Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Come on Republicans

I know you love to pander to your gay hating base. But are you ever going to learn?

Indiana Governor Mike Pence is ready to sign into law a bill allowing businesses to refuse service to gays for "religious reasons" . All this ten days before the NCAA Final Four comes to Indianapolis. So what was once an opportunity to show the country what a great location his state is for major events, now becomes a poster child for "We hate gays".
See how many Final Fours come back to Indianapolis. Superbowl? Forget it Mike

But at least you got to score points with your gay hating base

Republicans just can't help themselves.

Pence to sign bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers - CNN.com
Pence has just turned his Final Four into a referendum on gay rights

Is he really that stupid?
Even Jan Brewer was able to figure out it was bad for business

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer vetoed a bill Wednesday that would have allowed businesses that asserted their religious beliefs the right to deny service to gay and lesbian customers.
The controversial measure faced a surge of opposition in recent days from large corporations and athletic organizations, including Delta Air Lines, the Super Bowl host committee and Major League Baseball

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer vetoes SB 1062 controversial anti-gay bill - CNN.com

I realize this approach won't be popular, but let's take a moment to "think things through".

What are these people going to do, hang a "NO GAYS ALLOWED" sign on their window? Classy. That would make it easy for people to take a photo of it, and before you know it, everyone on the planet knows about it. Then it won't be just the gay population that doesn't go in there, it would be a large segment of the population, those of us who don't like such simple-minded bigotry. Any restaurant that tried that would see a significant drop in business, and no restaurant can afford that for long. Bye bye!

So you're an anti-gay bigot? Cool. Thanks for letting me know. Put up a big sign so that I'll know, and then I'll also know never to go in there and to tell a few friends about it.

Yeah, pass that law.


I realize this approach won't be popular, but let's take a moment to "think things through".

What are these people going to do, hang a "NO GAYS ALLOWED" sign on their window? Classy. That would make it easy for people to take a photo of it, and before you know it, everyone on the planet knows about it. Then it won't be just the gay population that doesn't go in there, it would be a large segment of the population, those of us who don't like such simple-minded bigotry. Any restaurant that tried that would see a significant drop in business, and no restaurant can afford that for long. Bye bye!

So you're an anti-gay bigot? Cool. Thanks for letting me know. Put up a big sign so that I'll know, and then I'll also know never to go in there and to tell a few friends about it.

Yeah, pass that law.


That ammendment didn't pass. The chickenshits took that requirement out of the bill.
Is Pence about to run for president?
He does have presidential aspirations and is a favorite with conservatives, which I count myself among. But he has not been a fifth as effective as Mitch Daniels was and the controversies since he was elected have been unnecessary, so much of which showed bad judgment, believing as he does that as Indiana is conservative, the state is not nearly as conservative as he believes it to be .

His first speech to the Indiana public as governor was faltering and tentative even though read from a text. Rather than an effective chief executive he seems to be more of an unleashed radical legislator. He did come from the US congress which has never offered up a viable presidential candidate other than Lincoln.

There are much better presidential candidates from the class of governors than Pence. He only looks good because of his physical appearance - to me.
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I realize this approach won't be popular, but let's take a moment to "think things through".

What are these people going to do, hang a "NO GAYS ALLOWED" sign on their window? Classy. That would make it easy for people to take a photo of it, and before you know it, everyone on the planet knows about it. Then it won't be just the gay population that doesn't go in there, it would be a large segment of the population, those of us who don't like such simple-minded bigotry. Any restaurant that tried that would see a significant drop in business, and no restaurant can afford that for long. Bye bye!

So you're an anti-gay bigot? Cool. Thanks for letting me know. Put up a big sign so that I'll know, and then I'll also know never to go in there and to tell a few friends about it.

Yeah, pass that law.


That ammendment didn't pass. The chickenshits took that requirement out of the bill.
Well, crap.

Maybe someone else will try it.


I realize this approach won't be popular, but let's take a moment to "think things through".

What are these people going to do, hang a "NO GAYS ALLOWED" sign on their window? Classy. That would make it easy for people to take a photo of it, and before you know it, everyone on the planet knows about it. Then it won't be just the gay population that doesn't go in there, it would be a large segment of the population, those of us who don't like such simple-minded bigotry. Any restaurant that tried that would see a significant drop in business, and no restaurant can afford that for long. Bye bye!

So you're an anti-gay bigot? Cool. Thanks for letting me know. Put up a big sign so that I'll know, and then I'll also know never to go in there and to tell a few friends about it.

Yeah, pass that law.


That ammendment didn't pass. The chickenshits took that requirement out of the bill.
Well, crap.

Maybe someone else will try it.


Oh, I'm sure Democrats will try it in the next bigot bill...but the bigots won't allow it. They want throw rocks and hide their hands.
Indiana Senate Enrolled Act 101

Religious freedom restoration.

Prohibits a governmental entity from substantially burdening a person's exercise of religion, even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability, unless the governmental entity can demonstrate that the burden:

(1) is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and

(2) is the least restrictive means of furthering the compelling governmental interest.

Provides a procedure for remedying a violation. Specifies that the religious freedom law applies to the implementation or application of a law regardless of whether the state or any other governmental entity or official is a party to a proceeding implementing or applying Religious freedom restoration.

Prohibits a governmental entity from substantially burdening a person's exercise of religion, even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability, unless the governmental entity can demonstrate that the burden:
(1) is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and

(2) is the least restrictive means of furthering the compelling governmental interest.

Provides a procedure for remedying a violation.

Specifies that the religious freedom law applies to the implementation or application of a law regardless of whether the state or any other governmental entity or official is a party to a proceeding implementing or applying the law.

Prohibits an applicant, employee, or former employee from pursuing certain causes of action against a private employer

LINK TO BILL: https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2015/bills/senate/101#document-92bab197
Exactly how would a business know your gay? When you go into a restaurant, nightclub, shopping mall ect they don't ask if your gay or not. I suspect this applies to very specific things such as bakers and florist not wanting to do gay marriages because of their religious beliefs. The left may now continue with their over the top hysteria.
What I'm seeing here is hate filled bigots, spewing their vitriol against people who simply wish to conduct their lives and businesses according to their closely held religious beliefs. Your are the ones trying to force your value system on others and doing it in such a hateful way, I think it's inexcusable.

Remember the same values that give you the freedom to be you, also give me the freedom to be free from you. I see this as nothing more than atheist trying to further their persecution of people of faith, just another attempt by the left to destroy the 1st Amendment. The freedom to exercise one's religious beliefs as they see fit and the right of citizens to associate with the people they chose, are bedrock principles of this country that the left has been chipping away for decades. Now that the pendulum is swinging the other way you're having fits and calling names like spoiled little children.
What I'm seeing here is hate filled bigots, spewing their vitriol against people who simply wish to conduct their lives and businesses according to their closely held religious beliefs. Your are the ones trying to force your value system on others and doing it in such a hateful way, I think it's inexcusable.

Remember the same values that give you the freedom to be you, also give me the freedom to be free from you. I see this as nothing more than atheist trying to further their persecution of people of faith, just another attempt by the left to destroy the 1st Amendment. The freedom to exercise one's religious beliefs as they see fit and the right of citizens to associate with the people they chose, are bedrock principles of this country that the left has been chipping away for decades. Now that the pendulum is swinging the other way you're having fits and calling names like spoiled little children.

And if businesses in Indiana openly or underhandedly maintain a position that they will not do business with gays, other people and other businesses will choose not to do business in Indiana

So those wishing to hold a convention will choose venues in other states. Sports leagues will choose other locations for major events

It works both ways

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