF my dream comes true Repubs will still support him They love perverts

Repubs will still support him They love perverts

Must be why Hillary got 3,000,000 more votes...
Hill wasn't a pervert Maybe if she was she'd be president
Hildabeast lost... live with it bed wetter
Got no problems Have lost before and can take it ,,,, What I can't take is this lying bullying pos in our WH now and the AH's that support him
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Karma is a bitch
Likewise, there would have been no Obama if there was no Bush.
Could it happen? Could Donald give a pardon to his buddy accused child molester, raper, and alleged little girl slave trader Epstein? Is there any chance Donald would do a pardon for his old pal.

Why can't you assholes ever admit to your own? Trump never had diddly squat to do with that scum other than to 86 his sorry ass. He was your boy Bill's pal and that shit was right down that perverted assholes alley too. In fact at least half of you leftistists are sex deviates and twisted assholes anyway.
What I gleaned from it was the answer to your question...

Oh? How many times did Clinton visit pedophile isle?

The answer, according to your source ... is zero
At least 26 times...
Your fucking hero loves to rape little girls....

Your dementia is noted and laughed at. Meanwhile even Meister's source didn't say say Clinton ever went there.
You actually think slick Willy could stay away from a place called Sex island? An island Made for sex trafficking.
And everyone knows that slick Willy and Jeffrey Epstein are best buds, Two of a kind... sick pieces of shit

And yet you have no proof other than your hallucinations.
Slick Willy and Jeffrey Epstein two of a kind… That much is obvious. Sick pieces of shit...
Both being progressives and all.

Your delusions are again noted and laughed at. Be sure to let the forum know when you find some actual evidence.
Thanks, it was there. Now that I checked it out, I see the number of times it says Clinton went to pedophile: zero

Thanks for clarifying.
Depends what you want to glean from it, Faun.
In 2015, Gawker released the flight logbooks for Epstein's Gulfstream and the Lolita Express 727. Bill Clinton is among the prominent people listed in the flight logs, having took several trips on the Lolita Express with a softcore porn actress listed under "massages" in Epstein's address book, also published by Gawker. Clinton shared eleven flights aboard the Lolita Express with Maxwell and Epstein's former assistant Sarah Kellen, who has been accused in court filings of recruiting young girls, acting as a pimp on Epstein's behalf. On multiple flights, additional women, listed in the flight logs by their first name or the simple descriptor "female," joined Clinton aboard Epstein's plane. A statement released by Clinton's office acknowledges only the African tour:

What I gleaned from it was the answer to your question...

How many times did Trump show up on Lolita Island?

The answer, according to your source ... is zero
According to Bill's office? Yes, they get paid to say that.
Umm... I'm quoting your source. Are you now attacking your own source since you learned it doesn't say what you wanted it to say?
Ummm. from my source, Faun. Learn to read and comprehend while you read:

In 2015, Gawker released the flight logbooks for Epstein's Gulfstream and the Lolita Express 727. Bill Clinton is among the prominent people listed in the flight logs, having took several trips on the Lolita Express with a softcore porn actress listed under "massages" in Epstein's address book, also published by Gawker. Clinton shared eleven flights aboard the Lolita Express with Maxwell and Epstein's former assistant Sarah Kellen, who has been accused in court filings of recruiting young girls, acting as a pimp on Epstein's behalf. On multiple flights, additional women, listed in the flight logs by their first name or the simple descriptor "female," joined Clinton aboard Epstein's plane. A statement released by Clinton's office acknowledges only the African tour:

Jeffrey Epstein's sex plane, the Lolita Express, explained
Maybe you should take your own advice and learn to read? This is what I asked you to prove...

Oh? How many times did Clinton visit pedophile isle?
Now where does your source answer the question I actually asked, not the question you wished I had asked?

Oh, wait, it doesn't. It doesn't say Clinton ever visited pedophile isle.
Rusty grab any pussy recently?
Ed, for the record, are you STUPID or just intentionally mis-representing what Trump actually said during his appearance on that talk show?

Snowflakes have either moronically repeated the lies they were told / sold and/or intentionally lied about what Trump really said for years.

What Trump REALLY said was that there are women who would line up to allow millionaires / rich people to grab them by the p*. He NEVER said HE did.

If anyone claims differently then they can obviously post his direct quote where he supposedly says so AND the link...

Could it happen? Could Donald give a pardon to his buddy accused child molester, raper, and alleged little girl slave trader Epstein? Is there any chance Donald would do a pardon for his old pal.

Why can't you assholes ever admit to your own? Trump never had diddly squat to do with that scum other than to 86 his sorry ass. He was your boy Bill's pal and that shit was right down that perverted assholes alley too. In fact at least half of you leftistists are sex deviates and twisted assholes anyway.

Not according to Miss Johnson.
Must be why Hillary got 3,000,000 more votes...
Hill wasn't a pervert Maybe if she was she'd be president
Hildabeast lost... live with it bed wetter
Got no problems Have lost before and can take it ,,,, What I can't take is this lying bullying pos in our WH now and the AH's that support him
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Karma is a bitch
Likewise, there would have been no Obama if there was no Bush.
True, But it’s refreshing to have a non-career politician in there… Career politicians/deep state people just suck...
Could it happen? Could Donald give a pardon to his buddy accused child molester, raper, and alleged little girl slave trader Epstein? Is there any chance Donald would do a pardon for his old pal.

Why can't you assholes ever admit to your own? Trump never had diddly squat to do with that scum other than to 86 his sorry ass. He was your boy Bill's pal and that shit was right down that perverted assholes alley too. In fact at least half of you leftistists are sex deviates and twisted assholes anyway.
What are you doing tonight ?? lol lol
Could it happen? Could Donald give a pardon to his buddy accused child molester, raper, and alleged little girl slave trader Epstein? Is there any chance Donald would do a pardon for his old pal.

Why can't you assholes ever admit to your own? Trump never had diddly squat to do with that scum other than to 86 his sorry ass. He was your boy Bill's pal and that shit was right down that perverted assholes alley too. In fact at least half of you leftistists are sex deviates and twisted assholes anyway.
What are you doing tonight ?? lol lol
Kickin' your ass....

Depends what you want to glean from it, Faun.
In 2015, Gawker released the flight logbooks for Epstein's Gulfstream and the Lolita Express 727. Bill Clinton is among the prominent people listed in the flight logs, having took several trips on the Lolita Express with a softcore porn actress listed under "massages" in Epstein's address book, also published by Gawker. Clinton shared eleven flights aboard the Lolita Express with Maxwell and Epstein's former assistant Sarah Kellen, who has been accused in court filings of recruiting young girls, acting as a pimp on Epstein's behalf. On multiple flights, additional women, listed in the flight logs by their first name or the simple descriptor "female," joined Clinton aboard Epstein's plane. A statement released by Clinton's office acknowledges only the African tour:

What I gleaned from it was the answer to your question...

How many times did Trump show up on Lolita Island?

The answer, according to your source ... is zero
According to Bill's office? Yes, they get paid to say that.
Umm... I'm quoting your source. Are you now attacking your own source since you learned it doesn't say what you wanted it to say?
Ummm. from my source, Faun. Learn to read and comprehend while you read:

In 2015, Gawker released the flight logbooks for Epstein's Gulfstream and the Lolita Express 727. Bill Clinton is among the prominent people listed in the flight logs, having took several trips on the Lolita Express with a softcore porn actress listed under "massages" in Epstein's address book, also published by Gawker. Clinton shared eleven flights aboard the Lolita Express with Maxwell and Epstein's former assistant Sarah Kellen, who has been accused in court filings of recruiting young girls, acting as a pimp on Epstein's behalf. On multiple flights, additional women, listed in the flight logs by their first name or the simple descriptor "female," joined Clinton aboard Epstein's plane. A statement released by Clinton's office acknowledges only the African tour:

Jeffrey Epstein's sex plane, the Lolita Express, explained
Maybe you should take your own advice and learn to read? This is what I asked you to prove...

Oh? How many times did Clinton visit pedophile isle?
Now where does your source answer the question I actually asked, not the question you wished I had asked?

Oh, wait, it doesn't. It doesn't say Clinton ever visited pedophile isle.

I don't care if the Clintons visited Pedophile Isle or not. I don't think Clinton needed Mr. Epstein to set him up with a date, anyhow. Mr. Clinton could get his paedophile action on his own I would think. But what I am concerned about is Clinton and other liberals actually ACCEPTING EPSTEIN'S money and campaign contributions. They need to return the dirty money.
What I gleaned from it was the answer to your question...

How many times did Trump show up on Lolita Island?

The answer, according to your source ... is zero
According to Bill's office? Yes, they get paid to say that.
Umm... I'm quoting your source. Are you now attacking your own source since you learned it doesn't say what you wanted it to say?
Ummm. from my source, Faun. Learn to read and comprehend while you read:

In 2015, Gawker released the flight logbooks for Epstein's Gulfstream and the Lolita Express 727. Bill Clinton is among the prominent people listed in the flight logs, having took several trips on the Lolita Express with a softcore porn actress listed under "massages" in Epstein's address book, also published by Gawker. Clinton shared eleven flights aboard the Lolita Express with Maxwell and Epstein's former assistant Sarah Kellen, who has been accused in court filings of recruiting young girls, acting as a pimp on Epstein's behalf. On multiple flights, additional women, listed in the flight logs by their first name or the simple descriptor "female," joined Clinton aboard Epstein's plane. A statement released by Clinton's office acknowledges only the African tour:

Jeffrey Epstein's sex plane, the Lolita Express, explained
Maybe you should take your own advice and learn to read? This is what I asked you to prove...

Oh? How many times did Clinton visit pedophile isle?
Now where does your source answer the question I actually asked, not the question you wished I had asked?

Oh, wait, it doesn't. It doesn't say Clinton ever visited pedophile isle.

I don't care if the Clintons visited Pedophile Isle or not. I don't think Clinton needed Mr. Epstein to set him up with a date, anyhow. Mr. Clinton could get his paedophile action on his own I would think. But what I am concerned about is Clinton and other liberals actually ACCEPTING EPSTEIN'S money and campaign contributions. They need to return the dirty money.

Only then they'd have no money at all!
Depends what you want to glean from it, Faun.
In 2015, Gawker released the flight logbooks for Epstein's Gulfstream and the Lolita Express 727. Bill Clinton is among the prominent people listed in the flight logs, having took several trips on the Lolita Express with a softcore porn actress listed under "massages" in Epstein's address book, also published by Gawker. Clinton shared eleven flights aboard the Lolita Express with Maxwell and Epstein's former assistant Sarah Kellen, who has been accused in court filings of recruiting young girls, acting as a pimp on Epstein's behalf. On multiple flights, additional women, listed in the flight logs by their first name or the simple descriptor "female," joined Clinton aboard Epstein's plane. A statement released by Clinton's office acknowledges only the African tour:

What I gleaned from it was the answer to your question...

Oh? How many times did Clinton visit pedophile isle?

The answer, according to your source ... is zero
At least 26 times...
Your fucking hero loves to rape little girls....

Your dementia is noted and laughed at. Meanwhile even Meister's source didn't say say Clinton ever went there.
I gave you the Newsweek as a source and from that source I even posted a paragraph where it stated Bill was on the log books 11 times, Faun.
Like I said, it's just what you want to glean from the source. I understand why you want to distance yourself from what it printed.
What was being discussed was him traveling to pedophile Isle. You asked another poster how many time trump visited the island and implied he never did. Then you asked how many times Clinton visited the island and implied he had.

So I asked you how many times did Clinton visit pedophile isle and you responded to a link that doesn't say he ever did.

Why are you still complaining about your own source?
The source said 11, Faun, I thought I posted that earlier. Sorry if you overlooked it.

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