Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
Democrats have been saying that republicans are going to take social security away for at least 50 years. It's like their pavlovian bell.
No, it's been true for 50 years. You Republicans have denied it. Some of you don't believe Republicans would try or get away with it but we know they've tried in the past and are getting away with it now.

And most of you don't like the program. You know it's socialism in your world. So don't pretend you want to keep it going. You would love to break it like you did the unions.

Disingenuous fuckers. Lying ignorant evil stupid fuckers. Some of you are evil and some of you are dumb. Are you rich? Then you're dumb af.

While I think the pyramid scheme that is SS is built on an unstable platform I really don’t see it as socialism...I think few do actually.
Democrats have been saying that republicans are going to take social security away for at least 50 years. It's like their pavlovian bell.
global warming?
Global warming is another one. It's a fucking fact just like evolution yet somehow with Republicans the science isn't settled.

No it's not the corporations who profit from pollution that are the liars.

God Republicans are dumb. I hate half this country. The Bush years are officially back. I remember feeling this way about 2003.
I understand completely. I despise Democrats from the very bottom of my being. I would support them being dumped at sea.

I suppose that's better than putting them in ovens, but it doesn't make you any better than those who choose ovens over sea water.

I suppose you would put a sword into their side as did that Roman Soldier to Jesus, so the blood would bring forth the sharks.

Then you could blame Democrats for their support protecting sharks from the horrific war on them by stealing their fins causing them to drown.
The Jews that Hitler shoveled into ovens were innocent. Democrats are evil and certainly guilty of wanting to destroy the country. Benedict Arnold did not get sympathy nor understanding.
Tipsycatlover , there is no win with discussing this topic with that poster. It's outside his scope and ability to understand your point. you be barking at a tree and you'd get more respect.
Democrats have been saying that republicans are going to take social security away for at least 50 years. It's like their pavlovian bell.
No, it's been true for 50 years. You Republicans have denied it. Some of you don't believe Republicans would try or get away with it but we know they've tried in the past and are getting away with it now.

And most of you don't like the program. You know it's socialism in your world. So don't pretend you want to keep it going. You would love to break it like you did the unions.

Disingenuous fuckers. Lying ignorant evil stupid fuckers. Some of you are evil and some of you are dumb. Are you rich? Then you're dumb af.

While I think the pyramid scheme that is SS is built on an unstable platform I really don’t see it as socialism...I think few do actually.
it's how obammycare came about, a pyramid scheme.

take take take until they're broke and dependent.
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.
/——/ Another bogus Strawman argument libtards drag out every election cycle. No one wants to end SS. It’s political suicide. Fix it, yeah. Allow privatization to a point but end it? No.
Democrats have been saying that republicans are going to take social security away for at least 50 years. It's like their pavlovian bell.
No, it's been true for 50 years. You Republicans have denied it. Some of you don't believe Republicans would try or get away with it but we know they've tried in the past and are getting away with it now.

And most of you don't like the program. You know it's socialism in your world. So don't pretend you want to keep it going. You would love to break it like you did the unions.

Disingenuous fuckers. Lying ignorant evil stupid fuckers. Some of you are evil and some of you are dumb. Are you rich? Then you're dumb af.

While I think the pyramid scheme that is SS is built on an unstable platform I really don’t see it as socialism...I think few do actually.
it's how obammycare came about, a pyramid scheme.

take take take until they're broke and dependent.

Agree...lowlifes continue to beg for free shit for themselves and for all their thirdworld illegal buddies...they insist on sucking the tit dry...when the tit does in fact run dry they will be the ones to suffer. This is what you don’t understand sealybobo .....theres only so much tit to go around. You can’t just keep increasing the amount you steal from the wealthy to fund your bad habits, wants and noble desires.
All these entitlement programs are out and out theft. The government has been steeling my money for this shit for 50 years. Get rid of it all. But before you do, you better damn well give me back every dime you stole - plus interest. Assholes.
Democrats have been saying that republicans are going to take social security away for at least 50 years. It's like their pavlovian bell.
No, it's been true for 50 years. You Republicans have denied it. Some of you don't believe Republicans would try or get away with it but we know they've tried in the past and are getting away with it now.

And most of you don't like the program. You know it's socialism in your world. So don't pretend you want to keep it going. You would love to break it like you did the unions.

Disingenuous fuckers. Lying ignorant evil stupid fuckers. Some of you are evil and some of you are dumb. Are you rich? Then you're dumb af.

While I think the pyramid scheme that is SS is built on an unstable platform I really don’t see it as socialism...I think few do actually.
it's how obammycare came about, a pyramid scheme.

take take take until they're broke and dependent.
But we pay more now and get less for what we pay. We are wasting money. We could be paying a lot less and getting more if the game wasn't rigged.

The U.S. is famous for over-spending on health care. The nation spent 17.8 percent of its GDP on health care in 2016. Meanwhile, the average spending of 11 high-income countries assessed in a new report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association — Canada, Germany, Australia, the U.K,. Japan, Sweden, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark and the U.S. — was only 11.5 percent.

Per capita, the U.S. spent $9,403. That's nearly double what the others spent.

Wake up.

Here's the real reason health care costs so much more in the US
All these entitlement programs are out and out theft. The government has been steeling my money for this shit for 50 years. Get rid of it all. But before you do, you better damn well give me back every dime you stole - plus interest. Assholes.
We agreed as a society that we would all pay in and take out of social security. Of course we didn't get 100% of everyone to buy into the idea. Your great grandpappy probably didn't like it but he or his wife collected for how long?

And without it they probably wouldn't have had a good ending to their lives. Social Security and medicare lifted so many out of poverty.
Democrats have been saying that republicans are going to take social security away for at least 50 years. It's like their pavlovian bell.
No, it's been true for 50 years. You Republicans have denied it. Some of you don't believe Republicans would try or get away with it but we know they've tried in the past and are getting away with it now.

And most of you don't like the program. You know it's socialism in your world. So don't pretend you want to keep it going. You would love to break it like you did the unions.

Disingenuous fuckers. Lying ignorant evil stupid fuckers. Some of you are evil and some of you are dumb. Are you rich? Then you're dumb af.

While I think the pyramid scheme that is SS is built on an unstable platform I really don’t see it as socialism...I think few do actually.
it's how obammycare came about, a pyramid scheme.

take take take until they're broke and dependent.

Agree...lowlifes continue to beg for free shit for themselves and for all their thirdworld illegal buddies...they insist on sucking the tit dry...when the tit does in fact run dry they will be the ones to suffer. This is what you don’t understand sealybobo .....theres only so much tit to go around. You can’t just keep increasing the amount you steal from the wealthy to fund your bad habits, wants and noble desires.
Plus there would be caravans of people in wheel chairs going to Mexico.
Given I've paid into SS my whole life, I'd be robbed massively if it was removed.

Why should I consider you Trump-thug robbers any different than a thug who would openly rob me at gunpoint? After all, the thug would take far less of my money. And at least the gun-wielding thug would be honest about it, which puts him in a moral class above the Trump-thugs.
Congress has been robbing SS for years.
Why do you think the debt is over $21 trillion?
Democrats have been saying that republicans are going to take social security away for at least 50 years. It's like their pavlovian bell.
No, it's been true for 50 years. You Republicans have denied it. Some of you don't believe Republicans would try or get away with it but we know they've tried in the past and are getting away with it now.

And most of you don't like the program. You know it's socialism in your world. So don't pretend you want to keep it going. You would love to break it like you did the unions.

Disingenuous fuckers. Lying ignorant evil stupid fuckers. Some of you are evil and some of you are dumb. Are you rich? Then you're dumb af.

While I think the pyramid scheme that is SS is built on an unstable platform I really don’t see it as socialism...I think few do actually.
it's how obammycare came about, a pyramid scheme.

take take take until they're broke and dependent.

Agree...lowlifes continue to beg for free shit for themselves and for all their thirdworld illegal buddies...they insist on sucking the tit dry...when the tit does in fact run dry they will be the ones to suffer. This is what you don’t understand sealybobo .....theres only so much tit to go around. You can’t just keep increasing the amount you steal from the wealthy to fund your bad habits, wants and noble desires.

And the wealthy can't keep getting tax breaks.

I don't want to roll back just the Trump tax breaks to the rich, or the Obama tax breaks to the rich, or the Bush ones, or the Bill Clintons. I want to also roll back the Reagan tax breaks. Then this country will go back to being great again.

You're either rich or a ignorant house slave.

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

You can't keep giving the rich more and more tax breaks and then wonder why we're broke.

It's not theft. Pay your fucking taxes IBM and GE.

Remember the only time you guys admitted GE didn't pay any taxes was when Obama was president. Now they really don't pay any taxes after Trump's tax breaks. Hell they probably make money with loopholes.
Democrats have been saying that republicans are going to take social security away for at least 50 years. It's like their pavlovian bell.
No, it's been true for 50 years. You Republicans have denied it. Some of you don't believe Republicans would try or get away with it but we know they've tried in the past and are getting away with it now.

And most of you don't like the program. You know it's socialism in your world. So don't pretend you want to keep it going. You would love to break it like you did the unions.

Disingenuous fuckers. Lying ignorant evil stupid fuckers. Some of you are evil and some of you are dumb. Are you rich? Then you're dumb af.

While I think the pyramid scheme that is SS is built on an unstable platform I really don’t see it as socialism...I think few do actually.
it's how obammycare came about, a pyramid scheme.

take take take until they're broke and dependent.

Agree...lowlifes continue to beg for free shit for themselves and for all their thirdworld illegal buddies...they insist on sucking the tit dry...when the tit does in fact run dry they will be the ones to suffer. This is what you don’t understand sealybobo .....theres only so much tit to go around. You can’t just keep increasing the amount you steal from the wealthy to fund your bad habits, wants and noble desires.

And the wealthy can't keep getting tax breaks.

I don't want to roll back just the Trump tax breaks to the rich, or the Obama tax breaks to the rich, or the Bush ones, or the Bill Clintons. I want to also roll back the Reagan tax breaks. Then this country will go back to being great again.

You're either rich or a ignorant house slave.

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

You can't keep giving the rich more and more tax breaks and then wonder why we're broke.

It's not theft. Pay your fucking taxes IBM and GE.

Remember the only time you guys admitted GE didn't pay any taxes was when Obama was president. Now they really don't pay any taxes after Trump's tax breaks. Hell they probably make money with loopholes.

How do you folks continue to cherry pick one or two companies but then ignore the only numbers that should matter?
Top 3% of U.S. Taxpayers Paid Majority of Income Tax in 2016
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Given I've paid into SS my whole life, I'd be robbed massively if it was removed.

Why should I consider you Trump-thug robbers any different than a thug who would openly rob me at gunpoint? After all, the thug would take far less of my money. And at least the gun-wielding thug would be honest about it, which puts him in a moral class above the Trump-thugs.
Congress has been robbing SS for years.
Why do you think the debt is over $21 trillion?

This will explain why if you are able to read

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts
No, it's been true for 50 years. You Republicans have denied it. Some of you don't believe Republicans would try or get away with it but we know they've tried in the past and are getting away with it now.

And most of you don't like the program. You know it's socialism in your world. So don't pretend you want to keep it going. You would love to break it like you did the unions.

Disingenuous fuckers. Lying ignorant evil stupid fuckers. Some of you are evil and some of you are dumb. Are you rich? Then you're dumb af.

While I think the pyramid scheme that is SS is built on an unstable platform I really don’t see it as socialism...I think few do actually.
it's how obammycare came about, a pyramid scheme.

take take take until they're broke and dependent.

Agree...lowlifes continue to beg for free shit for themselves and for all their thirdworld illegal buddies...they insist on sucking the tit dry...when the tit does in fact run dry they will be the ones to suffer. This is what you don’t understand sealybobo .....theres only so much tit to go around. You can’t just keep increasing the amount you steal from the wealthy to fund your bad habits, wants and noble desires.

And the wealthy can't keep getting tax breaks.

I don't want to roll back just the Trump tax breaks to the rich, or the Obama tax breaks to the rich, or the Bush ones, or the Bill Clintons. I want to also roll back the Reagan tax breaks. Then this country will go back to being great again.

You're either rich or a ignorant house slave.

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

You can't keep giving the rich more and more tax breaks and then wonder why we're broke.

It's not theft. Pay your fucking taxes IBM and GE.

Remember the only time you guys admitted GE didn't pay any taxes was when Obama was president. Now they really don't pay any taxes after Trump's tax breaks. Hell they probably make money with loopholes.

How do you folks continue to cherry pick one or two companies but then ignore the only numbers that should matter?
Top 3% of U.S. Taxpayers Paid Majority of Income Tax in 2016
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Why did they pay the majority of taxes? Because they have the majority of the money. Stop asking this stupid fucking question. Give every middle class person a raise and we will gladly start paying more taxes.

Do you get it? If you give me all the money and I pick up the check for dinner every time we go out, it's not that I'm a good guy. You don't have any money.

So you are suggesting that it's actually us middle class people who should pay more? Because that's what Republicans do. They cut their own taxes and then someone has to pick up the slack. It's not the poor so we get squeezed.

And what you cons do is blame poor people. You get us bitching about welfare instead of your corporate greed.

Maybe this will help you understand

High-income Americans pay most income taxes, but enough to be 'fair'?

Just over half (54%) of Americans surveyed in fall by Pew Research Center said they pay about the right amount in taxes considering what they get from the federal government, versus 40% who said they pay more than their fair share. But in a separate 2015 survey by the Center, some six-in-ten Americans said they were bothered a lot by the feeling that “some wealthy people” and “some corporations” don’t pay their fair share.

It’s true that corporations are funding a smaller share of overall government operations than they used to. In fiscal 2015, the federal government collected $343.8 billion from corporate income taxes, or 10.6% of its total revenue. Back in the 1950s, corporate income tax generated between a quarter and a third of federal revenues (though payroll taxes have grown considerably over that period).

Nor have corporate tax receipts kept pace with the overall growth of the U.S. economy. Inflation-adjusted gross domestic product has risen 153% since 1980, while inflation-adjusted corporate tax receipts were 115% higher in fiscal 2015 than in fiscal 1980, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. There have been a lot of ups and downs over that period, as corporate tax receipts tend to rise during expansions and drop off in recessions. In fiscal 2007, for instance, corporate taxes hit $370.2 billion (in current dollars), only to plunge to $138.2 billion in 2009 as businesses felt the impact of the Great Recession.

Corporations also employ battalions of tax lawyers to find ways to reduce their tax bills, from running income through subsidiaries in low-tax foreign countries to moving overseas entirely, in what’s known as a corporate inversion (a practice the Treasury Department has moved to discourage).
All but the top-earning 20% of American families pay more in payroll taxes than in federal income taxes, according to a Treasury Department analysis.

Still, that analysis confirms that, after all federal taxes are factored in, the U.S. tax system as a whole is progressive. The top 0.1% of families pay the equivalent of 39.2% and the bottom 20% have negative tax rates (that is, they get more money back from the government in the form of refundable tax credits than they pay in taxes).

Of course, people can and will differ on whether any of this constitutes a “fair” tax system. Depending on their politics and personal situations, some would argue for a more steeply progressive structure, others for a flatter one. Finding the right balance can be challenging to the point of impossibility: As Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Louis XIV’s finance minister, is said to have remarked: “The art of taxation consists in so plucking the goose as to obtain the largest possible amount of feathers with the smallest possible amount of hissing.”
Democrats have been saying that republicans are going to take social security away for at least 50 years. It's like their pavlovian bell.
No, it's been true for 50 years. You Republicans have denied it. Some of you don't believe Republicans would try or get away with it but we know they've tried in the past and are getting away with it now.

And most of you don't like the program. You know it's socialism in your world. So don't pretend you want to keep it going. You would love to break it like you did the unions.

Disingenuous fuckers. Lying ignorant evil stupid fuckers. Some of you are evil and some of you are dumb. Are you rich? Then you're dumb af.

While I think the pyramid scheme that is SS is built on an unstable platform I really don’t see it as socialism...I think few do actually.
it's how obammycare came about, a pyramid scheme.

take take take until they're broke and dependent.

Agree...lowlifes continue to beg for free shit for themselves and for all their thirdworld illegal buddies...they insist on sucking the tit dry...when the tit does in fact run dry they will be the ones to suffer. This is what you don’t understand sealybobo .....theres only so much tit to go around. You can’t just keep increasing the amount you steal from the wealthy to fund your bad habits, wants and noble desires.

And the wealthy can't keep getting tax breaks.

I don't want to roll back just the Trump tax breaks to the rich, or the Obama tax breaks to the rich, or the Bush ones, or the Bill Clintons. I want to also roll back the Reagan tax breaks. Then this country will go back to being great again.

You're either rich or a ignorant house slave.

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

You can't keep giving the rich more and more tax breaks and then wonder why we're broke.

It's not theft. Pay your fucking taxes IBM and GE.

Remember the only time you guys admitted GE didn't pay any taxes was when Obama was president. Now they really don't pay any taxes after Trump's tax breaks. Hell they probably make money with loopholes.
Fuck your taxes. If I had it my way, GE, IBM, or any other corporation that employs TAXPAYERS, would pay ZERO taxes.
No, it's been true for 50 years. You Republicans have denied it. Some of you don't believe Republicans would try or get away with it but we know they've tried in the past and are getting away with it now.

And most of you don't like the program. You know it's socialism in your world. So don't pretend you want to keep it going. You would love to break it like you did the unions.

Disingenuous fuckers. Lying ignorant evil stupid fuckers. Some of you are evil and some of you are dumb. Are you rich? Then you're dumb af.

While I think the pyramid scheme that is SS is built on an unstable platform I really don’t see it as socialism...I think few do actually.
it's how obammycare came about, a pyramid scheme.

take take take until they're broke and dependent.

Agree...lowlifes continue to beg for free shit for themselves and for all their thirdworld illegal buddies...they insist on sucking the tit dry...when the tit does in fact run dry they will be the ones to suffer. This is what you don’t understand sealybobo .....theres only so much tit to go around. You can’t just keep increasing the amount you steal from the wealthy to fund your bad habits, wants and noble desires.

And the wealthy can't keep getting tax breaks.

I don't want to roll back just the Trump tax breaks to the rich, or the Obama tax breaks to the rich, or the Bush ones, or the Bill Clintons. I want to also roll back the Reagan tax breaks. Then this country will go back to being great again.

You're either rich or a ignorant house slave.

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

You can't keep giving the rich more and more tax breaks and then wonder why we're broke.

It's not theft. Pay your fucking taxes IBM and GE.

Remember the only time you guys admitted GE didn't pay any taxes was when Obama was president. Now they really don't pay any taxes after Trump's tax breaks. Hell they probably make money with loopholes.
Fuck your taxes. If I had it my way, GE, IBM, or any other corporation that employs TAXPAYERS, would pay ZERO taxes.
That's the way we are headed. And then you'll be paying a lot more.
No, it's been true for 50 years. You Republicans have denied it. Some of you don't believe Republicans would try or get away with it but we know they've tried in the past and are getting away with it now.

And most of you don't like the program. You know it's socialism in your world. So don't pretend you want to keep it going. You would love to break it like you did the unions.

Disingenuous fuckers. Lying ignorant evil stupid fuckers. Some of you are evil and some of you are dumb. Are you rich? Then you're dumb af.

While I think the pyramid scheme that is SS is built on an unstable platform I really don’t see it as socialism...I think few do actually.
it's how obammycare came about, a pyramid scheme.

take take take until they're broke and dependent.

Agree...lowlifes continue to beg for free shit for themselves and for all their thirdworld illegal buddies...they insist on sucking the tit dry...when the tit does in fact run dry they will be the ones to suffer. This is what you don’t understand sealybobo .....theres only so much tit to go around. You can’t just keep increasing the amount you steal from the wealthy to fund your bad habits, wants and noble desires.

And the wealthy can't keep getting tax breaks.

I don't want to roll back just the Trump tax breaks to the rich, or the Obama tax breaks to the rich, or the Bush ones, or the Bill Clintons. I want to also roll back the Reagan tax breaks. Then this country will go back to being great again.

You're either rich or a ignorant house slave.

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

You can't keep giving the rich more and more tax breaks and then wonder why we're broke.

It's not theft. Pay your fucking taxes IBM and GE.

Remember the only time you guys admitted GE didn't pay any taxes was when Obama was president. Now they really don't pay any taxes after Trump's tax breaks. Hell they probably make money with loopholes.

How do you folks continue to cherry pick one or two companies but then ignore the only numbers that should matter?
Top 3% of U.S. Taxpayers Paid Majority of Income Tax in 2016
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Of course, people can and will differ on whether any of this constitutes a “fair” tax system. Depending on their politics and personal situations, some would argue for a more steeply progressive structure, others for a flatter one. Finding the right balance can be challenging to the point of impossibility
While I think the pyramid scheme that is SS is built on an unstable platform I really don’t see it as socialism...I think few do actually.
it's how obammycare came about, a pyramid scheme.

take take take until they're broke and dependent.

Agree...lowlifes continue to beg for free shit for themselves and for all their thirdworld illegal buddies...they insist on sucking the tit dry...when the tit does in fact run dry they will be the ones to suffer. This is what you don’t understand sealybobo .....theres only so much tit to go around. You can’t just keep increasing the amount you steal from the wealthy to fund your bad habits, wants and noble desires.

And the wealthy can't keep getting tax breaks.

I don't want to roll back just the Trump tax breaks to the rich, or the Obama tax breaks to the rich, or the Bush ones, or the Bill Clintons. I want to also roll back the Reagan tax breaks. Then this country will go back to being great again.

You're either rich or a ignorant house slave.

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

You can't keep giving the rich more and more tax breaks and then wonder why we're broke.

It's not theft. Pay your fucking taxes IBM and GE.

Remember the only time you guys admitted GE didn't pay any taxes was when Obama was president. Now they really don't pay any taxes after Trump's tax breaks. Hell they probably make money with loopholes.

How do you folks continue to cherry pick one or two companies but then ignore the only numbers that should matter?
Top 3% of U.S. Taxpayers Paid Majority of Income Tax in 2016
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Why did they pay the majority of taxes? Because they have the majority of the money. Stop asking this stupid fucking question. Give every middle class person a raise and we will gladly start paying more taxes.

Do you get it? If you give me all the money and I pick up the check for dinner every time we go out, it's not that I'm a good guy. You don't have any money.

So you are suggesting that it's actually us middle class people who should pay more? Because that's what Republicans do. They cut their own taxes and then someone has to pick up the slack. It's not the poor so we get squeezed.

And what you cons do is blame poor people. You get us bitching about welfare instead of your corporate greed.

Maybe this will help you understand

High-income Americans pay most income taxes, but enough to be 'fair'?

Just over half (54%) of Americans surveyed in fall by Pew Research Center said they pay about the right amount in taxes considering what they get from the federal government, versus 40% who said they pay more than their fair share. But in a separate 2015 survey by the Center, some six-in-ten Americans said they were bothered a lot by the feeling that “some wealthy people” and “some corporations” don’t pay their fair share.

It’s true that corporations are funding a smaller share of overall government operations than they used to. In fiscal 2015, the federal government collected $343.8 billion from corporate income taxes, or 10.6% of its total revenue. Back in the 1950s, corporate income tax generated between a quarter and a third of federal revenues (though payroll taxes have grown considerably over that period).

Nor have corporate tax receipts kept pace with the overall growth of the U.S. economy. Inflation-adjusted gross domestic product has risen 153% since 1980, while inflation-adjusted corporate tax receipts were 115% higher in fiscal 2015 than in fiscal 1980, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. There have been a lot of ups and downs over that period, as corporate tax receipts tend to rise during expansions and drop off in recessions. In fiscal 2007, for instance, corporate taxes hit $370.2 billion (in current dollars), only to plunge to $138.2 billion in 2009 as businesses felt the impact of the Great Recession.

Corporations also employ battalions of tax lawyers to find ways to reduce their tax bills, from running income through subsidiaries in low-tax foreign countries to moving overseas entirely, in what’s known as a corporate inversion (a practice the Treasury Department has moved to discourage).

“Do you get it? If you give me all the money and I pick up the check for dinner every time we go out, it's not that I'm a good guy.”

Haha...there you go again making the same mistake....wealthy people aren’t “given” money and you have no right or claim to their wealth.....GO GET YOUR OWN! Simple shit.
No such thing would ever happen, period.

They should raise the retirement age to 70, though. And index the eligibility age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

Told you so stupid


Mitch McConnell says deficit ballooned because of Social Security, Medicare, not Republican Tax Cuts

After instituting a $1.5 trillion tax cut and signing off on a $675 billion budget for the Department of Defense, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that the only way to lower the record-high federal deficit would be to cut entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

Where does it say that is what he WANTS to do?

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