Will Pres. of USA Lie More or Lie Less in 2020

2019 was a record-breaking year for the number of undebatable provable lies told by an American President in a year according to some fact-checkers and news media reports. Of course, "undebatable proven lies" are in fact, debatable since in the Trump era of alternative news anything is debatable and any lies are justified or defended with "what aboutism deflections". So, will the new year bring a decrease or increase in alleged lies told by Donald Trump, aka Liar in Chief or IMPOTUS (IMPEACHED PRES OF THE US).
/—-/ I reject your premise. The president doesn’t lie.
You are distorting or misreading the premise.
you never lied??
Everyone lies at times, sometimes on purpose and sometimes by mistake. The test of character is how one reacts when one is informed they have been caught telling a lie, whether by mistake or on purpose.
so, lying is ok--corrrect?
Presidents have been lying to us for a long time. Why should we expect that to change when we never hold them accountable?

You're on to something there, however I'll do you one better...

If we want politicians to stop with the lies, half-truths and spin then they need to be held accountable BY MEMBERS OF THEIR OWN PARTY rather than having partisans defend them even when those partisans know god damn well that their pet politician is full of shit.
2019 was a record-breaking year for the number of undebatable provable lies told by an American President in a year according to some fact-checkers and news media reports. Of course, "undebatable proven lies" are in fact, debatable since in the Trump era of alternative news anything is debatable and any lies are justified or defended with "what aboutism deflections". So, will the new year bring a decrease or increase in alleged lies told by Donald Trump, aka Liar in Chief or IMPOTUS (IMPEACHED PRES OF THE US).
/—-/ I reject your premise. The president doesn’t lie.
You are distorting or misreading the premise.
you never lied??
Everyone lies at times, sometimes on purpose and sometimes by mistake. The test of character is how one reacts when one is informed they have been caught telling a lie, whether by mistake or on purpose.
so, lying is ok--corrrect?

As long as it's a lie from your party for most, that would be correct.
/—-/ I reject your premise. The president doesn’t lie.
You are distorting or misreading the premise.
you never lied??
Everyone lies at times, sometimes on purpose and sometimes by mistake. The test of character is how one reacts when one is informed they have been caught telling a lie, whether by mistake or on purpose.
so, lying is ok--corrrect?

As long as it's a lie from your party for most, that would be correct.
.it's not a lie if you beilieve it
You are distorting or misreading the premise.
you never lied??
Everyone lies at times, sometimes on purpose and sometimes by mistake. The test of character is how one reacts when one is informed they have been caught telling a lie, whether by mistake or on purpose.
so, lying is ok--corrrect?

As long as it's a lie from your party for most, that would be correct.
.it's not a lie if you beilieve it

Yes it is.
2019 was a record-breaking year for the number of undebatable provable lies told by an American President in a year according to some fact-checkers and news media reports. Of course, "undebatable proven lies" are in fact, debatable since in the Trump era of alternative news anything is debatable and any lies are justified or defended with "what aboutism deflections". So, will the new year bring a decrease or increase in alleged lies told by Donald Trump, aka Liar in Chief or IMPOTUS (IMPEACHED PRES OF THE US).
I hope he lies every time he blinks.
2019 was a record-breaking year for the number of undebatable provable lies told by an American President in a year according to some fact-checkers and news media reports. Of course, "undebatable proven lies" are in fact, debatable since in the Trump era of alternative news anything is debatable and any lies are justified or defended with "what aboutism deflections". So, will the new year bring a decrease or increase in alleged lies told by Donald Trump, aka Liar in Chief or IMPOTUS (IMPEACHED PRES OF THE US).
/—-/ I reject your premise. The president doesn’t lie.
You are distorting or misreading the premise.
you never lied??
Everyone lies at times, sometimes on purpose and sometimes by mistake. The test of character is how one reacts when one is informed they have been caught telling a lie, whether by mistake or on purpose.
Camp, you can't lie "by mistake." Lying requires the intent to dissemble.
Being flat out wrong or misinformed is not lying. It's inaccuracies. That is the majority of what comes out of the President's mouth. He doesn't listen very well, gets bored by anything but tv, and probably misremembers a good part of what he did hear.
Ideally politicians should be held accountable for lying, but the horse is already out of the barn
2019 was a record-breaking year for the number of undebatable provable lies told by an American President in a year according to some fact-checkers and news media reports. Of course, "undebatable proven lies" are in fact, debatable since in the Trump era of alternative news anything is debatable and any lies are justified or defended with "what aboutism deflections". So, will the new year bring a decrease or increase in alleged lies told by Donald Trump, aka Liar in Chief or IMPOTUS (IMPEACHED PRES OF THE US).
/—-/ I reject your premise. The president doesn’t lie.
You are distorting or misreading the premise.
you never lied??
Everyone lies at times, sometimes on purpose and sometimes by mistake. The test of character is how one reacts when one is informed they have been caught telling a lie, whether by mistake or on purpose.
Camp, you can't lie "by mistake." Lying requires the intent to dissemble.
Being flat out wrong or misinformed is not lying. It's inaccuracies. That is the majority of what comes out of the President's mouth. He doesn't listen very well, gets bored by anything but tv, and probably misremembers a good part of what he did hear.

A distinction without a difference and when it comes to Federal Politicians that are given enormous resources with respect to staff and information technology there is NO excuse to make unqualified inaccurate public statements.

The "I was simply mistaken when I publicly claimed that XYZ was true" doesn't fly when you have at your disposal millions of tax payer dollars worth of resources dedicated to the task of checking your facts before opening your mouth.
I keep asking what his biggest lie is.

You can never get a straight answer from these lunatics who lie 24/7.
Fake news
The Deep State
Some 400 lb man in mamas basement
Putin's a better man than Obama
Obama was born in Kenya
I didn't pay off a porn star and playboy bunny that I slept with when melania just delivered my child
I'm a Christian
Bone spurs
Trump foundation charity, was a charity
Ted Cruz' s father helped assassinate Kennedy
Trump university
Don't know the 17 women claiming I assaulted them
Don't know Lev Parnas
I went after corruption not the Biden's.
No collusion, no obstruction
It's a hoax
Mueller' s a liar
Fired Comey for helping Hillary LOSE, not the Russia investigation
Comey, Rosenstein, Mueller are Democrats
Enemy of the people, press
I love my Generals, but fired them all.
Mexico will pay for it
I canceled my meeting with Putin in South America, while secretly meeting him
I have no business in Russia, while negotiating a deal in Moscow for a Trump tower there during the campaign
No one on my campaign spoke with Russians, when there were OVER 160 contacts by his campaign with Russians, per Mueller
The phone call was perfect.

Etc etc etc etc

The question should be, when has he not lied? That would be easier.
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2019 was a record-breaking year for the number of undebatable provable lies told by an American President in a year according to some fact-checkers and news media reports. Of course, "undebatable proven lies" are in fact, debatable since in the Trump era of alternative news anything is debatable and any lies are justified or defended with "what aboutism deflections". So, will the new year bring a decrease or increase in alleged lies told by Donald Trump, aka Liar in Chief or IMPOTUS (IMPEACHED PRES OF THE US).
The main question is will the mainstream media stop lying about the president and will it stop pushing its antigun agenda?
I keep asking what his biggest lie is.

You can never get a straight answer from these lunatics who lie 24/7.
Fake news
The Deep State
Some 400 lb man in mamas basement
Putin's a better man than Obama
Obama was born in Kenya
I didn't pay off a porn star and playboy bunny that I slept with when melania just delivered my child
I'm a Christian
Bone spurs
Trump foundation charity, was a charity
Ted Cruz' s father helped assassinate Kennedy
Trump university
Don't know the 17 women claiming I assaulted them
Don't know Lev Parnas
I went after corruption not the Biden's.
No collusion, no obstruction
It's a hoax
Mueller' s a liar
Fired Comey for helping Hillary LOSE, not the Russia investigation
Comey, Rosenstein, Mueller are Democrats
Enemy of the people, press
I love my Generals, but fired them all.
Mexico will pay for it
I canceled my meeting with Putin in South America, while secretly meeting him
I have no business in Russia, while negotiating a deal in Moscow for a Trump tower there during the campaign
No one on my campaign spoke with Russians, when there were OVER 160 contacts by his campaign with Russians, per Mueller

Etc etc etc etc

The question should be, when has he not lied? That would be easier.
mainstream media is fake news whether or not you want to agree with that. anything else on your list came from mainstream media and is irrelevant.
2019 was a record-breaking year for the number of undebatable provable lies told by an American President in a year according to some fact-checkers and news media reports. Of course, "undebatable proven lies" are in fact, debatable since in the Trump era of alternative news anything is debatable and any lies are justified or defended with "what aboutism deflections". So, will the new year bring a decrease or increase in alleged lies told by Donald Trump, aka Liar in Chief or IMPOTUS (IMPEACHED PRES OF THE US).
The main question is will the mainstream media stop lying about the president and will it stop pushing its antigun agenda?

If it's OK for the president to lie why is it not OK for the media?

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