Will Republicans ever admit the mess they left President Obama?

Once the sycophants are long dead and gone and a real, true history of this time is written, he will be seen as one of the worst, most childish Presidents in our history....

Maybe. But he (obama) will never be held in as low regard as Bush.

You voted for Bush. Twice. Right? And you think others are stupid? LMAO.
and the funny thing willbur is that after twice voting for the moron bush they want to vomit on america once more........these idiots keep repeating their mistakes thinking they'll get different results
and DumBama is the most anti-business President I've ever seen in my lifetime.

You are a truck driver dude. What the fuck could you KNOW about business.

Cheap capital, good stock market and excellent corporate profits. All that under Obama. And you think he is anti business.

What the fuck do you know about business and Obama? Not a thing.

Ten times more than you. For instance: rich people got richer under DumBama and poor people got poorer. The rich got richer mostly through the stock market which was artificially inflated by the Federal Reserve pouring their trillions in.

I also know that when you take capital away from business, business can't make big investments or create good paying jobs. See Obama Care.

Obama has attacked our energy sector, he has attacked our medical sector, he has attacked our financial sector, hell, he even went after Gibson guitars and small cigarette shops across America. And this is besides increasing taxes on businesses and individuals that make over 450K a year.
Expensive environmental and government regulation couldn't have anything to do with that

So come on Ray. If congress did away with all regulatios but the companies had already moved operations overseas, how would that create jobs here?

Company cut their payroll 75% by moving out of country. But you think they will hire here if government regs would just be eliminated. Why?

If the companies moved to China or Mexico, they have no regulations now.

So how would the republican jobs package caused hiring in the USA?
What's the connection?
the connection is obvious ,,,,,there would have been no MAJOR involvement in the ME without bushes attack on Iraq He got your nitwits all riled up just like this ah Drumph is doing
Iraq was under control when he left.

Under control??? BULLSHIT Army broken turned into alqueda or ISIS under control is a republican lie
ISIS grew when we left. You can blow all the anti-republican flatulence you want out of your ample posterior but it doesn't change anything.
and when we left perhaps you can tell us why???Did the Iraqui gov't demand it ?? Did the Moron gwb make a deal to leave on a certain date???? If only you nitwits devoted your time and energy into helping america instead of bashing we might see some more progress
You don't know jack and are highly opinionated. Bashing anyone that disagrees with you is the only way you can feel better about yourself. The SOFA negotiations drug on and in the end obama very much helped shape the outcome. So he did play a major role in US total withdrawal.

Bush’s finest moment on Iraq: SOFA, not the surge
But Iraqi leaders, to most everyone’s surprise, took a hard line in the negotiations. Their tough line was encouraged by Iran, no doubt, as stressed by many frustrated American commentators. But it also reflected Iraqi domestic considerations, including several rounds of upcoming elections and an intensely strong popular Iraqi hostility to the U.S. occupation under any name. The Iraqis were also helped by the calender.

As negotiations dragged on, the December 31 deadline loomed large, threatening to leave the U.S. troops without any legal mandate to remain in the country and forcing the hand of American negotiators. Finally, the Iraqi leaders clearly kept a careful eye on the American Presidential elections and used Obama’s stance to strengthen their own hand in negotiations.
no disaster like the pos who killed so many of ours ...gd pukes have heads up their butts

More American service members died in Afghanistan during Obama's two terms than died during Bush's two terms. And for what? So who's the "real" disaster?
Do you really believe ANY of this shitstorm would have taken place without the republican moron gwb declaring war against Iraq?? really?? STOP trying to blame dems for your own gd mistakes
What's the connection?
the connection is obvious ,,,,,there would have been no MAJOR involvement in the ME without bushes attack on Iraq He got your nitwits all riled up just like this ah Drumph is doing
Iraq was under control when he left.

Why would you say something so idiotic?
More American service members died in Afghanistan during Obama's two terms than died during Bush's two terms. And for what? So who's the "real" disaster?
Do you really believe ANY of this shitstorm would have taken place without the republican moron gwb declaring war against Iraq?? really?? STOP trying to blame dems for your own gd mistakes
What's the connection?
the connection is obvious ,,,,,there would have been no MAJOR involvement in the ME without bushes attack on Iraq He got your nitwits all riled up just like this ah Drumph is doing
Iraq was under control when he left.

Why would you say something so idiotic?
Why are you breathing? Please stop.
Will lefties ever stop whining? Truman left Eisenhower the mess in Korea that we are still dealing with not to mention a decimated demoralized Military and a failed economy. LBJ left Nixon the freaking Vietnam war. Carter left Reagan gas lines and a freaking misery index. Republicans didn't whine about it. They fixed it.
Will lefties ever stop whining? Truman left Eisenhower the mess in Korea that we are still dealing with not to mention a decimated demoralized Military and a failed economy. LBJ left Nixon the freaking Vietnam war. Carter left Reagan gas lines and a freaking misery inde

And Bush left Obama both a failed war and a failing economy.

What point are you making?
and DumBama is the most anti-business President I've ever seen in my lifetime.

You are a truck driver dude. What the fuck could you KNOW about business.

Cheap capital, good stock market and excellent corporate profits. All that under Obama. And you think he is anti business.

What the fuck do you know about business and Obama? Not a thing.

Ten times more than you. For instance: rich people got richer under DumBama and poor people got poorer. The rich got richer mostly through the stock market which was artificially inflated by the Federal Reserve pouring their trillions in.

I also know that when you take capital away from business, business can't make big investments or create good paying jobs. See Obama Care.

Obama has attacked our energy sector, he has attacked our medical sector, he has attacked our financial sector, hell, he even went after Gibson guitars and small cigarette shops across America. And this is besides increasing taxes on businesses and individuals that make over 450K a year.
STOP! You make Obama sound like a Republican. After everything you claim he did, you should be claiming he's a Republican.
The failed economy.
The Iraq debacle.
The deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts.
The millions of jobs moved oversea.
The over 40,000 factories closed.
Medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy.
Not getting Bin Laden.

Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times which shows they controlled the entire government.
Will they ever take any responsibility for what happened on their watch?

The guy has 300 days left in his second term.

You can stop sniffing his arse now.
OBAMA IS STILL President although efforts to make him less than useless by repubs have failed Too fn bad they can't put their energy into helping america rather than going after obama and hillary
Tick... tick... tick...


Down to
300 days now...

Then the long National Nightmare will be over...

Looking forward to seeing you weenies cry, when Marine One leaves the White House lawn with your Failed Messiah in it, for the last time...

"Hopey-changey... Hopey-changey... Hopey-changey... Hopey-changey"... puh-leeeeze !!!
Last edited:
Obama got EVERYTHING he asked for and Dems are still crying like girls
And the country is still a disaster. Go figure.
You mean Republicans haven't been obstructionists?

The Senate GOP's Unprecedented Obstruction In Five Charts

The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotage

Republicans have blocked every effort since the stimulus to maintain infrastructure, hire teachers, raise the minimum wage, give equal pay for women, stop special tax breaks for millionaires corporations (especially oil companies), stop tax breaks for sending jobs out of the country, provide student loan relief, help the long-term unemployed, and more. Instead they insist on even more tax breaks for oil companies and billionaires, on cutting environmental protections, deregulating oil companies, and so on.

A Walk Down Memory Lane on Republican Obstruction
Republicans have blocked every effort since the stimulus to maintain infrastructure, hire teachers, raise the minimum wage, give equal pay for women, stop special tax breaks for millionaires corporations (especially oil companies), stop tax breaks for sending jobs out of the country, provide student loan relief, help the long-term unemployed, and more. Instead they insist on even more tax breaks for oil companies and billionaires, on cutting environmental protections, deregulating oil companies, and so on.
Because those are bullshit. Thank God for the GOP and not letting those commie assholes turn us into Cuba.
bama has attacked our energy sector, he

Piss poor attack.

Lowest gas prices in years. Lowest LP costs in years.

Maybe you are correct. Obama sure sucked at attacking the energy sector.

You ever hear about supply and demand Mr truck driver business executive?
Republicans on the USMB have made it clear they don't believe in "supply and demand". They think it's a wild liberal theory. True Story.
Republicans have blocked every effort since the stimulus to maintain infrastructure, hire teachers, raise the minimum wage, give equal pay for women, stop special tax breaks for millionaires corporations (especially oil companies), stop tax breaks for sending jobs out of the country, provide student loan relief, help the long-term unemployed, and more. Instead they insist on even more tax breaks for oil companies and billionaires, on cutting environmental protections, deregulating oil companies, and so on.
Because those are bullshit. Thank God for the GOP and not letting those commie assholes turn us into Cuba.
hire teachers,
raise the minimum wage,
give equal pay for women,
stop special tax breaks for millionaires corporations (especially oil companies),
stop tax breaks for sending jobs out of the country

Wow, those are bullshit? Mind explaining why?
Will lefties ever stop whining? Truman left Eisenhower the mess in Korea that we are still dealing with not to mention a decimated demoralized Military and a failed economy. LBJ left Nixon the freaking Vietnam war. Carter left Reagan gas lines and a freaking misery inde

And Bush left Obama both a failed war and a failing economy.

What point are you making?
Carter also left Reagan 10 million new jobs and no wars.
Republicans have blocked every effort since the stimulus to maintain infrastructure, hire teachers, raise the minimum wage, give equal pay for women, stop special tax breaks for millionaires corporations (especially oil companies), stop tax breaks for sending jobs out of the country, provide student loan relief, help the long-term unemployed, and more. Instead they insist on even more tax breaks for oil companies and billionaires, on cutting environmental protections, deregulating oil companies, and so on.
Because those are bullshit. Thank God for the GOP and not letting those commie assholes turn us into Cuba.
hire teachers,
raise the minimum wage,
give equal pay for women,
stop special tax breaks for millionaires corporations (especially oil companies),
stop tax breaks for sending jobs out of the country

Wow, those are bullshit? Mind explaining why?
Not to you. It would take time and you couldn't understand it.
Corporate America has so much cash sitting in the bank that it could purchase the Dallas Cowboys 437 times without borrowing a dime.
Or if these titans of business really love House of Cards they could splurge by acquiring Netflix(NFLX, Tech30) 53 times. They could even buy Apple (AAPL, Tech30), Facebook (FB, Tech30)and Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hatahway (BRKA) and still have cash to play with.

In other words, big American companies literally have more cash than they know what to do with.

The mountain of cash in corporate vaults climbed to a record-high of $1.4 trillion during the fourth quarter, according to a FactSet analysis of S&P 500 companies.

Ray, most business people know how to use Google.

Truck drivers? I guess not.

But please continue on about how there is no.capital available for corporate expansion.

It was a really funny story you were spinning.

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