Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
No such thing would ever happen, period.

They should raise the retirement age to 70, though. And index the eligibility age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

Told you so stupid


Mitch McConnell says deficit ballooned because of Social Security, Medicare, not Republican Tax Cuts

After instituting a $1.5 trillion tax cut and signing off on a $675 billion budget for the Department of Defense, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that the only way to lower the record-high federal deficit would be to cut entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
I don't see the words "end Social Security" anywhere in that article...stupid.
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.

I do not LIKE SS, as it is budgetary Armageddon, that may very well destroy US.

But is has also made hundreds of millions of people dependent on the government, just as planned.

There may not be an answer other than to try to prepare for the crash and burn.

Ideally I would like to plan a retirement that does NOT depend on SS, being there. But unfortunately they are taxing me so much that it is hard.
Pretty pathetic savings if you couldn't retire without your social security and medicare. Now imagine how many people are like you and won't/haven't saved a dime. It's people like you why we invented the program. You'll need it. But I get it. Let people worry about themselves. If they are smart they'll save it. Most won't, especially when the cost of living goes up and wages don't go up in your republican experiment. I bet they'll go down. So millions will be screwed in 100 years but hey, rich people will get their tax breaks and we'll be able to buy a lot of bombs hopefully we will never have to use.

My savings and investments are not pathetic.

People like me are NOT the reason the program was invented.

Nothing in my post has anything to do with the paradigm "let people worry about themselves".

Everything policy that Trump has is designed encourage rising wages.
No where near the wages that we had back when America was great. You're talking about going from $10 hr to $15. I'm talking about $35 hr jobs with benefits.

You're talking about making America good again, not great.

Well, you won't reverse decades of stagnation overnight. And changing a 10 dollar an hour job to 15, is the difference between abject poverty and working poor.
SS needs a few tweaks, such as raising the retirement ages slightly and ensuring that only those that paid in get benefits. Medicare and Medicaid need reforms to control costs to get unqualified off the list. Use the foreign aid budget to cover illegals, then deport them.
Given I've paid into SS my whole life, I'd be robbed massively if it was removed.

Why should I consider you Trump-thug robbers any different than a thug who would openly rob me at gunpoint? After all, the thug would take far less of my money. And at least the gun-wielding thug would be honest about it, which puts him in a moral class above the Trump-thugs.
Congress has been robbing SS for years.
Why do you think the debt is over $21 trillion?

This will explain why if you are able to read

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts
When Reagan was president the debt was roughly $900 billion.
Obama gave us the biggest tax increase in history, yet he doubled the debt.
The debt raised close to $2 trillion every four years because Congress stole $500 billion every year from the Social Security fund. Obama stole $700 billion in one year for startup money for Obamacare. The debt went from $10 trillion in 2010 to $19 trillion by 2016.
it's how obammycare came about, a pyramid scheme.

take take take until they're broke and dependent.

Agree...lowlifes continue to beg for free shit for themselves and for all their thirdworld illegal buddies...they insist on sucking the tit dry...when the tit does in fact run dry they will be the ones to suffer. This is what you don’t understand sealybobo .....theres only so much tit to go around. You can’t just keep increasing the amount you steal from the wealthy to fund your bad habits, wants and noble desires.

And the wealthy can't keep getting tax breaks.

I don't want to roll back just the Trump tax breaks to the rich, or the Obama tax breaks to the rich, or the Bush ones, or the Bill Clintons. I want to also roll back the Reagan tax breaks. Then this country will go back to being great again.

You're either rich or a ignorant house slave.

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

You can't keep giving the rich more and more tax breaks and then wonder why we're broke.

It's not theft. Pay your fucking taxes IBM and GE.

Remember the only time you guys admitted GE didn't pay any taxes was when Obama was president. Now they really don't pay any taxes after Trump's tax breaks. Hell they probably make money with loopholes.

How do you folks continue to cherry pick one or two companies but then ignore the only numbers that should matter?
Top 3% of U.S. Taxpayers Paid Majority of Income Tax in 2016
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Why did they pay the majority of taxes? Because they have the majority of the money. Stop asking this stupid fucking question. Give every middle class person a raise and we will gladly start paying more taxes.

Do you get it? If you give me all the money and I pick up the check for dinner every time we go out, it's not that I'm a good guy. You don't have any money.

So you are suggesting that it's actually us middle class people who should pay more? Because that's what Republicans do. They cut their own taxes and then someone has to pick up the slack. It's not the poor so we get squeezed.

And what you cons do is blame poor people. You get us bitching about welfare instead of your corporate greed.

Maybe this will help you understand

High-income Americans pay most income taxes, but enough to be 'fair'?

Just over half (54%) of Americans surveyed in fall by Pew Research Center said they pay about the right amount in taxes considering what they get from the federal government, versus 40% who said they pay more than their fair share. But in a separate 2015 survey by the Center, some six-in-ten Americans said they were bothered a lot by the feeling that “some wealthy people” and “some corporations” don’t pay their fair share.

It’s true that corporations are funding a smaller share of overall government operations than they used to. In fiscal 2015, the federal government collected $343.8 billion from corporate income taxes, or 10.6% of its total revenue. Back in the 1950s, corporate income tax generated between a quarter and a third of federal revenues (though payroll taxes have grown considerably over that period).

Nor have corporate tax receipts kept pace with the overall growth of the U.S. economy. Inflation-adjusted gross domestic product has risen 153% since 1980, while inflation-adjusted corporate tax receipts were 115% higher in fiscal 2015 than in fiscal 1980, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. There have been a lot of ups and downs over that period, as corporate tax receipts tend to rise during expansions and drop off in recessions. In fiscal 2007, for instance, corporate taxes hit $370.2 billion (in current dollars), only to plunge to $138.2 billion in 2009 as businesses felt the impact of the Great Recession.

Corporations also employ battalions of tax lawyers to find ways to reduce their tax bills, from running income through subsidiaries in low-tax foreign countries to moving overseas entirely, in what’s known as a corporate inversion (a practice the Treasury Department has moved to discourage).

“Do you get it? If you give me all the money and I pick up the check for dinner every time we go out, it's not that I'm a good guy.”

Haha...there you go again making the same mistake....wealthy people aren’t “given” money and you have no right or claim to their wealth.....GO GET YOUR OWN! Simple shit.
Yea but sometime a long time ago we set our tax system to what we thought was fair. It was still the haves that set the rules, they just weren’t greedy. Then the greedy took over. They’ve been trying since the country was first founded but when Reagan took office they really took over.

And they’ve suckered enough middle class Americans to either vote with them or not vote at all. There are very few good Americans
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.

I do not LIKE SS, as it is budgetary Armageddon, that may very well destroy US.

But is has also made hundreds of millions of people dependent on the government, just as planned.

There may not be an answer other than to try to prepare for the crash and burn.

Ideally I would like to plan a retirement that does NOT depend on SS, being there. But unfortunately they are taxing me so much that it is hard.
Pretty pathetic savings if you couldn't retire without your social security and medicare. Now imagine how many people are like you and won't/haven't saved a dime. It's people like you why we invented the program. You'll need it. But I get it. Let people worry about themselves. If they are smart they'll save it. Most won't, especially when the cost of living goes up and wages don't go up in your republican experiment. I bet they'll go down. So millions will be screwed in 100 years but hey, rich people will get their tax breaks and we'll be able to buy a lot of bombs hopefully we will never have to use.

My savings and investments are not pathetic.

People like me are NOT the reason the program was invented.

Nothing in my post has anything to do with the paradigm "let people worry about themselves".

Everything policy that Trump has is designed encourage rising wages.
No where near the wages that we had back when America was great. You're talking about going from $10 hr to $15. I'm talking about $35 hr jobs with benefits.

You're talking about making America good again, not great.

Well, you won't reverse decades of stagnation overnight. And changing a 10 dollar an hour job to 15, is the difference between abject poverty and working poor.
Pathetic. You should have seen what the unions produced in flint, Saginaw and Detroit. The world had never seen a middle class like that. Never will again.

In some ways I’m glad things are the way they are. The republican way says poor people should have a lot of kids they can’t afford. The liberal way produces lots of breeders. We’re overpopulated as is and consuming too much of our natural resources. For that I’m a republican
I do not LIKE SS, as it is budgetary Armageddon, that may very well destroy US.

But is has also made hundreds of millions of people dependent on the government, just as planned.

There may not be an answer other than to try to prepare for the crash and burn.

Ideally I would like to plan a retirement that does NOT depend on SS, being there. But unfortunately they are taxing me so much that it is hard.
Pretty pathetic savings if you couldn't retire without your social security and medicare. Now imagine how many people are like you and won't/haven't saved a dime. It's people like you why we invented the program. You'll need it. But I get it. Let people worry about themselves. If they are smart they'll save it. Most won't, especially when the cost of living goes up and wages don't go up in your republican experiment. I bet they'll go down. So millions will be screwed in 100 years but hey, rich people will get their tax breaks and we'll be able to buy a lot of bombs hopefully we will never have to use.

My savings and investments are not pathetic.

People like me are NOT the reason the program was invented.

Nothing in my post has anything to do with the paradigm "let people worry about themselves".

Everything policy that Trump has is designed encourage rising wages.
No where near the wages that we had back when America was great. You're talking about going from $10 hr to $15. I'm talking about $35 hr jobs with benefits.

You're talking about making America good again, not great.

Well, you won't reverse decades of stagnation overnight. And changing a 10 dollar an hour job to 15, is the difference between abject poverty and working poor.
Pathetic. You should have seen what the unions produced in flint, Saginaw and Detroit. The world had never seen a middle class like that. Never will again.

Why not? The policies that caused the wage stagnation have been, or are being addressed.

If the Unions could stop being tools of the vile dems, maybe more people would be up for joining them.
Pretty pathetic savings if you couldn't retire without your social security and medicare. Now imagine how many people are like you and won't/haven't saved a dime. It's people like you why we invented the program. You'll need it. But I get it. Let people worry about themselves. If they are smart they'll save it. Most won't, especially when the cost of living goes up and wages don't go up in your republican experiment. I bet they'll go down. So millions will be screwed in 100 years but hey, rich people will get their tax breaks and we'll be able to buy a lot of bombs hopefully we will never have to use.

My savings and investments are not pathetic.

People like me are NOT the reason the program was invented.

Nothing in my post has anything to do with the paradigm "let people worry about themselves".

Everything policy that Trump has is designed encourage rising wages.
No where near the wages that we had back when America was great. You're talking about going from $10 hr to $15. I'm talking about $35 hr jobs with benefits.

You're talking about making America good again, not great.

Well, you won't reverse decades of stagnation overnight. And changing a 10 dollar an hour job to 15, is the difference between abject poverty and working poor.
Pathetic. You should have seen what the unions produced in flint, Saginaw and Detroit. The world had never seen a middle class like that. Never will again.

Why not? The policies that caused the wage stagnation have been, or are being addressed.

If the Unions could stop being tools of the vile dems, maybe more people would be up for joining them.
Or will companies just threaten to leave?

Don’t worry you broke the unions. That’s a dead subject. Let’s see how the middle class is doing in trumps last year in office 2024
My savings and investments are not pathetic.

People like me are NOT the reason the program was invented.

Nothing in my post has anything to do with the paradigm "let people worry about themselves".

Everything policy that Trump has is designed encourage rising wages.
No where near the wages that we had back when America was great. You're talking about going from $10 hr to $15. I'm talking about $35 hr jobs with benefits.

You're talking about making America good again, not great.

Well, you won't reverse decades of stagnation overnight. And changing a 10 dollar an hour job to 15, is the difference between abject poverty and working poor.
Pathetic. You should have seen what the unions produced in flint, Saginaw and Detroit. The world had never seen a middle class like that. Never will again.

Why not? The policies that caused the wage stagnation have been, or are being addressed.

If the Unions could stop being tools of the vile dems, maybe more people would be up for joining them.
Or will companies just threaten to leave?

Don’t worry you broke the unions. That’s a dead subject. Let’s see how the middle class is doing in trumps last year in office 2024

1. What did we do back in the day of "35 dollar an hour jobs" about that?

2. Unions are out there. What went down, can come back up, if they stop fucking around, and start actually being serious about their supposed purpose.
No where near the wages that we had back when America was great. You're talking about going from $10 hr to $15. I'm talking about $35 hr jobs with benefits.

You're talking about making America good again, not great.

Well, you won't reverse decades of stagnation overnight. And changing a 10 dollar an hour job to 15, is the difference between abject poverty and working poor.
Pathetic. You should have seen what the unions produced in flint, Saginaw and Detroit. The world had never seen a middle class like that. Never will again.

Why not? The policies that caused the wage stagnation have been, or are being addressed.

If the Unions could stop being tools of the vile dems, maybe more people would be up for joining them.
Or will companies just threaten to leave?

Don’t worry you broke the unions. That’s a dead subject. Let’s see how the middle class is doing in trumps last year in office 2024

1. What did we do back in the day of "35 dollar an hour jobs" about that?

2. Unions are out there. What went down, can come back up, if they stop fucking around, and start actually being serious about their supposed purpose.
Also keep in mind the tactic republicans used on you when they sent all those good paying jobs overseas. For all of Bush’s presidency they bashed unions. Remember back when we all argued about unions? Yea, that was during the time all those jobs went overseas. YOU defended those jobs leaving. You sided against labor.

Yea yea unions aren’t perfect but they were a big part of what made America great.

With friends like you labor doesn’t need enemies.
Well, you won't reverse decades of stagnation overnight. And changing a 10 dollar an hour job to 15, is the difference between abject poverty and working poor.
Pathetic. You should have seen what the unions produced in flint, Saginaw and Detroit. The world had never seen a middle class like that. Never will again.

Why not? The policies that caused the wage stagnation have been, or are being addressed.

If the Unions could stop being tools of the vile dems, maybe more people would be up for joining them.
Or will companies just threaten to leave?

Don’t worry you broke the unions. That’s a dead subject. Let’s see how the middle class is doing in trumps last year in office 2024

1. What did we do back in the day of "35 dollar an hour jobs" about that?

2. Unions are out there. What went down, can come back up, if they stop fucking around, and start actually being serious about their supposed purpose.
Also keep in mind the tactic republicans used on you when they sent all those good paying jobs overseas. For all of Bush’s presidency they bashed unions. Remember back when we all argued about unions? Yea, that was during the time all those jobs went overseas. YOU defended those jobs leaving. You sided against labor.

Yea yea unions aren’t perfect but they were a big part of what made America great.

With friends like you labor doesn’t need enemies.

As a past Free Trader I found the anti-union arguments to be strong.

But time and results of polices have softened me on unions.

But unions being assholes,and/or tools of the dems are still issues.

They have a chance to turn it around. I have seen nothing so far, indicating that they are even aware of that.
Well, you won't reverse decades of stagnation overnight. And changing a 10 dollar an hour job to 15, is the difference between abject poverty and working poor.
Pathetic. You should have seen what the unions produced in flint, Saginaw and Detroit. The world had never seen a middle class like that. Never will again.

Why not? The policies that caused the wage stagnation have been, or are being addressed.

If the Unions could stop being tools of the vile dems, maybe more people would be up for joining them.
Or will companies just threaten to leave?

Don’t worry you broke the unions. That’s a dead subject. Let’s see how the middle class is doing in trumps last year in office 2024

1. What did we do back in the day of "35 dollar an hour jobs" about that?

2. Unions are out there. What went down, can come back up, if they stop fucking around, and start actually being serious about their supposed purpose.
Also keep in mind the tactic republicans used on you when they sent all those good paying jobs overseas. For all of Bush’s presidency they bashed unions. Remember back when we all argued about unions? Yea, that was during the time all those jobs went overseas. YOU defended those jobs leaving. You sided against labor.

Yea yea unions aren’t perfect but they were a big part of what made America great.

With friends like you labor doesn’t need enemies.

Boeing tried to open a new plant in SC and that was blocked by unions, they litigated for months and then finally Boeing had to make concessions to get the new plant built.
Labor Board Drops Case Against Boeing

Rather than deal with the union hassles some companies would rather shift manufacturing overseas for the cheap labor. This hurts the US and costs millions of good paying jobs.
5 Facts About Overseas Outsourcing

Unions are fine to prevent dangerous working conditions or to get fair wages, but when they start micromanaging, that's when jobs get moved overseas. Why are there unions in government? No good reasons.
Pathetic. You should have seen what the unions produced in flint, Saginaw and Detroit. The world had never seen a middle class like that. Never will again.

Why not? The policies that caused the wage stagnation have been, or are being addressed.

If the Unions could stop being tools of the vile dems, maybe more people would be up for joining them.
Or will companies just threaten to leave?

Don’t worry you broke the unions. That’s a dead subject. Let’s see how the middle class is doing in trumps last year in office 2024

1. What did we do back in the day of "35 dollar an hour jobs" about that?

2. Unions are out there. What went down, can come back up, if they stop fucking around, and start actually being serious about their supposed purpose.
Also keep in mind the tactic republicans used on you when they sent all those good paying jobs overseas. For all of Bush’s presidency they bashed unions. Remember back when we all argued about unions? Yea, that was during the time all those jobs went overseas. YOU defended those jobs leaving. You sided against labor.

Yea yea unions aren’t perfect but they were a big part of what made America great.

With friends like you labor doesn’t need enemies.

As a past Free Trader I found the anti-union arguments to be strong.

But time and results of polices have softened me on unions.

But unions being assholes,and/or tools of the dems are still issues.

They have a chance to turn it around. I have seen nothing so far, indicating that they are even aware of that.
Fair enough. You sound reasonable again.

I love it how some people try to say you are stupid. Clearly you make strong arguments and you keep it civil always. I may not always agree with you but you're the kind of Republican I can stomach. We aren't all right and you aren't always right and rational people like you can have an intellectually honest conversation.

Eventually liberals will have to stop calling your policies racist just because your policies don't baby the poor and shower them with foodstamps and welfare. They only seem racist because there are so many poor black people but the truth is, you don't give a fuck what color that poor person is.

A guy I hate on USMB said something wise. Republicans are about personal responsibility. Well if poor people didn't have kids they can't afford, this would be a much better planet. Doesn't matter what color you are, this is true. If you are buying food with foodstamps you are what is wrong with our society. Not the rich who don't want to pay for you. I know they are mean but sometimes people need tough love. Take care of your fucking self. Don't have kids you can't afford. If you do, work a second job don't come asking for foodstamps. People who get foodstamps should be ashamed but today they are not.
Pathetic. You should have seen what the unions produced in flint, Saginaw and Detroit. The world had never seen a middle class like that. Never will again.

Why not? The policies that caused the wage stagnation have been, or are being addressed.

If the Unions could stop being tools of the vile dems, maybe more people would be up for joining them.
Or will companies just threaten to leave?

Don’t worry you broke the unions. That’s a dead subject. Let’s see how the middle class is doing in trumps last year in office 2024

1. What did we do back in the day of "35 dollar an hour jobs" about that?

2. Unions are out there. What went down, can come back up, if they stop fucking around, and start actually being serious about their supposed purpose.
Also keep in mind the tactic republicans used on you when they sent all those good paying jobs overseas. For all of Bush’s presidency they bashed unions. Remember back when we all argued about unions? Yea, that was during the time all those jobs went overseas. YOU defended those jobs leaving. You sided against labor.

Yea yea unions aren’t perfect but they were a big part of what made America great.

With friends like you labor doesn’t need enemies.

Boeing tried to open a new plant in SC and that was blocked by unions, they litigated for months and then finally Boeing had to make concessions to get the new plant built.
Labor Board Drops Case Against Boeing

Rather than deal with the union hassles some companies would rather shift manufacturing overseas for the cheap labor. This hurts the US and costs millions of good paying jobs.
5 Facts About Overseas Outsourcing

Unions are fine to prevent dangerous working conditions or to get fair wages, but when they start micromanaging, that's when jobs get moved overseas. Why are there unions in government? No good reasons.

I can agree some but just consider that your anti labor position is exactly what the corporations want.

Of course Boeing doesn't want to give in to labor demands. If they have a cheaper option they'll take it. But as a country should we let them go out of the country? If they want to move to a non union state let them. But not leave the country. Who let them leave the country?

You Trumpets now agree with us on this. We should tariff companies who ship jobs overseas and then try to import their product back to the USA. At least on that we now agree, right?

Again, if they want to move their plant to the Appalachian mountains where people need jobs and don't mind low paying non union jobs, great. At least they are Americans. And one day when they get fed up with working for peanuts, they'll unionize.
Pathetic. You should have seen what the unions produced in flint, Saginaw and Detroit. The world had never seen a middle class like that. Never will again.

Why not? The policies that caused the wage stagnation have been, or are being addressed.

If the Unions could stop being tools of the vile dems, maybe more people would be up for joining them.
Or will companies just threaten to leave?

Don’t worry you broke the unions. That’s a dead subject. Let’s see how the middle class is doing in trumps last year in office 2024

1. What did we do back in the day of "35 dollar an hour jobs" about that?

2. Unions are out there. What went down, can come back up, if they stop fucking around, and start actually being serious about their supposed purpose.
Also keep in mind the tactic republicans used on you when they sent all those good paying jobs overseas. For all of Bush’s presidency they bashed unions. Remember back when we all argued about unions? Yea, that was during the time all those jobs went overseas. YOU defended those jobs leaving. You sided against labor.

Yea yea unions aren’t perfect but they were a big part of what made America great.

With friends like you labor doesn’t need enemies.

Boeing tried to open a new plant in SC and that was blocked by unions, they litigated for months and then finally Boeing had to make concessions to get the new plant built.
Labor Board Drops Case Against Boeing

Rather than deal with the union hassles some companies would rather shift manufacturing overseas for the cheap labor. This hurts the US and costs millions of good paying jobs.
5 Facts About Overseas Outsourcing

Unions are fine to prevent dangerous working conditions or to get fair wages, but when they start micromanaging, that's when jobs get moved overseas. Why are there unions in government? No good reasons.

Don't worry. In the future corporations will win all disputes against labor. That I am sure.

No such thing would ever happen, period.

They should raise the retirement age to 70, though. And index the eligibility age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

Before you roll your eyes and say that Republicans wont’ really end those two beloved federal programs, remember how many of us dismissed the GOP when for years they vowed to overturn Roe v. Wade. Many viewed their words as simply red meat for their base. It wasn’t.

We need to admit that GOP leaders mean what they say. They will doggedly work toward their goal of dismantling Social Security and Medicare, especially if they regain control of Congress and the White House.

Before you roll your eyes and say that Republicans wont’ really end those two beloved federal programs, remember how many of us dismissed the GOP when for years they vowed to overturn Roe v. Wade. Many viewed their words as simply red meat for their base. It wasn’t.

We need to admit that GOP leaders mean what they say. They will doggedly work toward their goal of dismantling Social Security and Medicare, especially if they regain control of Congress and the White House.
You can add Same Sex Marriage to their list

Before you roll your eyes and say that Republicans wont’ really end those two beloved federal programs, remember how many of us dismissed the GOP when for years they vowed to overturn Roe v. Wade. Many viewed their words as simply red meat for their base. It wasn’t.

We need to admit that GOP leaders mean what they say. They will doggedly work toward their goal of dismantling Social Security and Medicare, especially if they regain control of Congress and the White House.
Hey liar, murdering bitches can still get abortions.

Before you roll your eyes and say that Republicans wont’ really end those two beloved federal programs, remember how many of us dismissed the GOP when for years they vowed to overturn Roe v. Wade. Many viewed their words as simply red meat for their base. It wasn’t.

We need to admit that GOP leaders mean what they say. They will doggedly work toward their goal of dismantling Social Security and Medicare, especially if they regain control of Congress and the White House.
Republicans didn't overturn RvW. The Supreme Court did. Republicans have had control of the congress and the White House and didn't get rid of SS or Medicare. You sick fuckers pull this shit every election cycle.

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