Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
Why won't Republicans run on ending social security and Medicare if they are so bad?
Like abortion they want to surprise us with it. I just can't believe they made it a campaign issue before the midterms Republicans were going to clearly win until the leak.

Look at Kansas. Very red state. Look how many women are not going to vote Republican this time. May turn the state blue. It should. Unless Kansas elections are rigged like I suspect most Red states are. Texas, Florida, New Jersey, Ohio.

Before you roll your eyes and say that Republicans wont’ really end those two beloved federal programs, remember how many of us dismissed the GOP when for years they vowed to overturn Roe v. Wade. Many viewed their words as simply red meat for their base. It wasn’t.

We need to admit that GOP leaders mean what they say. They will doggedly work toward their goal of dismantling Social Security and Medicare, especially if they regain control of Congress and the White House.

I love how he dredges this old bullshit up right before the elections, can you be anymore obvious? :laughing0301:
I love how he dredges this old bullshit up right before the elections, can you be anymore obvious? :laughing0301:
So you'll see it and call it out when Republicans play politics with social and fiscal issues this year? Like when they put refugees on a bus and sent them to Martha's Vinyard? Can you show me the thread where you called them out?
So you'll see it and call it out when Republicans play politics with social and fiscal issues this year? Like when they put refugees on a bus and sent them to Martha's Vinyard? Can you show me the thread where you called them out?
the gop has been attempting to save SS and adopted a Swedish model…the dems have fought it, as they want it to die
the gop has been attempting to save SS and adopted a Swedish model…the dems have fought it, as they want it to die
Is that the spin? I haven't heard one Republican come out and explain this. Why now I'm hearing it from you for the first time? They should be loud and proud about it.
I love how he dredges this old bullshit up right before the elections, can you be anymore obvious? :laughing0301:

If Biden would have warned the American people that if Republicans take control of the government, they will make abortion illegal. Murder. You would have said he was exaggerating in an election year. In fact I did warn people this and that was what you liars said. Now we know your end game. You can try to pussy foot around it but we know your ultimate goal. Stop lying.

And stop lying about social security. End the program, cut benefits 20% in order to save the program.

I love you idiots who say they would NEVER cut everyone's benefits 20%. The people wouldn't put up with it. Yes they would. And Republicans will do this the next time they are in power and they create a financial crisis. It will be all by design. Cut's to medicare too.

You stupid sheep. You don't believe in government. Want to have to buy private healthcare when you are in your 70's with pre existing conditions and end Obamacare? Insane! If you aren't rich, you're dumb.
Is that the spin? I haven't heard one Republican come out and explain this. Why now I'm hearing it from you for the first time? They should be loud and proud about it.
that’s not spin that’s what they have been proposing since the bush admin

you just don’t listen cause you are a dembot cultist
Nothing, you have said that numerous times on this board, you are well off.
I said, we would all bend over and just take it and deal with it however we must. We wouldn't revolt over it, although we should. That's our fucking money. Meanwhile Trump doubled the number of corporations who pay zero taxes.

Let's say I retire at 62 and get $1500 a month. Now I would get $1200 a month. Loss of $300 a month

And in the future, seniors will have to pay $200 a month instead of what they get now free.

So it will cost me $500 a month. But I make $1200 a month still. But take that $200 I now have to pay for Medicare, I get $1000 a month.

If I have $1 million saved (God willing) at 4% that would be $40,000 a year I get from my nest egg. I should be able to cover my bills.

Even if Republican policies cause my interest to be 2%, that's $20,000 more a year. I'll be alright.

And luckily I have a rich brother with places in Florida, Up North MI and Greece. All I need to afford is the plane ticket or gas.

What would it mean to you?
So you'll see it and call it out when Republicans play politics with social and fiscal issues this year? Like when they put refugees on a bus and sent them to Martha's Vinyard? Can you show me the thread where you called them out?

Sure, just like you will when the D's do it. :cuckoo:

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