Will Republicans ever admit the mess they left President Obama?

Republicans have blocked every effort since the stimulus to maintain infrastructure, hire teachers, raise the minimum wage, give equal pay for women, stop special tax breaks for millionaires corporations (especially oil companies), stop tax breaks for sending jobs out of the country, provide student loan relief, help the long-term unemployed, and more. Instead they insist on even more tax breaks for oil companies and billionaires, on cutting environmental protections, deregulating oil companies, and so on.
Because those are bullshit. Thank God for the GOP and not letting those commie assholes turn us into Cuba.
hire teachers,
raise the minimum wage,
give equal pay for women,
stop special tax breaks for millionaires corporations (especially oil companies),
stop tax breaks for sending jobs out of the country

Wow, those are bullshit? Mind explaining why?
Not to you. It would take time and you couldn't understand it.
It would take time and you couldn't understand it.

I don't understand you now. You are so full of shit your eyes are brown. Let's recap:

According to you, these are bullshit:

hire teachers,
raise the minimum wage,
give equal pay for women,
stop special tax breaks for millionaires corporations (especially oil companies),
stop tax breaks for sending jobs out of the country

But you don't want to explain why, because it would take too long.

Got it!

Don't think you are unusual. You are a typical right winger conservative Republican. Your values are strange. Your policies are failures. What makes sense to most of the world, you find nonsense.
All that has been discussed hundreds of times here, maybe thousands. For you to be oblivious to it means that words simply cannot help you. Even my dogs are capable of learning.
"Will Republicans ever admit the mess they left President Obama?"

Of course not.

That the last republican administration was an unmitigated disaster is beyond dispute – the two failed, illegal wars alone are proof of that.

Obama agreed with Afghanistan. But of course that gets swept under the carpet. And we already know Hillary and Biden agreed with Iraq. But the biggest Obama failure is calling President Bush "unpatriotic" for adding 4 trillion to the debt when he himself added almost 10 trillion. If President Bush is "unpatriotic", then Obama must be a flat out Nazi, American-hating traitor.
4 Trillion. Just the Bush tax cuts did that.
You forgot the revenue from millions of jobs that moved to China and the over 40,000 factories that closed down and...........well...........You can start there and watch that number skyrocket.

just a small cut/paste from your favorite "link". remember.....we in year 8 of BHO.

To the disappointment of the domestic manufacturing community, the Obama administration has yet to devise a strategy aimed at creating the industrial jobs needed in America to generate trillions of dollars of tax revenue. Without a surge in U.S. production and exports, how will the United States pay off its mounting debts and cover the retirement and medical costs of the largest generation of Americans in history? Creating more jobs for dental hygienists, health-care workers, retail clerks, and bartenders will not do it.
Equal pay for women? they are? more spin. If they don't like their pay they can move elsewhere.

I'm speechless. I have no answer to that doesn't include the word "tard". Anyone else want to comment?
You are speechless and brainless. Women make the same for the same work. They average less due to life choices. So the left wing spins it and you gobble it up. And hate Republicans to make it all good.
Bush DID IT!

It wasn't Bush who roughly doubled the national debt. Indeed Obama was left to terrible circumstances by a completely embarrassing RHINO. Which in his mind justified his just as poor, if not worse performance. Better get someone competent this time... Not a vagina.
It's rino.

Democrats believe we need to carry on Obama's amazing economic policies we just have to figure out how to undo the policies bush implemented that took all the money from the middle class and gave it to the rich.

What policies you ask? See rdeans list
Barry oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history and hasn't put forth a coherent plan to create jobs in well over six years!

You have any idea how fucking stupid that makes you sound?

Barry was handed the worst economic collapse since the great depression. Handed to him by a republican president.

But you aren't satisfied with the RECOVERY. Cause it didn't happen fast enough. LMAO.

God damn the very idea of that criticism by a republican supporter really makes y o u look stupid. Nice job.

You can't make this shit up.

Btw you dumb shit. The republicans in congress blocked almost every attempt to create jobs. Remember when the repubs were going to be focused like a laser on JOBS. You seen any focus on JOBS by repubs? Fuck no.

The jobs bills the Republicans had in Congress was either blocked by the Democrat Senate or promised to be blocked by the Democrat President.

The "recovery" as you call it produced low paying jobs. The recovery didn't increase median household incomes by one dollar. The recovery didn't take people off of social programs and in fact, put more people on them.

In spite of that, DumBama didn't have anything to do with this so-called recovery anyway. That is of course unless you can point to one of his policies that showed results. For most of his presidency, his polices were ant-business and not pro-business.
The jobs bills the Republicans had in Congress was either blocked by the Democrat Senate or promised to be blocked by the Democrat President.

The Senate has been in Repub control for two years now. Where's the laser focus on jobs. Why aren't they forcing Obama to veto all of them?
Because it was a bullshit line meant to make it appear that Repub were actually doing something other than obstruction.

The Senate has been in Repub control for two years now. Where's the laser focus on jobs. Why aren't they forcing Obama to veto all of them?
Because it was a bullshit line meant to make it appear that Repub were actually doing something other than obstruction.

Because at the end of the day Republicans are also like the Democrats in supporting big government and the welfare state.

Democrats promise bad government and deliver bad government.

Republicans promise good government but usually produces the same bad government as the Democrats.

For instance, the Republicans ran on a platform in 2014 to undo a lot of the damage that the Democrats did like Obamacare and Planned Parenthood funding. America chose them over the filthy Democrats. However, once they too over the Congress they gave President Shit for Brains almost everything he wanted including funding for Obamacare and PP.

Really not that much difference.

The Republicans are always better than the Democrats. That is a given. However, the Democrats set such a low bar that the minimal difference between the two parties is insignificant to public policy. The debt ridden oppressive welfare state continues.
The Senate has been in Repub control for two years now. Where's the laser focus on jobs. Why aren't they forcing Obama to veto all of them?
Because it was a bullshit line meant to make it appear that Repub were actually doing something other than obstruction.

Good point. They suck too.

The only answer jobs is lower tax, less regulations. If business finds a way to make money they will. They have to do that especially if public traded company. If you could make product in Ireland at 12%tax rate and get decent labor at even less cost? why stay here at 40%?

I know, now you say "but effective tax rate" is less. Agreed, after army of Tax lawyers gets thru scamming the system they pay less. But they pay state and local and they swim in regulation booklets. Frivilous Gay stuff to Sexual harassment to how high the light switch is keeps them running scared. Where would you go? Less cost? more freedom? easier on you? At some point USA is worth it? where is that point?
The "recovery" as you call it produced low paying jobs. The recovery didn't increase median household incomes by one dollar. The recovery didn't take people off of social programs and in fact, put more people on them.

How did you get to be so stupid in 55 years?

Remember those tax cuts Bush pushed for the "job creators"?
And how if they would only get those tax cuts they would create lots of jobs.

They did. Lots of MW or slightly higher pay service jobs.

And you bitch about it.
Which is better to have. No jobs..Or lower paying jobs?

What did you want Obama to do.to.increase wages? Put through a MW increase. Who.continually blocks MW increases?

In case you missd it, right wingers on here have claimed government does not create jobs. What you want the pres to do about creating jobs?

And more social programs. You talking about the EITC? Brought to us by republicans. Did you see Ryan wanting to expand the EITC in the budget proposal that republicans put together. But now they can't get their own budget to.pass.

Wtf is WRONG with republicans?

You can't have a great economy (like we had most of the Bush years) by creating low or minimum wage jobs. That could only happen in an economy like this one where you have so many people on welfare while at the same time making claim of all these jobs.

Want more? With all these job creations the Democrats keep telling us about, how is this possible?

View attachment 69094

Correct, the government doesn't create jobs--the private sector creates jobs. All government can do is encourage or discourage this job creation by the private sector, and DumBama is the most anti-business President I've ever seen in my lifetime.
Millions of jobs moved to China from 2001 to 2008 and over 40,000 factories closed where each one employed hundreds to thousands of people.

Obama needed to not only create jobs, but he also needed to create entire companies and factories. And we can thank the GOP for that.

Thanks GOP, you did it!

The Plight of American Manufacturing
(Written in 2009)

Since 2001, the country has lost 42,400 factories, including 36 percent of factories that employ more than 1,000 workers (which declined from 1,479 to 947), and 38 percent of factories that employ between 500 and 999 employees (from 3,198 to 1,972). An additional 90,000 manufacturing companies are now at risk of going out of business.

Of course. Expensive environmental and government regulation couldn't have anything to do with that. Automation couldn't have anything to do with that. Commie Care couldn't have had anything to do with that. Unions couldn't have had anything to do with that. It must have been the Republicans.

Yes, it's apparent that those regulations just crippled American business.


The Senate has been in Repub control for two years now. Where's the laser focus on jobs. Why aren't they forcing Obama to veto all of them?
Because it was a bullshit line meant to make it appear that Repub were actually doing something other than obstruction.

Because at the end of the day Republicans are also like the Democrats in supporting big government and the welfare state.

Democrats promise bad government and deliver bad government.

Republicans promise good government but usually produces the same bad government as the Democrats.

For instance, the Republicans ran on a platform in 2014 to undo a lot of the damage that the Democrats did like Obamacare and Planned Parenthood funding. America chose them over the filthy Democrats. However, once they too over the Congress they gave President Shit for Brains almost everything he wanted including funding for Obamacare and PP.

Really not that much difference.

The Republicans are always better than the Democrats. That is a given. However, the Democrats set such a low bar that the minimal difference between the two parties is insignificant to public policy. The debt ridden oppressive welfare state continues.

Well, that was a convoluted word salad that explained nothing. You basically said Dems are always bad and Repubs are only half bad and that half bad can still be blamed on Dems. WTF?
The failed economy.
The Iraq debacle.
The deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts.
The millions of jobs moved oversea.
The over 40,000 factories closed.
Medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy.
Not getting Bin Laden.

Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times which shows they controlled the entire government.
Will they ever take any responsibility for what happened on their watch?
For the sake of not arguing let's get one fact straight.

Regardless of who caused the crash Obama made a promise that he would fix the problems & right the ship. He has not. He put a band-aid on a gunshot wound & called it good. It is not good. The blood is still pouring out, just at a much slower rate.

Well, that was a convoluted word salad that explained nothing. You basically said Dems are always bad and Repubs are only half bad and that half bad can still be blamed on Dems. WTF?

You didn't pay attention to what I wrote.

I did not say the Republicans were half as bad as the filthy Democrats . If they were half as bad that would be a great improvement.

I said very clearly that they are only incrementally better and since the Democrat set such a low bar that is not much.

The Democrats have really screwed up this country but along the way that have been abetted and enabled by the Republicans.

For instance, that shitty Obamacare was passed along party lines but prior to that floor vote three Republicans in the Senate jumped ship on the cloture voted and allowed it to go to the floor.

The Republicans in Congress can defund Obamacare any time they want but they don't do it. Instead they pass budgets with the funding for Obamacare included.

They are a little better than the filthy Democrats but not enough to be significant.
The failed economy.
The Iraq debacle.
The deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts.
The millions of jobs moved oversea.
The over 40,000 factories closed.
Medical bills becoming the number one cause of bankruptcy.
Not getting Bin Laden.

Republicans were able to use reconciliation three times which shows they controlled the entire government.
Will they ever take any responsibility for what happened on their watch?
Democrats created the crises. We have video to prove it.
This is what really kills 'em...


Once you consider that the people happy with his performance are mostly welfare moms or the like... who haven't yet figured out the debt will enslave their children... It dawns on you just how much of a failure he is. For the record, it's a positive if those social regressives give bad ratings. This is how you know Trump is the deal - they bark.

And even considering this, he still has a terrible rating. Yikes.

Conservatives keep telling themselves these lies. Welfare moms don't care one way or the other. Here's another clue. Welfare moms don't vote. Obama wasn't elected by the poor. He was elected by the middle class. If you had half a brain, you'd know that. If welfare recipients voted, the election would not have been that close.

The debt is not Obama's. It is the debt created by Bush's wars and tax cuts. Once you run a huge deficit as Bush did, you can't just turn off the tap. Obama has reduced that deficit by 72%, which is remarkable under the circumstances. Furthermore, Obama has restored respect for the office of the President of the United States throughout the world. I know idiot conservatives refuse to acknowledge this, but after that lying thieving, Bush/Cheney administration, who pilfered the public purse to line their own pockets, lied to their constituents and the world, and nearly started WWIII in the process, any change would have to be an improvement.

Those of us in the rest of the world, stand back appalled at the gross stupidity of American conservatives. That you believe the lies of the right-wing media makes you lot the laughingstock of the free world.

This is correct. Conservatives are stupid. Would you believe that conservatives think the President passes a budget and is responsible for the deficit and not the Congress?

Stupid conservatives.

Welfare moms and the like voted for Obama in spades.
It's absolutely hilarious for you to not admit this... hilarious.

Just as hilarious is claiming that Obama is not responsible for the debt that he took, but Bush is completely responsible for his actions. These people have no logic, no morals, and no sense.

Is there a rebuttal in there, because I don't see one? The cold fact is that every level of education voted for Obama except those who had "some college". Among college graduates, those with post grad degrees, high school grads, all voted for Obama. Old white men and their wives voted Republican. With Trump as your candidate, you'll lose the wives this time.
Will lefties ever stop whining? Truman left Eisenhower the mess in Korea that we are still dealing with not to mention a decimated demoralized Military and a failed economy. LBJ left Nixon the freaking Vietnam war. Carter left Reagan gas lines and a freaking misery index. Republicans didn't whine about it. They fixed it.
reagan fixed the nam war????HE FN PROLONGED IT he and the pos Kissinger
Barry oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history and hasn't put forth a coherent plan to create jobs in well over six years!

You have any idea how fucking stupid that makes you sound?

Barry was handed the worst economic collapse since the great depression. Handed to him by a republican president.

But you aren't satisfied with the RECOVERY. Cause it didn't happen fast enough. LMAO.

God damn the very idea of that criticism by a republican supporter really makes y o u look stupid. Nice job.

You can't make this shit up.

Btw you dumb shit. The republicans in congress blocked almost every attempt to create jobs. Remember when the repubs were going to be focused like a laser on JOBS. You seen any focus on JOBS by repubs? Fuck no.

You're kidding, right Wilber? Here's a suggestion for you. Take a few economics classes so you aren't totally clueless about the subject!

No, I'm not happy with the recovery! Part of the reason we got was a "job less" recovery was because Barack Obama didn't have the faintest idea how to stimulate the economy or create jobs. His "stimulus" was so bad at creating jobs in fact that his Administration invented a new economic statistic..."jobs created or saved"...to hide how few they actually DID create! So few of the "shovel ready" jobs, that Obama and Pelosi promised us if we gave them all that money to dole out, ended up being created that Obama had to grudgingly admit that there simply weren't any! To be quite blunt...Barry SUCKS at economics!

The sad part is that if you studied the history of recessions it would show you that a steep recession is almost universally followed by a steep recovery. The only two times that hasn't been the case is when FDR was calling the shots during the Great Depression and when Barry was calling the shots during the Great Recession!

It's amazing how the GOP somehow managed to block Barry's mythical jobs programs...yet couldn't block the Affordable Care Act! Gee, think you might be talking out of your ass on that, Wilber?
Will lefties ever stop whining? Truman left Eisenhower the mess in Korea that we are still dealing with not to mention a decimated demoralized Military and a failed economy. LBJ left Nixon the freaking Vietnam war. Carter left Reagan gas lines and a freaking misery index. Republicans didn't whine about it. They fixed it.
reagan fixed the nam war????HE FN PROLONGED IT he and the pos Kissinger

Reagan prolonged the Vietnam War? Really, Eddie? That may be the dumbest statement since this one...
Will lefties ever stop whining? Truman left Eisenhower the mess in Korea that we are still dealing with not to mention a decimated demoralized Military and a failed economy. LBJ left Nixon the freaking Vietnam war. Carter left Reagan gas lines and a freaking misery index. Republicans didn't whine about it. They fixed it.
reagan fixed the nam war????HE FN PROLONGED IT he and the pos Kissinger

Reagan prolonged the Vietnam War? Really, Eddie? That may be the dumbest statement since this one...

Sorry misswrote Meant NIXON prolonged the nam war
There certainly wasn't much reason to vote Republican with an economy in collapse and dead American soldiers all over the Middle East.

And who controlled congress for the 2 years preceding the collapse? Yes lying filth Democrats that's who. And who spewed nothing but economic doom and gloom for those two years hoping to drive the economy into the ditch so they could win the 2008 presidential election? Yes lying filth Democrats that's who. There's your daily dose of butt hurt libs.
You're certainly giving the Democrats a ton of credit, thinking that they alone could drag the largest economy on the planet into the most complex and broad financial meltdown since the Great Depression.

And we had one Commander In Chief. It was his decision to invade Iraq. That decision can't be pushed on to anyone else.

Yeah, well that's laughably ignorant, Mac because the Commander in Chief still needs the approval of Congress to go to war. Bush got that approval. That decision is owned by anyone who voted for it...be they Republican, Democrat or Independent and that includes Hillary Clinton!
Will lefties ever stop whining? Truman left Eisenhower the mess in Korea that we are still dealing with not to mention a decimated demoralized Military and a failed economy. LBJ left Nixon the freaking Vietnam war. Carter left Reagan gas lines and a freaking misery index. Republicans didn't whine about it. They fixed it.
reagan fixed the nam war????HE FN PROLONGED IT he and the pos Kissinger

Reagan prolonged the Vietnam War? Really, Eddie? That may be the dumbest statement since this one...

Sorry misswrote Meant NIXON prolonged the nam war

As someone who had a draft lottery number of 18, Eddie...I will always have a little love for Richard Nixon because he ended the Vietnam War. There's very little else I liked about Tricky Dick but say what you will about him...he ended that war. Johnson surely didn't. Neither did Kennedy.

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