Will Republicans ever admit the mess they left President Obama?

If the Congress doesn't vote to approve going to war, Mac...the President can "call" anything he wants...it's not happening!
If the Congress votes to go to war, but the President changes his mind and decides it's not a good move, does he still have to do it?

Nope. The President issues the order.

That's two totally different things, Mac! The President can't declare war without Congress voting him the authority to do so. It is what it is! Those Democrats who voted to give George W. Bush the authority to invade Iraq are just as responsible for the invasion that followed as any Republican who did. Anyone claiming otherwise is simply being partisan and laughably so!
I've not denied that both parties voted for the war. I disagreed with all who did. Party affiliation irrelevant.

I've just pointed out a fact: One person makes the final decision, and that's the Commander in Chief.

The buck stops there.

If Congress doesn't vote for war, Mac...the buck stops THERE! It doesn't matter WHAT the President does!
I can't get you to just focus on what I'm actually saying and admit that one person makes the final decision.

No reason to continue here.

In order for that one person to have the authority to make that decision...they have to get approval from Congress! For you to pretend that Congress had no part in the decision to invade Iraq is amusing.
But a Messiah! Aspiring to be a God!

And not up to a little cleanup.

I'd suggest you look into FDR's battle with Congress over our entering WWII. He wanted in...Congress wanted nothing to do with another war. It wasn't until Pearl Harbor that Roosevelt got the approval he sought.
you mean the congress in those days didn't see germany taking over countries one by one ,,countries we had treaties with??

Oh, Eddie...let me guess...you didn't study history either?
no wasn't a history major

Yeah, kind of guessed that, Eddie! :eusa_doh:
yes old,,my expertise lies elsewhere
If the Congress votes to go to war, but the President changes his mind and decides it's not a good move, does he still have to do it?

Nope. The President issues the order.

That's two totally different things, Mac! The President can't declare war without Congress voting him the authority to do so. It is what it is! Those Democrats who voted to give George W. Bush the authority to invade Iraq are just as responsible for the invasion that followed as any Republican who did. Anyone claiming otherwise is simply being partisan and laughably so!
I've not denied that both parties voted for the war. I disagreed with all who did. Party affiliation irrelevant.

I've just pointed out a fact: One person makes the final decision, and that's the Commander in Chief.

The buck stops there.

If Congress doesn't vote for war, Mac...the buck stops THERE! It doesn't matter WHAT the President does!
I can't get you to just focus on what I'm actually saying and admit that one person makes the final decision.

No reason to continue here.

In order for that one person to have the authority to make that decision...they have to get approval from Congress! For you to pretend that Congress had no part in the decision to invade Iraq is amusing.
I said this: "I've not denied that both parties voted for the war. I disagreed with all who did. Party affiliation irrelevant."

You're just playing games.
Yeah, well that's laughably ignorant, Mac because the Commander in Chief still needs the approval of Congress to go to war. Bush got that approval. That decision is owned by anyone who voted for it...be they Republican, Democrat or Independent and that includes Hillary Clinton!
Who makes the final call?

Is it, or is it not, the Commander in Chief?

If the Congress doesn't vote to approve going to war, Mac...the President can "call" anything he wants...it's not happening!
If the Congress votes to go to war, but the President changes his mind and decides it's not a good move, does he still have to do it?

Nope. The President issues the order.

That's two totally different things, Mac! The President can't declare war without Congress voting him the authority to do so. It is what it is! Those Democrats who voted to give George W. Bush the authority to invade Iraq are just as responsible for the invasion that followed as any Republican who did. Anyone claiming otherwise is simply being partisan and laughably so!
I've not denied that both parties voted for the war. I disagreed with all who did. Party affiliation irrelevant.

I've just pointed out a fact: One person makes the final decision, and that's the Commander in Chief.

The buck stops there.
That's two totally different things, Mac! The President can't declare war without Congress voting him the authority to do so. It is what it is! Those Democrats who voted to give George W. Bush the authority to invade Iraq are just as responsible for the invasion that followed as any Republican who did. Anyone claiming otherwise is simply being partisan and laughably so!
I've not denied that both parties voted for the war. I disagreed with all who did. Party affiliation irrelevant.

I've just pointed out a fact: One person makes the final decision, and that's the Commander in Chief.

The buck stops there.

If Congress doesn't vote for war, Mac...the buck stops THERE! It doesn't matter WHAT the President does!
I can't get you to just focus on what I'm actually saying and admit that one person makes the final decision.

No reason to continue here.

In order for that one person to have the authority to make that decision...they have to get approval from Congress! For you to pretend that Congress had no part in the decision to invade Iraq is amusing.
I said this: "I've not denied that both parties voted for the war. I disagreed with all who did. Party affiliation irrelevant."

You're just playing games.
yesterday somewhere I posted the vote count ,,,,,many more republicans in congress voted for war than dems
Who makes the final call?

Is it, or is it not, the Commander in Chief?

If the Congress doesn't vote to approve going to war, Mac...the President can "call" anything he wants...it's not happening!
If the Congress votes to go to war, but the President changes his mind and decides it's not a good move, does he still have to do it?

Nope. The President issues the order.

That's two totally different things, Mac! The President can't declare war without Congress voting him the authority to do so. It is what it is! Those Democrats who voted to give George W. Bush the authority to invade Iraq are just as responsible for the invasion that followed as any Republican who did. Anyone claiming otherwise is simply being partisan and laughably so!
I've not denied that both parties voted for the war. I disagreed with all who did. Party affiliation irrelevant.

I've just pointed out a fact: One person makes the final decision, and that's the Commander in Chief.

The buck stops there.
I've not denied that both parties voted for the war. I disagreed with all who did. Party affiliation irrelevant.

I've just pointed out a fact: One person makes the final decision, and that's the Commander in Chief.

The buck stops there.

If Congress doesn't vote for war, Mac...the buck stops THERE! It doesn't matter WHAT the President does!
I can't get you to just focus on what I'm actually saying and admit that one person makes the final decision.

No reason to continue here.

In order for that one person to have the authority to make that decision...they have to get approval from Congress! For you to pretend that Congress had no part in the decision to invade Iraq is amusing.
I said this: "I've not denied that both parties voted for the war. I disagreed with all who did. Party affiliation irrelevant."

You're just playing games.
yesterday somewhere I posted the vote count ,,,,,many more republicans in congress voted for war than dems

Did that surprise you for some reason, Eddie?

Look the Democrats who voted against it can point fingers...the Democrats who voted for it (like Hillary Clinton) own that invasion just as much as the President who sought approval to go.
I'd suggest you look into FDR's battle with Congress over our entering WWII. He wanted in...Congress wanted nothing to do with another war. It wasn't until Pearl Harbor that Roosevelt got the approval he sought.
you mean the congress in those days didn't see germany taking over countries one by one ,,countries we had treaties with??

Oh, Eddie...let me guess...you didn't study history either?
no wasn't a history major

Yeah, kind of guessed that, Eddie! :eusa_doh:
yes old,,my expertise lies elsewhere

It's not economics and it's sure not history, Eddie! Where DOES your expertise lie?
If the Congress doesn't vote to approve going to war, Mac...the President can "call" anything he wants...it's not happening!
If the Congress votes to go to war, but the President changes his mind and decides it's not a good move, does he still have to do it?

Nope. The President issues the order.

That's two totally different things, Mac! The President can't declare war without Congress voting him the authority to do so. It is what it is! Those Democrats who voted to give George W. Bush the authority to invade Iraq are just as responsible for the invasion that followed as any Republican who did. Anyone claiming otherwise is simply being partisan and laughably so!
I've not denied that both parties voted for the war. I disagreed with all who did. Party affiliation irrelevant.

I've just pointed out a fact: One person makes the final decision, and that's the Commander in Chief.

The buck stops there.
If Congress doesn't vote for war, Mac...the buck stops THERE! It doesn't matter WHAT the President does!
I can't get you to just focus on what I'm actually saying and admit that one person makes the final decision.

No reason to continue here.

In order for that one person to have the authority to make that decision...they have to get approval from Congress! For you to pretend that Congress had no part in the decision to invade Iraq is amusing.
I said this: "I've not denied that both parties voted for the war. I disagreed with all who did. Party affiliation irrelevant."

You're just playing games.
yesterday somewhere I posted the vote count ,,,,,many more republicans in congress voted for war than dems

Did that surprise you for some reason, Eddie?

Look the Democrats who voted against it can point fingers...the Democrats who voted for it (like Hillary Clinton) own that invasion just as much as the President who sought approval to go.
somewhere down the line to refuse a presidents wishes in such an important step might seem a bit unpatriotic imho........but since gwb scared the bejeesus out of the country congress had nowhere to go but go along ,,,,,some dems weren't afraid,,,,weren't afraid for their jobs and those were the ones who said nay
you mean the congress in those days didn't see germany taking over countries one by one ,,countries we had treaties with??

Oh, Eddie...let me guess...you didn't study history either?
no wasn't a history major

Yeah, kind of guessed that, Eddie! :eusa_doh:
yes old,,my expertise lies elsewhere

It's not economics and it's sure not history, Eddie! Where DOES your expertise lie?
I make money ,,,,the old fashioned way ,,,I earn it
There is no doubt that George W. Bush was a horrible President, but you left out the fact that the GOP lost control of the House and Senate in 2006 when the Democratic party swept them out of power.

It was economic bills like the Bridge to Nowhere and the Iraq and Afghanistan wars that caused the GOP to lose control of the House and Senate.

Also what you did not write about is the length of time the GOP had control of the House and Senate, and for what came in 2008 to happen meant this was brewing for a long ass time.

So I will gladly admit that George W. Bush was a horrible President, and the GOP were swept from power in the Senate and House because of their economic policies but I will never be a partisan fool and pretend Pelosi and the Democratic party did not have control of the purse strings the last two years Bush was in office...

So I will admit both political parties failed us and left President Obama this mess, but alas you can only see the faults of the other side, so I will leave you with your blame game, and tell me why did President Obama fail to keep his Immigration Reform promise when he had both the House and Senate the first two years of his first term in office?
Obama took us from 7 Trillion debt to 21 Trillion and democrats say he is the most successful over Bush. Horseshit! He destroyed our Healthcare system, million of babies were murdered under his watch and he forces all of us to pay that cost. No dictator in the world can claim that record of slaughtering of innocents. Not even North Korea.
you mean the congress in those days didn't see germany taking over countries one by one ,,countries we had treaties with??

Oh, Eddie...let me guess...you didn't study history either?
no wasn't a history major

Yeah, kind of guessed that, Eddie! :eusa_doh:
yes old,,my expertise lies elsewhere

It's not economics and it's sure not history, Eddie! Where DOES your expertise lie?
and btw I was in the army during the Cuban crisis what happened since I can hold my own before that not so great
Obama will be seen as the worst President in history...his mistakes will follow us into the future and will cause great suffering for the people of the planet......but it I'll be a long time before the truth will be recorded...too many morons are going to write his history right now....

I know this is the conservative wet dream, but it won't happen. Obama will be hailed as a hero for beginning health care reform in America. It isn't just union demands that sent all of those jobs overseas, it's also the cost of employee health care insurance. I'd wager that rapidly health care insurance costs are part of what keeps wages flatlining year in and year out, too.

Your health care industry remains bloated with administration costs three times higher than most industrialized countries. So much for private industry being more cost efficient.

Once Republicans lose Congress and the Senate on Trumps coattails, perhaps the US can join the 21st Century on wage reforms.
Barry oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history and hasn't put forth a coherent plan to create jobs in well over six years!

You have any idea how fucking stupid that makes you sound?

Barry was handed the worst economic collapse since the great depression. Handed to him by a republican president.

But you aren't satisfied with the RECOVERY. Cause it didn't happen fast enough. LMAO.

God damn the very idea of that criticism by a republican supporter really makes y o u look stupid. Nice job.

You can't make this shit up.

Btw you dumb shit. The republicans in congress blocked almost every attempt to create jobs. Remember when the repubs were going to be focused like a laser on JOBS. You seen any focus on JOBS by repubs? Fuck no.

The jobs bills the Republicans had in Congress was either blocked by the Democrat Senate or promised to be blocked by the Democrat President.

The "recovery" as you call it produced low paying jobs. The recovery didn't increase median household incomes by one dollar. The recovery didn't take people off of social programs and in fact, put more people on them.

In spite of that, DumBama didn't have anything to do with this so-called recovery anyway. That is of course unless you can point to one of his policies that showed results. For most of his presidency, his polices were ant-business and not pro-business.
The jobs bills the Republicans had in Congress was either blocked by the Democrat Senate or promised to be blocked by the Democrat President.

The Senate has been in Repub control for two years now. Where's the laser focus on jobs. Why aren't they forcing Obama to veto all of them?
Because it was a bullshit line meant to make it appear that Repub were actually doing something other than obstruction.

That's why we put the Republicans in leadership; to stop DumBama. If people wanted his policies, they would have voted for a Democrat Congress and Senate.

As for jobs, I thought you on the left were claiming this is a recovery of a lifetime, that America is doing great and jobs are available. If that's the case, why aren't Americans taking those jobs?

Your chart pretty much tells that story: the rich getting richer under DumBama and the poor getting poorer, so thanks for pointing that out. And as long as we have these immigrants (legal and illegal) coming to this country TO take our jobs, wages will continue to go lower.
Apparently, the democrats favorite rapist, bill clinton thinks the last 7 years were hell.......that is what he keeps saying when he campaigns.....
Obama will be seen as the worst President in history...his mistakes will follow us into the future and will cause great suffering for the people of the planet......but it I'll be a long time before the truth will be recorded...too many morons are going to write his history right now....

I know this is the conservative wet dream, but it won't happen. Obama will be hailed as a hero for beginning health care reform in America. It isn't just union demands that sent all of those jobs overseas, it's also the cost of employee health care insurance. I'd wager that rapidly health care insurance costs are part of what keeps wages flatlining year in and year out, too.

Your health care industry remains bloated with administration costs three times higher than most industrialized countries. So much for private industry being more cost efficient.

Once Republicans lose Congress and the Senate on Trumps coattails, perhaps the US can join the 21st Century on wage reforms.

It isn't private industry that is messing up our healthcare....it is government intervention in it that is causing the problems....
hire teachers,
raise the minimum wage,
give equal pay for women,
stop special tax breaks for millionaires corporations (especially oil companies),
stop tax breaks for sending jobs out of the country

You more Dizzy Dean than usual?

Teachers? they get hired all the time? They never get fired, no matter how bad or evil. Massive pension. Let private competition in there. Reality would hit quick.
Raise the min wage? Whatever? Local states/cities should do whatever they want. Not the FED business. we have been over this. $15/hr is good in Little Rock but you need $100/hr in SF or NYC. How you going to "legisilate" that one?
Equal pay for women? they are? more spin. If they don't like their pay they can move elsewhere.
Special tax breaks? huh? 75K page book full of them for any and all. same for all.
there are no tax breaks for sending jobs overseas? is there?
This ones my favorite from you:

Equal pay for women? they are? more spin. If they don't like their pay they can move elsewhere.

I'm speechless. I have no answer to that doesn't include the word "tard". Anyone else want to comment?

I'll be glad to comment.

A business owner has one friend and that friend is one color: green.

A business owner does not care if a worker is black, white, Asian, woman, or thanks to our liberal society, anything in between. If a laborer is producing profit for a company, that person is the employers favorite employee.

Unfortunately, you've been so brainwashed and conditioned to believe that evil Republican business owners hate women because they believe the woman should be pregnant and in the kitchen making dinner for her man, that you fail to understand the most simplest concepts of business.

On a personal basis, guess what? That evil Republican business owner has a mother who is female, he likely has a spouse who is female, he likely has daughters who are female or at the very least, some nieces that are female.

So hop back in that time machine Dean, and punch the numbers to 2016 and get back to us when you get here.
I'd suggest you look into FDR's battle with Congress over our entering WWII. He wanted in...Congress wanted nothing to do with another war. It wasn't until Pearl Harbor that Roosevelt got the approval he sought.
you mean the congress in those days didn't see germany taking over countries one by one ,,countries we had treaties with??

Oh, Eddie...let me guess...you didn't study history either?
no wasn't a history major

Yeah, kind of guessed that, Eddie! :eusa_doh:
yes old,,my expertise lies elsewhere

Given your desire for dependency, it's certainly not a profitable expertise that lies elsewhere
I'd suggest you look into FDR's battle with Congress over our entering WWII. He wanted in...Congress wanted nothing to do with another war. It wasn't until Pearl Harbor that Roosevelt got the approval he sought.
you mean the congress in those days didn't see germany taking over countries one by one ,,countries we had treaties with??

Oh, Eddie...let me guess...you didn't study history either?
no wasn't a history major

We also know from your body of work it wasn't economics
Obama will be seen as the worst President in history...his mistakes will follow us into the future and will cause great suffering for the people of the planet......but it I'll be a long time before the truth will be recorded...too many morons are going to write his history right now....

I know this is the conservative wet dream, but it won't happen. Obama will be hailed as a hero for beginning health care reform in America. It isn't just union demands that sent all of those jobs overseas, it's also the cost of employee health care insurance. I'd wager that rapidly health care insurance costs are part of what keeps wages flatlining year in and year out, too.

Your health care industry remains bloated with administration costs three times higher than most industrialized countries. So much for private industry being more cost efficient.

Once Republicans lose Congress and the Senate on Trumps coattails, perhaps the US can join the 21st Century on wage reforms.

Yeah, because wage reform has ruined every country that's tried it. Good luck with that.

Not to mention that health care cost have increased drastically faster since the passage of Obama care, than it was before. ANd you claim he'll be a hero? What are you, blind?

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