Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
I don't see the words "end Social Security" anywhere in that article...stupid.
As Scott, chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, writes in his “11-Point Plan to Rescue America,” “If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again.” That means if our notoriously gridlocked Congress couldn’t agree on the terms of what Social Security and Medicare should look like every five years, those programs would end.

those programs would end

those programs would end

those programs would end

those programs would end

For decades, Republicans have been saying they are coming for these programs, two of the Democratic Party’s proudest achievements.

In fact, many Republicans actively campaigned against Medicare. George H.W. Bush, who was running for U.S. Senate in 1964, called Medicare “socialized medicine.” A few years before that, Ronald Reagan had claimed that Medicare would lead to Americans “telling our children and our children’s children what it once was like in America when men were free.”

In the recent political era, however, the GOP hasn’t just spoken negatively about the programs, but used their power to try to undermine them. In 1994, when Republicans, led by Rep. Newt Gingrich of Georgia, took control of the House for the first time in 40 years, one of their top priorities was gutting Medicare. And the next year, with Republicans in control of the House and the Senate, they voted to cut $270 billion in Medicare funding to finance a tax cut that would primarily benefit upper income taxpayers. Experts said the budget cut would push 500,000 seniors into poverty, and President Bill Clinton, who vetoed the measure, accused the Republicans of trying to “eviscerate the health system for our older Americans."

After Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, then-Speaker of the House GOP Rep. Paul Ryan re-upped his plan to change Medicare into something unrecognizable. Instead of Medicare guaranteeing coverage to those over 65 years of age, Ryan wanted to create in essence a “voucher” program where Americans would have subsidies to buy private health insurance. The result would have been the shrinking of Medicare and seniors covering more of their medical bills. In response, the head of AARP slammed Ryan’s proposal as “a clear downgrade of the Medicare benefits people have earned throughout their working lives,” adding that “seniors will be asked to bear more risk at greater personal cost.”

During his 2016 campaign, Trump promised not to cut Medicare, but the 2020 budget he proposed called for an approximately $800 billion dollar cut over 10 years. That didn’t happen because Democrats controlled the House, but Trump’s budget was another example of the GOP signaling to the country that, if given the chance, they will gut or even end guaranteed health care for more than 60 million seniors.

in 2005, President George W. Bush attempted to essentially privatize Social Security, claiming that it was in a “crisis” and that it needed significant reforms to avoid “bankruptcy.” Despite Republicans in Congress being on board, the public overwhelmingly rejected Bush’s proposal. As Talking Points Memo founder Josh Marshall has said, Bush’s plan “was taking something that was working and making it something that was very risky, inherently risky and could have very negative consequences for individual people.”

The GOP’s efforts to end Social Security and Medicare

Before you roll your eyes and say that Republicans wont’ really end those two beloved federal programs, remember how many of us dismissed the GOP when for years they vowed to overturn Roe v. Wade. Many viewed their words as simply red meat for their base. It wasn’t.

We need to admit that GOP leaders mean what they say. They will doggedly work toward their goal of dismantling Social Security and Medicare, especially if they regain control of Congress and the White House.
Wow!!! You have a far left media site Opinion piece, well then it must be true! lol!


You believe opinions on far left websites? How about Breitbart, do you believe what they say or do you only seek out those that agree with you? lol!

Give me a break, you can't be this dumb.
Republicans didn't overturn RvW. The Supreme Court did. Republicans have had control of the congress and the White House and didn't get rid of SS or Medicare. You sick fuckers pull this shit every election cycle.
They tried. And they've made their cuts. And they're not done.

It's like with abortion. It took years of ground work to get to that day where they overturned Roe V Wade. Smaller court cases where they could site those cases as presidence. It took these new radical right wing justices who don't mind going against Stari Decisis.

I suspect in my lifetime (I'm 51) we will all get a 20% cut to our social security and maybe even medicare. In order to "save" the program.

It'll be during a financial crisis and recession and I promise you we will all bend over and take it. None of us will riot at the capitol.

What I love is it will hurt you guys more than it will me. Me, it just means I leave my nephews less when I die. But they should have good jobs and their father has millions. So was I leave them shouldn't even matter to them. So me and my family won't need social security and medicare nearly as much as the rest of you.

And you will argue that it was Democrats who cut the programs. Or their fault. Even though since Reagan Republicans have been telling you don't count on it. When that day comes, you'll blame Democrats. I know you.
Wow!!! You have a far left media site Opinion piece, well then it must be true! lol!

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You believe opinions on far left websites? How about Breitbart, do you believe what they say or do you only seek out those that agree with you? lol!

Give me a break, you can't be this dumb.
What do you not believe stupid? Don't ever just attack the source. Did you look at the details? Then fuck off. If you can't say one thing about the details within the source I provide, fuck off. You will never like the sources I provide because they talk shit about King Trump. So fuck off. Okay stupid?
Hey liar, murdering bitches can still get abortions.
Most abortions are now banned in at least 14 states as laws restricting the procedure take effect following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Georgia also bans abortion at about six weeks of pregnancy, before many women know they are pregnant.

Before you roll your eyes and say that Republicans wont’ really end those two beloved federal programs, remember how many of us dismissed the GOP when for years they vowed to overturn Roe v. Wade. Many viewed their words as simply red meat for their base. It wasn’t.

We need to admit that GOP leaders mean what they say. They will doggedly work toward their goal of dismantling Social Security and Medicare, especially if they regain control of Congress and the White House.
fk an A, let's get rid of the shit immediately. Privatize it. Goberment can't do it.
Most abortions are now banned in at least 14 states as laws restricting the procedure take effect following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Georgia also bans abortion at about six weeks of pregnancy, before many women know they are pregnant.
Outstanding, protecting the unborn life is so wonderful. shame on you baby killers who are proud to kill them.
What do you not believe stupid? Don't ever just attack the source. Did you look at the details? Then fuck off. If you can't say one thing about the details within the source I provide, fuck off. You will never like the sources I provide because they talk shit about King Trump. So fuck off. Okay stupid?
Of course if the source is questionable, I don't waste my time. I do read Salon. Breitbart, OAN either. They are unreliable and slant the truth. Why would any person with a rational mind read that stuff. I don't care what they say about Trump, I am long past ready to move on from him but you will vote Biden again, why? The lesser of two evils, which gives you evil, no matter what.
Republicans didn't overturn RvW. The Supreme Court did. Republicans have had control of the congress and the White House and didn't get rid of SS or Medicare. You sick fuckers pull this shit every election cycle.
Republicans stole the Court

It overturned Roe v Wade just like they promised Trump
They tried. And they've made their cuts. And they're not done.

It's like with abortion. It took years of ground work to get to that day where they overturned Roe V Wade. Smaller court cases where they could site those cases as presidence. It took these new radical right wing justices who don't mind going against Stari Decisis.

I suspect in my lifetime (I'm 51) we will all get a 20% cut to our social security and maybe even medicare. In order to "save" the program.

It'll be during a financial crisis and recession and I promise you we will all bend over and take it. None of us will riot at the capitol.

What I love is it will hurt you guys more than it will me. Me, it just means I leave my nephews less when I die. But they should have good jobs and their father has millions. So was I leave them shouldn't even matter to them. So me and my family won't need social security and medicare nearly as much as the rest of you.

And you will argue that it was Democrats who cut the programs. Or their fault. Even though since Reagan Republicans have been telling you don't count on it. When that day comes, you'll blame Democrats. I know you.
Illegals are costing taxpayers billions. Maybe your priorities are screwed up.
fk an A, let's get rid of the shit immediately. Privatize it. Goberment can't do it.
At least you admit it. The majority of you lie or sugar coat your real goal. Just like you all did all these years with abortion. Now you are telling us you believe abortion is murder and you want to outlaw it?

Heck, I don't even think you guys are fully admitting that yet. Are you? RIght now, "it's a states rights issue". But you are lying. If you get control of the House, Senate and White House, you'll outlaw it.

And you'll end social security. A very popular program most Americans rely on. You'll give us all some tough love.

Then the next month you'll give billionaires more tax breaks.
Most abortions are now banned in at least 14 states as laws restricting the procedure take effect following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Georgia also bans abortion at about six weeks of pregnancy, before many women know they are pregnant.
Hey liar, murdering hoes can still get abortions.
At least you admit it. The majority of you lie or sugar coat your real goal. Just like you all did all these years with abortion. Now you are telling us you believe abortion is murder and you want to outlaw it?
why wouldn't I?, it's all a ponzi scheme. Bernie Madoff went to Prison for his ponzi scheme.

Abortion is murder. No matter how you choose to see human life, a woman in an abortion kills human life.

I'd be happy to here what other life form it is she'd be killing. Tell me.
At least you admit it. The majority of you lie or sugar coat your real goal. Just like you all did all these years with abortion. Now you are telling us you believe abortion is murder and you want to outlaw it?

Heck, I don't even think you guys are fully admitting that yet. Are you? RIght now, "it's a states rights issue". But you are lying. If you get control of the House, Senate and White House, you'll outlaw it.

And you'll end social security. A very popular program most Americans rely on. You'll give us all some tough love.

Then the next month you'll give billionaires more tax breaks.
Are you really Chicken Little?
why wouldn't I?, it's all a ponzi scheme. Bernie Madoff went to Prison for his ponzi scheme.

Abortion is murder. No matter how you choose to see human life, a woman in an abortion kills human life.

I'd be happy to here what other life form it is she'd be killing. Tell me.
Killing or murdering? I'll give you she's killing the seed but it's not murder.

No it's not a ponzi scheme. Think of all the people who pay in and die before they collect one dime. They pay for the people who live to be 100. It's a great program. We need to strengthen it not cut it. We came up with the money to fight Iraq and Afganistan. What if we just put that money into the social security trust fund?

What if politicians didn't borrow from the fund?

What if instead of the GW Bush tax cuts to the rich, he put that Clinton Surplus into social security?
No it's not a ponzi scheme. Think of all the people who pay in and die before they collect one dime. They pay for the people who live to be 100. It's a great program. We need to strengthen it not cut it. We came up with the money to fight Iraq and Afganistan. What if we just put that money into the social security trust fund?
that's all it is.

the fact you don't understand ponzi schemes isn't my problem.

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