Will Republicans ever admit the mess they left President Obama?

More American service members died in Afghanistan during Obama's two terms than died during Bush's two terms. And for what? So who's the "real" disaster?
Do you really believe ANY of this shitstorm would have taken place without the republican moron gwb declaring war against Iraq?? really?? STOP trying to blame dems for your own gd mistakes
What's the connection?
the connection is obvious ,,,,,there would have been no MAJOR involvement in the ME without bushes attack on Iraq He got your nitwits all riled up just like this ah Drumph is doing
Iraq was under control when he left.

Under control??? BULLSHIT Army broken turned into alqueda or ISIS under control is a republican lie
ISIS grew when we left. You can blow all the anti-republican flatulence you want out of your ample posterior but it doesn't change anything.
I enjoyed it when Rudy Guilliani called Hilary a founding member of Isis......truth and humor at the same time........
Millions of jobs moved to China from 2001 to 2008 and over 40,000 factories closed where each one employed hundreds to thousands of people.

Yet the republican job package was to give tax breaks, regulation breaks and whatever other give away to the ultra rich they could come up with.

Except they can't say how these giveaways would create jobs in America. When millions of those jobs were moved to foreign countries.

So Ray. Why does a company create jobs here when the company moved production and manufacturing out of the country?
The failed economy.
The Iraq debacle.
The deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts.
The millions of jobs moved oversea.
The over 40,000 factories closed.
Medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy.
Not getting Bin Laden.

Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times which shows they controlled the entire government.
Will they ever take any responsibility for what happened on their watch?

The guy has 300 days left in his second term.

You can stop sniffing his arse now.
OBAMA IS STILL President although efforts to make him less than useless by repubs have failed Too fn bad they can't put their energy into helping america rather than going after obama and hillary
Millions of jobs moved to China from 2001 to 2008 and over 40,000 factories closed where each one employed hundreds to thousands of people.

Yet the republican job package was to give tax breaks, regulation breaks and whatever other give away to the ultra rich they could come up with.

Except they can't say how these giveaways would create jobs in America. When millions of those jobs were moved to foreign countries.

So Ray. Why does a company create jobs here when the company moved production and manufacturing out of the country?

That question doesn't even make any sense. Try again.
Millions of jobs moved to China from 2001 to 2008 and over 40,000 factories closed where each one employed hundreds to thousands of people.

Yet the republican job package was to give tax breaks, regulation breaks and whatever other give away to the ultra rich they could come up with.

Except they can't say how these giveaways would create jobs in America. When millions of those jobs were moved to foreign countries.

So Ray. Why does a company create jobs here when the company moved production and manufacturing out of the country?

8 years...and some other dude did it.........I guess Obama could hold that office till the end of time and he would still be blaming Bush...and twits like you would believe him......the soviets only wish their useful idiots were as loyal to their lies as you guys are to obama's......
The failed economy.
The Iraq debacle.
The deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts.
The millions of jobs moved oversea.
The over 40,000 factories closed.
Medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy.
Not getting Bin Laden.

Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times which shows they controlled the entire government.
Will they ever take any responsibility for what happened on their watch?

The guy has 300 days left in his second term.

You can stop sniffing his arse now.
OBAMA IS STILL President although efforts to make him less than useless by repubs have failed Too fn bad they can't put their energy into helping america rather than going after obama and hillary
That's how they are helping America. Too bad you don't like it but that doesn't matter.
Do you really believe ANY of this shitstorm would have taken place without the republican moron gwb declaring war against Iraq?? really?? STOP trying to blame dems for your own gd mistakes
What's the connection?
the connection is obvious ,,,,,there would have been no MAJOR involvement in the ME without bushes attack on Iraq He got your nitwits all riled up just like this ah Drumph is doing
Iraq was under control when he left.

Under control??? BULLSHIT Army broken turned into alqueda or ISIS under control is a republican lie
ISIS grew when we left. You can blow all the anti-republican flatulence you want out of your ample posterior but it doesn't change anything.
and when we left perhaps you can tell us why???Did the Iraqui gov't demand it ?? Did the Moron gwb make a deal to leave on a certain date???? If only you nitwits devoted your time and energy into helping america instead of bashing we might see some more progress
The "recovery" as you call it produced low paying jobs. The recovery didn't increase median household incomes by one dollar. The recovery didn't take people off of social programs and in fact, put more people on them.

How did you get to be so stupid in 55 years?

Remember those tax cuts Bush pushed for the "job creators"?
And how if they would only get those tax cuts they would create lots of jobs.

They did. Lots of MW or slightly higher pay service jobs.

And you bitch about it.
Which is better to have. No jobs..Or lower paying jobs?

What did you want Obama to do.to.increase wages? Put through a MW increase. Who.continually blocks MW increases?

In case you missd it, right wingers on here have claimed government does not create jobs. What you want the pres to do about creating jobs?

And more social programs. You talking about the EITC? Brought to us by republicans. Did you see Ryan wanting to expand the EITC in the budget proposal that republicans put together. But now they can't get their own budget to.pass.

Wtf is WRONG with republicans?

You can't have a great economy (like we had most of the Bush years) by creating low or minimum wage jobs. That could only happen in an economy like this one where you have so many people on welfare while at the same time making claim of all these jobs.

Want more? With all these job creations the Democrats keep telling us about, how is this possible?

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Correct, the government doesn't create jobs--the private sector creates jobs. All government can do is encourage or discourage this job creation by the private sector, and DumBama is the most anti-business President I've ever seen in my lifetime.
Millions of jobs moved to China from 2001 to 2008 and over 40,000 factories closed where each one employed hundreds to thousands of people.

Obama needed to not only create jobs, but he also needed to create entire companies and factories. And we can thank the GOP for that.

Thanks GOP, you did it!

The Plight of American Manufacturing
(Written in 2009)

Since 2001, the country has lost 42,400 factories, including 36 percent of factories that employ more than 1,000 workers (which declined from 1,479 to 947), and 38 percent of factories that employ between 500 and 999 employees (from 3,198 to 1,972). An additional 90,000 manufacturing companies are now at risk of going out of business.

Of course. Expensive environmental and government regulation couldn't have anything to do with that. Automation couldn't have anything to do with that. Commie Care couldn't have had anything to do with that. Unions couldn't have had anything to do with that. It must have been the Republicans.
What's the connection?
the connection is obvious ,,,,,there would have been no MAJOR involvement in the ME without bushes attack on Iraq He got your nitwits all riled up just like this ah Drumph is doing
Iraq was under control when he left.

Under control??? BULLSHIT Army broken turned into alqueda or ISIS under control is a republican lie
ISIS grew when we left. You can blow all the anti-republican flatulence you want out of your ample posterior but it doesn't change anything.
and when we left perhaps you can tell us why???Did the Iraqui gov't demand it ?? Did the Moron gwb make a deal to leave on a certain date???? If only you nitwits devoted your time and energy into helping america instead of bashing we might see some more progress

When the facts in the ground change you change the fucking deal.........like the rise of Isis......but Obama didn't care, he wanted out and could not have cared less about the real world consequences........

Once the sycophants are long dead and gone and a real, true history of this time is written, he will be seen as one of the worst, most childish Presidents in our history....
The "recovery" as you call it produced low paying jobs. The recovery didn't increase median household incomes by one dollar. The recovery didn't take people off of social programs and in fact, put more people on them.

How did you get to be so stupid in 55 years?

Remember those tax cuts Bush pushed for the "job creators"?
And how if they would only get those tax cuts they would create lots of jobs.

They did. Lots of MW or slightly higher pay service jobs.

And you bitch about it.
Which is better to have. No jobs..Or lower paying jobs?

What did you want Obama to do.to.increase wages? Put through a MW increase. Who.continually blocks MW increases?

In case you missd it, right wingers on here have claimed government does not create jobs. What you want the pres to do about creating jobs?

And more social programs. You talking about the EITC? Brought to us by republicans. Did you see Ryan wanting to expand the EITC in the budget proposal that republicans put together. But now they can't get their own budget to.pass.

Wtf is WRONG with republicans?

You can't have a great economy (like we had most of the Bush years) by creating low or minimum wage jobs. That could only happen in an economy like this one where you have so many people on welfare while at the same time making claim of all these jobs.

Want more? With all these job creations the Democrats keep telling us about, how is this possible?

View attachment 69094

Correct, the government doesn't create jobs--the private sector creates jobs. All government can do is encourage or discourage this job creation by the private sector, and DumBama is the most anti-business President I've ever seen in my lifetime.
Millions of jobs moved to China from 2001 to 2008 and over 40,000 factories closed where each one employed hundreds to thousands of people.

Obama needed to not only create jobs, but he also needed to create entire companies and factories. And we can thank the GOP for that.

Thanks GOP, you did it!

The Plight of American Manufacturing
(Written in 2009)

Since 2001, the country has lost 42,400 factories, including 36 percent of factories that employ more than 1,000 workers (which declined from 1,479 to 947), and 38 percent of factories that employ between 500 and 999 employees (from 3,198 to 1,972). An additional 90,000 manufacturing companies are now at risk of going out of business.

Of course. Expensive environmental and government regulation couldn't have anything to do with that. Automation couldn't have anything to do with that. Commie Care couldn't have had anything to do with that. Unions couldn't have had anything to do with that. It must have been the Republicans.

Please stop....the truth, facts and reality just confuse the leftists.....if you keep it up they are going to start talking about sex organs and calling us names....
the connection is obvious ,,,,,there would have been no MAJOR involvement in the ME without bushes attack on Iraq He got your nitwits all riled up just like this ah Drumph is doing
Iraq was under control when he left.

Under control??? BULLSHIT Army broken turned into alqueda or ISIS under control is a republican lie
ISIS grew when we left. You can blow all the anti-republican flatulence you want out of your ample posterior but it doesn't change anything.
and when we left perhaps you can tell us why???Did the Iraqui gov't demand it ?? Did the Moron gwb make a deal to leave on a certain date???? If only you nitwits devoted your time and energy into helping america instead of bashing we might see some more progress

When the facts in the ground change you change the fucking deal.........like the rise of Isis......but Obama didn't care, he wanted out and could not have cared less about the real world consequences........

Once the sycophants are long dead and gone and a real, true history of this time is written, he will be seen as one of the worst, most childish Presidents in our history....
you might be right guy although I doubt it strongly and in any case your moron gwb holds that record now Thanks for his selection
This is what really kills 'em...


Once you consider that the people happy with his performance are mostly welfare moms or the like... who haven't yet figured out the debt will enslave their children... It dawns on you just how much of a failure he is. For the record, it's a positive if those social regressives give bad ratings. This is how you know Trump is the deal - they bark.

And even considering this, he still has a terrible rating. Yikes.

Conservatives keep telling themselves these lies. Welfare moms don't care one way or the other. Here's another clue. Welfare moms don't vote. Obama wasn't elected by the poor. He was elected by the middle class. If you had half a brain, you'd know that. If welfare recipients voted, the election would not have been that close.

The debt is not Obama's. It is the debt created by Bush's wars and tax cuts. Once you run a huge deficit as Bush did, you can't just turn off the tap. Obama has reduced that deficit by 72%, which is remarkable under the circumstances. Furthermore, Obama has restored respect for the office of the President of the United States throughout the world. I know idiot conservatives refuse to acknowledge this, but after that lying thieving, Bush/Cheney administration, who pilfered the public purse to line their own pockets, lied to their constituents and the world, and nearly started WWIII in the process, any change would have to be an improvement.

Those of us in the rest of the world, stand back appalled at the gross stupidity of American conservatives. That you believe the lies of the right-wing media makes you lot the laughingstock of the free world.

This is correct. Conservatives are stupid. Would you believe that conservatives think the President passes a budget and is responsible for the deficit and not the Congress?

Stupid conservatives.
Once the sycophants are long dead and gone and a real, true history of this time is written, he will be seen as one of the worst, most childish Presidents in our history....

Maybe. But he (obama) will never be held in as low regard as Bush.

You voted for Bush. Twice. Right? And you think others are stupid? LMAO.
Once the sycophants are long dead and gone and a real, true history of this time is written, he will be seen as one of the worst, most childish Presidents in our history....

Maybe. But he (obama) will never be held in as low regard as Bush.

You voted for Bush. Twice. Right? And you think others are stupid? LMAO.

Obama will be seen as the worst President in history...his mistakes will follow us into the future and will cause great suffering for the people of the planet......but it I'll be a long time before the truth will be recorded...too many morons are going to write his history right now....
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This is what really kills 'em...


Once you consider that the people happy with his performance are mostly welfare moms or the like... who haven't yet figured out the debt will enslave their children... It dawns on you just how much of a failure he is. For the record, it's a positive if those social regressives give bad ratings. This is how you know Trump is the deal - they bark.

And even considering this, he still has a terrible rating. Yikes.

Conservatives keep telling themselves these lies. Welfare moms don't care one way or the other. Here's another clue. Welfare moms don't vote. Obama wasn't elected by the poor. He was elected by the middle class. If you had half a brain, you'd know that. If welfare recipients voted, the election would not have been that close.

The debt is not Obama's. It is the debt created by Bush's wars and tax cuts. Once you run a huge deficit as Bush did, you can't just turn off the tap. Obama has reduced that deficit by 72%, which is remarkable under the circumstances. Furthermore, Obama has restored respect for the office of the President of the United States throughout the world. I know idiot conservatives refuse to acknowledge this, but after that lying thieving, Bush/Cheney administration, who pilfered the public purse to line their own pockets, lied to their constituents and the world, and nearly started WWIII in the process, any change would have to be an improvement.

Those of us in the rest of the world, stand back appalled at the gross stupidity of American conservatives. That you believe the lies of the right-wing media makes you lot the laughingstock of the free world.

This is correct. Conservatives are stupid. Would you believe that conservatives think the President passes a budget and is responsible for the deficit and not the Congress?

Stupid conservatives.

Welfare moms and the like voted for Obama in spades.
It's absolutely hilarious for you to not admit this... hilarious.

Just as hilarious is claiming that Obama is not responsible for the debt that he took, but Bush is completely responsible for his actions. These people have no logic, no morals, and no sense.
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