Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
I said, we would all bend over and just take it and deal with it however we must. We wouldn't revolt over it, although we should. That's our fucking money. Meanwhile Trump doubled the number of corporations who pay zero taxes.

Let's say I retire at 62 and get $1500 a month. Now I would get $1200 a month. Loss of $300 a month

And in the future, seniors will have to pay $200 a month instead of what they get now free.

So it will cost me $500 a month. But I make $1200 a month still. But take that $200 I now have to pay for Medicare, I get $1000 a month.

If I have $1 million saved (God willing) at 4% that would be $40,000 a year I get from my nest egg. I should be able to cover my bills.

Even if Republican policies cause my interest to be 2%, that's $20,000 more a year. I'll be alright.

And luckily I have a rich brother with places in Florida, Up North MI and Greece. All I need to afford is the plane ticket or gas.

What would it mean to you?
How are you getting less? No bill is on the table. Biden is in office he has the majority in the House and the Senate, they can reverse the tax laws and all tax the tax breaks, now that he has done that he can raise your taxes so you pay your fair share. You lean a lot on your rich Republican brother.
How are you getting less? No bill is on the table. Biden is in office he has the majority in the House and the Senate, they can reverse the tax laws and all tax the tax breaks, now that he has done that he can raise your taxes so you pay your fair share. You lean a lot on your rich Republican brother.
No I don't. I'd still live on a lake with a pontoon boat. And I can go hunt on state land 10 minutes from my home. I realized not too long ago I've already hit the lotto of life.

I just don't want to have to ask my brother to buy my tickets to Greece or Florida when we are older. I don't want to be that guy. But I'll stay at his place. He's got a 2 bedroom now in Fort Lauderdale. It's tiny but has a pool and shuffle board courts. When I'm older, I'll probably just go stay at his place in the winter when he's not there. Or when he is there if he wants the company. You know what I mean. It's not my home. If him and his wife are there, maybe I can visit for a week but if they aren't there the entire month of March, why not use it for free?

My bro says his sister in law is jealous of her sisters life. I'm not jealous at all. I'm happy to reap the benefits of his success. Respectfully of course.

I'm always buying dinners or going to the gas station to fill up the gas cans or getting some fertilizer for the trees. I even bought the Quad we use on the property. And he and his sons have complete access to my boat anytime they want. The kids use it A LOT.

But it's a drop in the bucket. This 65 acre hunting property cost $100K. The home he built on it $500K. The barn $50K. Yea, I can't afford to pay my fair share. But he doesn't expect it. At least I'm not like his sister in law. Jealous. I'm grateful. And this is just the up north property. I have only been to Greece once and never seen his new place in Florida yet. So I don't really lean on him a lot except for the sweet property up north.

And what rich person doesn't have relatives who freeload? At least we loved them before they made it big. And I would love my brother even if he were broke like you. We would just hunt state land.

Actually, the guy who got us into hunting is another Greek with a lot of money. 250 acres. Republican. We would get into heated debates when I first started going up there but I learned not to argue with a republican who has a lot of money. He's voting for the right party. It's you who I think is dumb.
How are you getting less? No bill is on the table. Biden is in office he has the majority in the House and the Senate, they can reverse the tax laws and all tax the tax breaks, now that he has done that he can raise your taxes so you pay your fair share. You lean a lot on your rich Republican brother.
My sister in laws cousins stay in her home in Greece when she's not there. Do they pay any bills? No. She just wants someone there in case pipes burst and it wasn't good having the place shut down for 2 years during covid when she couldn't go to Greece. Or someone might break in. So it's a win win. Of course her cousins are getting the better end of the deal.

Before you roll your eyes and say that Republicans wont’ really end those two beloved federal programs, remember how many of us dismissed the GOP when for years they vowed to overturn Roe v. Wade. Many viewed their words as simply red meat for their base. It wasn’t.

We need to admit that GOP leaders mean what they say. They will doggedly work toward their goal of dismantling Social Security and Medicare, especially if they regain control of Congress and the White House.

You're the one full of shit. Seriously. You think that "Republicans" said they wouldn't really overturn Roe V Wade??? You're full of shit. The Republicans are split between the more religious who ALWAYS wanted to overturn it and those of us who aren't. But the sides have been consistent. You're just playing a DEMOCRAT PARTY game of conflating the two Republican sides.

I totally support eliminations all welfare at the Federal level, including social security and medicare. But by far most Republicans love those programs.

Again, you are a DEMOCRAT. You're even repeating their lies and stupid arguments
No such thing would ever happen, period.

They should raise the retirement age to 70, though. And index the eligibility age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

I'd end it. But your proposal does make it a lot more sustainable than it is. Neither party will ever do it
You're the one full of shit. Seriously. You think that "Republicans" said they wouldn't really overturn Roe V Wade??? You're full of shit. The Republicans are split between the more religious who ALWAYS wanted to overturn it and those of us who aren't. But the sides have been consistent. You're just playing a DEMOCRAT PARTY game of conflating the two Republican sides.

I totally support eliminations all welfare at the Federal level, including social security and medicare. But by far most Republicans love those programs.

Again, you are a DEMOCRAT. You're even repeating their lies and stupid arguments
I only give a fuck what Republican politicians want. They want to end those popular social programs. And the republican voters who like those programs, don't believe they'll ever do it. If they thought they would have they would have never voted for Republicans. And they should know your true end game.
I only give a fuck what Republican politicians want. They want to end those popular social programs. And the republican voters who like those programs, don't believe they'll ever do it. If they thought they would have they would have never voted for Republicans. And they should know your true end game.

LOL, a true Nazi, everything you believe is your party's propaganda. I argue with Republicans all the time about this. I totally think we need to end the welfare State, particularly at the Federal level. Most Republicans love it. Which is why I stopped voting Republican in 1992 and didn't vote for them until recently when you fucks whet completely nuts.

No, Republicans overwhelmingly support welfare. They just propose a fraction of a cent less than you do ... and this is the hyperbole you engage in.

Democrats: We want 50% welfare!
Republicans: Make it 49.97 and you have a deal
Democrats: OH MY GOD, YOU WANT TO END WEFLARE!!!!!!!!!!

Fucking lying ass. At lease you came clean you're an out of the manual generic Democrat though
Republicans didn't overturn RvW. The Supreme Court did. Republicans have had control of the congress and the White House and didn't get rid of SS or Medicare. You sick fuckers pull this shit every election cycle.

Sean Hannity appeared to utter a big fat lie on Fox News this week, claiming no Republican has ever said they wanted to take away Social Security.

Cue the 2010 video of Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), then a candidate, saying his objective was “to phase out Social Security ― to pull it up by the roots and get rid of it.”

congressional Republicans “have embraced plans to reduce federal spending on Social Security and Medicare, including cutting benefits for some retirees and raising the retirement age for both safety net programs.”

Some lawmakers have revealed a few specifics on the table if the GOP retakes the House, including raising the Social Security eligibility age to 70, requiring the elderly to pay increased premiums for health insurance, and imposing a strict government debt ceiling that could adversely impact entitlement programs, according to Bloomberg Governmentand the Times.

“I don’t recall ever having advocated for dismantling those — that’s sensitive stuff,” Lee told the Utah newspaper Daily Herald on Oct. 29.
Sean Hannity appeared to utter a big fat lie on Fox News this week, claiming no Republican has ever said they wanted to take away Social Security.

Cue the 2010 video of Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), then a candidate, saying his objective was “to phase out Social Security ― to pull it up by the roots and get rid of it.”

congressional Republicans “have embraced plans to reduce federal spending on Social Security and Medicare, including cutting benefits for some retirees and raising the retirement age for both safety net programs.”

Some lawmakers have revealed a few specifics on the table if the GOP retakes the House, including raising the Social Security eligibility age to 70, requiring the elderly to pay increased premiums for health insurance, and imposing a strict government debt ceiling that could adversely impact entitlement programs, according to Bloomberg Governmentand the Times.

“I don’t recall ever having advocated for dismantling those — that’s sensitive stuff,” Lee told the Utah newspaper Daily Herald on Oct. 29.
raising the age limit has been the common practice for years…it doesn’t solve the problem. So I think Lee plan is week.

Other members of rhe GOP have proposed better plans…modeled after the Sweden model that would work but the dems always play politics wirh it and nothing but raising the age limit and kicking the can down the road is done
Sean Hannity appeared to utter a big fat lie on Fox News this week, claiming no Republican has ever said they wanted to take away Social Security.

Cue the 2010 video of Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), then a candidate, saying his objective was “to phase out Social Security ― to pull it up by the roots and get rid of it.”

congressional Republicans “have embraced plans to reduce federal spending on Social Security and Medicare, including cutting benefits for some retirees and raising the retirement age for both safety net programs.”

Some lawmakers have revealed a few specifics on the table if the GOP retakes the House, including raising the Social Security eligibility age to 70, requiring the elderly to pay increased premiums for health insurance, and imposing a strict government debt ceiling that could adversely impact entitlement programs, according to Bloomberg Governmentand the Times.

“I don’t recall ever having advocated for dismantling those — that’s sensitive stuff,” Lee told the Utah newspaper Daily Herald on Oct. 29.
oops? from the Daily Herald link

CHRISTNER: I just wanted to talk just real quickly about Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. Obviously, all the time There’s all sorts of things circulating on social social media. One thing that I had noticed recently, some video of you, I believe, campaigning in 2010 had, had been revisited online where you had expressed the idea of dismantling those social programs. I just wondered if you could clarify your current position on, on what you see for the future?

LEE: So I don’t, I don’t recall ever having advocated for dismantling those — that’s sensitive stuff. And I don’t I don’t recall advocating for dismantling them. I vaguely remember a time in 2010 when we were talking about a bunch of things. And it was talking about you know, we need to, we need to end this pattern of the federal government occupying space that it wasn’t intended to occupy and spending too much money. Perhaps that was close in time and in proximity to another conversation about Social Security, but I don’t remember ever. In any time since I first became a candidate for the Senate ever saying, “No, we just have to end Social Security and uproot all the expectations of those who’ve paid into it.” Quite to the contrary. As far as I can remember, every time I’ve spoken, I’ve said “We do have problems with that,” in part because, when it was created in the 1930s, it was sold to the American people as something that would be their property, it’s theirs. They have it, it’s just held, like in trust, in an acco
Sean Hannity appeared to utter a big fat lie on Fox News this week, claiming no Republican has ever said they wanted to take away Social Security.

Cue the 2010 video of Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), then a candidate, saying his objective was “to phase out Social Security ― to pull it up by the roots and get rid of it.”

congressional Republicans “have embraced plans to reduce federal spending on Social Security and Medicare, including cutting benefits for some retirees and raising the retirement age for both safety net programs.”

Some lawmakers have revealed a few specifics on the table if the GOP retakes the House, including raising the Social Security eligibility age to 70, requiring the elderly to pay increased premiums for health insurance, and imposing a strict government debt ceiling that could adversely impact entitlement programs, according to Bloomberg Governmentand the Times.

“I don’t recall ever having advocated for dismantling those — that’s sensitive stuff,” Lee told the Utah newspaper Daily Herald on Oct. 29.
dude, you couldn't even do this one right!!!! your link says you're wrong. man up and admit you were wrong now.
raising the age limit has been the common practice for years…it doesn’t solve the problem. So I think Lee plan is week.

Other members of rhe GOP have proposed better plans…modeled after the Sweden model that would work but the dems always play politics wirh it and nothing but raising the age limit and kicking the can down the road is done
here's what he said in the link silly provided

CHRISTNER: I just wanted to talk just real quickly about Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. Obviously, all the time There’s all sorts of things circulating on social social media. One thing that I had noticed recently, some video of you, I believe, campaigning in 2010 had, had been revisited online where you had expressed the idea of dismantling those social programs. I just wondered if you could clarify your current position on, on what you see for the future?

LEE: So I don’t, I don’t recall ever having advocated for dismantling those — that’s sensitive stuff. And I don’t I don’t recall advocating for dismantling them. I vaguely remember a time in 2010 when we were talking about a bunch of things. And it was talking about you know, we need to, we need to end this pattern of the federal government occupying space that it wasn’t intended to occupy and spending too much money. Perhaps that was close in time and in proximity to another conversation about Social Security, but I don’t remember ever. In any time since I first became a candidate for the Senate ever saying, “No, we just have to end Social Security and uproot all the expectations of those who’ve paid into it.” Quite to the contrary. As far as I can remember, every time I’ve spoken, I’ve said “We do have problems with that,” in part because, when it was created in the 1930s, it was sold to the American people as something that would be their property, it’s theirs. They have it, it’s just held, like in trust, in an acco
here's what he said in the link silly provided

CHRISTNER: I just wanted to talk just real quickly about Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. Obviously, all the time There’s all sorts of things circulating on social social media. One thing that I had noticed recently, some video of you, I believe, campaigning in 2010 had, had been revisited online where you had expressed the idea of dismantling those social programs. I just wondered if you could clarify your current position on, on what you see for the future?

LEE: So I don’t, I don’t recall ever having advocated for dismantling those — that’s sensitive stuff. And I don’t I don’t recall advocating for dismantling them. I vaguely remember a time in 2010 when we were talking about a bunch of things. And it was talking about you know, we need to, we need to end this pattern of the federal government occupying space that it wasn’t intended to occupy and spending too much money. Perhaps that was close in time and in proximity to another conversation about Social Security, but I don’t remember ever. In any time since I first became a candidate for the Senate ever saying, “No, we just have to end Social Security and uproot all the expectations of those who’ve paid into it.” Quite to the contrary. As far as I can remember, every time I’ve spoken, I’ve said “We do have problems with that,” in part because, when it was created in the 1930s, it was sold to the American people as something that would be their property, it’s theirs. They have it, it’s just held, like in trust, in an acco
wow so he didn’t even read his own link? very much contradicts what he was trying to imply
raising the age limit has been the common practice for years…it doesn’t solve the problem. So I think Lee plan is week.

Other members of rhe GOP have proposed better plans…modeled after the Sweden model that would work but the dems always play politics wirh it and nothing but raising the age limit and kicking the can down the road is done
You guys blow me away. You cry and cry about them raising your taxes. Making life harder for you. Then you go along with raising my retirement age from 65 to 67 now 70? Let's just call it making me work 5 more years to collect my benefits. If you ask me, I'd rather pay a little higher taxes now when I'm 52 and be able to start collecting at 65. YOU are suggesting making me get up 5 days a week for 50 weeks for an additional 5 fucking years? For 9 hours a day? Are you insane? Talk about bending someone over.

And I PROMISE YOU that in the near future, if Republicans are in charge, there will be a manufactured crisis or recession and Republicans will be forced to cut SS and Medicare 20% in order to SAVE the programs. And a few Dems will go along so you'll call it bi partisan. Hell, maybe you'll even get it done on Biden's watch.

Republicans fuck the masses to give rich people more tax cuts. Idiots.

Lucky for me, I should have 1.2 million when I'm 62. I'm going to collect early. Hopefully before the 20% cuts to future benefactors kicks in. I hope to be grandfathered in. I believe my FULL retirement is 67 now. Republicans will raise younger people's retirement to 70. I'm okay with that.

I think I will get $1200 a month when I'm 62. That's 10 years from now.

One thing that is great about the Feds raising interest rates is I have no debt. And it will raise what banks are giving as far as interest on savings. I heard the other day the US Gov is giving 4%? It's been years since they've given so much. But they are 100% safe. That's where I'm putting my 1.2 million. That's $50K a year interest plus $1200 a month in social security. I can live off that.
You guys blow me away. You cry and cry about them raising your taxes. Making life harder for you. Then you go along with raising my retirement age from 65 to 67 now 70? Let's just call it making me work 5 more years to collect my benefits. If you ask me, I'd rather pay a little higher taxes now when I'm 52 and be able to start collecting at 65. YOU are suggesting making me get up 5 days a week for 50 weeks for an additional 5 fucking years? For 9 hours a day? Are you insane? Talk about bending someone over.

And I PROMISE YOU that in the near future, if Republicans are in charge, there will be a manufactured crisis or recession and Republicans will be forced to cut SS and Medicare 20% in order to SAVE the programs. And a few Dems will go along so you'll call it bi partisan. Hell, maybe you'll even get it done on Biden's watch.

Republicans fuck the masses to give rich people more tax cuts. Idiots.

Lucky for me, I should have 1.2 million when I'm 62. I'm going to collect early. Hopefully before the 20% cuts to future benefactors kicks in. I hope to be grandfathered in. I believe my FULL retirement is 67 now. Republicans will raise younger people's retirement to 70. I'm okay with that.

I think I will get $1200 a month when I'm 62. That's 10 years from now.

One thing that is great about the Feds raising interest rates is I have no debt. And it will raise what banks are giving as far as interest on savings. I heard the other day the US Gov is giving 4%? It's been years since they've given so much. But they are 100% safe. That's where I'm putting my 1.2 million. That's $50K a year interest plus $1200 a month in social security. I can live off that.

Lol, sock it away with the govt? No thanks. You're about to lose.
Sean Hannity appeared to utter a big fat lie on Fox News this week, claiming no Republican has ever said they wanted to take away Social Security.

Cue the 2010 video of Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), then a candidate, saying his objective was “to phase out Social Security ― to pull it up by the roots and get rid of it.”

congressional Republicans “have embraced plans to reduce federal spending on Social Security and Medicare, including cutting benefits for some retirees and raising the retirement age for both safety net programs.”

Some lawmakers have revealed a few specifics on the table if the GOP retakes the House, including raising the Social Security eligibility age to 70, requiring the elderly to pay increased premiums for health insurance, and imposing a strict government debt ceiling that could adversely impact entitlement programs, according to Bloomberg Governmentand the Times.

“I don’t recall ever having advocated for dismantling those — that’s sensitive stuff,” Lee told the Utah newspaper Daily Herald on Oct. 29.
/----/ One Republican out of how many? I believe Mike Lee said that, therefore I will not vote for him, and neither should you. We need to primary him out and get a fresh, young conservative in his seat. Agree?
/----/ One Republican out of how many? I believe Mike Lee said that, therefore I will not vote for him, and neither should you. We need to primary him out and get a fresh, young conservative in his seat. Agree?
How about all the Republicans on USMB who want to end the programs?

Stop lying. It's like you guys saying you're not trying to ban abortion but then argue the next day that it's murder. Fucking liars.

Why have Republicans been telling us for decades to "not count on your social security being there" if they didn't mean it?

Reagan called it communism and the end of America as we know it.

You may not even realize it but it's coming you dumb sonofabitch.

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